Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1984, p. 12

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SECTION 1. Pa^e J2. PLAINDEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1984 u U UaL. m, » | ' WIIIIW •• sswaictwiKx «5 Virginia Ave., Crystal Lake. h, r| nwp ffinifg BUSY LAW attic* In Cary re- ®«»c* SSms?B&S mq, 3 \ y , full Hme.'tVs. Call «m». FULLTIME TELLER Applicant should hava typ >»9 skills and bo ablo to work wall with tha public. N»»exparlanca nacassary. Appllatlons being takanon: T lies., Oct. 23,1*3 pm; Thurs.,Oct. 25, Ml am. ° CARDUNAL SAVINGS & LOAN West Dundee 3H/4M-3636 E X P E R I E N C E D H A I R ­ DRESSER With IHN fellow in» Ml or part time, Crystal take area. Call 10 am 5 pm. 83S/4JP-2150 - NEED HOLIDAY FUNDS? Summers ovar and tha children arc off to school. Don't let another winter keap you in the nouie! Explore the business #arld with our temporary ser­ vice. We need all levels of of­ fice skills to service local 4 sur­ rounding areas. We have paid vacations, holidays 4 bonuses. A.E.Schuurman& Assoc. . Temporary Service Barrington, II. 312/381-3322 CLERK TYPIST ; PART TIME ? 9a.m. -1 p.m. Light typing & filing Office Experience desirable. Please call personnel for appointment. 31^/639-2361 • Coilcraft, Inc. Cary STABLE HELP wanted. Livir quarters available. 312/421 168? WELDER with minimum 5 yrs. exp MIG, ART. Steel & •iluminum. Should have exp. In repair & fabrication of semi- trailer industries 4 hydraulic cylinders. Call 115/455-4440. ask for Guy. TRAVEL AGENT :>*• yr. exp., Apollo agent for one of Chicago's largest agen­ da Liberal travef benefits, .>H fflthy at Best Travel, 31? j/3 WO, Spring Hill Mall. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 47 4 155 •*re 'ooking for school bus drlver*. Applications are being taken at the transportation tacitly located next to South High School, 1304 Souttw Mi Henry Ave., Crystal Lake, BOOKKEEPER/GEN. office, t>xp. pre!., by appt. only, ask tof Karl. Schmidt Datsun, II?/.1817991. r un TIME Retail Sales Posi­ tion. Salary, commission, pro- lit sharing, health 4 life plan. Good working conditions with a relpected firm. Sales Ex- P*ti*nc« is necessary. Apply in petson' Page Jewelers, Spring Hill Mali . 312/426 9595 INDUSTRIAL CLEANING Wo are accepting applica­ tions tor a general clean­ ing parson. Duties will in­ clude daily cleaning of all offices, lobby area, cafeteria and restrooms. Windows, walls and lights will be included on a rotating basis. If you have previous industrial clean Ing experience, take pride In what you do, and have a PROVEN HISTORY OF RELIABILITY, please ap­ ply in person to : , COILS, INC. 11716 Algonquin Rd. Huntley, IL 60142 equal opportunity employer m/t SECURITY MANAGER ZAYRE. one of the most in­ novative retail chains in America today, has an opening for an Individual to hire and supervise a staff Of security associates. Experience in security and leu prevention Is required, preferably in the retail industry. Candidate must have a demonstrated ability to administer various loss preven­ tion programs. Selected Individual will enjoy flexible hours, a salary com­ mensurate with experience and one of the best benefits packages In the industry. For Cmpt, confidential considera-, plea sartor ward resume to: Mr. Ralph Radzom C/OZAYRE 230 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 or call: (815)459-8106 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F DONUT FRYERS, night-shift, lpm-4am, must be II & avail, for weekends. Apply In person, Dixie Cream donuts, 411 E. Main, E.Dundee. NEED 3 people to service Fuller Brush customers in Im­ mediate area. Can earn up to $100 to $150. For information call 3 pm to 7 pm, 312/773-3749. SERVICE TECHNICIAN for exterminating company. Must commission to be neat, dependable & over 21. S5.00/hr plus comrr start. Wilf train. 3)2/658 9089 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Light, clean factory assembly. Full time, permanent day shift only. Apply In person Variey Products do., Rldgefield Sub­ division, Crystal Lake 015/459- 2545. WAITRESS WANTED, even Ings, 4:30 10pm., Tuesdays thru Saturday, also Bus Person & weekend Dishwasher. Apply Grumpy's after 5pm, St., Mc Henry. 3910 Main WANTED, Certified Nurses Aides, for rapidly expanding nursing registry. Must be neat & reliable. Top pay for qualfled Individuals. Call for appt., 312/658-8855 Of 312/658-9000 WANTED LPN's or RN's for home health care & staff release. Hours to fit your needs. Call for appt., 312/658- 8855 or 312/658-9000. BOOKKEEPER /GEN. office, exp. pref. By appt. only, ask for Karl. Schmidt Datsun 312/381- 7991. WANTED LPN's or RN's for home health care & staff release. Hours to fit your needs. Call for appt., 312/381- 7991. Help Wanted Full Time Teller Needed Experienced Preferred Apply in Person at McHenry Savings and Loan Association 1209 N. Green Street AAcHenry, IL 60050 PROFESSIONAL I SALES POSITION We offer: •Salary *New car 'Complete training •Insurance program •Paid vacation [•Factory incentives •Managemenl opportunity •Security /e will recruit several people for an ex- cutive sales career selling automobiles i the McHenry and Lake county area. le will accept and review applications in Thurs., October 25 between 1-7 p.m. See Lenni or Gory for application and interview at: # CARY LANG CHEVROLET 908 N. FRONT ST. (S. RT. 31) McHENRY and t, cncowrafcd a»p>r IF YOU NEED A BEST FRIEND check the PET SECTION 24 Help Wanted 31 R.N., L.P.N. Full/part time. Apply in person, Crystal Pines Health Care Center, 335 Illinois St., Crystal Lake. HVAC installation/ser­ vice/sheet metal person wanted. Exp. only, opprotunity to grow w/quallty oriented HVAC Co. Kendall HTG & A/C, 312/658-2665. AUTO PARTS Driver. Male or female, part time, 30 hrs., valid drivers license, good driving record, nice personality a must. 2 positions available. Ap- a In parson: Broadway Tire, Dundee Ave.. Elgin PART TIME Cashier. Must be 21 years of age with ex­ perience. Apply in person: Car­ dinal Liquors, 305 Virginia, Crystal Lake. X-RAY TECHNICIAN McHenry Orthopedic Office. 25-30 hours per week. 115/344-3052 COMPANY GROWTH has created an opening for one maintenance mech., w/ general knowledge of plant maintenance. Apply in person. Custom Aluminum, 414 W. Division St., S.Elgin. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 1st & 2nd shifts Apply Monday-Thursday. National Filter Company 204 NW Highway, Gary 312/639-3431 CARPET INSTALLER helper, 6 days a week. Driver's license a must. Calls will be taken all da^ Thurs. Oct. 2S, 312/426 CAFETERIA HELP Grill work, cashiering & clean up. 4 to 9 pm, Mon. - Thurs.; Sat., 7:30 am - Noon. For addi­ tional information or to apply, contact Personnel Office, McHenry County College, 815/455 370Q.EO/AA,M/F. FULL TIME fuel island atten dant, 3rd shift. Union 76 Truckstop, 1-90 4 US 20, Hamp shire. MAINTENANCE POSITION a v a i l a b l e . M u s t b e knowledgeable In all phases of condominium maintenance ( p l u m b i n g , d r y w a l l , decorating, carpentry & some electrical!) Approx. 24 to 36 hrs. a week, hourly wage negotiable. Send resume w/work history & rets, to Nor thwest Property Management, 10 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake, 1160014. ELECTRICIA, small contrac­ tor In Cary needs person with 2 years, mln experience. 312/639- 0520, 7 pm to 9 pm. PART TIME- 3 Positions: Adult gymnastic instructor; Coach; & Exercise Instructor. Should be familiar w/ basic skills in gymnastics & exercise Instruction. Leadership Train­ ing available. Apply at in per­ son only. Lake Region YMCA 7315 S. Rte. 31, Crystal Lake, OPERATIONS MANAGER National company with over 300 locations Is expanding into the Woodstock area. If you have the self-image to handle $46,800 PER YEAR you may have the qualifica­ tions we seek. We offer excep­ tional earnings, unlimited market, basic and continuous training, your own office and s t a f f , r a d i o f r e q u e n c y perimeter protection. For details, call 317/783-3899. AUTO MECHANIC G.M. trained, experienced technician, "The cash can be greener on the other side of the fence." Top benefits for the right Tech. Call only. Ask for "A.J." 312/587 2555. COMPUTER SALES & MANAGEMENT Local computer dealer must expand sales staff In response to rapid growth. Respon­ sibilities include the sale of recognized single & multi- user systems to local businesses. Experience in sales & accoun­ ting required. Generous com­ pensation for right individual. MIDLAND DATA SYSTEMS Crystal Point Mall Crystal Lake »»«815/459 3274«»« DO YOU want a bettel sales job? Can earn over 130,000 first k year. Call 9-5 pm, 815/728-1681. TYPESETTER Llbertyvllle Design team needs exp. typesetter for advertising & business brochures. Mergen- thaler preferred. GOod starting salary. Usual benefits. Nice people. Immediate opening. Call after noons 3-5pm. 312/680- 7100. PART TIME Snow Removal equipment operator .Must be early riser & dependable. Retlredperson welcomed. Rep­ ly to: Box ZLA OPERATOR, Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, IL, 60098. DAYTIME CASHIER wanted, p r e f e r e x p e r i e n c e d . Mlnuteman Gas- N- Pantry, 131 Washington, Woodstock. ACCOUNTING DEPT. Full time position assisting our Accounting Department in various duties. Must be ac­ curate with figures and have average typing ability. To app­ ly, fill out an application at: The Herald 7803Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, IL I N S T R U C T I O N A L A I D E , needed to work in Hioh School Remedial Reading Program, McHenry High School West Campus. Full time, school year only, 30 college credits re­ quired. Contact Mrs. Creutz, 815/385 7077. S E C R E T A R Y , f u l l t i m e . Qualified applicant must have strong secretarial background, organizational skills & pleasant phone manner. Experience in medical field w/dictaphone preferred. Call 815/385-6400. NURSE AIDES, all shifts. We will help you get certified. App ly In person, Crystal Pines Health Care Center, 335 Illinois St., Crystal Lake. TRAINING 4 DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, Dislocated Workers Program. B.S., in­ dustry 4 or traning exp., com­ munication skills req. JIPA/CETA/Title III or govt, background pref. Some travel. $15,000-820,000. Send letter of app!. 4 resume by Oct. 31 to: Polly Allred, LakeWood Com munlty Education Center, 1651 Ravine Rd., Carpentersville, II. 60110. E CC is an AA/E EO E mployer MECHANIC (Experienced) Must have own tools. Car thru medium truck. Fleet experience helpful but not necessary. Pay commensurate with abili­ ty. Benefits after proba tion period. 815/459-6662 31' Wanted to Buy OLD BICYCLES WANTED, balloon tire bikes, 1940-50 style; also toys, tricycles, wagons, pedal cars, etc. 414/248-3796. ANTIQUES WANTED, private collector, paying cash. Furn., lamps, wicker items, etc 414/248-3796. Wanted to Buy » Misc. Merchandise 32 Misc. Marchandlee 32 Mtoc. Mrchandtoe 71 RPM Wurlltxer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, casn 312/464-5661 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold 4 Silver. T 4 C Metal Coy~24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Frl -1 to 5, Sat - 8 to 4.815/459-4445. BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related Items. 815/338-4731. WANTED TO BUY: POLES, Wood, 10-12" diameter. 815/385-0825 WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains 4 old toys 4 baseball cards. 815/67S-6379 after 5:30pm. COLO & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl- ' Ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS 4 INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 H.C. COIN 4 STAMP CO. W E B U Y 4 S E L L 10 Crystal Lake Plaza »»*815/459-3940»*« SLOT /MACHINES WANTED. Paying Cash. Any condition; 4 Wurlltzer juke boxes. 414/248- 3796. A 4 A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterlino, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y . D r ( R t . 2 5 ) , CarpenteryiH*, 312/426-2360. W A N T E D : J o h n s o n o r Evinrude outboard motors. Need not be running, 312/837 2812. $20 Minimum cash paid for mens gold school rings. Diamonds, any type gold, silver, or platinum bought, In­ cluding industrial types. Free 7 day pick-up. McHenry 4 Lake counties; 312/497-4931. 32 Misc. Merchandise EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) G i f t s f o r a l l o c c a s i o n s . Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. 4 weekends, 815/455-4856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furnlture*Clothing •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM - Mon-Sat 815/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & electric, washers, dryers, portables & wr­ ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALES 4 SERVICE 1209 Court St. McHenry, II. 815/385-1872 815/385-1896 USED 4 NEW desks, chairs, files, bookcases, storage cabinets, banquet tables, work benches, conference tables and drafting tables. Large selection at budget prices. Brand Equip­ ment 4 Supply Co., 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, 815/455-4550. MATTRESS SALE, Twin set, $89.99; Full set, $99.99; Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available. Weller's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rt. 176, >/j block W. of 31). Crystal Lake, 815/459-3363. FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. R 4 M Lawn Service, 815/344-0515 SOLAR IS HERE! Let Sun-Wise Solar Systems cut your heating bills by 30-50%. tall Cascade Heating, 312/639- 6760 WHY PAY_MQRE? Twin size mattress sets, $89; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set, $189; Bunk Beds complete with mat­ tresses, $189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 OAK FIREWOOD, $55. a face cord. 815/547-8362,815/544-2411. CHUMBLEY'S DELI 4 Soda Shop is now open. Offering $1.88 luncheon specials. Includes sandwich of the day and a free medium drink. 101 W. Main St., Cary. 312/639-8240 • BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Have "Peggy Pig" deliver today! Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons, 815/459- RAVE. COPIERS, new 4 used, plain paper 4 coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master Charge 4 Visa) 815/455-3050. T Y P E W R I T E R a n d CALCULATOR Sales 4 Ser­ vice. Portable machines chemically cleaned for $29.95. Knuth's Office Supply, 228 Main St., Woodstock, IL. 815/338-3535. J BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Rat fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt. 815/338-6674 or 815/338 EXECUTIVE DESK, black .metal w/wood grain top, 60 x 30 x 29" high. 5 large storage drawers, 1 lap drawer. $75. 312/4283187. DESIGNERS/DRAFTSMAN, drafting supplies now in stock clear print, drafting film, etc. Roden's, Crystal Lake, 815/459- 1148 USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices, Weiler's Furn. Factory O u t l e t , 4 6 1 2 W . R t . 1 7 6 ( o n R t . 176 Vi block W. of 31), Crystal Lake. 815/459-3363. •••HAPPY GRAMS*" SINGING TELEGRAMS Male 4 Female Belly Dancers . •••312/888 3060*« COPY MACHINE, plain paper like new, superb quality, many features, cost $3,400. Sacrifice for $675, 312/724 8467. QUALITY FIREWOOD, $45 per face cord, delivery avail ., 815/338-8611. REFRIGERATOR, Hot Point, 15.7 cu. ft.. Copper tone, good cond., $130. Call after 5 p.m. 815/675-6075 F A N T A S Y F E S T I V A L Costume/Magic Centre. 432 Virginia Rt. 14 - Crystal Lake. 815/455-4910. October Hours; M-F; 9-9. Sat.; 9-5. Sun.; 12-5. TRADE IN SALE your sofa $100, your recllner-S50, your kitchen table 4 chairs-$50, your mattress set-$25. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459 3363. . PORK, organic fed, SI.00 per lb. hanging weight, 815/344*5866 after 6 p.m. ' MEDITERRANEAN STYLE complete living room, green 4 white velour, $600.; 312/639- 4628. WEDDING RING Set, gold with 4 diamonds, size 5, asking $150. or best offfcr, 312/426-4108. MAPLE DINING Room table, gate leg, drop leaf, has 4 chairs with black padded seats, $150.; 1940's rectangle kitchen table with 4 chairs, sturdy, $75.; days, 815/385-5267, eves., 815/344-5889. RAILROAD TIES, $3.98/each. Landscape timbers, bulk grass 4 pasture seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaplno supplies. Woodstock Farm 4 Lawn, 815/338-4200. H Y D R A L I C L O G S p l i t t e r , highway frame, $875.; New in carton/Bard furnace, $500. 312/658-4304. TWIN HEADBOARDS, maple, w/matching dressers, exc. cond., $150.815/385-6276. DINING ROOM SET, trestle table, 6 spindle chairs 4 hutch, good cond., $450.; other misc. merchandise. 815/459-3626. LAKE IN THE HILLS: Lrg. 2 b d r m . , s t o v e 4 r e f r i g . , $385./mo. 4 utilities, 4 sec. By appointment only; 815/455-0023 or 312/683 9203. 84,000 B.T.U. Bryant, oil fur­ nace, exc. cond.; 2/275 gallon Oil tanks, $95/best offer. 815/338-8703. OAK DINING Room table with 6 chairs, good cond., $150. Bam­ boo recliner, $10.2 Arm chairs, $5 ea. 815/459-6872 MAPLE DINING Room table, gate leg, drop leaf, has 4 chairs with 4 black padded seats, $150. After 6 pm, 815/3445009. T W O N E V E R u s e d 9 x 7 fiberglass garage doors, $200 ea. Call 312/695-6199, after 7. WASHING MACHINE $40., Good condition! 815/338-5774 ELECTRIC FURNACE 220 volt, 18,000 BTU's, (corner, fireplace), $100,815/455-0138. DAVES PUMPKINS: all sizes $1.50. Located on Algonquin Rd.,(the western extension of Highway 62), 2 miles west of Randall Rd. in Huntley. Weekends only. ANTIQUES: wagon yokes, din­ ing room set, scythes 4 sickles, Western saddle, 14" seat; 815/455 1055. POOL TABLE, Minn. Fats slate top, 4x7, $100 312/658-5410 MATCHING TRADITIONAL Sofa and loveseat, exc. condi­ tion. $275/best offer. Exercise weight bench with weight set, like new, $75. Call 815/338-1278 eves. BEDROOM SUITE, child/teen, 6 pc. red 4 white Schoolfield. Exc. cond., $350,815/455-2033. W A N T E D : G l a s s w a r e • Depression (colored), Heisey, C a m b r i d g e , F o s t o r i a , Candlewick, etc. Pottery - Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Roseville, etc. 815/895-6033 FREEZER, $50. 2 TV's, $100 4 $150. Bike, $20 Dishwasher, $25. Downhill skis (2 pr.) Lange 4 Kneissl $30/ea. Metal cabinet, $5. Kitchen/utility table, $15.312/658-5851. TWO SHAMPOO bowls in­ cluding back bars, 6 months old. $150 each, 815/459-1656. OFFICE EQUIPMENT, used. Savin Copier 790, $2000. Blue Print Copier Diazet Dart 100 White Print, $600. Desk w/typ- i n g t a b l e , $ 5 0 . Paymaster Checkwriter, $50. Custom Automated Machinery, 312/697-6333.. ' PANASONIC, am/fm, 4 chan­ nel, 8 track stereo with turn­ table, 4 speakers, solid oak stereo stand. Original cost $1,000, asking $600 or best off- fer. Call Debbie, 815/385-2949. KEROSENE HEATER Close Out 9,600 BTU, $49.95 14,800 BTU Sanyo, $69.95 Quantities limited (We now stock replacement wicks for all makes of kerosene heaters.) Voss Vacuum 4 Sewing Shop Marengo, II 815/568 7477 UPRIGHT VACUUM Eureka Upright w/4 position rug adjustments, brilliant headlights, brand new in car­ ton, lists $119, ONLY $69.95. Voss Vacuum 4 Sewing, Marengo, IL 815/568-7477. CARPET, 12 ft. X 22 ft., $200. Video recorder, $300. Bearcat 210 scanner, $100. Base CB radio 4 antenna, $100. Snowblower, $60. '77 Artie Cat Cheetah, elec. start, cover, $850. Call after 4 p.m. 815/385- 7972 BEDROOM SET, 4pc. Mediter­ ranean style, exc. cond., $300. Call after 6 pm, 312/639-6236. CLOSEOUTSALE! Monarch Mirror Closet Doors, all szes avlalable. Call Mirror Wholesalers 312/639-4668 DINING ROOM Set. Table, 5 chairs 4 hutch. $300/best. 312/695-2322 WOOD BURNING STOVE, Ben Franklin, $100, 815/385-0067 after 6 pm. PICTURE FRAMING of-all kinds. Creative 4 reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. CHRISTMAS TREES, live, you dig now, plant in tub, use again. 312/683 2036. TIRES. P195/75R15, Firestone glass radial blackwalls, new car take offs. $34.99 per tire. Call 815/459 1460 ask for Lind­ say . N E E D W O O D ? T a k e m y garage PLEASE! framing, windows, plywood, roofing. All irou need is muscle. 815/337-you 0525 HANDAAADE BRAIDED 9 X 12 rug. Russet, orange 4 green. Call 815/338 5418after 4 p.m. SECOND BEST BOUTIQUE Resale Shop offers an excellent selection of Like New clothes for the whole family. Highland 4 Washington in Elgin. fues. • Sat., 312/888-0774. COLOR TV, 19 Inch Magnavax, p l u s A t a r l - 1 2 6 w i t h 7 cartridges- $150 complete, or will separate. Call HSfil4-4S47. TEAK DINING rm. table, 4 chairs, 2 leaves, S300; full St. bed. S120; pint coffee table, SIS; Ig. dresser, $100, pine twin bed frame. $25. >15/455-053?. SOFA $50. Gas Stove, apt. size, S30. Flute. S75. Dresser, $5, 312/639-0690. 2 FREEZERS, 20 cu.ft.Amana upright, $125/offer. I cu. ft. Amana chest freezer, $100, 312/426-2750 after 6 pm. DOWN COAT: Slate gray, full length w/detached nood, Sharpe brand, Sz. 17/11. Lost weight, worn half season, $115. 312/641-1500, 10-4pm. HEAVY DUTY, large head, tailor sewing machine; Magtag wringer washer, almost new; Best offers. 815/385-5873. REFRIDGERATOR, LARGE, good cond., rust color, S400/best. Call 312/931-4035. SANTA'S READYI Experienc­ ed Santa in plush velvet suit for parties and home visits. E If le" (Santa's Elf) 4 Crackers the Clown ready with puppets 4 magic. Birthdays tool 815/923-HEAR BUTCHER BLOCK kitchen set: 3* X 4' table, 4 brown vinyl chairs, all w/chrome legs, exc. condition, $200.; 18" Weber grill, $10.; umbrella stroller, $15.; 12' screen house, needs parts, $50.; wicker fan chair, $45.; 815/455-4507. SEASONED FIREWOOD $55 Per Face Cord 815/338-3565 After 4 pm 815/338-8615 After 8 pm SOLID MAHOGANY Chlppen date desk, exc. cond., never us­ ed. Sacrifice 85500.815/459 2131 PICK-UP TRUCK CAP SlSO/best offer. 815/459-7957 SOFA SLEEPER, queen size, beige/brown/gold plaid nylon, exc. cond., Sin.; pink desk 4 chair, $35.815/338-1026. MUST SELL, grn. sofa, LOVE SEAT 4 chair, fair cond., 2 end tables; coffee table, 2 lamps 4 drapes; $150 takes everything. Call815/943-7238. MR. 4 MRS. CHAIR 4 ot­ toman; washer 4 dryer; bunk beds; single bed; dressers; couch 4 cnair, desk. 312/436- 2286 after 3 pm. OAK BARREL Style bar with 4 padded stools, $350. GM Child's car seat, $15.815/344-5852 PEWTER Collector Plates. 815/344-4535 L S H A P E M e t a l D e s k w/woodgraln top, swivel chair, $125.; filing cabinets, 4 large, $600/all or will divide. 815/344- 4535. FIREWOOD Dry Oak 815/568-7792 MAHOGHANY PEDESTAL Dining Table, 6 chairs, side board, buffet, $350.; 4 piece blonde, solid wood, double bedroom set, $200.; Drexel china cabinet w/curved glass door, $550.; 7x4' 4 bulb flore- sent light fixtures for drop ceil- ings, $6. each; 815/338-8624. ANTIQUES of all types; turn., chairs, commodes, dishes, coi lectlbles. 815/459-5506. H A V E R O A S T G o o s e f o r Thanksgiving. Farm fresh Nov. 20. $1.59 per pound. 815/895-9702 or 758 W77 HALLOWEEN COSTUMES For rent. Call 815/459 RAVE for more info. « MOVING SALE: 5VV bar 4 4 stools, $100.; lawn lounge chairs, $4.; like new Toro trim­ mer, $15.; portable stereo record player, $17.; garden hoses, $1. 4 $4.; misc. house 4 hardware items; 815/338-1643. ALUM. BOAT, 12', (2H5" deep dish chrome rim, (2) 15" 60's. Jenson radion RD400 am/fm cassette. '71 GM350 4 350 trans., 815/459-6142 or 815/455- 0922 after 5 pm weekdays. MOVING SALE: Electric stove, portable dishwasher, refrigerator, 3 piece gold sec­ tional couch, 3 air conditioners, very large mirror, cabinet stereo, 2 ceiling fans, 2 desks, 1973 Toyota, slide-on camper for truck, 4 misc. Very reasonable prices. All must go by Saturday I Call 815/455-3426. FOR SALE: Matching sofa 4 love seat, $75.; Zenltn stereo console, $75.; 815/385-8197 after 6pm. HiDE-A-BED, plaid, brown, gold 4 white, queen size, exc. cond., $125.312/428-2935 WINCHESTER 94, lever ac­ tion, 30-30, like new, also in­ cluded 1 bdx shells, $130. firm; 312/426 1602 until 4:30; 312/658 8259 after 5 pm. CRAFTSAAAN 10 "table saw, 220 volt, heavy duty shop model, $200.; set of 10 ' da doe blades, $40.; Rockwell 8" table saw, needs gear, $25.; Black 4 Decker 71/4" commercial skill saw, almost new, $60.; Rockwell 9" power miter saw, $50.; Wen power planer, $20.; Bostltch ram set tool. $40.; m e t a l s t o r a g e c a b i n e t , 7'x2'xlW, $40.; used fuse boxes, $5. each; Craftsman soldering gun, like new, $10.; Tach, dwell meter 4 timing light, $15.; plumbing fittings galore; assorted ceramic tile; 24" and 36" strip lights, like new, $5. each; electricians tool pouch 4 belt, $5.; shutters, various sizes, $5. each; pair sawhorse brackets, $5.; Vj horse motor, switch, needs work, $25.; wood chest, full of hand tools, elect, supplies, etc. first $25.; 3 can lightslike new, $5. each; Milwaukee worm drive saw, housing damaged, $20.; large gas space heater, $30.; insulated glass window sashes, 12-28"x24 4 4 24"x24", $5. each; 1" thermopane pic­ ture window glass, l-48"x50", $60., 2 80"x50', $100. ea.; office swivel chair, $25.; 3M model 149 copier, $40.; Intertherm 10', 110 volt baseboard heater, $60.; After 5pm., 815/385-6787. CHEST FREEZER, small. $75. Snow tires (1 pr.) on rims. $40, ladles bike, 815/338-5175. 73 Olds Delta 98, UGC $800/ of­ fer. Also couch 4 chair, good starter furniture,' $60/ offer. Call 815/338 7585, ask for Jerry; after 7pm 312/382-2187. MOVING SALE Sofas 4 misc. household items 815/338-3996 FISH TANK, 25 gallon, like new. Includes all accessories 4 wrought iron stand, $30. Call 815/344-3085. • FOR SALE: Unused Tent, 10 X 14, $130; Ex ercise Bike, $50; Snow Tires, $30; Wood Stoves, $85 4 $165; Pool Table, $250, Clarinet, $85. Call 312/741-8601 FOR SALE: 9 drawer vanity dresser with matching • drawer chest, $30. each; 4 bunk size metal bod frames, $12. each; 1 youth desk, $25.; 2 school desks, $10. each; 26" girls 3 speed Schwinn bike, to., v boys dirt bike, 20" girls bike, SIS.; girls ice skates, size 2 4 4, $5. each; Call after Spm, 815/365-6787. • LOSE WEIGHT 4 keep healthy, feel great. Call your Herballfe dlsf. Call 312/741- 4126, after 6pm, ask tor Lynda. FOR SALE Lady Gibson double oven elec­ tric range, like new, avacado, $200., Empire 60 mm telescope, $30.; Call after 5 pm; 815/385- 6717. FOR SALE: 28 storm windows, good condition, 10:55 X 32, IS various sizes, $50. for the lot! 815/728-1829. 50 CHRISTAAAS WREATHS, for cemetery or home, $2.50 ea. Console T.V., B 4 W, $50. 312/658-7149 OAK FIREWOOD $S5/face cord delivered. 312/669-5578 DISK DRIVES, 2 IBM, like new, $150 each. 312/683-2843 anytime. COLOR TV, portable, R.C.A., asking $90. 312/639 9198 33 Garage Sales CRYSTAL LAKE 35 South Caroline St. Oct. 18,19 4 20; 9-5 No Early Birds Antiques, Children's clothes, books, turn., bicycles, motorcy­ cle, toys, misc. • 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar 10/26,10/27,9-5 1800 N. Sunset Lakeland Park/McHenry Christmas Items, baked goods. FIRST TIME EVER) Garage/AAoving Sale Oct. 26,27,28; 8-5 CARY, 117 S. Prairie Antiques, designer clothes size 7, tools, crafts, furniture, refrigerator, pop up camper. AAOVINGSALE AAcHENRY 1104 Bay Rd. Oct. 25-28,9 am-5 pm Double door refrig. w/ auto, ice- maker, snowmobile, video equipment, pop-up camper, yard equipment, patio fur­ niture, John Deere -tractor, business computer, antiques 4 many extras. ALL MUST GO! Call 815/35-5882. C A R Y Oakwood Hills 212 Valley Dr. Oct. 25,26,9-3 Oct. 27,9-12 AACHENRY/Sunnyslde 1501 Rosemarie Dr. 10/27,10/28,9-4 p.m. Toys, clothes, household Items, much misc. GARAGE SALE Carpentersville 323 Tulsa October 26,27,9-4pm. Much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE v Silver Glen Estates 5818 Sloane Lane (1 mile east of Rt. 31) Oct. 26,27 9 5 Lamps, chairs, tables, sofas, microwave, corner deskset, 73 Volkswagon, clothing, bikes and misc. • AAcHENRY/Johnsburg GIGANTIC AAOVINGSALE I Dutch Creek Woodlands 2736 Knob Hill Oct. 25,26,27; 9-4 ' Organ, snow blower, de- humidifier, coffee 4 end tables, r o c k e r , l a d d e r s , m i s c . household Items! \ CRYSTAL LAKE Leonard Parkway Oct. 25; 9-5 Some furniture, clothes, lamps, lots of misc. JOHNSBURG 2025 W. Sunnyside Beach Dr. (1 Block From Bridge) w Oct. 27-28,9 am-4 pm * Estate Sale- 50 yrs. accumula­ tion: Tools, tables, chairs, glassware, much misc. HOUSEHOLDSALE Richmond 5714 George St. Oct. 27 4 28; 9-5 AAany household items. Antique dining set, Forsland leather chair and foot stool, port, dishwasher, antique ladles rocker, tools, etc. SYCAMORE 4 miles E. of Sycamore, 1/4 mile S. on County Line Rd. Oct. 26,27 4 28; 9 5 Multi Family, heated garage. Some antiques, crafts, baked goods, beer cans, baseball cards, clothes, pumpkins, squash, honey and popcorn. GREATER ROCKFORD INDOOR/OUTDOOR ANTIQUE MARKET E'mq Sat ft Sun. 9ft) a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Anbquefrfumituri, Mk, Farm Top, »» •--i'- rt • • I rnmaum, rint untci- Cards ft Comfcs 80 Inside Dealers SiXemar of 11th St ft Sandy Hodon Rd. (Hwy. 251 South) 815-397-6683 Garage Sales * 4612 Somerset Ct. N. on Rt 47 to Raytreft watch for signs Oct. 27,6 a.m. - ? Antiques 4 collectibles. 1170 kitchen hutch; Queen Anne buf­ fet; record cabinet; round drop leaf table; china cabinet 4 buf­ fet; original Hot Wheels cars; baseball cards; furniture: 2 bdrm. sets; chest of drawers; 2 d r e s s e r s w i t h m i r r o r s ; recliner; piano bench; phone chair; 6 ft. bar; 2 dk. pine occa- u p r i g h t f r e e z e r ; 1 4 cu. ft. refrig. w/top freezer; 24 cu. ft. sloe by side refrig. freezer w/ice maker; 50 yds. of carpeting w/pad; 10 need mens bike; 3 speed ladies Dike, both Schwinn; misc. household Items 4 Items by the box; Case 444,14 H.P..Tractor, w/mower deck, 48", 4 ft. blade, wheel weights, chains 4 hydra hitch, 2,ow watt 5 H.P. generator; '79 Olds Cutlass Supreme, V-6, auto., p.s., p.b., air; '77 Chevy sportsman window van, V-8, auto., p.s., p.b. CARY 545 Al Ida ^ Oct. 25; 94 Clothing, housewares, pin ball mach., muchMIsc! TOUCH OF CHRISTAAAS WOOO STOCK 4010 S.Cherry Valley Rd. Oct. 26 4 27; 9-£ Oct. 28,9-2 Antiques, collectibles. Bears, baskets, many unusual Items. MOVING SALE! CARY 201 South Spring Street • Oct . 27 Only, 9 am-4 pm Sofa bed, gas dryer, wooden vanity 4 chair, misc. furniture 4 much morel CRYSTAL LAKE .. 5426 E. Hillside Rd (l mile north of 176 on'Walkup) Oct. 26 4 27; 9-3 Vt price on all remaining Items, o r m a k e u s a n o f f e r . Everything must go; AAovlngl AAcHENRY Wonder Lake 7410AAacArthurDr. Oct. 25,26,27; 9-5 Antiques, horse saddle, clothing (children 4 adults, in- cluding coats) AAuch misc. McHENRY 718 AAcHenry Ave. AAcHenry Shores Oct. 26 4 27; 9-5 4 Family! Chandeliers, stereos, clothes, lewelry, houseware, much misc. FOX RIVER GROVE 109Crescent Rd. Oct. 25,26 4 27; 9-5 Furn., many electric motors, golf clubs, built-in mixer unit, flourescent fixtures, tractor cart, new cultivator, lamps, port, sewing mach., clothing, toys, misc. WEST DUNDEE 612 Washington Sat., Oct. 27; 10-3 Back Porch Sale. Dolls and quilts. CRYSTAL LAKE 1018 Darlington Lane Oct. 25,26,27,9-4pm. Baby furniture; domes; fur­ niture. Too many Items to list. Garage Saiee McHENRY ^ 4421 Prahrle Oct. 26,27 9emto3pm Crafts 4 ceramics; All Hems hand made; 815/385-2930. Chuck 4 Herfens Tavern Oct. 27 4 28, Sat. 4 Sun lam-? MISC. ITEMS CRYSTAL LAKE 553Woodmar Dr. Four Colonies Oct. 25426 Wicker, glassware, washer, clothes, household 4 misc. CRYSTAL LAKE Basement Sale 461 Crystal Lake Ave. Thur, Frl.,9-5pm. Large 2 plete Artie Cat snowmobile suit; 2 Unlroyal snow tires, H 78x15 on 4 hole rims; Christmas decorations; winter clothing; curteins; household misc. McHENRY/MOVINGSALE Midstream Subdivision In alley behind 3910 wst Ave. Oct. 25426,9-4pm. Sofa; 23" T.V.; microwave oven; hlde-a-bed; recliner; toys; much misc. PISTAKEE BAY/McHENRY 1208 Old Bay Road (Chanel Hill to Bay to Old ^ Oct. 26427; 9-5 Digital aircraft scanner, 5 watt walkle talkie, recliner, sofa, tools, cameras, lots of 2S?" misc. McHENRY/Multl Family 604$. Emerald Dr. Sat. Only, Oct 27, M Ladles 4 children's designer clothes, dryer, tools, furniture, much misc. McHENRY Huge Garage Sale 1402Mlllsteam Fri., Sat. Oct. 26-27 l:30-5pm (1 block north of 1st. National Bank). Black formica top office desk; 2 credenzas; exec, swivel chair; 4 office side chairs; 3M copy machine; eleven men's 4 ladies bikes; electric start lewnmower; homemade cab­ bage patch dolls; musical X- mas cards; 30 5 piece carving sets (new-ideal for shower gifts, X-mas, etc.); furniture; olassware; golf clubs; dishes; Orlbtal sender; 6" grinder; new am-fm stereo console; asst. tires 4 rims, some like new; 8 sets new lumper cables; much, much mix. HAMPSHIRE l2Chandellei)r!ve Case de Aero Airport Oct. 26,9-6/Oct 27,1-12 Humidifier, toys, baby Items, antique baskets, firewood. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILLARY RUMMAGE SALE Oak 4 Woodstock Streets Thurs. Oct. 25; 9-6 Frl., Oct. 26; 9-12 (Dollar a Bag) BURTONS BRIDGE Holiday Craft Bazaar 3615 Burton Trail Oct. 25,26,27,9-5 Follow signs from Rt 314176 Holiday decorations, oil pain­ tings, pine cone decorations, potpourri Items, candlewick Ing, cross stich, 4 Christmas free skirts, stained glass items. CRAFTS £ COLLECTIBLES SHOW l«t UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 236 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake Friday, October 26 • 6 p*m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, October 27 • 9 a.m. to S p.m. 41 Exhibitors Luncheon Served Saturday 11a.m. to 2 p.m. FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 815/385-6103 DOCK SALE-1 DAY SALE ONLYI! Harvey Manufacturing Co. 1122 North Silver Lake Rd., Cary, IL Saturday, Oct. 27,1984,8 a.m.-2 p.m. 20% OFF ALL MERCHANDISE! Includes Wicker Clothes Hampers, Wastebaskets, Wall Shelves & Wall Cabinets Sale Will Be Held At Rear Of Building CASH ONLY! C°*NS T*U(s aOHfc 6R0WN P0pCOftij Pumpkins Gourds Cider Potatoes Onions Apples Squash * Cauliflower MEIER PRODUCE FARM 8103 Golf Course Road, Crystal Lake 815(459-4076 U(t€ cMot&cx f* LIQUIDATION SALE Friday, October 26th • 12 Noon - 8 p.m. Saturday, October 27th ••a.m. to 4 p.m. 204 E. Burbank St (Off Hwy. 14) Harvard, tlHnote Victorian turniture, bedroom set, sofa, end tables, book case, dining room set, furnishings, linens, household godds, everything must be soldi • i 330-0211 330-0330 Not responsible for accidents 459-0784

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