Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1984, p. 2

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SECTION 1 • Pm. 1 • PLAI1NDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1*4 Opinion/Politics road signs 1L©C£7 Public pulse fathers take more heat dear editor: My husband and I were among tfyose who attended the Oct. 15 council meeting referred to in ytar recent article as "angry and sometimes rude." The issue that aroused such passion was not only the council's prior approval of a research project for an experimental sewage fill system to be conducted in McHenry in close proximity to several communities, but the general consensus that the ity of the citizens of lenry s simply do not have jntation in their own city rernment. i that the mayor and ; of the council members are total disagreement with the jnts of McHenry as to what of issues are important to bring before their tuents. Aid. Nolan, during Mr emotional speech the tolerance and itience the council showed irard those of us who were to have our questions rered, stated that she should have to poll her district time an issue came up for JjOnly a few weeks ago, the <$uncil and the school board jmpted to sweep through, thout any notification to those Itizens who would be ically affected, expansion McHenry Sand and Gravel. Public outcry was sufficient to temporarily halt approval and a well-planned announcement in the Plaindealer left the im­ pression that the issue was dead. Aid. Datz told residents of his own district to throw away their petitions and not waste their time, that they did not have to woriy about the gravel pit. We are firmly convinced that Aid. Datz and the rest of the council had full knowledge that McHeniv Sand and Gravel has no p plans to abandon their expansion, that they had gone before McHenry County in an effort to bypass McHenry city jurisdiction. Mining is being conducted closer and closer to Valley View School and con­ cerned citizens who have questioned the school board regarding their negotiations with McHenry Sand and Gravel have been told information is confidential. Now we learn that the council has, again without any public hearing before the citizens, approved the use of McHenry land for the first and only test site for GAS, Inc.'s garbage treatment - facility. When questioned, Mayor Stanek denied any plans for the 160-acre project that GAS, nc., ultimately strives to develop, however, he did state that the only way McHenry would profit in any way from the experiment would such a development in McHenry. When questioned about the motives for bringing this experiment to McHenry, out of all the communities in the nation, the mayor began a dramatic emblazonment proclaiming the great good such a project would do for mankind in general, if not McHenry in particular. Most of us found this rhetoric downright offensive. The article in the Plaindealer neglected to include that the person who originally brought the proposal for GAS, Inc., to the mayor and ultimately before the council just happens to be an old friend of the mayor's (who lives conveniently across town from any of the proposed sites) and that this friend just happens to have an investment in GAS, Inc. If our mayor and aldermen (I exclude Ala. McClatchey who seemed to be the only one willing to stand up for his constituents) not only feel such issues are unworthy to bring before the people, but choose to take action that is in direct opposition to the rights and wishes of the people, is it no wonder that vCfe nave no trust in our representation. We will continue to do whatever it takes to make ourselves heard and we will speak the loudest with our votes. Jacqueline Meyer £MM)S£M£> 10 BILLION ft 4000 MILES OF INTERSTATE NEEDS RESURFACING 22% OP BR)OSES ARE rPEPIClENT Library forum draws response Dear Editor: I went to the libi forum rary held at the McHenry Township night. 1 hall the other wanted to 'on't let Halloween be a tragedy Jim Edgar, secretary of state w-Children of all ages are eagerly anticipating Halloween. Motorists * >d trick-or-treaters should exer- extreme caution during the Irly evening hours of Oct. 31, to r>event a holiday from becoming ^tragedy. •^When children are thinking dbout costumes and treats, they can easily forget traffic safety. So, it is up to motorists to slow down and watch for children, especially in residential areas between 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Halloween is a good time for parents to review basic pedestrian safety rules with their children. First, trick-or-treaters should look for cars before crossing the street. They should walk, not run, when MAKE YOUR SPECIAL EVENT A SUCCESS! PHONE: (815)653-5096 crossing the street and should cross at the corner, not from bet­ ween parked cars. To ensure pedestrian safety, young trick-or-treaters should be accompanied by a parent, guar­ dian or an older child. Parents can further protect their children by assuring they can see and be seen. Masks can obstruct their view of oncoming vehicles and traffic signals. Use colorful make-up instead. Costumes should be fire-resistant, short enough that children won't trip and light enough to be visible to motorists. Letters One of the responsibilities of a community newspaper is to provide a forum for public comments. We invite our readers to share their views and opinions. The shorter the letter, the less we will have to edit to fit our space. The McHenry Plaindealer reserves the right to edit objectionable or libelous statements. All letters must be signed with the author's address and phone number (addresses and phone numbers will not be printed). Readers are limited to one letter per month on the same topic. Send letters to The McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111., 60050. GRAYSUKE JEWELERS 143 Center St. (312) 223-8444 T/ % DIAMOND & GOLD XMAS SALE (Large Selection Rings, Chains & Earrings) McHenry Jewelers Rt. 120 & Green St. (815) 344-1344 V GOLD (Large selection Rings, Chains & barrings) NEW WEDDING SETS & BANDS *50M & UP Watch Repair Expert --- Restoration of Watch Repair Ring Sizing Engraving Restoration of Broken Jewelry Tp Perfection 1 1,,1,1, • 40% off algiftware with ai • Fine antique Jewelry section • Large selection of loose diamonds 4 ' gem stones phis new mountings w I mw, mmm, THE The fantasy of having your shopping money all ready next holiday season can come true. Join our Christmas Club today! every othe* week poys every other week poys $50 125 L MtMBERFDIC $2 $5 $10 every other week poys $250 *20 every other week poys $500 ^40ever/ other week poy^ 1 000 Plus.. .5%% Annual Interest Rote Compounded Doily! Serving the bonking needs of the McHenry Area" NaTIONaL BaiMK OF MCHBNRY 3814 West Elm Street McHenry 385-5400 hear first-hand the viewpoints of those who wish to dissolve the library in Johnsburg. There has been so much controversy over the issue and since I wish to see a library become a viable part of my community, I was hoping to hear some remarks that would justify, in my mind, the effort being put forth to dissolve it. However, I didn't hear much. Instead, there was a lot of finger-pointing, name-calling and accusation, which I un­ derstand is the norm at the library meetings which were held previously. I didn't hear any new complaints nor- were there any new insights to the old complaints. So, what was ac­ complished? Well, there were some fingers that got plenty of exercise. I would have liked to have heard some solutions bantered about or some compromises made to relieve some of the animosity between those who support and those who oppose a library. M C A R M E E T I N G The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the McHenry County Association for the Retarded (MCAR) will be held Thursday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. at 4001 Dayton St., McHenry. & 3 To those who oppose the*! library, I have some advice!; which has been given before but, "J obviously, ignored. That is, be-J involved. Present your concerns!; and greivances belore the> library board at board meetings-! and work towards com-^ pormising solutions. Let them% know your opposition to»J jroposals before they become^ members in check by attending board meetings. Know your our> decisions. Keep board** ! in nVunlr Kv aHa^jdjna- y < board members and their% viewpoints and, when electing^ new board members, elect those > who are trustworthy and will acts in your best interests. > I'm concerned about the^ outcome of this issue. I'm afraid* that something which can grow^ to be a true asset to my com-> munity will be closed down. The*! doors will be locked and the key ̂ hidden away by those who argf too busy to become involved, too* stubborn to find solutions and* compromise. Virginia Kapelanski* Area banker • *. takes summer class at UW * Plaindealer HERALD (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 Circulation 385-0178 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediote notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindeqler, 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry, III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Donna Bertulis-Editor 3toarb Winning ilftospaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES In^AcHenry County By Carrier 50' Week 1 Year by Mail $19.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year by Mail «. $27.00 A McHenry banker was amo: more than 1,200 bankers .who at-' tended this summer's two-week session of the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ormel J. Prust, of the McHenry State Bank, attended the post­ graduate courses. Each banker who attended took two dozen courses ranging from commercial loan analysis to strategic issues in bank manage­ ment. K R Y S T A L K L E A R CLEANING Q U A L I T Y ( L E A N I N G • F t O O R S S T R I P P E D • W I N D O W S W A S H E D • O F F I C E C L E A N I N G • R E S I D E N T I A L C L E A N I N G 815-385-1877 HARVARD RETIREMENT HOME 210 E. Front St Harvard, Illinois (815)943-3350 -Loving Care -Beautiful Surroundings -Meals are a Pleasure -Free Trans,/Laundry -One Low Monthly Rate (No Hidden Extra Costs) & 1!j3e,auty <Sclioo[±f One. 2350 E. Rte. 120, McHenry • 385-2290 FABULOUS FALL SPECIALS PERM (STRAIGHT HAIR ONLV) MO00 TUCl OCT. 23-FRI. OCT. 26 ALL WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY I 0 YBYSnjQ HAIRCUT f <400 TUES. OCT. 30-FRI. NOV. 1 ENTS « WO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! LADIES APPAREL SELLING AT COST Riverside Retail Outlet 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 815-385-5900

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