ACTION 2-PAGE 8 -PLALXDEALFER 1IEKALD, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26,1904 Business T mil Be wary ol Halloween "tricks By Yvonne Beer, executive vice- lenry County uy T vonne neer, ei president, McHe Board of Realtors Halloween is on the horizon, which means it's time for parents and homeowners to prepare for treats and to prevent tricks. Halloween presents a a predictable op portunity f for vandals to strike. Since many occurrances of property ^damage result from spontaneous actions, the McHenry County Board of Realtors offers some suggestions. -Keep your property well lighted, indoors and out. -Maintain your home and yard in good condition; poorly kept property is often a temp ting target. -To prevent theft or van dalism, clear your yard of outdoor furniture, grills, lawnmowers, hoses, etc. -Lock your car, garage and any o outdoor storage facility. especially/ with younger children. Tins wiH help deter iranksters from being influenced by less disciplined or older children who may he prone to tricks. At the same time, it ealtors ECORD will protect your youngsters from people witl motives. You may want to lead 1th more sinister the way by volunteering time to be with neighborhood children on their adventures. As to planning activities for your children, community leaders should be encouraged to sponsor trick-or-treat ventures in daylight or early evening hours. Adult supervision of door- to-door visitors is important, Equally important is in specting the goodies your kids collect. Tell them not to eat anything until they get home, then inspect each item for evidence of tampering. If you find something, discretely ask your children where "thi came from and call the •this' Rick Lane (right) of McHenry State Bank looks on as Clint Clay pool draws another name in a lottery Plalndealer-Herald Photo by Anthony Oliver to determine who will take part in a federal mortgage program. Drawing nanies luck winners Fifty-nine area residents took irt m the Homebuyer's Mor- i Drawing held last week at IcHenry State Bank. Part of a federal program, administered b by the Illinois Boosing Development Authority, $800,000 was provided for the construction of new homes. On Oct. 15, a drawing was held to determine which four area builders would each receive $200,000 as pprt of the program. Hie "winners" that drawing were Houghton Construction, Kenwal Inc., Residential Development Group and Wick Homes. On Monday, Oct. 22, a drawing was held to determine which ol the 59 applicants would receive funding in the program. Those 14 "winners" were (in order of drawing) William H. and Julia C. Lurz, Cathleen A. Connell, Roger and Karen Garbacz, Thomas Staroske, Stephen J, Mac Donald, Mr. Burdette and Mrs. Debra Potts, Howard C. Brinn. William E. Beard Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reed Jr., Brian and Carolyn Gaughan, David Ossman and Clare Ossman, James Earl and Jody Sue Pohlman, Kevin W. and Laura S. Kelly, and Anil and Kiran Rathi. Other people taking part in the drawing were (also in order of drawing), Clark and Diana Gilmour, Lorraine Borowski and Rick Lively, Nancy Duncan, Jeff and Jill Nystrom, Theodore and Barbara Dinkelman, Jill Grabowski and James Pinkstaff, Stephen Bowen, Edward and Alison Gerstad, Michael McClure, Richard Gilberstrom, Christine Knapik, Michael Holfield, Walter and Wilma Jensen, and Sheryl Ann Meyer. Get a headstart in your new town Don't waste time wondering about a fast way to get your bearings Call me, I'm with WELCOME WAGON When you've just moved, you're pressed for time. And the gifts, community and business information I bring will save your family time and money. Let me hear from you soon. NANCY LAZAR 344-3966 ANNIVERSARY SALE \ \ V \ NO* °N - ' a \ \ You mad« it happen! Thanks to laat year's rocord breaking sale* throughout the Mid west, Epson America has chosen our market for this factory authorized spectacular. You get the incredibly easy epson QX-10...Plus all the business software most users will, ewer need --\all for •1000 lest than laat\ Vrrr^\\\\\ \ 1J ; At this price they wonl last long. EPSON •>\ Hurry in today!. \\ \ \ \ \ * . \ w \ \ \ \ \ \ (EPSON QX-10 \ \ The world's easiest-lo-use business computer \ \ \ . \ \ * Ml t \ l \ 'V \ \ Plain English HASCI keyboard I 'Plain English VALDOCS software 290K RAM/dual 340K disc drives CP/M compatible/MS-OOl available • • tJUWUA ' AND CHECK OUT THESE "EPSON-EASY" OPTIONS; \ \ Ask your dealer about QX-10 Plus. 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(WHILE STOCK LASTS) AtMM RIME MlftgfiY RETAIL & . WHOLEf^E RTE. 120 EAST TO DARTFL ROAD, THIN SOUTH I'/. MILE TO NURSERY MON.-FR|. 10-7 30540 W. PARREL RD. • McHENRY fVOLO) SAT. & SUN. 8-7 (815)385-8829 Larsen, Michael and Eileen Scherer, Mark T. Bussanmas, Gregory and Lynda Cole, Michael Werner, Stephen Kerns, Felix Salas, Michael and Mary NO MORE ROOM! p985 Models are arriving^ JIELPUS^KEROOMFO Bii CMIVITTI HATCH! ACK 2 dr. WITH FULt FACTORY EQUIPMENT Sport Coupe steering wheels defogger License Plus Lie., Title, Taxes and Dest. Auto., P.P.B., Sport equipment package, guages, air, rear defogger, center console & more Plus License, Title, Taxes and Dest |BRANDNEWg CAVALIER 4 Dr. Soicni $-10 BLAZER full factory equip NOW *8688 PLUS, LIC , TAX . TITLE i DEST. h Full Factory Equip., 2 0 Liter fuel injected en gine, front wheel drive, center console, power disc brakes, rack & pinion steering, style steel wheels & more PLUS TAXES. 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