tolON 3 • PAGE 12 - PLAIN DEALER HERALD, WED1NESDA Y. OCTOBER SI. 19M Local retailers invited to county wide town meeting Genealogical Society to see slide presentation ; David Vite, executive vice IftMident of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, and B. 'FUcker Olson, vice president will t* the guest speakers at a retail tpton meeting that will be held on nfiday, Nov. 2 at McHenry Com-' itmntty College. Vite is a former executive director of the Wpodstock Chamber of Com- iherce and was recently hailed in this August 27 edition of Crain's Chicago Business as "one of the gassiest operators around." Vite *1 ' is also the author of "This Week in Springfield." At one time in America's history, town meetings were the primary means of communica tions among neighbors. It was a time when important matters of mutual interst were shared and discussed. It is because IRMA's fall get-togethers fit the town meeting format that they chose to use the early American name for their state-wide series of gather ings. K1 \\ MOLLY MILLIGAN Your Home Decorator '•1994 Puny Millitf* Sfndtcttt £- TABLE FABLE Qor Molly MlHIgaa: I am using my small dining room as my home office. t;have my desk, my lucky typewriter, my books, my papers and other parapkeraaUa strewn all over the place. The holidays are approaching, and my R^other-ia-law has jnst informed me that it Is my tarn to have them over for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't even have a dining room table, let alone the "know how" to cook a tnrkey. Please advise quickly so I can start getting ready. Kathleen, Rocky Hilt, CT Bear Kathleen: Not to worry, you can concoct a ditiing table quicker than you c^n stuff your holiday bird. Just about anything can be used for a table. How about your desk? If your desk is too small, or closed on any side, have your Ideal lumber yard cut a rectangular piece of plywood about 12 inches wider than your desk top on all four sides. This will allow chairs to slide easily under (He desk. You can use occasional chairs from your living room or kitchen as d{ning chairs. Now, throw on a white tablecloth and bring out the crystal. I firmly believe that soft lights, fresh flowers and a couple packages of Pepperidge Farm Stuffing Mix can solve almost any Thanksgiving problem. piear Molly MilHgan: My studio apartmeat has a tiny kitchen with a through that faces the llvlng-dlulng sleep!ng-cutertalning area. I would i to have a few friends (10) over for a champagne brunch during the holidays, it where do I put everyone? Norene, Carbon dale, IL Dear Norene: You have already planned the three most important ingredients for a party--good friends, good food and good wine. Now ail you need are tome inexpensive TV tables and you can play the role of holiday hostess to the hiU^Set up your "pass through" as an informal serving station. Have your guests go through the line from the living area as you serve the food from the nutchen. Sturdy (but festive) paper plates and matching napkins will allow your guests to enjoy brunch from strategically placed TV tables. Clean up will be reduced to throwing dishes in the trash. Last idea: Set up your wine bar with glasses, ice, cocktail napkins, etc. in a corner of the living room. This will keep your guests from crowding into your tiny kitchen. Dear Molly Mllligan: My home is very small. Even the rooms are miniature In scale. This Christmas I will be fixing dinner for my entire family which totals seventeen. My dining table will seat six at the most. HELP! Anltgone, Chicago, IL Dear Anitgone: Most of us face the problem of too many guests and not enough room--especially during the holiday season. The beauty of human nature is tKat people will eat a good meal just about anywhere you seat them. Since your r0oms are small I suggest you set up a card table in the living room, entry way, bedroom--anywhere your guests can eat comfortably. Cover the tables with crisp coordinating .tablecloths. Fresh flowers and place cards will add a touch1 of elcgance and avoid confusion at seating time. (f you have a question for Your Home Decorator, send it along with a self-addressed, stamped envelopeid Molly Milligan, P.O. Box 14, Dundee, IL 60118. Allow four weeks for a reply. . j \ . . . All retailers In the county are welcome to attend the event, whether or not they are members of the Chathbers of Commerce who are sponsoring the meeting. Reservations can be made by call ing the McHenry Chamber at 385- 4300 or the Chamber offices In Cary, Crystal Lake, or Woodstock. "It has been many years since an IRMA town meeting has been held in this area, so we do hope that the merchants plan in a break in their day for a couple of hours on Nov. 2 and join us for lunch if they chbose but definitely for the 1:30 p.m. program at MCC," en courages Carol Nelson, retail council coordinator of the McHenry Area Chamber. y i "Dave is not only an authority in our field, but a most enjoyable speaker. Aside from the scheduled topics to be discussed, the retailers will have the opportunity to present their concerns and-or questions. It is a must for mer chants. Reservations will be ac cepted until all the space is filled. Today is the best day to call: 385- 4300." "Tracing the History of McHenry County", a slide presen tation, courtesy of the McHenry County Historical Society, will be the program at the monthly meeting of the McHenry County Genealogical Society. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 8 in the cafeteria at Central High. Sohool, Crystal Lake. According to Norma Anderson, program chairman, the history of McHenry County is traced from the first settlement, and includes r u r a l s c h o o l s , c h u r c h e s , newspapers, ethnic areas and origins of the railroad. , Admission will be free, and visitors and new members are welcome. Refreshments will be served after the meeting to give time and opportunity for getting acquainted with others, as well as the chance to compare the most recent research challenge. A reprint of the 1885 History of McHenry County will also be available for purchase. I c>4rts C& Crafts , Fairgrounds Woodstock, Illinois SUNDAY NOVEMBER A. 1964 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Information Call 312-223-1433 TYLAN 10/SULFA G Get ready for the pneumonia season at a new low price from Farm and Fleet. Mix with feed to combat Pneumonia and Altrophic Rhinitis. TYLAN 10/SULFA G O N E BAG P r t w **r w r ' 'Oie NQW ONLY FIVE 10 POUND BAGS IN BALE ' I ROUTE 47 & BYPASS 14, wWsTOClCIt Weekdays, 8:30-9:00; Saturdays, 8:30-5:30; Sundiys, 11:00-5:00 DOWN COMFORTERS ON SALE AT SPIESS! Ploindeoler Herald •WHITE HEN PANTRY •BELL LIQUORS •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •KAREN « GINNY'S •LIQUOR MART •McHENRY HOSPITAL * •FOOD MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •ISLAND FOODS ( •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY CUPBOARD •SULLIVAN FOODS •UNION 76 •COLE PHARMACY •COAST TO COAST •SUNNYSIDE GAS A QUICK MART Available At The Following Locations: •J 41 OAS •ACE HARDWARE •LAKE VIEW FOODS •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •LITTLE STORE •SUNRISE GROCERY •DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE •VILLAGE MARKET •McHENRY DRUG •J BR FOOD MART ji'KiKiS-: • • ̂Now For BEST SELECTIOwp addttk>nal40% on pr»dug plant* In our MH yard. Adding up to $0% Saving* Nov. 18 EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FALL COLORING SHRUBS o BURNING BUSH • VIBURNUM- • SPIREA • P0TENTILIA MANY MORE EVERGREENS •SPWCE •TECHHYAR8MYI1AE •W*l CHEN ARBORVITAE •IUNISERS i MOKE FENCING •SPLIT AND ROUND POST I RAIL 20% OFF • PATIO BLOCKS ft AGGREGATE MANY SIZES 20% OFF • MRUAftCC 3 CU. FT. BAGS NOW 3.95 illfl 18 Nothing beats down for warmth and comfort. Reversible comforters by Sundown are filled with imported white down and have a channel stitched 80% polyester 20%. cotton shell and comes in blue and tan. 5 year warranty. Vinyl zipper storage bag. Reg. 125.00 - 200.00. All sizes 99.99 CHRISTMAS SHOP NOW OPEN! A. Permanent Christmas trees 3' to 7Va' on display. As much as $60 in free trim with purchase of trees B.Christmas lights, garland, ornaments, tree tops, stands and much more.Wreaths and holiday • decorations custom decorated by Sandy. ' rffya Just the way it's always been. Only better. % • St. Charles & Crystal Lake only Charge it! 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