'*•«* 12- PLAINOKALKR HKH AI D. WEDNESDAY, NOVfcMBfcH 7, 1984 iV4. V. *' «] *5.*H V*1-' ..•«. «»i * ./-v 11,1, » - -* «i riwip ffPnTCU PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified OHiceHrs M F 8 30 O in 5 00 p.m. tV vn,, Adv»cfisor*, please check your od the FIRST insertion dale In the event of an error or ommission paper will be responsible lor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspoper shall be habit- 7 onlV portion of the ad which is in error In cose of an error notify the Classified Department once. Coll Classified Display Ads: 815-385 0170 Private Party & Comiwrtial line Ads 815 344 4000. Richmond 678-2581 ^ . I • ^Oymtnt in odvance must be made for these ads "Babysitting "Business Opportunites '•Business 'io Services 'Gorge Sales 'Moving Sales *Out of Shaw F ree Press Circul -tion Area •Political •Rooms Appts. 'oShore 'Situations Wonted "Sublease, Re rent, etc 'Wanted to Buy "Wonted to Rtui DEADLINES: READKHS 3 LINES, 5 DAYS >8.80 Shaw Frtt Prt$s i'Kl\ Ml i' \ u n I.ini. ads Newspaper Group •Sentinel-Herald (Woodstock) "The Heerld (Crystal Lake/Cary Oroya) *Tha Herald (Cardunal Fraa Praaa) •Elgin HaraM •Rich mond Gazette •Sycamore Newa "The Nerald-Plalndealer • Oenoa-Klngaton-Klrkland Newa •Hampahlre Reglater. Aleo available: •Herald-Cltlzen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courtaoua ataff la at your aervlce avelleble ..'f .A RICHMOND WF.D. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER Directory \ xw-a ,•.? r.ji i Announcements v - N* .»• Cemeteries & Lots '**- ' ' Cord of Thonks.. Notices....:. * .. -- Cor Pools .rVtf . Lost 8 Found DISPLAY MON. 3 P.M.' MON. 12 NOON MON. •> P.M. MON. 12 N(X)N WEI). > P.M. WED. 12 NOON r Personals. Instruction, v Auctions. .. 02 03 05 10 . n 12 13 . . 18 ... . Help Wanted * child Core 19 flJia* Schools 20 S Situotion* Wanted 21 , Employment Agencies 22 " Household Help Wonted 23 Help Wanted.. 24 ' 11 o t Merchandise .." 31 32 •Xfw' borage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 fit"' s Wanted to Buy r ~ - Miscellaneous Merchandise Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment .37 Boats. - ... 38 Musical Instruments. .. ... 39 Cameras. ,.,.. .. . .'«•.40 Aviation. ..... .U ..... • 41 Pets & Equipment.»....' 44 Horses & Equipment. . .47 Farm & Dairy. 48 L i v e s t o c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Mochinery & Equipment.'. 53 Business Opportunity .... 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House .71 Real Estate *... 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage ,75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent ~ Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share. 79 Apa< tmerits to Ren\ 80 Homes to Rent... . .81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent.'-. • 82 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent............. 83 Farmv Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent........... 85 Automotive Autos (or Sale. , 86 Wanted to Buy. ,...87 Auto Parts 8 Accessories . 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers... 89 Vans .. .90 Motorcycles 8 Snowmobiles 91. Recreation Vehicles....... .92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT INftflON MOLDING TECHNICIAN 2nd Shift • : ( >. W« ire leaking an indi vidual to operate our plastic injection molding deportment on the 2nd shift. 2-3 years, experience in the set-up/operation and adjustment of molding machines required. A competitive wage and benefit package awaits the selected applicant. Call or Apply in Person to: 815-459-7204 COLUMN OEM 7510 Virginia Road , Crystal lake. IL 60014 OMtrtMift {Mfterr M/F/M 78 PARI IAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426 Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cary 669 Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697 Elgin 740-Round Lake 741 Elgin 742-Elgin 888 Elgin 931-Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648-Hebron • 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard «t|fIv Cemeteries & Lots 11 Lost & Found 19 RYSTAl LAKE MEMORIAL BARK 8i UNION CEMETERY -iJiHolce lots available as low as 1175, Including perpetual care. Catholic section Terms n r 815/459 0547 05 Notices "FREE" _ PREGNANCY TESTING >1 ... IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE -Hj 312/934 9233 -- -E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, MRS. LAURA. She has ,i'» 4*lped many people with pro ^ ."fclems such as love, business, • , t~ marriage and 11 other pro' blemsof life. V -- f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t . 1 1 0 8 •K f.Dundee Ave., Elgin, II 60102 !•> *12/931-1193. iurr- tmzr _ PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS ?n< We would like to check ich ad as it appears in paper, but time does -not perm it r Vleise notify us if you -find an error in your «"classified ad, or if your 'id failed to appear. If V.3 /yov notify us by 5pm the • '* day It was schedul- Vi to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as ; (feadline permits. ^We can only be responsi- v *ble for the first day of an -- -ad's run. Adjustments r"'- tor errors are limited to LOST DOG, Fox River Grove area, 40 lbs., Lab/Beagle mix, black w/whlte on chesf & (ace, red collar & tags. Reward! Please call 312/6W-9041 before 7am or after 7pm. CAT LOST: Missing since Sept. 5. Short hair, mostly white with It. orange & dk. grey spots. May be wearing collar & ID tags. 815/459-6523. HONDA, lawn grass catcher, lost on highway, off of truck last Sunday. 10/28. Reward. 815/385 8672. LOST: Black & tan, w/ flea col lar & collar, Vicinity of Miller & Golf Course Rd. After 7pm, 815/455-614a. FOUND: female black cat, West Dundee area, Oct. 30. Call to Indentlfy; 312/551-1284. CAT LOST In June, l'/j yrs., orange tiger male, $50 reward, i/^8-0254. 815/3 12 Personals PREGNANT? nee<?AhLElp? BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 81S/38S2W ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to par tlcipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple T00% " 27658-8429 as • idr'5* cost 0< portion of t a. tbe ad where the error \x> -bccurred. J Sorry, but if the error continues after the first 0 ,i1P£y Of the ad's scheduled ^... appearance, we cannot *u-'be responsible. Office Hours: Monday rough Friday, 8am • ; _ •" ATTENTION: BRIDES „7, &ve money on bridal gowns, «!, bridesmaid dresses, silk StiJ^Owers, Invitations & ac cessories. Silk Flower & Bridal _ .Creations, 815/338 1682. •it'uW '.a TOO* guaranteed. Herbal ed. 312/4 GOOD NUTRITION Equals 5807. 4 MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426 8695 THIS XMAS surprise Santa with a new you. Lose 10 to 29 lbs. in one month and/or earn $200. $1500. per month. Call Nancy, 312/658 3608. 0M %:? v» 3". PSYCHIC FAIR _ , Sun., Nov. 1110am-8pm Howard Johnsons Rt. 25 & 1-90 STARRING LILY GROSS, _ _ U N D A P I E R C E other top readers. < Private consultations, tree - -drawing & lectures avail. in this ad tor 50% off ^mission. 312/428-6965 or • *112/639-1601. 'BAZAAR SALE* •Christmas 'Nature -- - •Children's'Needlework r* "" Thurs. Nov. 8,9 am-2 pm . 1st. Congregational Church West Main Street West Dundee, IL APPLES, Golden Delicious, etc., sweet cider. (Also, Wind falls, U-Plk. S2.50/bushel Sat.. Sun. Nov. 10 & 11). Thunder Grove Orchard, 3016 Deerpass, Marengo, IL. 815/568 8628 10 Car Pools FROM WONDER LAKE to drop in Lake County. Presently Ukortyvllle. On |oo 7:30 am-4 pm. Must be dependable, $75. par week. Call between 4 4 7 pm., 815/728-1529. INTERESTED IN GETTING $100 allowance onvourgas bill Db«fSX[een?ny gas furnace, lOO.wO BTU size installed for $1,250 . 312/455 21 Iff. SINGLE- DIVORCED -- WIDOWED. Get ready for the fun and excitement of a new relationship. Eligible people are waiting to meet you.Con- I. Call 312/742 7545 or fldentlal. write to: Listings, Box 62-E, South Elgin, II. 60177 FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8i confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338 8080. WEIGHT LOSS Lose 10-29 Ibs./mo. 100* Guaranteed All Natural Herbal Program Call 815/33? 7345 • Lost & Found FOUND: Walker Hound, female, approx. 2 yrs. old, gen tie, In the viefnty of Covered BrMge Trails. Call 815/455 3103 Noticos 4$ WMnnual $ IffiOAjCRftFTBaMK SATURDAY NOV. 10th S:00am *5:0C pm AMERICAN LEGION HALL 406 W. Woodstock St., Crystal Lake (Formerly at Lakeside Center) Antiques Available thru Ridgefield Emporium ChlldCare 21 Situations Wanted 24 WILL BABYSIT , IN MY COUNTRY HOME j Lots of TX C... experienced mom, any age. McHfnry. Can anytime. 815/675-6501 LICENSED SITTER has open ings In her home for children, any age, in Genoa; 815/784- MATURE LOVING person to babysit in my Alqonquin home, Mon., Tues., & Fri. For 7 mo. old, references. 312/658 8556. Loving mom available for child care in my Crystal Lake home. Call 815/459-5373. H.S. Student will babysit after school, week nights and week ends in Woodstock area; 815/338 6742. RELIABLE MOM willing to babysit part time mornings, or afternoon hours for 1 toddler between ages 2 & 4. Please call 312/658-7292, Lake in the Hills area. QUALITY CARPET Cleanino at prices you can affor<f 815/459 7194 after 5 pm. TYPING IN THE HOME, fast, accurate, reasonable, 815/455 3991. SEWING LESSONS 1 Eve/Week In My Home 815/459-0741 • CLEANING. Houses, offices, apartments. References available. Dependable, reasonable rates. 815/895 3099 will help friend, EXPERIENCED, Mom, TLC. for bai dfers, meals prov 312/639-1055. Reliable ' tod ary. babies &.tod ovidea, X RELIABLE BABY SITTER wanted In Lakeland Park area for Friday nights 4 other times after 4:30 p.m., 815/344-5728. BABY SITTER needed, Tuesday-Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In Genoa, 815/784-5343. CHILD CARE in my McHenry home full-time week days. References provided. Lots of T.L.C.; 815/344 4523. 21 Situations Wanted CARPENTER 8. HANDYMAN No job too small. Reasonable rates. Bob Holden. 312/742 9063. D.J. wedding, schools, etc. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also. 312/584 0882 eves. DON JOHNSON Decorating Interior Painting & Tapering 815/338 4850. . babysit children R.C.S. ALARMS Burglar, Fire, 8i Holdup systems. Reliable 8, Affordable. Save on ins. premiums. For into, call collect 312/699-1935 HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live In worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639 2184, 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 459-3077. BROOMS AWAY Housecleanina Reliable Cleaning Service Call 815/459 7690 RESUME SERVICE S. all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. HOUSECLEANING SER VICES Whatever the mess we are the best. Lyn after 5 p.m., 815/455 5250. SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look 8> feel so real. Done professionally, 3 years experience, only $25. Call Joyce for appointment, 312/658- 2019. BEWARE OF the so called palm reader. Claims to help in all problems of life. Don'f be fooled, call Chippo. Beware! 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info 312/658 2019. DON NEUBAUER art classes, oil painting 8,portraiture, 815/344-1001 KNITTING & CROCHETING Lessons; beginnlno or advanc ed; left or right handed; Classes starting soon; 312/426- 6800 ask for Lillian West. It Child Care i5r NATURAL SCHULPTURED Nails by Robin, $20, 815/455 0869, House calls made STOP, Take the day off & let me do your housecleaning, 312/658-2236 HAVE MOP/WILL TRAVEL! Will do heavy Spring cleaning. Good reference. Pam, 815/344 2371. STOP! Let me do your housecleaning. Take the day off; 312/658 2236 WILL DO IRONING in my Carpentersville home 312/426-4149 WILL STEAM clean can Living room, $20. rooms, $10 ea, 5 yrs perience. 815/943 4793. ex ALGONQUIN MOTHER gives TLC In my home days & nights $45 week; 312/658 3084. AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON, November 8. December Specials! All perms 10* off; Frosting, $23.40, Pordean nails, $(500 Call 312/426 6565 HANDYMAN Service. Quality work at low prices We do ing. 815/597 4951. anything. 18 Auctions AUCTION Sunday, Nov. 11,10 a.m. Round glass chmi cabinet/lion head/cUw feet, cheny & walnut drop l«t table, walnut marble too sideboard nice, wicker rocker, small, med mm and large looms, oak and walnut accent tables maple chest and night stand, like new overstuffed chairs and rockers. 30 in stove, retn gerator and chest freezer, black and white and color TVs. redwood out door furniture, couch and love seat nice, glass front bookcases, glassware includes green and pink depression press, carnival and lewel lea, kero sene lamps, cast iron items, 6 ft aluminum brake, aluminum carpenters' 10 ft saw table, fool bones for pickup truck, router table. 8 H P riding mower/grass catcher new. corn auger on wheels, remaining hardware items includes grinding wheels DUKE RATH AUCTION CENTER 1 ml. W. el Elgin on Rt. 20 Terms: Cash, MasterCard or Visa 312-6^5-0388 Help Wanted 24 CARING PERSON elderly companion supervise medicine, 3 days weekly, 815/385-1206. Household 23 Help Wanted SEARCHING for mature, responsible & reliable nanny to love & care for our toddler & newborn, 5 days a week in our Johnsburg home. Hours, 8 6. ref required, call 815/344 5386 before 9 p.m. LIVE IN housekeeper, mature woman, for information call 815/459-0107 after 5 p.m. 1, LOVING person to 3 well behaved in my Woodstock home. Some overnights, transportion needed, parf time but permanent positon. 815/338 6479. RESPONSIBLE babysitter needed, for 2 yr. old boy & in fant, one day a week, & for ir regular occasions during the day. Woodstock only> 815/338- 0941. BABYSITTER, 40 hrs./ week, in my home, for 1 yearold, must have references, non smoker Call 312/697 7676. HOUSE CLEANING, in In- verness area, l or 2 people to clean house on Fri. House re quires 6 hrs to clean, no agen cies please References re- quired, 312/934 8847. MOTHERS HELPER Needed, Mon/Wed/Fri., 2-7pm., 2 children 4 8,6, own transporta tion, good salary. Sleepy Hollow, 312/426 4144. HOST OR HOSTESS, evenings. Wait persons, experience necessary, day or evening. Ap ply in person- Old Courtnouse Inn, lOJ'Johnson St., Woodstock, IL 815/338 6700. SITTER in my Crystal Lake home, 2nd shift, 2 girls 6 & 8, call between 9 am 8. 3 pm, 815/459 4288. BABYSITTER, 7amto4:30pm for 5 mo. old baby in our home, non-smoker, 815/455 6516 MATURE BABYSITTER need ed 2 afternoons a week. Must have own car; 815/455 5311. ^^p2rEiEngDEB'i.^ Pistakee Highlands area. Mon. Fri. 12 5:15 pm for 1 Va yr. old, refs. required. Call 312/497 3232 before noon or after 5:30 pm. MATURE PERSON to babysit 3.yr. old 8, infant in my Algon quin home, part time days but permanent. 312/658-3018. NEED FULL time babysitter to take care of 4 year old 8, 6 year old in Wonder Lake; 815/728 1659. 24 SECURITY O F F I C E R S Full & part time positions available, varied shifts In cluding weekends open. Stanley Smith Security, 312/885-0767, E.O.E. Help Wanted SCHOOL DISTRICTS 47 & 155 are looking for school bus drivers. Applications are being taken at the transportation facility located next to South High School, 1204 South McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake, AVON Now there are two ways to earn an impressive income. Call 815/459-5757. RESUMES ' a re d. District Managtr Due to the promotion o! one of our managers, we have an immediate opening m our Circulation Depar imeni for a person who en- loys working with people in a challenging career. Ex perience a plus, but will t/ain This is a salaried pnsmon with excellent bnnus plan and company benefits. Good iranspor lafion a must Apply in person 10. Plaindealer Herald 3812 W. Elm Street * McHenry. II 6005(1 Professionally 312/428 9255. L A N D S C A P I N G LABOR/Snowplow drivers, full time, hiring immediately, work in Arlington Heights. Call 815/344 1343 Skilled Nursing Home CHALLENGING POSITIONS ^ AVAILABLE Are "Veti. Interested in joining a team dedicated to providing quality care tor the elderly? We have the right opportunity for you! Licensed Nurses AND Certified Nurses Aides 471 West Terra Cotta Crystal Lake, Illinois 80014' (115) 4S5-0550 Help Wanted. LAWOFFICE SECRETARY Must be good with numbers, computer & telephone. Part- time. Send resume to Box AMV, % McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 60050. BODYMEN WANTED Must have experience at com bination work. Excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person: State Line Collision, 12013 Maple Ave., Hebron. FULL OR PART time on Dairy Farm. Call after 8 pm, 312/428- 1293. RECEPTIONIST, part time, O. Box 117, Cary, IL 60013. SCAN EARNS Expanding company has im mediate openings. Mr Adams* 312/449 1920. DECORATOR, In-Store, part time, experienced in interior design, sales 8> coordinating of our beautiful country home fur nishings. 25-30 hours and alter nate weekends required. Resume required. Salary guaranteed and commission. Prefer degree In design t.D.S. or A.S.I.D. By appointment on ly, 815/385 3896. Ask for Bonnie, Old Volo Country Galleries, Volo, IL. INSURANCE SALES We are seeking sales people to introduce our new insurance plans, (Universal Life, etc.) to our existing policy holders. We offer an outstanding finance program, 8, excellent benefits. We advance commissions weekly, with monthly produc tion which comet experience a plus but we are willing to train individuals with some intangible sales background. Call Tom Damianoat: 312/966-9700 HAIR STYLIST, part time, for growing salon. Experience preferred. Call 312/639-4390. CARPENTER WANTED Must be knowledgable in aN phases of construction. Year round work. Call 312/639-0T00, HIGH SCHOOL DIST. 155, Cafeteria worker, part time. Apply In Personnel, 45 W. Franklin, CryytalLake. P A R T T I M E F l o o r maintenance In Woodstock, weekends only, 7-10 am, $4 per hojir. Call Mr Mills. 312/358- SECRETARIES, experienced. Send resume to Nomac Ltd., Inc., 211 Bird Street, Algon- guin, IL. CLEANING, full time position for apt. complex located in Woodstock. Must clean vacant apts. 8i all common areas on premisis. Competitive salary & fringe benefits. Call S15/338- 2383. NEED HOLIDAY FUNDS? Summers over and the children are off to school. Don't let another winter keep you in the house! Explore the business world with our'temporary ser vice. We needall levels of Office . skills to service local & sur rounding preas. We have paid I vacations, holidays & bonuses. A.E. Schuurman&Assoc., Temporary Service Barrington, II. •. '> tvm-m tax Fast Growing accounting firm in McHenry County area needs experienced C.P.A. Partner- sMp potential available. Good benefits It working conditions. Send resume to Box A N R, Shew Free Press, P. O. Box M>. Crystal Lake, IL60014. NIGHT BUS BOYS, part time, LEARNING WHILE BEING PAIO We will train a mature. In dustrious Individual for night time data- entry on our Gould & Burroughs computers. Number of work hours will vary & are scheduled between 10 pm 4 4 am Monday through Friday. Weekends are also available. Pleasant working conditions with excellent growth poten tial. Ask for Ms. Wendy after 4 pm, 312/312-1400. sekiy, with monthly produc- >n & persistency bonuses, lich will give you high in ime earnings. Insurance sales MOLD MAKERS MOLD POLISHER EDM OPERATOR NC SET UP A OPERATOR Experienced only need apply. 50 hour work week + bonus incentive plan. Challenging close tolerance work. Excellent wages and benefits. ACCURA TOOL & MOLD INC. IWEImhurstSt. Crystal Lake, IL 40014 815-459-5520 PIANO ACCOMPANIST For Alden Hebron Jr. Nigh & High school chorus Tuesday & Thursday afternoons Teacher certification required Contact: 815/648-2886 data processing COMPUTER OPERATOR Experienced Only j ' IBM 4300 • OOI/VSC • VSAM • CKS/VS Fsnoaaliied Parking-Msslth Club-Swinunin| Peel- Racquet Bell Courts-Country Miner Style Office. i&ose Jacking (Compang M Northwest ToUeey A Harrington Rd. II2/M1-S700 lit. 14S COMPOSING The composition department for the Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group is expanding its evening shift. Full and part-time employment Is available at our Crystal Lake office for the following positions: • Page makeup • Ad pasteup • Typesetter , General hours are from 5:00pm to 12pm, however we offer flexibility Jn determfniho a schedule to meet your needs. Lake. Shaw Free Press Newspaper Croup SMWfMIHKSS nmrtnimw Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted WAITRESSES, experienced. All shifts open. Apply In person, Tervydale Restaurant, Rt. 31 & 176. crystal Wake. BASS A KEYS needed for FM Rock Group. Gigs, studio, video, very good prospects. Call Beck at 3lJ/i$M27«. PERSONAL LINES. Customer service represent!ve for in surance agency located in McHenry. Pull time position. For eppointment call 815/385- <541. MACHINE OPERATORS For plastic Injection molding company. Will train. Start im mediately. 2nd Shift. Ideal for female. Wonder Molded Products •015 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-3830 R.N., L.P.N. Full/part time. .. St., Crystal Lake. NURSE AIDES, all shifts. We tJeallhfaireCmter^ Illinois St., Crystal Lake. RAX RESTAURANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS It you are looking for a rapidly growing company Ih whicn you can move ahead rapidly, call for in terview: 815/455-4389 or send resume in con fidence to: Box AN Q Shaw Free Press P.O. Box 250. Crystal Lake, II60014 TUNGSTEN ' IfilERTGAS WELDER Full Time Day Shift Part Time night Shift BRIDGEPORT MACHINIST Full Time Night Shift With Advancement To Supervisor Night Shift Experience Required Excellent Pay, Full Insurance Plus Other Benefits Apply At G.K. INDEXABLE 6204 Factory Road Crystal Lake OFF SET PREP. Positions open in growing trade shop. 4/ color strippers, exp. only. Color proofing, cromalin & color key exp.. Company paid BARTENDERS needed, ex perienced only. Apply in per son, Cart's Fargo, located in Stratford Inn, in Sycamore. PART TIME DAY CARE Assistant needed. Flexible hours, own transportation, tx rience with children a mu^ Engineer MANUFACTURING ENGINEER This u a prime opportunity for a Manufacturing Engineer interested in building a solid career with the fastest (row ing division of Warner Elec tric We specialize in the de sign of step motors for com puter peripherals. The successful applicant will be responsible for cost esti mating and preparing routers lot actuator machining and ball screw machining and as sembly. A BS Degree in In dustrial Engineering, Manu facturing Engineering or an industrial technical area is required; previous manufac turing engineering experience or industrial engineering ex perience with a machining background preferred. In addition to career chal lenge. we can offer an ex cellent salary and benefits package including tax de ferred compensation plan, medical/dental/life insur ance and more. For consid eration. call or send your re sume to: ; AlCassldy 815/568-8001 MOTION CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION 1)00 N. Stat* Street Mirtnge. Illinois eOtSJ >•« , W|U«I opportunity tmptoyer perienc 312/639 3199. WAITRESS/WAITER, part time evenings & Saturdays, day. Apply inperson Pizza Hut. 2S4 Virginia St.;, Crystal Lake. 1160014. PERSON TO WORK on horse farm. Must be very experlenc ed with horses. 815/455-2344 OWNER OPERATORS Sign tractor on freight. Tractor trailer on steel. Try us on our fast cash lease for 30 days & get paid after each trip. Phone 800/346-8419. BUSY GROWING law office needs hard working, depen dable Secretary, Weisz & Weisze, 815/338 3*38 FULL & PART TIME Excellent working conditions In our phone room. No sales involved appointment setting A survey work/ Must be 16 or over, students welcome. Hour ly wage + bonus: earn up to S6 per hour. Call For Interview 815/338 3952 MOLDING MACHINE OPERATOR >.New ta)ilng applk*tlons at our Lakemoor facility. Must be able to work full time any shift. Above average starling pay, paid holidays, paid ( vacations among company benefits. , I P l e a s e a p p l y i n p e r s o n a t : ! * f t , CHROMA CORPORATION 325 Wegner Road (Lakemoor) McHenry, Illinois BETTER GRAPHICS A FAST GROWING COMPANY EXPERIENCED TYPE- a supervisory position shift. Good Benefits, NEEDS AN SETTER for on second salary open. 133 Illinois St., Crystal Lake 815-455-3830 VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED To Provide Services for Victims of Domesfic Violence. Free 5 Week Training Course Begins: Monday, November 12 1st United Methodist Church 236 West Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, IL No Experience Necessary For More Information Call: TURNING POINT 81S-338-8081 9 am to 3 pm Office CREDIT CORRESPONDANT Facilitate yte collection ot past due accounts by phone and written contact with customer* and salesperson R« view customers tor credit worthiness throuph study of In formation provided by credit services and customers WORD PROCESSOR Experienced, mature word processor to work In our cen- trallzed corporate department. Will use keyboard termi nal for magnetic media equipment Magna SL experience • plus. Good grammar skills required. Will provide'tech nical training. OH CALL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT or key punch/verity experience. On call work up tj 20 hours per week In corporate headquarters JUNIOR CREDIT CLERK Use video display terminal to create new customer ac counts for billing system following established proce CUSTODIAN Ceneral clean'ig of an assigned area, lawn upkeep and other outside maintenance Paint, floor care and other asalfned protects. Assist maintenance people In reoalr of r-rcx. «•» f UARCOINCORPORATED West County Line Rd. Barrington 312-381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F