SECTION 1 - PA 6 IM.AINDKALKH HERALD. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7.1984 any are injured whej^ barn floor collapses p 5 FIFTY YEARS AffO (Taken from the filet Of Nov. 8,1934) More than 150 people were nged Into the basement of the Schmitt farm, about a mile of Johnsburg, Wednesday t when the floor of the barn e way. The tragedy occurred n a large crowd of pleasure kers were dancing the old and ew dances to the music of rankie Gans' orchestra. It was stimated that altogether there ere 300 people present, but when h|e floor started to give way, ny ran out of the barn to safety, thers were spared because only portion of the floor collapsed. Most seriously hurt was Mrs. tto Adams of McHenry who suf- ered a broken leg and other in- ur4es. QUVBU injured were Mrs. Ibert Purvey, Miss Barbara eber, Mrs. Joseph Frett, Mrs. iCk Freund and Joseph B. chmitt. Tfhe week's movies at the Em- irp Theatre on Green Street in- luded Franchot Tone and May obsop in "Straight is the Way,v nh Harding and John Boles in Life of Vergie Winters," (adults »nly), and Will Rogers in "Judge "riest." Admission prices: 10 ents and 25 cents. WICE TOLD TALES Edited years gone oWev iro FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. #, 1944) Flames which started on the top the hay in the barn on the fi^iam W. I reund farm, east of aei city, destroyed that building, jsing sf /eral hundreds of >l|ars of damage on Tuesday ling. Through fire department ftyrts, the house was saved; (rever, the barn was completely troyed and losses included four a tean. of horses, one bull, ly, corn and grain and some iafchinery and tools. |he McHenry High School tor class Invited the communi- to attend performances tot the lass play, "The Mad Hatters" iving charters as made as (arch hares, dippier than the Big. tipper and nuttier • than a (hristmas fruit cake. Two »parate casts performed the play two consecutive nights, Nov. 16 17. beginning on Nov. 1, the rentals all dwelling units in McHenry >unty reverted to a basic max- lum legal rate established as a jntal charge on Oct. 1, 1943. The rincipal reasons for instituting ;nt control in McHenry county rere unusually stiff rent in creases during the past year and displacement and eviction of tenants. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the filet of Nov. 5,1958) Preparing for the big Boy Scout fund drive which starts Nov. 14 in McHenry, were Mayor George P. Freund, William E. Creutz, chair man of the local campaign, and two members of Troop 131, James Zvonar, 11 and Michael Zvonar, 12. "Why Go North?" asked the headline. A string of at least tlx black bass were caught recently by Dr. Leslie Krieger at Lake Killarney near Cary. Illinois hunters will be permit ted to shoot three cock pheasants per day during the 1959 hunting season which opens at noon on Nov. u. Previous to this year the daily bag limit has been two cock pheasants a day. Ronald F. Labin- sky, asisant wildlife specialist of the Illinois Natural History Survey, said "The bag limit was raised mainly to enable hunters to harvest a greater proportion of the fall crop of cocks than they have during the past few years." There are now ifMre pheasants in Illinois than before. The new owners of the Chapel Hill Country Club invited the public to a Turkey Shoot, Nov. 22. Mike Doherty and Jim Morgan advertised a new 18-hole golf course to be opened for the i960 season. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the filet of Nov. 6,1974) > Stray deer were the cause of two area accidents over the' weekend. Dennis M. Summerkamp of Wonder Lake reported that a deer ran into the roadway in front of him as he was driving west on Mc- Cullom Lake Road west of Route 31. He swerved and avoided the animal, but in doing so left the roadway and hit a tree. David A. LAFFIC FATALITIES Illinois traffic fatalities for [ugust totaled 165, a 29.9 per >nt increase from the same eriod of 1983, according to rovisional figures released by Illinois Department of isportation and the Illinois tate Police An IRA that guarantees you an income for life. Wi^h a Country Companies annuity, you can direct your money into an IRA that guarantees you a lifetime income. Ask your Country Companies agent about our annuity and other tax-qualified plans. McHENRY. II COUNTRY COMPANIES. A firm Bureau tofvic* | ONG LIVE CURLS! Quantum® perm, Special 31.88 Lasts So Long0 perm, . * Special 41.88 Long lasting curls and wavesare yours with our Helena Curtis perms Price includes shampoo, cut and style. Some perms not recommended for bleached or frosted hair. 20% off the regular price of all retail hair dryers in our Styling Salon. , Mktn and Ntuui product* a I way* available. Parcantaga off rapraaanli aavlnga on regular price*. Men effective thru Saturday. November 10th. JCPenney CHARGE IT. OPEN SUNDAYS. T H E STYLING SALON Irickyard, 745 0333 Ford City. 581-6376 Fox Valley, S51-6400 OoM Mill, 29*0246 Jollot Mall, 439 1444 Lakahurat, 473-0340 Lincoln MaH. 461 2606 N. Rlverelde, 447 8793 Orland Squaro, 346-7390 Spring HM MaM, 428-6966 Woodliald, 882 7454 Vorirtown, 629-7760 J C Company inc s' y McCinnia of Spring Grove told deputies a similar incident hap pened to him Sunday on James Road one half mile east of Wilmot Road. The deer appeared sudden ly causing him to swerve into a utility pole trying to avoid it. A Long Range Planning task force for the McHenry High School district and educators of the district made plans for the separation of the two schools from two two-year high schools to two four-year high schools at a meeting chaired by Ward Duel. A highly successful Halloween party at East campus gymnasium kept many witches and goblins off the streets Thursday night. This year's huge party was the enlargement of an Idea brought before the City Council last fall by Alderman Jack Pepping. The first year attracted 300 youngsters. This Halloween there were 500. The McHenry Police Department also contributed to the reduced number of trick-or-treaters with setting a definite two-hour period for the activity. Public invited to program on organ donor surgery The North Regional Illinois Chapter of the Association of Operating Room Nurses was established one year ago by operating room nurses from hospitals in the surrounding area and now has 53 members. The organization is dedicated to promoting high standards of operating room nursing care and is active in educational programs and legislation pertaining to healthcare. Wednesday"Nov. 14 is National Operating Room Nurse Day, and In order to commemorate that day the North Regional, Illinois Chapter is inviting the public to a free program on the topic of Organ Donor Surgery, on Nov. 14,7.30 p.m. at the Woodstock Opera House. Speakers will be an organ donor coordinator from Loyola Medical Center and a donor's father. / Refreshments will be provided. SERVICE LINE •. • A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHEtfttY McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302-G West Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, II60050 ' 815 385 6400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesday Call 815-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. week days lEver had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to cad? And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center) NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone:800-972-6004 (For confidential conversations on problems dealinr With run-away children) MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, or trains, Spon sored by Interstate Commerce Commission ! •" STAfE CHAMBER GOVERNML4T REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT > Pregnant? Need Help? Counseling Service. 385-2999 24 hour Answering Service McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24-Hours Child Abuse Hotline TOLL FREE:800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines. Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys.) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P.O. Box 1607, RockviRe. Md. 20850 (Dispenses information on soter systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for e sun-powered hot-water system! YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W. Elm St., McHenry \ Phone:344-3240 ' 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youth and families. NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 lAnswers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled Valuable for those interested in buying a used car.!, / • MENTAL HEALTH 1-800-892-8900 Crisis Center Line for McHenry Co. 24-hour Emergency number and professional staff wiH answer your call. Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System. NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Box 17400, Washington, D C. 20041 Phone (703)471-0404 CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago II ILLINOIS ST ATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone: 217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations. McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct, Woodstock, II60098 Phone (815) 338-7100 Jcfc Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robert G. Lambourn, Executive Director Phone:344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-3311 McHENRY TOWNSHIP DIAL-A-RIDE^ 385-5671 Monday thru Friday 8:00AM 4 00P M Fares are $1 for adults; 50Cfor senior citizens, handicapped and students; children under 7 riding with a paying adult are free PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES, INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation in civil cases to low income persons. Landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial of benefits such as Social Security, Public Aid, Food Stamps, General Assistance & Unem ployment Insurance. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Thursday 8-7 p.m. For information call 338-8080 - COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHertry County ChapterlFor bereaved parents) Oil 385-5732 . ( SPRING |GROVE| 815 675 6663 LUMBER CO. FAU VALUE DAYS CASH AND CARRY AT ITS $SR • i VISA ' -> •. Ui-H >V •*& VWNEST^y STRETCH PRICIS YOUR BUCKS AT TOTEM LUMBER .lowesr 7:30 to 9:00 THURS B OO to 5:00 SATjH 9:00 to 2:00 SUM PQENTERPRISE Save SO % TtiaKLta INTERIOR PAINT SALE OVER 1.000 COLORS MAKITA PRICED RIGHT AT TOTEM!! Model Of4700 W' Variable Speed, Reversible Drill Heavy D«t| " REG $15 99 REG $18 99 *7# $9i? CH€CK OUT TOTEM LUMBER FOR YOUR BEST BUY ON HARDWOODS •OAK •ASH •WALNUT •BIRCH ^ The Sheet •MAPLE •CHERRY •MUCH MORE NOVEMBER SPECIAL 4/4 SELECT & BETTER Model 6800DBV 0-2500 RPM, Reversible Drywall Screwdriver 2500 RPM, Reversible Drill FOX RIVER GROVE 312 6393866 2"x4"x8' STUDS u. Armstrong SUSKNMD CHUNGS Model 5007NB 7l/<" Circular Saw Super Duty v sJ Model JG1600 Model Hp 103°* Single Speed 3/8" Variable Speed, Jig Saw Reversible Drill Heavy Duty1 M2 TEXTURED 24"x48" Lay in Panels •Fire Retardant ^coustica]_*Washable JKkI (A. StSfil $1 sV ONLY RED OAK j "A Great Christmas Gift" 12?I Seals Fissures. Cracktt and Crevices on Root1 Great for Root Flashing and a Bond Between Pooling layers. Hon-Fibre ROOF COATING AspWt Base Rejuvenate Old Roofs! $ 1 0 » » I JL 5 gallon Provides a Barrier Against the Elements' Apply with Brush or Spray' Kolbe & Kolbe Replace that old aluminum patio door with a genuine wood patio door unit. REPLACEMENT 5/11x6/1 *349 SWSTOR STORM SCRUM DOOR TOtft CNOKI 1/Sit/l oe l/ai kl* STORM DOORS A beautiful -ncome tai deduction that reduces the cost o» heating and cooi.n. your home Ruggedly built and handsomely finished to cive *ou veart of energy saving service * y- COIONI41 CROSS-RIICI STORM SCRIM BOOR TOW CNOKI >/!•«/• N . J/tit/l PATIO STORMS »/••»/• i' ' 4 i *59" *119" I