Jack Vick (left) talks with West Campus freshman students the results of the career planning profile test taken in October. MERCHANDISE CuARANCt Center - SECTION 2 • PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER HER ALD. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7.1984 Guidance week target is freshmen students "Harvey" is at JHS Elwood P. Dowd (Chap Hughes) introduces his friend Harvey to Mrs. Chauvenet (Linda Maiorca) as Elwood's sister (Lisa Kelly) and niece (Michelle Hazelrigg) look on. Tickets for Johnsburg High School's presentation of "Harvey" are available at the door. Showtime is 8 p.m. Nov. 8,9 and 10. Lecture series slated On Wednesday, Nov. 14„Kathy Spyrnal, manager of cardio pulmonary services for Nor thern Illinois Medical Center (NIMC) will speak concerning "Shaping up your car diovascular system* During American Education Week, Nov. 11-17, McHenry High School District 156 will sponsor a four-part lecture series on topics of current interest to adults. The lectures are free and open to all Dist. 156 residents On Monday, Nov. 12, Doug Seifkin will discuss "Computers for the small business" in the teaching * theater of East Campus. On Tuesday, Nov. 13, William Neumann, C.L.U., will present a program on "Investments and ir-end planning" at East also in the at West Campus library. Thursday, Nov. On Elizabeth 15, Stewart, an ex perienced hospice volunteer, will discuss "Living with death in today's society" in the library at West Campus. All programs begin at 7 p.m. For more details, contact Norb Wolter at 385-7900. Career guidance week is Nov. 4-10 in McHenry High Schools. Currently, all freshman students are discussing their career planning profile, a career inventory developed by the ACT program. The test, which is taken by all freshman students in McHenry High Schools, gives students, counselors and parents a profile of the student s abilities, in terests and experience. The Two are in honors program at IU Two McHenry area scholars are among the new freshman students enrolled in the honors program at Indiana University, Bloomington. Students accepted into the honors program come from the top 10 percent of their high scnool graduating class, scored 1,200 in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and passed a review of their academic records. From the McHenry area are Katherine E. Wester and Laura Carlson. Both are sburg High raduates of John- hool. MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE SALES DATE N0V.7TH THRU NOV. 13TH WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 301 W. VIRGINIA AVE. RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE--455-0333 AND, ROUTE 176, WAUCONDA CARD HOURS: MON, TUES, SAT. 9-5 WED, THURS, FRI. 9-8; SUN. 10-3 REGULAR STORE PRICE ^WINTER CLOTHING SALE 50% OFF ALL MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING IN STORE JACKETS-COATS-SWEATERS-PANTS SLACKS-BLOUSES-SHIRTS-TOPS GLOVES-SHOES-BOOTS-PURSES HAND BAGS AND MUCH MORE FLATWARE AND CUTLERY SALE KNIVES AND FUTWARE OFF RE6. PRICE 60% FRIENDLY FOLKS COTTAGE MAKE BELIEVE PLAYSET NOW $359 REG $7.19 BABYSWEETUMS DRINKS AND WETS Include! Stroller with Chlmei NOW $Q99 REG $14.99 BIG SHOT MUGS 413 OZ CRYSTAL MUGS 7-PC C00KWARE SET PROVINCIAL BY REGAL SILVERTONE INTERIOR NOW $ 0 0 9 9 R E G $47.99 ALL WATCHES ANDJEWELRY fin% OFF W W / O R E G . P R I C E MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE information is valuable to the student in developing self- awareness about career choices, future selection of high school courses and setting goals for careers and post-nign school education. All of the information is in cluded in the Individualized Career Plan (ICP). Juniors will have an opportunity to take the test again and evaluate changes in the interests and career gods. : ^ X r® Grind new ts (ol NOTICE The following items in the Opening Celebration circular spaper were incorrect. They should lows: Paielt 0.- Bop' nylon/suede snow jogger. Ret $28 Sale 22.40 Boys' Yelcro® close boot in biown or grey. Reg. $l» Sale 14.40 Page 19 C. One lo manufacturer's production problems, the Samsonite® Tiemporu luua|R in not available lor sale. We do have substitutions from Samso nite® available at 25* to 40% savings. Page 20 B. S' (meas. diag) black and white TV with AM/FM radio. 11031 Re|. 1 29 95 , Sale $99 Page 21 E. Matching oblong or contour nylon bath mat. Reg $14.... ..Sale 10.50 We regret any inconvenience this might have caused you. JCPenney Introducing... Jean d'Estrees cosmetics and fragrances, exclusively available at JCPenney. Paris, for many years, has been the Mecca of Designer Clothing, Fragrances, Cosmetics, and Treatment Products. And Jean d'Estrees, internationally know facialist and creator of fine skin care and beauty products which are well known in France, is now making his beauty secrets available here. His collection of truly advanced treatments and cosmetics which have been simplified to meet the everyday needs of the American woman's active lifestyle, are now available to discerning women, exclusively at JCPenney. Join us at the following stores from 11 AM to 4PM for make-up demonstrations, and receive a free gift with any Jean d'Estree's purchase. Wednesday, November 7th. Ford City Golf Mill Northbrook Court North Riverside Park Woodfield Vorktown Thursday, November 8th Brickyard Fox Valley Center Lakehurst Lincoln Mall Northbrook Court Orland Square Southlake Mall Spring Hill Mall .Woodffeid JCPenney YOUR 1ST PURCHASE YOUR 2ND PURCHASE YOUR 3RD PURCHASE Y0UR4TH PURCHASE 20% OFF! 30% OFF! 40% OFF! 1/2 PRICE! SALE INCLUDES Every Name Brand Suit! Sportcoat! Pant! Outerwear! IN STOCK < WE OVERBOUGHT! YOU SAVE BIG! PRICES BELOW YEAR END CLEARANCE! -