ByFloKlemm Several months ago we advised in one of our columns, that there was legislation pending to allow senior citizens and handicapped persons to keep their pets in federally-subsidized housing. However, the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seems to have decided that the law should apply to those pro jects built only for occupancy by the elderly and handicapped. It will benefit very few pet owners since there are few federally subsidized buildings ex isting that were built exclusively for occupancy by the elderly and handicapped. This pets-in-housing law is threatened, and if this law does not apply to you at this time, it may be important to you later in life. If interested, you can write to the following and tell HUD you want this law to apply to all elder ly and handicapped individuals living lh all federally subsidized housing: Rules Docket Clerk, Of fice of General Counsel, Room 10276, Department of HUD, 7th and D Streets SW, Washington, D.C. 20410. ^Helping PAWS DOGS FOR ADOPTION Yellow Labrador, adult female, spayed, shots, housebroken. 312- 683-3727 Yellow Labrador, 3-year-old female, shots, housebroken. 653- 5276 German shepherd, 8-week-old female, shots. 943-3496 Red setter, 6-year-old female, spayed, shots, housebroken. 338- 5917 Beagle, 8-year-old female, shots, housebroken, good with older children. 312-639-7905 Maiamute-shepherd, 4-year-old female, spayed, black, silver and white, shots, good with older children. 344-5769 German shepherd, 2-year-old female, shots, housebroken. 678- 4486 Golden setter, 2-year-old black and tan male, shots. 648-2067 - _ ~ Ghihuahua-terrffer, 7-year-old male, shots, housebroken. 312-658- 9079 Collie mix, 1-year-old female, spayed, short hair, shots, housebroken. 312-639-2505 Toy collie mix, 4 Vfc-year-old male, housebroken. 459-8965 Poodle, 1-year-old black male, housebroken, good with older children. 459-5192 Golden Labrador mix, 1-year- old male, shots, housebroken. 344- 0359 Poodle-cocker, 6-year-old black f e m a l e , s p a y e d , s h o t s , housebroken, not good with children. 455-2608 Terrier, 2-year-old female, spayed, shots. 312-546-6227 Red setter mix, 9-year-old f e m a l e , s p a y e d , s h o t s , housebroken. 312-669-5519 Sheltie-Keeshond, 4-month-old black and sable female, black mask, semi-long hair, shots, housebrdken. 312-639-7076 CATS FOR ADOPTION Dark tiger stripe, 6^-month-old short hair male, neutered, shots. 455-1256 Young adult black and white female, spayed, shots. 312-639-4765 Two 8-week-old white and black, male and female. 455-1256 Six 4-week-old kittens: calico; - pale rust; black and white; grey and white; semi-long hair, young adult female, black and white, semi-longhair. 312-639-1351 Tabby, 1-year-old short hair female, spayed, declawed; 4Vfe- month-old black and white male, declawed. 312-658-8056 Two 7-week-old kittens, Morris, short hair, male and female. 455-. 3514 Peach stripe, young adult short hair female, shots. 455-3514 Persian mix, young adult female, grey long hair. 459*6722 Orange 6-month-old short hair male. 312-6584994 Two 7-week-old kittens; calico; black; young adult, black short hair female. 385-7441 Persian mix, 2-year-old white female, blue eyes, declawed, deaf. 312-669-3807 Tiger stripe, 10-month-old male. 344-1738 Four 7-week-old kittens: three black, one grey; adult female, black short hair. 455-2497 Young adult short hair male, white with grey head, back and tail. 653-9394 Three 6 -week-old semi-long hair, two grey, one black. 653-9702 Six 9-week-old kittens: semi- long hair; yellow; calico; black; grey tabby. 338-8298 Persian mix, 2-year-old male, grey with gold eyes, shots. 728- 0108 Three 6-week-old kittens: black and white; two grey and white, semi-long hair. 568-7704 For 9-week-ol<i kittens, semi- long hair: black a grey; grey and cream. 312-639-6853 F o u r 6 - w e e k - o l d k i t t e n s : jam; Morris, two grey; semi- Cockapoo, 12-year-old black and grey male. Woodstock. Call after 2:30 p.m. 338-2034 Labrador, 5-year-old small, thin male, black collar, silver rivets. Hillside and Walkup Woods. 459- 7618 FOUND DOG S Collie, sable and white, 3-year- old male. Route 59 and 12. McHenry. 344-4015 Resembles coonhound, adult female, white, black and brown, long droopy ears, large size, short hair. Covered Bridge. 455-3103 Golden retriever mix, 3-4 year old male, long hair, red and white flea collars. Central High School. 455-6398 . % Afghan-shepherd, 4-month-old medium large male, gold, black and white, black mask. Hillside and Walkup. 459-0057 LOST CATS Black 3-year-old short hair female. East MeHenry. 385-9203 Black 3-year-old short hair female, spayed, pink collar with b e l l s . J o h n s b u r g - P i s t a k e e Highlands. 312-497-3239 FOUND CATS Male short hair kitten, black with white chest and paws and white streak on nose. Found Hallo ween night, Lakeland Park, McHenry. 344-5392 Orange and white, 6-month-old short hair male. Lakeland Park. 344-2970 Call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They also have pets for adoption, 338-7040. For in formation on Helping Paws lost, found and adoptions, call 459-2641. SNOWMOBILE GRANTS Snowmobile grants-in-aid from the Department of Conservation sill are available to local govern ment units and private clubs for improvement or construction of snowmobiling facilities. SOFT WATER RENTAL 9'V- •NO installation charge . •NEW fully automatic softeners •TWO year option to buy with •FULL rental fee deducted •ONE phone call can answer any questions 9/7TV 312-259-3393 ^5Bnotonso?twatBico! lohghair. 312-658-6183 Grey tiger, short hair, 4-month- old male, white tuxedo front and face, shots. 455-0640 Tortoise 14-week-old semi-long hair female, 943-6541 Three U-week-old kitten, black, short hair; white 3-month-old • short hair female, three 12 week olds, black, short hair. 568-7475 Three 10-week-old kittens, Manx mix: black with tail; grey with half tail; white and grey, no tail. 312-381-9157 Two yellow 8-week-old semi- longhair females. 338-5817 *week-aW kittens: one orange; two black and white. 455- 3207 Two 7-week-old female kittens: grey with white, semi-long hair. 455-2994 LOST DOGS Golden Labrador-pointer, 3- year-old short hair male, red col lar. Hillcrest Ave. 459-0285 Collie, sable and white, 3-year- old large male. South Cherry Valley Road, Ridgefield. 459-1033 Schnauzer l5Vfe-year-old black, male, black collar, rabies tag, weak heart. Woodstock. 815-338- 5473 Labrador-cocker, 1-year-old dark brown female, black collar. Route 47 near funeral home, Woodstock. Reward. 338-0324 Golden retriever, 2%-year-old female, spayed, long hair, large. Spring Grove. 815-675-6073 Black Labrador mix, 11-year- old large male, grey collar, ID tag. West side, Wonder Lake. 728- 1775 TlATY ytt AT JLArmJLjX# 1 vJ# j l j LRj Seven's on the mc FARMERS: We have an excellent line of dry flotation equipment and operators. There are no blending, delivery, or spreading charges tacked on. No soil test charges when you buy our fertilizer. When we quote you a price, that is the price-no hidden surprises. ItV easy to calculate your cost per acre. Call us! Left get your fall fertilization program rolling! JACKSON'S FARM STORE IMN.EostStreot Marengo, Illinois Phono t16-SM-M55 f | 1 1 4 W rite in comments oil pets in housing law SECTION 2-PAGE 15-PL AINDEAEEK HICK AI.IJ. WEI>!SES|>A\, NOVI.MItllt 7 l«>m O American Broadcasting Gompan*?- hx 1984 This weekend „ get a spacious downtown Chicago hotel room, with your own balcony and built-in bar, located right off North Michigan Avenue. All for only , fe," • That's Executive Class. Evewitnê NEWS© Therfe's momentum at Channel Seven. News,. weather, and sports that's on the move and gaining more viewers every day. If you're not watching Eyewitness News, the next move is yours. ARAMADAHOTEL Chicago's Executive Class Hotel 71 East Wicker Drive. Chicago. Illinois 60601 Local phi me. (312)146-7100 Callers outside Illinois, dot L#00-621^005^ Or use our Ramada Reservations number. 1-000-228-2828. Operated by The Management Group. Inc.