, '.••Page 2 • PLAINDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, MJVEMMEH 7. 1«»4 Opinion/Politics Legislature will deal with governor's vetoes, bills kF-J _• While consideration of the > governor's vetoes will be the . main chore legislators face when they return to Springfield -. later this month, veto messages - will not be the only subject for •legislator's review, according to state Lep. Dick Klemm, R- . Crystal Lake. ... Klemm said lawmakers will ,also consider measures that ' have been drafted and in- iroduced in the interim between the spring and fall sessions. So far, three measures have been introduced for consideration this fall, although more may be filed by mid-November; In other action, Klemm said the state's revenue picture remains strong. In adcution to earlier reports that indicated a healthy balance in state funds generally, recent reports show two special funds are par ticularly strong. According to a report from the state comp troller, Illinois ended'the first quarter of the fiscal year with $140 million in the state road fund, the highest first quarter balance in the history of that special fund. And, the gover nor's office indicates that state KrJ Women Dems to meet The McHenry County D e m o c r a t i c W o m e n ' s ^Organization will hold it's next 'meeting Thursday, Nov. 15. The meeting is scheduled for 8:15 p.m. at the Cary Park District building located at 255 Briargate Rd., Cary. The scheduled speaker is Lillian Clinton, vice-chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee. The group will also finalize plans for a holiday get together. .For further information call Maureen Quantz, (815) 385-5622 or Kathy Cichonski (815)385- 8481. The public is invited to attend all meetings. Need Best Friend check the PET SECTION of Classified. • Plaindealer HERALD (USPS 335-200) Established 187S 3812 West Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 Circulation 385 0178 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send oddress changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of chonge of address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Donna Santi-Editor ^toarb Winning ilftospaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES In McHenry County '?vvCofr'er ...^.- 50 Week I Year by Mail > .$19 00 Ou»»He McHenry County ,' uy Mail $27 00 lottery sales are up 69 percent for the fiscal year. Lottery sales reached $301.50 million for the period from July 1 to Sept. 30. Profits were up 74 percent and prizes paid to winners climbed 70 percent. Three measures, dealing with utilities, agriculture and crime, ha ve been Introduced since July for consideration during the fall session. Those measures are: Commerce Commission (HB 3282). Calls for the election, rather than appointment, of members of the Illinois Com merce Commission (ICC). Three would be elected from the Chicago region and four from downstate. The governor would be allowed to choose the chairman from among the elected members. Farm Products (HB 3283). Farmers could obtain special permits exempting their two- axle trucks from weight restrictions when transporting grain from the field to elevators during the harvest season. Some farmers have charged that state police set up roadblocks and portable scales to harass far mers during harvest season. Aggravated Battery (HB 3281). An attack ag»M a handicapped person would be considered aggravated .battery, carrying a suffer penajfy thxn simple battery charges* Datz steps down in April Aid. Edward Datz, 2nd Ward, will not seek re-e{ection in April's election. Datz and three other aldermen, Mayor Joseph Stanek, City Clerk Barbara Gilpin and the Treasurer Jon Meyer all face re-election this spring. Aldermen whose terms are-up include Elizabeth Nolan, 1st Ward; Edward Datz, aid Waitl; Ray Smith, 3rd Ward; and Cecilia Serritella, 4th Ward. Gilpin .noted at Monday night s council meeting that nominating petitions are now available at city hall, 1111 N. Green St., McHenry. Petitions may be filed from Jan. 14 to Jan. 21. ON THE RUN STATE SPENDING State spending for higher education m FY 1984 was $1,308 billion, an increase of 67 percent in the last 10 years, according to state Comptroller Roland Burris. It is also the fourth largest state expenditure. /.r FOXY v FOODS TOOLS OF THE TRADE Your best workmates this winter are Timberland Wbrk Boots. • Guaranteed 100% waterproof. • Insulated to weil below zero degrees. * . • Long wearing rugged sole. Came in and enter our Timberland Workmates Sweepstakes. WILSON SHOES 163 E. 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Redesign your old stones and bring them back to life. Choose from hundreds of modern and traditional top-of-the-line styles to elegantly display your precious stones in Indies' and gentlemen's ring mountings pendants or earrings. h '">• A ¥ \ ir* J T - V . IfU * A ^ /», >/ V. m jp \ / tO , ® fa f'rt jA*. Atf SPARKLING REMOUNT SALE NOVEMBER 8*9'10 THURS. 9to6'Fm. 9loS'SAT. 9io3 20% OFF ALL GOLD MOUNTINGS 13-5 DAY SERVICE) BUY NOW WHILE GOLD PRICES ARE LOW. 37*1'. ELM ST. (RTE. 1201 MILL PONDCOl'RT McHEMH.IL ItlSl 315-6070 NEW HOURS: MON.THURS94 FRIDAY SATURDAY 94 spurgeons McHenry Market Place Now! Our Biggest Playtex® Sale... Entire Stock at off Thru Tucs., Nov. 13 only! Bras, girdles, everything! Rush in now--save 1/2! \ Sorry-- No Rainchecks or Special Orders xJ