PACE 12 . . <J\/[s.e.t (Out c/ftsa <W, omen On Siat/i£ii DORIS WAGNER Deris started part-time ia the fall of 1*57 while Mill la high school. Upon her tmlliua la Jne 19SI, the hagaa fall thn h the bookkeeplag, departmeat. Dur- i*| the next four yean she worked la the bookkeep ing, proof and teller depnrtmeata, leaving is Aagust INI to ralae a family. Doris retaraed to the hnk again la December 1971. Oa November 1, 1977 Ac be came head teller aad was made Assistant Cashier oa September 14,1971. Her daties are maialy to staff aad sapervise all teller activities at each of the three buildings of McHcnry State Bank. McHENRY STATE BANK 351*1?. ELM ST., McHENRY MARILYN WAGNER Owner aad manager of her Owa business, corporate secretary aad coatroller of another, Marilyn Wagner kas been in the MeHeary business community for die laat 14 years. After moving to MeHeary in 1997 from Elk Grove Village aad raising four children, Narilya started working la 1979 with her husband, Don, who owns Northwest Auto Electric, 1319 N. Riverside Drive. After incorporation, she became corporate se cretary aad controller of the business. la 1977, Mari lyn started her own basiaess. Fox Valley Arts aad Paints, 1319 N. Riverside Drive, selling artist's sup plies aad catering to the aeeds of professional artists tkroughout the MeHeary area. FOX VALLEY ARTS & PAINTS I310N. RIVERSIDE DR., McHENRY JOANNE EPPERS m heea with MeHeary Slate Baak siace 1975. She la a graduate of Western Illiaois University with a degree in merchandising. Before eoatiag to MeHeary State Bank she was employed by Chaa. A. Steveas A Co., la Vernon Hills. Perseatly Joaaae holda the title of Persoaael Officer aad aaaiats ia admiaisteriag the bank's personnel maaagamyat program. Joaaae aid her kasbaad reside ia Woader Lake. McHENRY STATE BANK 3519 W. ELM ST., McHENRY ELOISE BENES Eloise started at MeHeary State Baak in August of ,1969 aad worked ia various departments until she be- gaa working ia the trust departmeat in October 1979. Later ia January 1999, she was promoted to Assistant Trust Officer, and in this position, Eloise is in charge of trust operations. McHENRY STATE BANK # 351$ W. ELM ST., McHENRY KIM SCHMITT him Schmitt opened her naahrnmaii beauty salon in the Tonyan Building oa Rte 31 two aad a half years ago. la that tiaw a has growa into quite a saccessfal business with a rapidly cxpandtnm Clientele. Al- 1 though Kim specialises In cuts and pantos for the en tire family, she particularly caters to working men aad women with convenient evening hoars. A 1991 of Don Roberts School of Beauty ia she matntalas her proficiency ia the most by atteadiag beauty shows aad seasi- ! a year. CUTS'N CURLS BY KIM lms. RTE. II, SUITE 2$S, McHENRY * CINDY MYERS Cindy has been associated with Advantage Real F*1'1* for 3 years in the position of office coordinator. Her responsibilities include billing, receptionist/secreta rial duties and advertiaing. Her'devotion aad dedica tion has made her an integral part of our business. ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE LTD. IS>7 W. ELM ST. McHENR Y MS-MM LILLIAN CAIRNS LIIHsn began her career with McHenry State Baak in April MS3. She became the first w&nan officer when apointed Assistant Cmhlar la Jaanary 1993. She waa later promoted to assistant Vice President fa 1979, Her preeeat dados laclade superviaiag the bookkeep- ina denartment. McHENRY STATE BANK 3519 W. ELM ST., McHENR T CAROL A. SCHOLLE Carol started with MeHeary State Baak la Jaae of 1963 ia the bookkeepiag department. She waa ap pointed Assistant Auditor in January 1971. Carol helped with the conversion of the manual postiag of checkiag aecouats to aatomatioa and was instrumen- tal in setting ap verification procedures few all bade applies tioas. McHENRY STATE BANK SSU V. ELM ST., McHENRY