Pairr 4 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD. WEDNESDaV. NOVEMBER 7.1984 Remember the needy before Christmastime Visit restaurants and you can't imagine there are hungry and needy people in our area. >; FISH knows better The organization also knows some people are in dire need of warm clothing to withstand the wintry blasts. Needy people can't wait until Christmas when generosity prevails. They need food and clothirtg now. So I Hear by Earl Walsh l The FISH organization also » needs cash donations which are * spent wisely. £ The time for action is now! * Let's help. X I'm some picker! How come I always pick a cart • in4 a food store with one bad • wheel. * I struggle as the blamed cart ? goes gee when it is supposed to haw. 0 ' " I Publisher Tom Miller is giving t readers a chance/ to express > their likes and dislikes about the new Plaindealer- Herald. * You are urged to fill out the * blank or phone your message. ; if half of the readers who have ; expressed their opinions to me > ii< my moving about will respond, it will give C management the information - tHtey are seeking. * Do it today. Don't wait for ; tomorrow. • Oct. 29, 1984 ! Dear Earl: A beautiful day : with the temperature in the • high 80's was the manner in I„.fyhich the 15th McHenry Day ! in Florida was blessed. A I lovely crowd of 71 former !< McHenryites spent the day I chatting and renewing I acquaintances. * ! Eight new members were - greeted with enthusiasm: Cyril 'Aliens,Jim Lester, Ernest I Harths, Helen Miller, Allan t Vogts, Maryjean Ziemba, Henry Shermans and Howard Bieritzs. Dorothy Miller of Pompano ' Beach was a first timer. ; The membership voted to • have the next McHenry Day on I March 30, 1985 and the meeting I place has been changed. We will ; be meeting in the Anderson • Park, Rt. 19, Tarpon Springs, ^ Florida. Everybody is an- J ticipating a large turnout for the ; 16th McHenry Day. • The committee, which con- j? sists of Bill Pries and Pauline, ; Elaine Gray, Roy and Loretta * Homo, John and Shirley »Woodward and Ray and ^Florence Rothermel, strive to {make each and every gathering • a little different. A grand time • was had by all at the 15th v McHenry Day. ' Thanks a lot <Bill and Pauline Pries ! Thanks for the report, Bill and r. Pauline. The whole idea of • McHenry Day has pleased many ; people. I I am posting the date and * place concerning your next v gathering. Each year somebody phones for information. Note to Bill: I am starting a new collection of keys, but don't want your help. Every time we have bones to put in the garbage after a meal, I think how some dog would like to chaw on them. In our day, we fed the dog with scraps from the table. Never thought of buying dog food. Way back in the days when it was a sight for a girl's petticoat or bloomers to show beneath the skirt, smartaleck boys would yell: "I see London, I see Frtuice. I see somebody's^'Tta- derpants." How times have changed. It has been discovered that Herb Reihansperger is a song leader. I didn't know tllat! Yep. Rumor has it that Herb will sing the National Anthem on opening day at Wrigley Field in 1985. That should draw a crowd. Everybody I met was talking about the terrible thunderstorm occuring one night last week. "What storm?" With my hearing aids on the stand beside the bed, I slept peacefully through it all. SUDDEN THOUGHT- In my hospital stays, it seemed like every patient ad mitted had a new bathrobe. Not much excitement on Halloween. The weather dampened some enthusiasm. The scare of tampered candy also showed. In days when my father was the only policeman in town, he was (xi foot and couldn't keep up with the tricks all over town. The favorite trick was tipping over outhouses. The late Percy Lodtz used to tell how a gang of older boys tipped over the extra large (8- holer) outhouse in back of the City Hall. " When the "building was tipped, the boys looked up and saw "Officer Jack" (my father). Percy claimed, "Jack didn't bawl us out as we expected. All he said was," boys, you got it down, now put it up again". When they couldn't get the building up, they had to pool their money the next day and hire George "Frenchy" Meyers (with team of horses) to restore the building. There weren't many arrests in those days as punishment matched the crime. Today your business depends on the efficiency of your air conditioner. Imagine how much business a restaurant would do in July if they put a sign in the window: No air conditioning. We met so many congenial people at the Longhorn Friday night that I can't remember which girl asked if I remember when calendars had pockets attached for holding bills. Yep. That I remember. How come? I wash as much as anybody, but every time I wear a clean shirt for a few hours the collar looks dirty. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to wear detachable collars as was the style way back when. Men used to wear those hard collars at one time. Morris VanAtta operated a laundry ana went from house to house to pick them up. Men didn't change shirts every time they changed collars. That's the way it was. And that's that for another week. [First session is free in * .stress management program ' The Lake Region YMCA and •'The Counseling Center will co- sponsor a stress management pro- ; gram beginning Thursday, Nov. 8 •at 7 p.m. * The three-day program will be 'held on consecutive Thursdays for - one and a half hours per session. 5 Coping with holiday stress, learn- ;ing stress reduction techniques, spurgeons McHenry Market Place 385-4100 on Winter Sale Ends Nov. 11th 4 % \ >, s/wy i % - • 5. Vv i' 1 ,,'//*///>. ">' 11 h Tifru1 1749 Reg. $22-$25 Fashions to fake you in style! Graceful, long sleeved polyester beauties with tucked bod ices, elastic waists, obi belts, more! Misses' 10-18, half sizes 141/2-221/2. Ai V/i? v rt* n * 1199 OR99 I I m4m\J Reg. $15-$34 Winter Fashion Boots for ladies! Wa ter-resistant nylon with pile or padded linings; fashion colors! 5-10M. Kids' and Infants' sizes on sale too! 49 99 Reg. $69 Pant Coats enriched with faux fur collars, smartened with plaid scarves! Just two great looks from our new collection in important new coldrs. See them all in missy and half sizes. Other Winter Coats at Reduced Prices! 1"-3 49 Reg. $2.50-$4.50 Hanes Too® Panty hose; Sheer, Control Top, Light Support. In fashion colors! Sizes A-B, C-D, E-F. 14" -Reg. $19-$21 Ladieb' Denim Jeans -- multi colored and varied stripes! Baggies for jr's, misses and women 32-42. QPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 U )r k lf\ avoiding substance abuse to reduce stress, and various other methods such as hypnosis will be covered in the program The Nov. 8 class is a free in troductory night. Registration is being taken at the YMCA, 7315 S. Route 31 in Crystal Lake Call the Counseling Center for the YMCA for more Information 1199 I I Reg. $17 Men's yelour Shirts of cotton/poly in navy, bur gundy, chocolate, pew ter. Sizes S-M-L-XL. 599 Reg. $8 Men's Flannel Shirts-- a huge selection in terri fic cotton plaids! His in sizes S-M-L-XL. 11 99 Reg. $17 Men's Heavyweights- yard dyed woven cotton shirts in eye-catching plaids. S-M-L-XL. Use Classified Pages Get fast Ad Results 1649-3749 Reg. $22-$50 Men's Outerwear -- 25% off original prices! Choose club jackets; long, hooded corduroys; reversible styles and more. S-M-L-XL, 36-44. Um our Free Layaway ... or Chooaa and Charge today! 599 Ea Reg. $8.50 Tops, Bottoms -- men's sweat sepa rates of acrylic/ cotton to mix and match. Six colors! Sizes S-M-L-XL. iiitr/js 899 * Reg. $13 Woven Acrylic Shirts for men--a special pur chase! 6 premium plaids in sizes S-M-L and XL. U i » !r 12"-16" Reg. $19.99-$25 Parachute Pants -- a special purchase! Flight satin nylons; waists 24- 34", inseams 33" and 34". Black, grey.