P«*e 9- FLA IN DEALER HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1** PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified Advertiser*, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or orrunission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the ^irst incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Depactment at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815 385 0170 Private Party ft Commercial Line Ads 815 344 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment in odvonce must be mode for these ads 'Babysitting 'Business Opportunifes 'Business . Services 'Gorge Sales 'Moving Sales 'Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms. Appts. to Share 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease. Re-rent. etc. -Wonted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. •DIRECTORY Office Hrs M F 8 30a.m 5 00pm <iP 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Press I1HY.YIT: PAR I ,I I INI ADS Newspaper Group •Sentln«i~H«rald (Woodstock) *The Hoarld (Crystal Lake/Cary- Qrovo) 'The Herald (Cardunal Free Preaa) 'Elgin Herald 'Rich mond Gazette 'Sycamore News 'The Herald-Plalndealer • Genoe-Klngston-Klrkland News 'Hampahlre Reglater. Also available: 'Herak^CHIxen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous ataff la at your aervlce available 24 ̂ Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MOTF. 5 P.M. ' MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 3 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED'. "> P.M. 1 WED. 12 NOON Announcements . . . 0 2 . . ^ . . . . . 0 3 .. 05 ' . .10 . ' . . . . 1 1 ..... r. >12 Instruction. 13 * Cemeteries ft Lots. • k Cor'd of Thanks... N N o t i c e s . . . . . ; £ Car Pools * Lost & Found ^ Personals ' I •: >- * V Help Wanted - • . Child Care . 1 9 Nursery Schools . . . 2 0 . Situations Wanted. . . . . 2 1 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wonted 25 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy. . . . 3 1 Miscellaneous Merchandise.., . . . 3 2 Garog4"Sales . . . 3 3 Merchandise Under $50 . . . 3 4 Antiques . 3 5 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats. 36 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 A v i a t i o n . . . . . . . ; . . . 4 1 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment. 47 Farm ft Dairy.... r. 48 Livestock . .49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 • Business Property 70 Open House 711 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale « 74 Lots & Acreage. 75 Mobile Homes 76 Forms for Sale : 77 Real Estate -Rentals * Wanted to Rent. 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share Apartments to Rent Homes to Rent Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent Farms, Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent . . 7 9 . 8 0 . . . 8 1 . . . 8 2 . 8 3 . 8 4 . 8 5 Automotive Autos for Sale ... Wanted to Buy. Auto Parts & Accessories.. . Trucks, Tractors ft Trailers. . Vans. ..... - Motorcycles & Snowmobiles. Recreation Vehicles. 86 87 .88 89 90 . 9 1 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT SkMed Nursing Horns CHALLENGING POSITIONS AVAILABLE Arc >»ti. Interested In joining a team dedicated to providing quality car* for the elderly? W« have the rijjht opportunity tor you! Licensed Nurses AND Certified Nurses Aides 471 West Terra CoHa Crystal Laka, Illinois 60014 (115)455-0550 CRT TYPIST FILE CLERK Growing computer company ads person to do tome typing CRT system & filing. Apply In person: PR0TECT0 ENtERPRISES 22292 N. Pepper Rd. Barrlngton. II. 312/382-S244 P A R T I A L L I S T I N G O F T E L E P H O N E P R E F I X E S 7 \ P P E A R I N G I N T H E PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 3 1 2 A R E A C O D E 815 AREA CODE 381-Barrington 382-Barrington 426- Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin / 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake ?41 -Elgin 742-Elgin I 888 Elgin 931-Elgin 337 Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry •385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystol Lake 566-Marengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard BODYMEN WANTED Must have experience at com bination work. Excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person: State Line Collision, 12013 Maple Ave., Hebron. SCAN EARNS $140 PER WEEK PART TIME S360 PER WEEK FULL TIME Expanding company has im mediate openings. Mr Adams, 312/449-1910. CLEANING, full time position for apt. complex located in Woodstock. Must clean vacant apts. & all common areas on premisis. Competitive salary & fringe benefits. Call 815/338- 2383. Cemeteries & Lots OS Notices 11 Lost Si Found , 12 Card of Thanks t WISH to thank everyone for lieir thoughtfulness during my tecent stay at St. Therese hospital. Pat Henningfield. • v Notices "FREE" " » PREGNANCY TESTING » IMMEDIATE RESULTS • 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 tt.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and 11 other pro blems of life. ' Call for an appointment, not fttndee Ave., Elgin, II. 60102. ^2/931-1193. NOTICE t PLEASE CHECK J YOUR ADS tfe would like to check ch ad as it appears in paper, but time does aat permit. Please notify us if you And an error in your Classified ad, or if your id failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the Nrst day it was schedul ed to appear, we'll make R correction as soon as |aadline permits.' fe can only be responsi- le for the first day of an d's run. Adjustments »r errors are limited to te cost of that portion of lie ad where the error ccurred. orry, but if the error ontinues after the first lay of the ad's scheduled ippearance, we cannot e responsible. iff ice Hours: Monday trough Friday, Sam • pm. <• As of NOVEMBER 7,1904,1 am responsible for my debts and signlture only. D.L. R520 9232 4045 William C. Ring. PSYCHIC FAIR Sun., Nov. 11 lOam-Qpm Howard Johnsons • Rt. 25 & 1-90 STARRING LILY GROSS, L I N D A P I E R C E & other top readers. Private consultations, tree drawing & lectures avail. Bring in this ad for 50% off admission. 312/428-6965 or 312/639-1601. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Sat. Nov. 10,9-5:30 Sun. Nov. 11,1:30-1 LUNCHEON Sat. 11-1 Serving: Turkey Tetrazzlni St. /Mary's Church 312 Tryon, Woodstock CRAFTERS W/ Christmas Gltf McHenry, 815/385-5385 312/497-3822. BRIDAL GOWN SALE Nice selection of discontinued gowns. Most $100 or less. Silk Flower ft Bridal Creations, 815/338-1482. CRAFTERS- Sell handmade items on consignment. New shop opens Nov. 17 in Cary. 312/439-4155. 10 Car Pools FROM WONDER LAKE to drop in Lake County. Presently Libertyvilie. On (on 7:30 am-4 pm. Must be dependable, S75. par week. Call between 4 ft 7 pm., 815/728-1529. NEED RIDE from Fox Lake area to Woodstock, Mon. ft Tues. mornings ft return. Will share expense. Call 312/497- 3804. companl ride to Flordia around Nov. 15- 30. Reply to Box ZOA, Sentinel Herald, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, 111.40098. HONDA lawn grass catcher, ,ioat on highway, off of truck last Sunday. 10/28. Reward. 815/385-8472. FOUND: female black cat, West Dundee area, Oct. 30. Call to Indentlfy; 312/551-1284. CAT LOST in June, IVi yrs., orange tiger male, S50 reward, 815/338-0254. LOST, BLACK LAB, wearing red collar, no tags, name is Queeny, IVi yrs. old. If found call 312/458-4244, after 4 p.m., 312/934-7322. FOUND: black ft white long hair white paws house cat! West Shore Beach, vicinity of Brittany Park, McHenry; 815/344-0829. SHELTIE, female, dk. brown, lost River Rd. in Algonquin, 11/4/84 Reward. 312/65*70*3. • LOST: Male black ft tan Ger man Shepherd w/ flea collar ft collar, Vicinity of Miller ft Golf Course Rd. After 7pm, 115/455- 4148. » 12 Personals Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: NOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week MMI Preparation ALSO AVAILABLE: Shopping Nursing Cart Lie tit HMsekM4iiHi Registered Nurses Laundry Lie. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistance 24 Hr. Answering Service* 815-568-5488 Private duty In hospitals or nursing homes. Rm. 207. tee W. Washington St., Marengo. IL. Licensed t Bended Employment Agency PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. . and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/315-2999 ATTENTION! * Looking for 50 people to par ticipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas- ad. 312/458-8429. GOOD NUTRITION Equals Good Health ft Weight control. For details call Nancy. 312/658- 5807. INTERESTED IN GETTING S100 allowance on your gas bill plus save $100-1400 or more on fuel bills with a high efficiency gas furnace, 100,000 BTU size installed for $1,250. 312/455- 2110. FAMILY PROBLEMS?. Call the free ft confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8080. • SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look ft feel so real. Done professionally, 3 years experience, only $25. Call Joyce for appointment, 312/658- 2019. BEWARE OF the so called palm reader. Claims to help in all problems of life. Don't be fooled, call Chippo. Beware! Thanks rb Sacred Hearted Jesus ft St. Jude, for favors granted. Bill ft Kathy. POSTAL EXAM " The 400-403 zip codes area Post Office will be accepting applications for the Clerk-Carrier Exam for the general public Mon, Nov. 24-FrI, Nov. 30. Starting sa lary is $10.42 per hour. The people with the highest scores are hired. This workshop was designed by Stephen McNally, the foremost authority In America on gaining Postal employment. His qualifications: 1. A former Postal Employee; 2. Ph.D candidate in Educetton; 3. Averages 100% on 5 Clerk-Carrier Exams; 4. Author of 3 Postal Exam guides. Over /00,000 people have used the methods you will learn by attending this work shop, An astonishing 60% of the people recently hired In one city used these methods. These scores average 98.5%. . / DOUBLE GUARANTEE 1. If you are not satisfied at the end of the workshop, your money will be re funded. 2. If-you do not score 95% ©r higher, your money will be refunded In full. "Using these methods enabled me toscore a perfect 100%. I received a call-in no tice for employment In the same envelope that I received my score! -Bryan, Texas Workshop Tuition is $35.00. This includes 2</i hour workshop, textbook; Clerk Carrier U.S. Postal Service, 3 complete tests, tips to make you test wise, and more. D I D Y O U A T T E N D A N O T H E R W O R K S H O P ? A r e t h e i r m e t h o d s t o o d i f f i c u l t t o use? Bring your materials and pay only $20.00 for our workshop. Mr. McNally's methods are usable Immediately after they are presented. Choose Only One Day and Time a 9:00a.m.-11:30or Tp.m.-3:30 or 7 p.m.-9:30 Mon. Nov 12 Stratford Inn-SYCAMORE Carl's Coach Rooms (corner State ft Calif) Tues, Nov 13 Best Western NORTH CHICAGO 2315 Green Bay Road (2 ml E of 1947 Not 137) Wed, Nov 14 Ramada Inrt HIGHLAND 664 Sheridan Road Thurs, Nov 15 or Frl, Nov 16 ARLINGTON Best Western 948 E Northwest Hwy on Hwv 14 between Rt 53 ft 83 Sat, Nov 17 Holiday Inn ELMHURST 624 N York Rd (Exit York Rd N off 1-290) CALL NOW FOR INSTANT WORKSHOP HESERVATIONS TOLL FREE 1-800-647-8846 Mon. thru FrMftam-tpm) Sat.ft Soh. (9am-2pm) POSTAL EXAM GUIDE If you are unable to attend the workshop, you may purchase a copy of the Clerk Carrier, U.S. Postal Service Exam Guide by mailing a $14.00 money order (In cludes postage and handling) to High Scores, Inc. P.O. Box 522. Long Be««h, MS 39560 or at the workshop 30 minutes prtor to the times listed above. This It a private concern not affiliated with any government agency. Personals --i Classified ads are for.. HOUSE HUNTING Classified ads are for.. COMMUNICATING Classified ads are for.. COMPARING " . • v f. Classified ads are for.. BUYING HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW Nov. 11,9am-4pm Admission FREE, at: E Igln Community College Gym It Child Care MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/424-8495 SINGLE- DIVORCED-- WIDOWED. Get ready for the fun and excitement of a new relationship. Eligible people are waiting to meet you.Con fidential. Call 312/742-7545 or write to: Listings, Box 42-E, South Elgin, II. 40177 13 Instruction . SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/458- 2019. RELIABLE MOM willing to babysit part time mornings, or afternoon hours for l toddler between ages 2 ft 4. Please call 312/458-7292, Lake in the Hills area. 21 Situations Wanted D.J.-wedding, schools, etc. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also. 312/584-0882 eves. DON JOHNSON Decorating Interior . Painting ft Papering 815/338-4850. R.C.S. ALARMS Burglar, Fire, A Hold up systems. Reliable ft Affordable. Save on ins. premiums. For info, call collect 312/499-1935 DESIRE TO BUILD, Billboard on property on Rte. 31 or Rte. 120, McHenry. Call 815/385- 1340. BROOMS AWAY Housecleaning Reliable Cleaning Service Call 815/459 7490 RESUME SERVICE ft all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-4445. HAVE MOP/WILL TRAVEL! Will do heavy Spring cleaning. Good reference. Pam, 815/344- 2371. .STOP! \ Let me do your housecleaning.v Take the day off; 312/458-2234. WILLJDO IRONING in my Carpentersville home 312/426-4149 AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON, November ft December Specials! All perms 10% off; Frosting, $23.40; Porclean nails, $15.00. Call 312/424-4545 HANDYMAN Service. Quality work at low prices. We do anything. 815/597-4951. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. DON NEUBAUER art classes, oil painting ftportraiture. TYPING IN THE HOME, fast, accurate, reasonable, 815/455-3991. CARING PERSON will elderly companion supervise medicine, 3 days weekly; 815/385-1204 help friend. KNITTING 8. CROCHETING Lessons; beginning or advanc ed; left or right handed; Classes starting soon; 312/426- 6600 ask for Lillian West. " Removal of bush, trashy free estimate, 815/338-0074. KNITTING 8. CROCHETING Lessons; beginning or advanc ed; left or right handed; Classes starting soon; 312/426- 6600 ask for Lillian West. WILL DO IRONING in my Carpentersville home ^ 312/426-4149 It -- Child Care WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. TOOL 8. DIE MAKER I Designer, looking for evening work. Call 312/428-0083. GROCERIES DELIVERED to your door. Fast, convenient service. Low rates. Call The Grocery Man, 815/459-8742. TOOL 81 DIE MAKER 8i Designer looking for evening work! 312/428-0083 Loving mom available for child care in my Crystal Lake home. Call 815/459-5373. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. TOOL 8. DIE MAKER I Designer, looking for evening work. Call 312/428-0083. GROCERIES DELIVERED to your door. Fast, convenient service. Low rates. Call The Grocery Man, 815/459-8742. TOOL 81 DIE MAKER 8i Designer looking for evening work! 312/428-0083 H.S. Student will babysit after school, week nights and week ends in Woodstock area; 815/338-6742. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. TOOL 8. DIE MAKER I Designer, looking for evening work. Call 312/428-0083. GROCERIES DELIVERED to your door. Fast, convenient service. Low rates. Call The Grocery Man, 815/459-8742. TOOL 81 DIE MAKER 8i Designer looking for evening work! 312/428-0083 ALGONQUIN MOTHER gives TLC In my home days 8i nights, $45. week; 312/658-3084. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. TOOL 8. DIE MAKER I Designer, looking for evening work. Call 312/428-0083. GROCERIES DELIVERED to your door. Fast, convenient service. Low rates. Call The Grocery Man, 815/459-8742. TOOL 81 DIE MAKER 8i Designer looking for evening work! 312/428-0083 E X P E R I E N C E D , R e l i a b l e Mom, TLC for babies 8i tod dlers, meals provided, Cary. 312/63M055. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. TOOL 8. DIE MAKER I Designer, looking for evening work. Call 312/428-0083. GROCERIES DELIVERED to your door. Fast, convenient service. Low rates. Call The Grocery Man, 815/459-8742. TOOL 81 DIE MAKER 8i Designer looking for evening work! 312/428-0083 RELIABLE BABV SITTER wanted In Lakeland Park area for Friday nights 8i other times after 4:30 p.m., 815/344-5728. CHILD CARE in my McHenry home full-time week days. References provided. Lots of T.L.C.; 815/344 4523. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 459-3077. Household 23 Help Wanted S E A R C H I N G f o r m a t u r e , responsible 8i reliable nanny to love ft care for our toddler & newborn, 5 days a week > in our Johnsburg home. Hour*. 8-6. ref. required, call 815/344^5386 before 9 p.m. HAVE ROOM In my home for 2 children, full time or part time. Channing School area, Call Michelle; 312/742-2657. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 459-3077. Household 23 Help Wanted S E A R C H I N G f o r m a t u r e , responsible 8i reliable nanny to love ft care for our toddler & newborn, 5 days a week > in our Johnsburg home. Hour*. 8-6. ref. required, call 815/344^5386 before 9 p.m. WILL DO bobysitting In my Winder Lake rtome, mature, reliable, experienced; 815/728- 1841. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 459-3077. Household 23 Help Wanted S E A R C H I N G f o r m a t u r e , responsible 8i reliable nanny to love ft care for our toddler & newborn, 5 days a week > in our Johnsburg home. Hour*. 8-6. ref. required, call 815/344^5386 before 9 p.m. WILL BABYSIT, Monday Fri day, days only, in my Crystal Lake home. Prefer between age 2 & 4. Call 815/455-6382. SITTER in my Crystal Lake home, 2nd shift, 2 girls 6 & 8, call between 9 am & 3 pm, 815/459 4288. II Auctions AUCTION Sat.v Nov. 10, Noon Snowmobiles & Clothing. There wHI be several new & used snowmobiles, also we will be selling snowmobile suits, helmets, vests A boots. TobeheWat: Ballard's Auction Gallery 55 Water St., Elgin, IL 3 1 2 - 8 8 8 - 2 5 3 9 23 Household Help Wanted BABYSITTER, 7am to4:30pm for 5 mo. old baby in our home, non-smoker, 815/455-4514 MATURE BABYSITTER need ed 2 afternoons a week. Must have own car; 815/455-5311. BABYSITTER NEEDED, my home. Whispering Hills/ Pistakee Highlands area. Mon.- Frl. 12 - 5:15 pm for lVa yr. old, refs. required. Call 312/497-3232 before noon or after 5:30 pm. MATURE PERSON to babysit 3 yr. old ft infant in my Algon quin home, part time days but permanent. 312/458 3018. NEED FULL time babysitter to take care of 4 year old ft 6 year old In 815/728-1459. Wonder Lake, MATURE, LOVING person to babysit 3 well- behaved children in my Woodstock home. Some overnights, transportion needed, part time but permanent positon. 815/338- 4479. WANTED live in house keeper, mature woman or retired cou ple, in Elgin area, call 815/459- 0107 after 5 p.m. WANTED LIVE In house keeper. Can be a senior for elderly gentleman, 815/338- 4474. NEED HELP taking trees down, will share firewood, 815/338-4008. 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally p r e p a r e d . V I S A / M C Welcome.Norton ft Associates. 312/428-9255. LAWOFFICE SECRETARY Must be good with numbers, computer ft telephone. Part- time. Send resume to Box AMY, % McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 40050. NAIL SCULPTURIST Wanted, experienced, part-time. Call for an appointment, 815/344- 4350. NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. starting salary ft benefits. Free meals ft park ing. We will train. Apply in per son Monday thru Friday, 8:30 to 5, Woodstock Residence, 309 •McHenry Ave.,-Woodstock. ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459-5757 MACHINE OPERATOR 3rd Shift Our growing company is now taking applications for a plastic injection molded machine operator. We offer a good star ting salary, including shift dif ferential, oonus plan, and ideal working conditions. Please4 apply in person to fill out an application: Personnel Department PLASPR0S INC. 455 Borden Woodstock, IL equal opportunity employer m/1 CLEANING- JANITORIAL Need people who are cur rently employed and want to supplement their In come. Parf Time evenings, 5:30 - ?'30 PAA, Monday thru Friday in McHenry. Experience and a car necessary. To apply, call collect: 414/332-6470 Between 10 AM - 3 PAA FULL&PARTTIME Excellent working conditions In our phone room. No sales involved- appointment setting ft survey work/ Must be 14 or over, students welcome. Hour ly wage + bonus: earn up to $4 per hour. t Call For Interview 815/338 3942 SALES HELP wanted, part time, sales exp. pref. Call Joan or Sandra, 815/459-5933. HELP WANTED Positions available at the Pro-Dell Dis tribution Center in Woodstock, IL. Mall- room-Day and Night shifts. Must be able to work with and around machinery. Some delivery required. Approximately 30 hours per week. Apply at the Wtfodstock Sentinel Herald 109 S. Jefferson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 BETTER GRAPHICS A FAST GROWING COMPANY EXPERIENCED TYPE- a supervisory position shift. Gooch Benefits, NEEDS AN SETTER for on second salary open. 133 Illinois St., Crystal Lake 816.455*3830 COMPOSING "The composition department for the Shaw Free Press Newspaper/ Grpup is expanding its evening shift. Full, and part-time<r employment is available at our Crystal Lake office for the following positions: • Page makeup • Ad pasteup •Typesetter General hours are from 5:00pm to s 12pm, however we offer flexibility in determining a schedule to meet your needs. ' Applications available at The Her- •aid office, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake. Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group mm rut nm Hwirira MOW* REPAIR/RETURN Growing computer company needs Intelligent computer orientated persons to do pro duct testing and receiving In our warehouse. Flexible hours & some heavy lifting. Apply In person. PR0TECT0 ENTERPRISES 22292 N. Pepper Rd. Barrlngton, II. 312/382 5244 A CERTIFIED home health aid, part time, flexible hours, mileage reimbursed. Call Com munity Contacts Visiting Nurses Assoc., 312/888-C501 ask for Gloria. SHIPPING RECEIVING WAREHOUSE Growing computer company offers fast learners an op portunity to do order packing and receiving. Flexible hours and some heavy lifting re quired. Apply In person: PROTECTO ENTERPRISES 22292 N. pepper Rd. Barrlngton, II. 312/382-5244 WAREHOUSE ATTENDANT Immediate opening for hard working warehouse attendant to assist with local deliveries in our van. Good drlvlna record a must. Knowledge of Chicago area helpful. Please call for ap pointment. 312/439-0585. Computer Resources, Inc. Cary Point Industrial Pzrk 150 Chicago St. Cary, IL Equal Opportunity Employer WAITERS /WAITRESSES, part time, weekends. Must be 21 years old. Apply in person Jailhouse Saloon, 101 Johnson St., Woodstock, IL. TOOL ROOM Machines!, mln. 5 yrs. exp. Apply in person Staple Center Mfg., 4711 Sands Rd., Crystal Lake, IL. DAY WAITRESS, part time, Pl< Pizza, 815/338 70<0. * apply within, Woodstock I, Rt. 47, Woodstock. part time, time book- BOOKKEEPER, Woodstock, part keeper. Send resume to Box A N S, Shaw Free Press P. O. Box 250, Crystal.Lake. II40014. TRUCKING CO., located in Huntley, has full time position avail, to assist w/ payroll & misc. office duties. To apply, call 312/449-5257, ask for Cecil. SANTA CLAUS'S wanted, for Crystal Lake shopping mall, days or evenings, costume fur nished, will train. 312/423-2854. CARPENTERS I. Carpenter's Helpers. Experienced only; Transportation & flexible hrs. a must. 815/455-4224 or 459 3888, ext. Z. PART TIME, to deliver Chicago Tribunes, early morn ing, 3*:30 am to 4 am. Woodstock, Crystal Lake area. Must have reliable vehicle, 7 days, call 815/338-4067 Mon. thru Sat., 7 am to 11 am. INJECTION MOLDING TECHNICIAN 2nd Shift We are seeking •> indi vidual to optrtte out plastic injection tnokfiff department on ttw 2nd shift - J 2 3 years experience in the set up/operation sod adjustment of ffloMing machines required. A competitive wage and benefit package awaits the selected applicant. Call or Apply in Perton to: 815-459-7204 COLMAN OEM 7510 Virginia Road Crystal lake. II MOM *• f«««i ti M/f/H N E E D E D S U B S T I T U > t . Tevchers. Pleese apply Johnsbura Junior Hloh School. 3117 W. Church St., McHenry. 815/385-4110, ask for Mr. If •iMilAifM RESPONSIBLE PERSON wanted for tow truck operator. Must be mature ft have pood driving record. Apply in person Rt. 14 Auto Part*. 14020 Washington St., Woods' ask for 'teve, 815/338-2810. NEEDED NOW • Secretaries. %vord processors, typist*, general office, experienced phone c9lectors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 815/455- 4490. NEEDED NOW - Maintenance & General Factory, WorklM World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. JANITORIAL SERVICE i experienced people tor fleer work m retail stares In toe Crystal Lake area. Call 312/429-., 0400 between 9 am A 4 pm. TELEPHONE SECRETARY, permanent, pert time to work a fast paced r (. 14 t ning I available li an evening posi- fast paced message station ap- prox. 14 to 20 hours a week. Mxning & afternoon petition tlon. Must be available to work l weekend day. Must be flexi ble, have good handwriting, mature, pleasant voice. Some reception telephone experience helpful, but will train right per son. Apply at white house at comer <rf Dole t Virginia, Crystal Lake. 815/459^4400. K-AKART Hair Design Salon Positions available for ex perienced hairdresers. full or part time. Call Sonja 815/459-0405 • FOREMAN Must be experienced In machining. Job- shop ex perience preferable. Excellent sraarM.nsf'ij pointmet, call «815/459-9252* DEMONSTRATORS Friday 8t Saturday afternoons. Neat, outgoing persons 21 and over needed to do ln-store demonstrations on food, beverages and fashion pro ducts. Ad areas. Call: 815/337- 0443 or 312/4904592 McHenry Area MATURE STOCKPERSON AND MANAGER TRAINEE for retail store mustbe21 or over Call Chuck or Jeff at: (815) 385-6730 ADVANCEMENT Turret Lathe Operators Mill Operators Long-established firm recognizes and compensates ability. Medical, hospital, surgical and major medical insurance. Dental Insurance Life Insurance Generous Pension Plan Apply in person: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. J.E. Hoffman & Co. 739 N. Lake St. Mundelein, IL Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Office CREDIT CORRESPONDANT Facilitate th« collection ot past du« accounts by and written contact with customers and salesperson. Re view customer* tor credit worthiness through study «t In. formation provided by credit services and customers. WORD PROCESSOR Experienced, mature word processor to work In our cen tralized corporate department. Will use keyboard termi nal for magnetic media equipment. Magna SL experience a plus. Good grammar skills required. Will prow Me tech nical training. ON CALL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT or key punch/vorlfy experience On call work up to 10 hours par weak In corporate headquarters. JUNIOR CREDIT CLERK Use video display terminal to create new customer ac counts for billing system following established proce dures. CUSTODIAN General cleaning of an assigned area, lawn uphoap and other outside maintenance. Paint, floor care end ether assigned protects Assist maintenance people In repair of building facilities. Hours 2-10 pm. M-F, with eccealenal overtime required. UARC0 INCORPORATED West County Line Rd. Barrlngton 312-381-7000 Equal Opportunity Emptoyer M/F