Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1984, p. 11

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Page 11 -PLAINDEALER HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 . 1 9 8 1 g Mlac. Merchandise 32 Mlac. Merchandlee » Misc. Merchandise 8 COMPLETE BEDROOM set, dresser w/mtrror, chest, queen size w/headboard, dinette set, S piece round wrought Iron; >15/344-5150. , DOUBLE OVEN ft Gas Ranoe $100.00 115/459-7649 SOFAft CHAIR; swivel chair; kltdiw table w/4 chairs; twin bed w/dresser; double bed w/2 dressers, older sewing machine, Reasonable prices. >15/455^342 after 5 p.m. BENCH GRINDER, 3/4 HP, never used, $125; Chicago floor model drill press, $200. Call 81J/33$-02O7. RED PLUSH carpet, 12'4" ,10'$", $50., firm, Call after pm; 815/385-0099. K E N M O R E S E W I N G Machine, Best Sears Made, in cabinet, $75. $15/338-0269 SALE j Fabrics & Sup- lies. Foam rubber, caning, rubber webbing, etc. 35% dis­ count on all brand name fabrics. Upholstering, repair­ ing ft reglulng. Crystal Lake Upholstery Shop, 151 N. Main (in rear), Crystal Lake. •15/459-0653. Sat. ft Evenings by appointment only. DINETTE SET, 4 chairs & leaf, nod condition. Best offer. 15/459-3$53. , ASSORTED display cases, greeting cards, Ig. quantity of candy. Call 312/421-4497. - MOVING SALE: Lowrey organ, 15' chest freezer, air conditioners, living room, bedroom, kitchen furniture, adders, yard equipment, plus miscellaneous. 815/338-0407, 1322 Wheeler, Woodstock. 8-6, except Sunday. READER'S DIGEST Condens­ ed books. 1963-'83. $120.815/459- 3632 after 4:30 p.m. DINNETTE set, table & 4 chairs. 1 odd buffet, $75, 815/385-2238 CIRCA 1920-1930 ornate oak chest on legs. $65/best. Call after6p.m. 815/459-3465 2 14" RADIAL Snow Tires, like new, $45.; Chain link dog ken- net, $75.815/344-1748. CAR STEREOS. Am/fm cassette. $40 8. $55. Like new. 6 X 9 triaxial speakers, $30, like new. BSR turntable, new nee­ dle, $35. B & W 19 In. TV, $45. 312/658-920$ COUCH, aarth tone & 2 chairs, $150; 29 gal. aquariuih, & ac- cesoriOs, $10; 4 bar stools, $60; wood sewing table, $150; playpen; $20, changing table, $15, or best offers, $15/344 1786. 3 PIECE Early American liv­ ing room set, sofa, loveseat & chair, $300.815/338-7995. TWO UNITED BONUS Travel Tickets-- valid for free coach class round trip in Continental US. Best Offer. Csll 815/338- 7953 after 5:30 pm. WASHER & Electric Dryer, $60/ both; stereo w/turn table & speakers, $25; Sharp 501 copier, $150/ best; child's play platform w/ rails & ladder, $30; Call 815/337-7953 after 5:30 pm. FISCHER 127 Studio Standard Cassette Deck, $175; Panasonic 35W per channel am/fm 8-track stereo, $125; Realistic 5- band equalizer, $50; United Audio ants witt ft® 452$. -v r.H j"i> WINDSOR black leather English riding boots, Exc. cond. size 6Vi, ladies; $50.; 815/338-5541. FIREWOOD. Seasoned, mixed, full face cord, delivered, Crystal Lake. $40.815/459-9495 EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Gifts for all occasions. Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry. Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves ft jmkends, 815/4554856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. SWIVEL ROCKER I ottoman, good cond., $15/459-4023. - 9 toot sofa, 1, 14 toot base, 2 njatchjn^chalrs, $150. Call OAK LIVING room sat, 6pelce, w/JJamps, $100 firm, 815/459-8690. SNOWftLOWER, Tore, 2 yrs. old, used 5 times, 7 HP salf pro­ pelled, $550 or best offer, 115/338-3796. after 6 p.m. V E S T B E N D d e l u x e humidifer, used once; studio couch, never used; bumper bike rack, never used; 815/385- 0757. , DRAFTING TABLE ft 2 draf- machines. Call 815/455- or night. ; MOTOROLA Mocom 70, 2 way radio system for sale, 4 mobiles, 1 base; $1000. Call Algonquin Tire Co., 312/658- 7979, between 7am-6pm. ATHELETIC ' SHOE SALE OVER 1,000 Pair Mens-Womens-Chlldrens Crystal Lake Running, leisure, soccer, foot­ ball, wrestling, basketball, baseball, bowling, tennis, racketball, cross country, figure Ice skates. • All New-lst Quality * 40% to 60% Off Nov.lO&ll $amto5pm SPORTDECAlS, INC. 365 E. Terra Cotta (Rt. 176) (IMileW.of Rt. 31) 100,000 BTU, Rheem forced hot air furnace. Complete with con­ trols. Call after 6pm, 815-459- 2517. • BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Thanksgiving balloon bouquets. Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons, 815/459- RAVE. TWIN COMFORTERS, t true blue/light blue, $l5/ea. Exer­ cise Bike, $25. Student's school desk, $15. Child's tablet* chairs, $5/set. Child's wood piano ft stool, $5/s«t. Desk chair, $5.312/639-5624. WHIRLPOOL HEAVY DUTY washer ft gas dryer, like new avocado, $300, firm for both; exercise bike, $50,815/459-0905. 2 GOLF CARTS. 1 electric and 1 gas motor. Suzuki 120, needs work. Make offer. 815/385-5246 MENS SKI boots, Nordlca, size 10V4, $65, $15/385-5460. FINE CHINA, 40 pc. April Rom pattern by Sandalwood, silver­ ware l> fine crystal, $1,200 new- Will sell all for $500. Call Diana at 312/669-3222 $am-4pm. 50' STEEL TOWER w/ TV antenna & separate FM anten­ na. Must be picked up In Crystal Lake. $50/ Test. $15/459-4444. GAS STOVE: 30", like new, Whitel WMl tacribO*** $275.; 815/45MS61, dr $15/4tt4079. FOUR SEASONS RESALE OPENING NOV. 15 AT 105 E.Judd St., Woodstock. We will sell on consignment. For more Information, Call $15/330-2971. Sorry, No Clothing C>r>gt18188 S) F A N T A S Y F E S T I V A L Costume/Magic Centre. 432 Virginia - Rt. 14 Crystal Lake. $15/455-4910. a Garage Sato MCHENR Y/Movlng Sale 2301 County Lane Sat. 10, Sun. 11,9-4 wrought iron glass fop t w/4 chairs, electric swe, full' size bad, with sheets ft spread to mate*, many small hand tools, everything must ga. CRAFTERSSELL OUT Algonquin 640 Chestnut Ct. Nov. 9,10,10-4 Unique wood Hems, doll collec­ tors cradles, doHs, clowns, L cQOKie Tins. • MOVING SALE 3405 Dean St. ' Nov 9*11 Color T.V., dishwasher, bedroom saf. motorcycle ft McHENRY 1006 Esaex Court Nov. 9,10; 9-4:31 T.V., B.B.Q. grill, metal cabinet, ladies ctoMwt, shoes, mix. CAR Y/BRIGHT OAKS 12 Linden Court Nov. 10; 9-5 Nov. 11; 9-Noon Fum., appls., clothes, mlK., free coffee EASTDUNDEE 345 Illinois , Nov. 9,10,9-2 p.m. t Finches, cages, glassware, dolls, kids ctomes. much 1 Cash. No early birds. RAINBOWS END BOUTIQUE V.F.W. McHenry Nov. 10; 9-4 Soft sculpture, oil paintings, silk flowers, stained glass, calligraphy, cross sfltch, crochet, Ink ft oil on glass, hun­ dreds of Christmas ornaments A decorations, plus homemade candy ft bake sale. CRYSTAL LAKE MOVING SALE 4504 E. Crystal Lake, Ave. Nov. 7,8,9; $-5 Maple bedroom set, old dining room set, desk ft chair, twin bad frame w/box many other Items, $15/459-5697. COVENTRYCRAFTERS Christmas Boutique Nov. 10,8:30 to 5 1st United Methodist Church 236 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake. CRAFT SALE 3912N.RichmandRd. Nov. 8-11, $-5 Christmas ornaments, and other gifts and bakary goods. EAST DUNDEE 345 Illinois Nov. 9 ft 10; 9-2 Finches, cages, glassware, dolls, kid's clothes, much more. Cash, No early birds. CRYSTAL LAKE 4009 N Terra Cotta Rd. Nov. 9,10,11,9-4 Antiques, dinette set, electric range, living room chair, winter clothes, nurses uniforms, misc. items. First time sale. Cash only. WOOOSTOCK Multi-Family 1214 Thomas Drive Sat., Sun., 11/10,11,0-4 No Early Birds! CARPENTERSVILLE 515 Apache Nov. 10,11,9-6 Furniture, household, appl., stereo, TV, air cond. Everything must go 11 CAR Y-Trout Valley 199BioOaks Nov. 10; 9-4 Bike, skates, clothes, books, furniture, patio umbrella ft misc. UN ION/KNOLLTOP SUBD. 15912 Wood Dale Road - Sat. Nov. 10,10-4pm. ̂ Snowmobile; Singer poddto sewing machine; feather horse collars; wooden nail keos; child's carseet; crib ft much TWO FAMILY CARPENTERSVILLE Sat., Nov. 10,10em-5pm Sun., Nov. 11, lOem-lpm 160) Jtorfhtofce Parkway McHENRY 5416 W.Sherman 1 blk. N. of Rte. 120, off of Ringwood Nov. 10,10-5 Nov. 11, Noon-5 Fruit Press, 12 ga. retoader, beer signs, shutters, much household misc. MCHENR Y/lnside Safe 3912 N. Richmond Rd. Nov. 8-11,0-5 Clothes, glassware, also craft Items ft bakary. Much misc. MCHENRY 5213 W. Sprlngdale Nov. 9,10,11,9-5 furniture, clothing, etc. CRYSTAL LAKE 172 Marian Parkway Nov. 9,10; 1:30-4 Wood rocking horse# Anfiouttr baby clothes, quilts. WOOOSTOCK Moving Sato 14407 Westwopd Trail app. Vt mile W. of city park off South St. Nov. 9,10,8-6 CAR Y/Oakwood Hills 5515Greenvlew Nov. 9,10; 9-5 Watarbed, 2 couches, color T.V„ 3 kitchen tables, lots of misc. Garage Salee MCHENRY 5213W. Serliwdato Nov 9, to, llTo-S MCHENRY 3113 W High Nov. 9ft 10T9-4 - Furniture, mens/women* Under *90 WALNUTDESK DMavcaae Shelf UnftTilS/4S5-«910 USED DESKS, Chairs, banquettables and HI# cwmIi* Many locnoote from. A- ClMmhl OfOHO tQUiomom w >uppiy Co- IV nT Main St., Crystal Lake. 815/455-4590 Antlquas ANTIQUE GAS 1 GAS pump toeoodcond., Call 815/617-9225. SOLID MAPLE MEAT BLOCK MXtt Inches Call 815/338-1964 DINING TABLE ft 6 chairs; war; Oriental run; rocking chair; large oak office desk; single bed; various other Items; *15/3374498 Bicycles*. Sporte Equip. FISHER SKIS, Tyroila bin­ dings, Garment boots, Scott poles, good cond- $l00/bast. 312/639-S409 2 SCHWINN bikes, mala ft tomato, $300. tor pair; 815/337- REMINGTON 12 ga. brush gun, w/poil-choka, ft case, 1295.; 815/305^169. ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Salomon Bindings, Munarl Boots, Dar- rscraftors 815/4594707. Poles. $*$., Jim, 36' 1967 OWENS Ma|or work dona, comes wHh all new paint, aand 1974 traitor. 4,«0/or 0076. 1 tor snowmoWtos. 312/039- LARSON, II ft. Trl-Hull, open bow, I/O. LHtle Duds traitor, S14JS. $15/305-9107. GLASTRON ̂ 56, bowrktor. 09 Johnson outboard. $2490.; '630-7640aftorOpm. ha.. 312/6 STARCRAFT. U ft- 3$ hp jonnsoa www cone.# inw/ofir Call 312/OM496 after 9 p.m. 44 PaOftliEqulprwant 44 Pete* Equipment 44 PIANO TUNING ft REPAIR rttnof rlMOMrVICt \0mT1JmO VrTBIiJnUn Piano Technicians Guild 312/690*193 W U R L I T Z E R P I A N O f t Fountain SquarePlata, Elgin. 312/741-0700. YAMAHA CP 39 otoctrk piano V theslzed sounds. 0 octlve key beard, lam than 1 yr. old. Graat wnmi 1 nWI, w K »wR* tags. 015/309-1400 ask. tar LOWREY ORGAN, asod condl- ttoa Ilka now, hardtyueed, 9 yeors old. $M0.015/344-1136. LUDWIG, 7 poke, drum saf, w/rotors. 9 cymbalo ft all hard- 312/63M004.$090/beSt. PA EQUIPMENT. 2 horns ft > m i d - r a n g e b o t t o m s w/crossovers. 12 pc. SI- ingerla*io Magnum drum set 1 fill »- 1 > (iiMftata IW wfifi mrvwirv e$ un* 3 mos. old, exc. cond. Bast 015/33O-OM or 330-1033 wlUe • Pats <• Equipment COCKATIELS; home raised babtos. grays ft ptods; Baby parakaafs: yellows, greens ft plods; 015/9^5506. PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Brood Dogs Pat Woodruff, $15/640-2946 WANTED: PUPPIES, all wwui, win nno yuw« mvniy home. Over 25 yr*. exp. We buy podigreepups. 311/994-2241. TWO FREE klttons. must have iWf STripeO, lllff DOX TralnOQ. Artor 4pm, 011/4994480. FREE to a good home, mixed pupptos " Call 312/438- 0991. _5L AIREDALE TERRIER pupa. cnaim AKC, generations of ptons, shots, papers, szso. $19/305-1490. T O Y P O O D L E . A K C registered, tomato. $300 or beat offer. Call 019/499-9612. 2 BOA CONSTRICTORS: In­ cludes 4* tank, stand, hasted rock, light ft food, $290.; I19/309-1090. FREE PUPPIES: Gorman Shorthalr ft GoMon Retriever mix, born Sept. 5th; 312/639- AKC REG. BOXER puppies tor sale, 4 females. 2 males, fawn I white, $190.; 015/344-1136. FREE TO good h /Uiiabii 4 mBnvfwnviKy nvvx# • nmnun J|RE&r««H» TIGER KITTEN, tomato, I weotok will spay ft shots, free N good home, 019/499-1106. FREE TO good heme, m yset slZ' ed, AN shots,» MM of food ft ac 312/099-3994. LAB/IRISH SETTER, 3 yr. ak , aw. w/chtldron free ft good home. Giving away SllwglSS. $15/305-1717. LHASA APSO, 3 me. AKC 5SXX.""*" 4 SHEPHERD-MIX tomato. 9 aaMMaftM AMMI uJMt L|4« AM nwrnm, gooo WITTI kioi» TTW TC good home; 019/040-4096. FREE to good home, tomato pttt-bull, 3 years old. after 4:30, 015/7204009. KITTENS, free to good home, 9 wks. old. 3 gray ft white. 015/330-0294. Buslnass Opportunity BABY COCKATIELS. hand raised, tame. Ptods. $50 ft Whites. $65.015/330-0140 3 FREE cats.tomato, Tft yrs., spayed, male. lVi yrs., male, 7 mo. Catt 312/420-5215. FREE TO GOOD HOME, beautiful mate German Shor- their w/ papers ft shots. Can't :. Call '«nr. 312/690-4969 allergic. AKC COCKE R SPAN IE L pups, «-- « «« a cnvnipion diooo nnw, oiacn & black/tan, shots. $200.; 312/497- 4667. FREE CUDDLY ft playful kit- tons. Litter trained. 10 weeks. 3 tomato. 1 mala, call 312/639- FREE KITTENS. 7 wks. old, short haired w/ bushy tolls. very playful. Call 015/305-4070. FREE KITTENS to good home, mates, 9 wks. old. 1 gray ft wht. ft 1 blk. ft wht., 015/455-4009. FREE, SHEPHERD /Husky /CoHtomix, 5 years old, perfect componion for older person, exc. watch dog. 312/420-9373 ask tor Larry; 312/420- 1st. CHOW-CHOW, 0 wks., blk. tomato, AKC. $290, 312/690-7033. GERMAN SHEPHERD Pup las, AKC, exc. Import ... markings, Hons, 0 weeks, $275, 019/960 0172. __ Pair of fine s. Call after 7p.m. 312/639-9640 FREE TO GOOO Home. Black lab pups. 015/330-0657 FREE FLUFFY Shepherd ShiM Dob puppiot» 7 woofci eld. Call after *5pm, 015/459- 9573. WANTED: MALE SAMOYED. AKC Reg- tar brooding pur poees. Call 015/305-2290 or 115/309413$. AKC toy poodles, sHvsr males, M wks- $100 wlt( without papers, after 4 p.m. 1 papers, $79 015/960-7644 47 Haraaa 4 Equlpmant PAINT MARE, 0 years aid. exc. color. Must sell! $900.; 019/499+947. REGISTERED APPALOOSA Colt, loud colored, weanling. Call 019/3304614. LIMITED STALLS Available, Crystal Lake area, dally fur nout. Indoor/outdoor arena. 019/455-3960 or 312/367-5092. Farm & Dairy STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturer's year-end cteorance. Save thousands on these special buildings: 40 X 50, NOW $5,429, Was $9,040. 40 X 90, NOW $6923. Was $11,940. 46 X 94, NOW $0994, Was *14,$26. All steel Curvetto buildings made of heavy 22 gauge steel, complete wlm large doors. Ideal for crop and machinery s t o r o g o , s h o p s , a n d warehouses. Erection service available. For immediate or spring delivery, call toll free 1- 800-222 7005 Llvastock •••BALED STRAW*" Priced By The Ton Reasonabto*Wlll Deliver •••C15/923-4464*** 100 DEKALB DK Pullets, due In Dec., call after 6 pm; to lay in Dec 015/923-4644. 10' STARCRAFT 35HP jonwon, gooa cununion ur boot offer. Call 312/430-9490 after 5pm. 91 Musical Instrumants DRUMS. 7 piece custom Tama, all hardware Inc., pd. $2,300 will sell for $1,000 Arm, $15/305- 099l,befween9p.m.ft9p.m HOUSEHOLD SALE Fri. ft Sat. 8:00-5:30 WOOOflOCK Numbers given at 7:09 Frl. ] mi. West of hospital on South St. (follow signs) Lawn windmill, milk cart, Depression Glass ft much misc. china, If" boll, Ice croftm parlor set, Sprague maple din- tog set, (mihtr, JfWbwn snow biewer, nice furniture ft bedroom srito, tools I shop Memo galore. Super nice Antique square oak table, Wellar Pottery, II hp mower, re­ frigerator. Estate and Hoiim Sato by Marian Engstrom Onion, Illinois fVNi w w w IVUIIVST ANTIQUE PHONOGRAPH 93 Machlnary & Equlpmant &MGSIC BOX SHOW & SALE • World's largest meiketptoce tor Edison. Columbia. Victor disc phonograps. Rare parts, accessorial cabinets, horns. Merature. memoraMto. sheet music ATTEfmOfl: DEALERS/COLLECTORS Reserve space now! Contact Randy Donley Boa 162. tlMon. 60180 BIV923 22I4. • 40 mtrmlu from OUan Airport • Lodging wearty • Locafd north• sat of Chtcaga vta WW lanvay othi vn npin^vmnv *v cwi« -- * • ' i i r i SoTRunT Nov. 10 & 11 9 A JNL*6 P JR. Rain or Shind Admission: $4.00 Wohd'a Biggest *nd Best Oonl Mis* ft... Plan To Attend! B15/923-2214 OD GOING OUT of business, con- s t r u c t i o n e q u i p m e n t ; bulldozers, tractor*, truck, ft drag line. Call 312/406-0466, ask tor Paul, or evenings, 019/459- 9967. Buslnass Opportunity WEIGHT LOSSI H you would like to lose 10 to 150 lbs., and/or earn $200. to $1500. per month, call 312/639-6400. CAFE FOR SALE, State St. Market. Caff 312/931-5146, or 312/931-5109. HAIR SALON Est. 12 yrs., owner will stay, Terms $52k gross, $25k net. N.W. Suburb CIBB, 312/742-6130, Kris TAILOR SHOP Alter, leather, custom designs, 7 mo. $43k gross, $10k net, N.W Suburb CIBB, 312/742-6130, Kris NAIL SCULPTURING $l$k net. $20fc Dn CIBB, 312/742-6130. JDJ BODY/REPAIR AUTOS 0 mo., $145k gross. S60k net Major hwy., N.W. Suburb. CIBB, 312/742-6130. John METAL SPINNING 0 mo., $340k Gross E st .40 yrs. Retiring, $3l0k price. CIBB, 312/742 4130. John CAB/ TOWING CO $200k price. Estimated N.W. Suburb, terms, retiring CIBB, 317/742 6130, John VIDEOSTORE Over 1,000est customers, $335k gross, $40k net N.W. Suburbs CIBB, 312/742-6130. Kr is BAKERY $13$k gross. $35k dn. busy mall, major hwy , N W Sub CIBB. 312/742 6130, Don fastfoodI $47k price, terms. Busy N.W. Sub. owner motivated CIBB, 312/742 6130 Don BUYING SELLING? Corporate Investment WELDING $40k Net, $50k DN, S216k Gross N.W. Suburb. Est 1962 CIBB, 312/742-6130, Gary . JEWELRY Three stores, N .W. Suburbs CIBB, 312/742 6130. Jack PET SHOP $36k Nat, SSOk Down. SOA Price N.W. Suburb, Main St. Est. 1978 CIBB, 312/742-6130. Frank WORKAT HOME McHenry County Service $0000 Net. Price S19.500 CIBB, 312/742-6130. Gary DRUGS/ SUNDRIES 6 mo.seles $65k, 6 S 19k N.W. Suburb, Est.27yrs. CIBB, 312/7426130. Jack BOUTIQUE $23k Net, $30k Dn, $65k Base Price. N .W Suburb Casual sportswear CIBB 312/742 4130 Don CHICKEN/RIBS 1 mo. $6k Gross. $2 5k Net Carry-out. N.W Suburbs Busy street corner. CIBB, 312/742-6130, JDJ SERVICE BUSINESS $70k+ net, $50k down Est. 12 yrs., will train CIBB, 312/742 6130, Jack HOBBY SHOP $ mo. $22k Net, $30k down $07k Gross N.W Suburb Est. 1973, Retiree CIBB 312/742 6130, Jack CARDS/GIFTS $37k Total price In shopping plata CIBB, 312/742 6130, John RUSTPROOF ING $25k Dn. $50k Net Profit Auto Detailing. Est. 5 yrs. CIBB, 312/742-6130, Don _ - LIMOSERVICE S160k Net, S200k Dn N W Sub Est. 13 yrs., solid clients. CIBB, 312/742 6130, K.O C. HAIR STYLING $34k net, plaza, $79k price Est. 25 yrs. CIBB, 312/742-6130, JDJ RESTAURANT/BAR ^ Good location. 5600 sq. ft. $12k total price. /AftSEAFOOD CIBB, 312/742-6130, KOC TAPE RENTAL/VIDEO In plaza. $20k tape value. CIBB, 312/742-6130, KOC SHOE REPAIR $46k price, plaza. ̂ CIBB, 312/742-6130, JDK $225k salev$33k price, Est., 10 yrs., busy N W. Sub. center CIBB, 312/742 6130, Don TOOL & DIE $30k Dn., owner finance 9%, 1 yr. net $40,500, Est. 20 yrs. CIBB, 312/74? 6130, Don ad BLACKTOP M&H BLACKTOP Driveways • Parking Lots •Sealer Coating • Gravel Work Guarantee. FREE Estimate. 312/695-9820 CARPET CLEANING COULMAN'S CLEANING SERVICE 815/643-2109 We Use Dry-Foam Cleaning Equipment. No Soaking No Unpleasant Odors CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes »Kitchens •Additions .'Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum Siding & Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME $15/330-0909 CHIMNEYSWEEP 5% Senior Citizen Discount M Ingleside L. FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS REIINED •Fireplaces 'Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimnev Sweeps Guild CONTRACTORS effy Carpenter/Contractor i/AFrai D/B/A Frank Ficak ft Sons 27 yrs. exp. In home build­ ing and remodeling. Quality, Service ft Pride Free Estimates Phone: $15/33$-5129 or 815/365 1383 PRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation ft Finishing •Patchipork ft Spray-on-ceilings •IS/344-1956 FIREWOOD ECONOMY GARDEN CENTER Oak, S65 par face cord, dallvarad&stackad. 100 delivered ft dumpad. 190 picked up. 312/551-1111 HOME IMPROVEMENT BLACKTOP T 0 T HOME ,|&L IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling ft Room Additions Garages ft Aluminum Siding Soffit*FaKia*Gutters Roo»ina«Decks Low Prices ft Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed ft Insured •115/455-4220* If No Answer, Call •15/459-3MI, Ext. Z PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial -1 ndustr ial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands ot satisfied customers." X* SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid *New Drives •Resurfacing ^Parking Lots 1 s*Seal Coating > All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 GraysJake, IL HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REM00ELING & HOME REPAIRS •Kitchens & Baths *Wolmanized Decks •Electrical & Paneling 'Custom Cedar Shutters •Wallpaper & Ceramic Tile No Job Too Small. HARRY VIEZENSC0NST. 815/385-2847 (Developer of the prestigious - Val-Mar E states. McHenry PAINTING INSULATION SKELNIK&SONS D0N7WAIT • ' . INSULATE! Blow in Insulation 312/428-2246 LAWN CARE GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Yard Clean up Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service f̂tDeaign 115/455-5536 - ; • GARAGE DOORS INTRODUaORYOFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available • S75 (Incls. service, ft lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 Master Card ft Visa Accepted LIMOUSINES FRANK HAWKINS LIMOUSINES WE DOINGS ft CHARTERS PAINTING DECORATING Cammerclal ft Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting ft Wall Papering Guaranteed Work Quickly ft Professionally Done Ask Far Roger-815/455-01*) KISHWAUKEE CUSTOM DECORATING $ I IS I S Interior Specialists We'll save you time ft money ft help you choose the right colors! Professional Painting. Papering ft Woodstalnlng Stanley C. Joiefaik 115/923^333 Woodstock. Illinois PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work ft materials 115/455-5536 PAINTING 4 DECORATING SKELNIKftSONS PAINTING ft DECORATING •Commercial •Industrial •Resident ial 312/430-2240 LANDSCAPING THINK GREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Prepare your lawn ft trees for the winter season. •LEAF REAAOVAL^FERTILIZING •DETHATCHING FIREWOOD Seasoned Wisconsin Red Oak FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 PLUMBING FOUR SEASONS Bathroom Rcrnooclino Hot Water Heaters 815/338-8106 No Job Too Large or Small LOW PRICES CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 10% Discount for senior citizens. 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