A glossary of terms to know as cold sets in was young and naive, I wouldn't think of leaving my battery in my car when it got cold. I'd carry my battery a mile Dick Peterson before I would do something like that I graduated from college, and I bought a pair of jumper cables. A word to the winter inexperienced: Under no circumstances should you bury a deadbattery.lt can be traded in. Santa Clans: He is a hallucination caused by prolonged exposure to the cold. Colnddentally, the image starts ap pearing in late December. I swear, one late December night i saw Santa Claus. His f As much as I hate to acknowledge it, the beast winter is upon us. The arrival of winter means several things: Snow, cold, Christmas, more cold, much more cold, ailments induced by the cold, and you thought much more cold was cold. You'd think we all would have enough sense to stop complaining about the cold and do sometning about it. The only alternative is to move south. But we all Enow the south is running out of water and that they'll be lucky to have any by the end of next year. I'll take my chances with the cola and the Great Lakes. ' In order to help you prepare for winter, I've developed a common sense guide about winter to re-acquaint you with the Dark Months: Winter: It's the fourth season of the year, which often makes me wonder why God didn't stop at the third season when He had a good thing going. Did something go wrong? Not much good can be said about winter, unless of count seeing your breath still leaves you in Wohderous awe. If I really want to see my breath, I'd just as soon go to the frozen-food section of the local grocery store. I don't need four months of it. Wind Chill: Whatever the thermometer says in the morning, subtract 20 or 30 from it and, viola, you have a wind-chill factor. As if 20 below zero weren't cold enough, the weather ghouls decided to factor in the effect of the winds. Sure, they can do that when they're sitting inside toasty-warm. Next to humidity readings in August, the wind-chill factor is the most onerous of all meteorolgfeal guage. Dead Battery: This often happens first thing in the morning or last thing before going home from work. When I (in late December. I swear, one late December f sleigh is purple, not red A Cold: No, we're not "talking about the temperature of the air around us. We're tailing about running noses, violent coughs, body temperatures of about 99.5 to make you thoroughly uncomfortable fft^ pot sick, red eyes and They say there is no cure for the andrlr * Isimpl night I was reading about hot mustard age-old remedy that exorcises colds i that doesn't work, I'll sacrifice a fat chicken" to a cold but time, that one. Usually it. The other ces, a sure-fire, your system. If Norse orsegod. it's the flu. You're body will ache for 24 to 48 hours, your temperature will peak at 100, your disposition will be similar to that of a caged Tasmanian devil, and sometimes you'll get sick to your stomach. After about 36 hours, consult your bedside atlas. Find a nice out-of-the-way place, then tell your friends the next day you had a rather unusual strain of the Asian Type B flu called Ujung Pandang virus. Then breathe in their faces. COLD FEET They are not to be confused with running feet, but they can4t>e confused with "boy, is it cold outside." While there is nothing you can do once you have a cold or the flu, there are measures that can be taken to cure cold feet. Ah, science. What I do is hold my feet under my armpits, the warmest part of your body. I may buy a pair of those electric socks this winter. Depression: If it is unexplainable, it certainly must be Februarv. Everybody is depressed in Februaiy. And by March, ft turns into spring Fever. At least yoU re used to colds and the flu by ' J.Irhd Page 3-PLAINDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9.19M CCA meeting to have guest speaker The public and members of the McHenry City Council are invited to the next meeting of CCA: A Better Way, at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 15 in Room A at McHenry West Campus. Guest speaker will be Larry Didier, director of the Freeport Drug Education and Prevention Project. The municipal program, formed in Freeport, Illinois, may act as a model for a future project here in McH CCA (Citizens for Commit Action) is a group that formed last year in the wake of "The Chemical People," a television program dedicated to organizing concerned citizens to work in the field of preventing drug and alcohol abuse by the youth of their communities. The group has benefitted from the help of other organizations, including the McHenry Rotary Club, the Chamber of Com merce, the law enforcement agencies of the city and county, and from McHenry school ad ministrators and teachers. Ann Hughes, a member of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors, has taken an in terest and formed a county that encompasses CCA throughout McHenry but more local mem bers are needed to help CCA accomplish its goals. Potential new members are invited to all meetings. Happy Birthday group groups County, Wayne! WE THINK YOU'RE O.K. Pi nnppr Health underwriters meeting scheduled for Nov. 14 The Northeastern Illinois to ask questions and talk with pertaining to the health ins (Continued from page 1) director of Family Service, said he could understand how people might see it as competition, but denied that was the intention. Martens said after the 708 meetings that his only concern was to see Family Service receive the money needed "to serve its registered clients. board The Northeastern Illinois Association of Health Under- • writers (NIAHU) will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Cabriolet Restaurant in Libertyville. The meeting will be a cocktail . party scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. ' and is^ planned to provide an op portunity for potential members to ask questions and talk others in the association. Admission will be $10. NIAHU is a newly-formed chapter of the National Associa tion of Health Underwriters and is open to those licensed to sell in surance products. Its function is to maintain a voice in legislation pertaining to the health insurance industry, to provide education and recognition for its members, and to sustain professionalism within the health insurance market. Call President Craig Meyer, (312) 367-9194 or Vice President Maxine Katz, (312) 948-8160 for reservations or further informa tion. THANK YOU! We Wouii«RY SAVINGS & LOAN The number of Family Service wail said, will fulfill the quota and then some le on he assigned Coupons Save $$ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! LADIES APPAREL SELLING AT COST ' Riverside Retail Outlet 1402 N.Riverside Dr. McHenry 815-385-5900 ' • ». ' •: VISIT MIGHTY APE, THE KING OF ALL AUTO DEALS, FRIDAY & SATURDAY! ONLY AT. GOOD REASONS FOR JOINING AAcHENRY NAUTILUS... for Sports Improvement [ 7 enjoy and participate In a bt of different tports. I could teH this past summer that I have Improved In all of them. My husband said It's due to McHenry Nautilus/' KATHE GREER - - . • REAL ESTATE AGENT McHENRY, ILLINOIS « • "If you know me, you know that I am an avid sports participant. I enjoy a variety of athletics like golf, tennis and running. And that's why I joined McHenry Nautilus as a charter member over one year ago. "I always thought that improving my strength and endurance would payoff on the tennis court, golf course or running track...I haven't been disappointed. I could tell this'past summer that I have improved in all sports. My better upper body strength has helped my tennis game, while I'm a stronger and faster tennis player and have more endurance during jogging. "Since joining, I have always looked forward to working out three times per week because I know that after each workout I am that much closer to achieving my final goals. Working out in the morning gives me more energy during the day, and when I work out at night, I've found that I sleep much better. "McHenry Nautilus, because of its convenient location just five minutes from home and it's convenient hours, has been a pleasurable place to take health seriously. Comparing \Cost with other clubs, I was most pleased with the price at McHenry Nautilus. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, like me, or not, you'll owe it to - yourself to give McHenry Nautilus a try." 91 . : . . . - " C \ McHenry Nautilus llfAtlltftflTNESSauS 804 MILL ST-MCHENRY 'Behind Taylormade Co. Headquarters" '84PARISIENNE STOCK NO. 34> NOW1!.3,470 *11,943 '85 FLEETWOOD STOCK NO 736 * . SAVE '4000 i84 PONTIAC 6000 LEB 1*10,857 '84 ELDORADO] 1*22^515 STOCK NO *23 USTI12.49M STOCK NO 427 LIST NOWH STOCK NO 449 LIST S12J75H *10.981 STOCK NO MO LIST|I7M» NOwHHI •84 SUNBIRD STOCK NO 1979 CHEVY MONTE CARLO I MM. «*<* Mm M* »< mtfclMt cMk MfttW ** Mh n MtMkK » wt .kttl • wM MtMMn $5195 1900 CADILLAC SEDAN DEYtUi » lata mm a*k MKkM| toe »d Mid «tw* mm M ami w-tai Urn a (KM «4m. Mk. own* I•* to. UltiM 1913 PONTIAC TRANS Mi Back «fk (kvcMl rT «t«ior ft IMNTED (OltKM S SP(I0 taMi *m4mi M locks t topi M aknt ** la lirtc la* cwlihtd $7995 19$3 OLDS TONONAOO Dot k*|M* "H* MlrtHM cMk MOtooi »»« MMM) INMWHIIWIMI**'**1*"***! Ml Iwmt. 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