PAGE IS - PLAINDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14.1*4 - -1 0*A ™ WWIfPil • w SECRETARY A leading packaging com pany of lawn and garden products, in Elgin, has an immediate opening for a. full time secretary. Positon requires regular clerical skills, including operation of dictation equipment. Compensation will be based on ex perience and a complete benefi t package is available. To investigate this opportunity, stop in & fill out an application for employment. Black Leaf Products Co. 667 N. State St. Elgin, 11.60120 Help Wanted U RN's, LPN's end Certified Aides needed immediately for private duty end staff relief. Full and pert time eveileble. Cell Alpha Christian Registry, 312/931-0930 SALLY'S Family Entertain ment Center Is looking for en alert Individual, for the position of pert time ettendent. Must be 21 or over. Apply in person, Aieddlns Castle, between ilam-3pm, Mon.-Fri., Spring Hill Mall Oundse. II. INSURANCE CLERK. Pert time, for doctor's office. Ex perience preferred. Ceil 015/305-9092 tor appointment. 2 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Counter Person (Full Time) Lght delivery, counter 4 office. (Part Time). Must be able to work in Woodstock or Harvard. Apply in person Taylor Auto Perts, South Rt. 47, Woodstocd, or Rt. 23 & 14, Harverd. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For full time day positions available. Need wlrers, solderers end printed circuit board assemblers with some experience prehtrred. Pleasant working conditions with ex cellent company benefits. Call Rhondeet312/65A6525. CARPENTER WANTED Must be knowledgeble in all phases of construction. Year- round work. Cell 312/439-0100. PROOUCT TESTER Growing computer company needs full time product tester. Some typing skills and basic computer knowledge nectntry. Apply in Person Protector Enterprises 22NQ49 Pepper Rd. Barrington, II. FIELD SERVICE-need respon sible Individual willing to travel to service very sophisticated CNC EDM machinery. Prefer strong elec- • rical a mechanical background Salary commen surate with experience. Send resumes to 1429 Holm Rd. Elgin, M60120. SALES: Machine tools. Grow ing machine tool Importer re quires en eggresslve Individual with some machine shop background to sell both vertical a wire EDM equipment in the Illinois eree, ex eluding Chicago & suburbs. We will train. Salary & expenses pies commission. Send resumes to 1429 Holm Rd., Elgin ii aoiao CARPENTERS Experienced a references. 312/499-4409 WANTED , APPRENTICE PRINTER If you're looking far a good future, this could be your op portunity. We ere leaking for e serious, hard working person who wents to ieern to be a preSsman. Call Mr. Jurgens of 112/639- £« .̂1 440 Industrie. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. RECEPTION We ere seeking someone with a pleesent personality and telephone voice for e position in reception. Some computer en try required (We will train). Please apply at M0 Industrial Drive, Ctry. IL or call Mr. Kayler at 312/439-5650 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. LEGAL SECRETARY: Part- time; flexible hours. Legal ex perience needed; 312/431-7330. PARTS DEPT. Agressive person needed to essist in Parts Department. Previous parts or stock ex perience helpful. Call between 2 & 4 p.m., ask for Dennis O'Leery .312/439-0575 DINING ROOM Manager, highly motlveted individual ex perienced in restaurant mgmt. Strong in training 4 supervi sion. Apply in person Old Cour thouse Inn, 101 Johnson St., •r ML. DAY WAITRESS, pert time, please apply within, Woodstock Pizze, IN. 47, Woodstock. SIS/330-7040. OWNER/OPERATOR For snow removal. Short wheel bese vehicle preferred. Must be dependobie. Call 115/499-031? after 7 pm. SERVICE TECHNICIAN for office machines. Will train. Electronics experience prefer red. 015/3340549 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS W/ Mother care. Must be flexible, exp. preferred. 312/4*4707. TYPESETTER-PART TIME 2-3 Years Experience ITEK Model 2100 Call Mike et 312/093-0500 HAIRDRESSERS! If you would like to see your income Increase, rent your station at Hair Dimensions. Private styl ing rooms with e pleesent et- mosphere. >15/344-5510. LOOKING FOR part or full time work In sales? Calf 015/305-5432 between lOom noon only for Information. GENERAL OFFICE Full Time >15/330-0549 PUBLIC WORKS Employee. Applications available from Lake in the Hills Village Hall until Nov. 24, at 1111 Crystal LakeRd. EXPERIENCED Aluminum Siding Helper, w/roplocemont window experience. After 4pm, 015/455-5310. COMBINATION Mechanic 4 Deteli Man plus general maintenance. Must hove own tools 4 good tefer Sheet. Start $4.50/hour, 30-40 hours, work- awith entioue autos 4 Cores. Vol© Auto Museum 4 Sports Cer Store. Call first for appointment, >15/305-3444. ALLAROUND MACHINIST 4 years minimum experience, lathe, Bridge- ports, grinders. Call for appointment. 8151385-2368 G&M TOOLS 4450 W. BBull Valley Rd. McHenry RECEPTIONIST/BOOKKEEPER People oriented person with general knowledge of bookkeeping. Duties in clude answering phones, typing, invoic ing, A/R, A/P & customer service. Full time, good company benefits. Apply in person. 7900S. Rt. 31 Cary, IL 815-459-7500 MOLDMAKER Plastic Injection Molds. Minimum 4 years experience. 50 hour work week. Paid vacations, holidays & insurance. Stromborg Tool Company, 815>33»4jg6 Office CREDIT CORRESPONDENT Facilitate the collection of past doe accounts by phone and written contact with customers and salesperson. Review cus tomers lor credit worthiness through study of information provided by credit services and customers. WORD PROCESSOR Experienced, mature word processor to work in our central- itM corporate department. Will us* keyboard terminal tor magnetic media equipment. Magna SL experience a plus. Good grammar skills required. Will provide technical train- ON CALL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT or key punch/verity experience. On call work up to 20 hours per week In corporate headquarters CUSTODIAN General cleaning of an assigned area, lawn upkeep and other outside maintenance. Paint, Moor care and other assigned projects. Assist maintenance people in repair of building la cilties. Hours 210 p.m. M F, with occasional overtime re quired. £ UARCOINCORPORATED West County Line Rd. Barrington 312-381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employtr M/F Uf, „ 1 • ,1 ntip WlnTfu NEWSPAPER CARRIERS •Must be reliable to deliver morning routes. •Alt areas of Crystal Lake available. •Contact the Circulation Dept. •TheMeraW •Crystal Lakeoffice. •815/459-4040, ext. 262. SPRAY PAINTER. AMlv in nerinn Ulnmlel n i I Ifllaliiln n person, ffOOOSTOCK WQKIIIHI* Mi ii r 14m • • A - - - ' » - « mcnuiry Avt., wooostock. WANTED FULL TIME, responsible office worker, ac curate typing, f methematk skills impkretive. Apply In Fonly, Mon.- FrT., fam-Ferms Service Trucking 21606 W. Railroad St., Marengo. DELIVERY PERSON ever M for Thursday thru Sunday evenings. Must have depen dable car. Apply in person after 3 pm at Terry's Pizza, 4702 Rt. 1W, Crystal Lake. BODY MAN- must be thoroughly experienced. Quali ty wranc a must. Call 015/305- 7441. HELPER FOR construction A general maintenance. 815/338- 2380, noon to 5 pm. Will train right person. • PRINT SHOP looking for full time AM, 1250 duplicator flgrefor. Please call, 312/695- COOK, full time position. Ex cellent starting salary A com plete benefit package. Ex perience required. Apply In person et the Woodstock ResMsnce, 300 McHenry Ave., HELP WANTED- Full time: The Vlllan of Carpentorsville Is accepting applications for •he following public works posi tion: Public Works Department ^•'ntanenra Requirements: 1. Villege residency within one year of date of hire 1 Valid class C or better 11- »»--«- -»--« •« ... iinpti orvwn IKM9 Experience in public works and/or construction Is desirable. Applications are eveileble at the Villege Hall. room 38. 1200 L. W. Beslnger Dr., Carpentorsville. II 60110 during normel working hours. Applications will be accepted until FrMey, Nov. 16,1084. Previous applicants for this Ction need not re-apply, as e explications heve been retained, end will be con sidered again. The villege of CarpentersvlNe is EOE, and does not discrlminete on the basis of sex, rece, creed, na- tlonel origin, or hendlcap. DAY COOKS WAITRESS Part Time Plua Cook (3 nights per week) Cell 312/830-7800 EXPERIENCED SALESPER SON, Part time for floor cover a business in Crystal Lake. I 815/450-5033 between 0 e.m.OiS.p.m. NEEDED: Early childhood person to work In dey cere center. Must heve two veer degree in early childhood. App ly et Tom Tnumb Dey Cere Center, 1851 Ravine Lane, Carpentorsville. FULL TIME, third shift, 11pm- 7am, mature responsible per son needed for convenient store gas station, previous cosh handling experience helpful, variety of duties. Apply in per son, Millstreem Union 78, 3702 W. Elm St., McHenry. PART TIME teke ii DEMONSTRATORS W0 will be In Crystal Lake to meet you. Kelly Services will be interviewing In Crystel Lake for retail A grocery store pro duct domonstrotors on Thurs day Nov. 15. Earn extre money for the holidays. Join the Kelly team! Call Janet for the details. 312/885-9444 ̂ KELLY SERVICES The Tomporory Help People s-sr" JOB HUNTING? Let Janet Mersh Teach You How To Find A Job! CALL JANET MARSH, MSW 815/338-8821 SALES CLERKS, mornings eem-noon. Will train. Apply in person: Dunkin Donuts, McHenry. NEED HOLIDAY FUNDS? Summers over end the children are off to school. Don't let another winter keep you In the house! Explore the business world with our temporary ser vice. We needed levels of office skills to service local A sur rounding areas. We heve paid vacations, holidays A bonuses. A.E.Schuurman&Assoc. Temporary Service Barrington, Ii. 312/381-3322 SECRETARIAL joIqi Correspondent Energetic versatile individual w/excellent organizational skills to do telemarketing, coor dinating of seies files and assist In our over el I sales effort. Salary -I- bonus. Please send resume to Window Well Protec tor. Inc., P/O. Box 1037, Crystel Lake, Ii 80014. TELLERS: Union Netionel Bank of Elgin is seeking e full time teller to work epprox. 35 to 40 hours per week. Experience preferred, but we will train qualified individuals who i good customer contoct skills. Ptewo cell Scott Vkkers or Tonl Ligmenowskl; 312/000- 7500. EOE. WE ARE SjHklng w> ambitious person, enth good tele com munications A work habits, to join our expending sales force. We offer product training, salary, plus progressive bonus Si benefits. Pleeee cell for lllinos Carobn Products. /8S8-8584. Crystal Lake stores. Daytime hours. Cer necessery. Write phone number, experience to: ICC 408. Box 527. Peremus, NJ. STATIONARY ENGINEER Good Shepherd Hospitel has a full time PM shift position for e Stationary Engineer with en Elgin, Chicago or Aurora license, if interested, complete en explication'at the Personnel Deportment. ' EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrington, It 80010 f employer m/t WANTED MOLD REPAIR TOOL ROOM FOREMAN Local custom Injection molder, needs eggresslve person to lead mold repair group. Top pay to quelfiedperson. Master Molded Products 1000 Davis Rd. Elgin 312/895-9700. CASHIER, Pert time. 18-32 hours per week. Apply at Fuel Desk. Union 78. 1-90 A US 20. Hempslre. WAITRESS Wanted. Deys A evenings. Apply in person. Cordelia's Rest.. 100 Crystal St., Cary (across from train station) PART TIME OFFICE, Hours 10em-2:30pm. Typing A general office skills. Prom enterprises Inc., 3510 N. Chapel Hill Rd.. McHenry, Johnsburg, II.. 015/385-1555. EXPERIENCED COOK, full time. deys. Apply in person to Reese's Restaurant, 205 South Main St. In Algonquin DENTAL ASSISTANT, perma nent pert time, will train people oriented person. Send replies to Box ANvTCrystel Lake Morn- Ing Herald, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake. IL. 80014. INDUSTRIOUS, Shirt sleeved individual capable of growing with our retail store. Must be eble to work unsupervised. Some moving A lifting Involv ed. Brand Equipment A Supp ly, 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake. 815/455-4550 AN OHIO OIL CO. offers high Income, plus cash bonuses, benefits to mature person in Crystal Lake area. Regardless of experience, write P.L. Reed. American Lubricants Co., Box 426, Dayton, Oh to 45401 Help Wanted Full Time Teller Needed Experienced Preferred Apply In Person at McHenry Savings and Loan Association 1209 N.Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Help Wanted 24 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR We have an immediate opening tor an ex perienced IBM-29 Key punch operator to work Monday through Friday, 3 pm to 7 pm. Our company offers a good starting salary. For an interview appointment, please call our personnel office. fiENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815-943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F JOURNEYMAN TOOL & DIE MAKERS 3rd SHIFT Tool & Die Makers for expanding operation in plant fabrication work involving building and/or repairing progressive & compound dies, jigs & fixtures. Job shop experience preferred. Good wages & excel lent company paid benefit package. Apply To Personnel Department 6ENERAL POWER EQl/lPMENT CO. 201E. Brink St., Harvard, IL60033 815/943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F REALTY WIUO- TRMKMfi |p mi ESTATE. IN can inswtr all qwestioM about teal estate at a Career Oar sac- CMtful tales force it totally profat ttaeal and career minded! Join Our World REALTY WORLD Durb.n Sto fall. Call Harriet Bergttrand at IIS-3I5-I060 for a confidential REALTY VMl NRM-STOVALL (213 W. Elm Street McHenry. il AUTO MECHANIC. Ex perienced, productive, quality oriented dealership technician for busy AMC. Mazda, BMW shop. Call Jim for appointment. >15/455-4330 LOT BOY/ Cleen-up/ General Maintenance. Permanent part time mornlrns. Apply In person to Jim. Anderson Motor Com- u 4010 Amwey Dr., Cyrstal CK WAITRESSES WANTED, live ly, energetic, epply in person, Johnny Murphys. 115/305-2014. MOLD MAKING or Tool A Die apprentice. Must have previous experience with tool room equipment. For information call Dave. Country Models, 3305 S. Rt. 31, Crystel Lake. 115/439-2314 MACHINE OPERATORS Some lifting; will trein S E W I N G M A C H I N E OPERATORS Experience necessery Algonquin, 312/050-5*27 TEXAS REFINERY Corp. needs mature person now In Woodstock area. Regardless of 711 lining, write I. FtJftorth, TX 76101 FULL A PART Time, days A wknds. Apply at Ashby's, Spr ing Hill Mall, Between 10am- 4pm, Mon.- Frl." No phone cells PRE-SCHOOL Teachers A Substitues. Must have or be working towards the following quelificetlons: 2 yeers of credits in child cere or 1 year experience w/6 credit hours in child cere. Apply in person at Kinder Care, 5213 . Elm St., McHenry. Food Service FOODSERVICE WORKERS Immedlete full time opportuni ty for experienced COOK s assis tant and seled prep. Please cell for eppointment Monday thru Friday between 7am-3pm. 312/555-2063. x An equel Opportunity E mployer M/F NOW HIRING, bartenders, weitresses, bus persons & cooks. Apply in person after 2 pm, PHlfly's Sports Bar A Grill, 5016 Northwest Highway, Crystal Leke. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experienced required in repair & maintenance of Industrial equipment. Excellent company benefltes. GRAFTEKPRESS 6704 S. Pingree Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-9450 WATCHMAN, pert time. Retired or semi-retired in- divlduel welcome to apply. Ap ply in person to Sfetter Wallpaper Mills, 400 S. Main St., Crystal Leke. 1160014. SECRETARY Part-time, flexible hours for Mery Kay sales director, 312/439-610$. HYGENIST jly growing dental office l part time hygenlst one dey e week. Possibility of more days in the future. Please call 015/459-2400. SMALL COMPANY looking for mature person full & part-time. Office skills desired. Send resume to: L. Woerner at P.O. Box 1069, Crystal Lake, II. 60014. EXCELLENT INCOME EXCELLENT BENEFITS For dependable A motlveted in dividuals only. Full A part time phone work on incomming calls basis. Severel job openings eveil. For more details contact, Sue et 312/742-1179. TEXAS REFINERY CORP. needs meture person now in Hampshire aree. Regardless of experience, write A. B. Sears, Bix 711, Fort Worth, Texas 76101. HelpWmfrd 32 Misc. Merchandise « Misc. Mercheodtoe » MUc. CLERK Fufl-time position, Mon.-F i, in the Police Dept. Duties in elude: answering telephone, receptionist for window trefflc, filing, typing, data entry A retrieval. Must be eble to type 40-50 wpm A effectively work with the public. Prefer 2-3 yrs. clerical A EDP experience Ap ply et: City Hail City of Crystal Lake 121N. Main St. Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST GENERAL OFFICE Must have pleasant phone personality. No experience necessary. - Apply In Person Between 8 am & 3:30 pm VAUGHN &BUSHNELL MANUFACTURING CO. 11414 Maple Ave. (Rt. 173) Hebron, IL 60034 815/648-2446 Equel Opportunity Employer PART TIME floor maint enance in Woodstock, weekday mornings A weekends, S4/hour. Mr. Mills, 312/350-0779. GENERAL FACTORY WORKER Day Shift Position For Enthusiastic Hard Worker Good Wages, Full Insurance Plus Other Benefits 'Apply At G.K. INDEXABLE . 602 Factory Road Crystal Lake 31 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold A Sliver. T A C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Frl - 0 to 5, Sat - 0 tO4.015/459-4445 SLOT MACHINES WANTED. Paying Cash. Any condition; A Wurlltzer juke boxes. 414/240- 3796. WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains A old toys A baseball cards. 015/675-6379 after 5:30pm. H.C. COIN A STAMP CO. WE BUY A SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •••015/459-3940"* OLD BICYCLES WANTED, balloon tire bikes, 1930-50 style; also old motorbikes, pedal cars, wagons, toys, etc. 414/240- 3796. ANTIQUES WANTED, old fur niture, lamps, toys, wicker, docks, anything old, also buy ing complete households. 414/240-3796. A & A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersvllle, 312/426-2360. 70 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, casn 312/464-5661 BUY, SELLorTRADt?0 Guns, Old Shells and related Items. 015/330*4731. WANTED, DARK BROWN washer, 015/455-1537 „ or 015/459-5054. OUTBOARD MOTORS Prefer Johnson or Evinrude, need not be running; Also boats. Call 312/037-2012. 32 Misc. Marchandisa OAK FIREWOOD, S55. a face cord. 015/547-0362,015/544-2411. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices, Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rf. 176 V> block W. of 31), Crystal Lake. 015/459-3363. RAILROAD TIES, $3.90/each. Landscape timbers, bulk grass A pasture seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm A Lawn, 015/330-4200. WANTED: Glassware - Depression (colored), Heisey, Cambridge, Fostoria, Candlewick, etc. Pottery - Fiesta, Hall, Waller, Rosevllle, etc. 015/095:6033 PICTURE*FRAMING of all kinds. Creative A reasonable. Our Frame House, 015/455- 4515. BUY YOUR /Mattress factory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt 015/330-6674 or 015/330 GENERAL OFFICE Part-Time Afternoons Our well established company has an oppor- J tunlty available for a flexible Individual able to handle a variety of duties including switchboard relief and data entry as well as assisting the production scheduler. Effec tive communication skills and a good math aptitude would be a plus. For further Infor- | mation please call... . Jean Wilke 815/648-2416 FILTERTEK INC. f PERMANENT PART-TIME OFFICE WORK Naad a friendly, energetic person, 9 am-1 pm, in a small office In McHenry. Variety of dufies; billing, typing, phone answering. Able to work wifh minimun supervision, and have ability to get along with others. Neat ness, readability, & punctuality required. S«nd resume to: Box ANT c/Shaw Free Press 3813 W. Elm St. McHenry, IL 60050 BETTER GRAPHICS A FAST GROWING COMPANY EXPERIENCED TYPE- a supervisory position shift. Good Benefits, NEEDS AN SETTER for on second salary open. 133 Illinois St., Crystal Lake 815-455-3830 Yf Expert ad Santa in plush velvet suit for parties and home visits. Elfle" (Santa's Elf) A Crackers the Clown ready with isrcs&sft SEASONED FIREWOOO 155 Per Face Cord 01S/330-3965 After 4 pm 115/330-0615 After 0 pm FIREWOOO Dry Oak 015/Mt-7792 HAVE ROAST Goose for Thanksgiving. Farm fresh Nov. 20. $1.59 per pound. 015/09S-97W or 750-6977 MATTRESSES from S29.99. Linen Outlet Matt rest Li quidators. Hebron- 015/640- 4320. Thurs. I Frl., HU; Sat. 10-5. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furniture-Clothing •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10AMto5PM Mon Sat 015/459 3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) SPECIAL WINTER frlces on Basements, Rec. Rooms. Kit chen I Bathrooms. Chateau Builders. 015/455 4392 or 312/529-4291. HAY FOR SALE. Grass A Alfalfa mix. S2.00 a bale for 1st cutting. 02.50 a bale for 2nd cut- ting. 312/464-5492. / MATTRESS SALE. Twin set, 009.99; Full set, 099.99; Queen Set, 0139.99. Delivery available. Welter's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rt. 176, V> block W. of 31). Crystal Lake, 015/459-3363. --HAPPY GRAMS-- SINGING TELEGRAMS Male & Female Belly Dancers --312/000-3060-- PRE HOLIDAY SALE Nov. 1st-30th. Perm waves, 010 off; Haircut, 00; Cut A Style, 012; 10% Seniors discount. Coach House Hairdressers, 115 W. Washington St., Algonquin. 312/650 5770 MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & electric, washers, dryers, portables & wr ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALES A SERVICE 1209 Court St. McHenry, II. 015/305-1072 015/305-1096 LOW BOY heavy duty trailer, 15" wheel, all new wood, 0200; 6 H.P. snowbiower, self propell ed, 0125; '74 Plymouth, 310 w/ HU40 transmission, can hear run, 0100 or offer, rack for short bed Datsun or Toyota pick-up. 0100, 312/603-4102 after 6 or leave message. COPIERS, new A used, plain paper A coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master Charge A Visa) 015/455-3050. CEILING FAN Closeout. All metal, 36" wood blades, 3 speeds & reverse, only 029.95; 40" or 52", only 039.95. Perfect gift. Voss Vacuum A Sewing, Marengo, IL. 015/560-7477. OLIVETTI ET-231 Electronic Memory Typewriter with display, mint condition, 02,500. Call 015/455-2796 after 7 pm. SNOW SKIS, Kastle, 195cc, boots 0i poles, asking 075. 312/695-0775 WE STOP ALL LEAKS! Roof, Chimney, Basement, Foundation, New Work or Repaired, Free Estimates. Call Anytime. Family Owned Business. J. West Waterproof ing, Fox Lake, IL. 312/507-4646 COMPLETE BEDROOM set, dresser w/mirror, chest, queen size w/heedboerd, dinette set, 5 piece round wrought iron; 015/344-5150. DINETTE SET, 4 chairs A leaf, good condition. Best offer. 015/459-3053. SALE Upholstering Fabrics & Sup plies. Foam Rubber. Caning, Rubber Webbing, etc. 35% Dis count on all brand name fabrics. Upholstering, repair ing 0i regluing. Crystal Lake Upholstery Shop, 151 N. Main (In rear), Crystal Lake. 015/459-0653. Sat. & evenings by appointment only. ASSORTED display cases, greeting cards, Ig. quantity of candy. Call 312/420 4497. READER'S DIGEST Condens ed books. 1963 '03. $120.015/459 3632 after 4:30 p.m. DINNETTE set. table A 4 chairs, 1 odd buffet, $75, 015/305 2230 CIRCA 1920 1930 ornate oak chest on legs. $65/best. Call after 6 p.m. 015/459-3465 CAR STEREOS. Am/fm cassette. $40 A $55. Like new. 6 X 9 triaxial speakers, $30, like new. BSR turntable, new nee dle, $35. B 0. W 19 In. TV, $45. 312/650 9200 COUCH, earth tone I 2 chairs, $150; 29 gal. aquarium, A ac- cesories. $00; 4 bar stools, $60; wood sewing table, $150; playpen; $20, changing table, $15, or best offers. 015/344-1706. 3 PIECE Early American liv ing room set, sofa, loveseat & chair, $300,015/330-7995. OAK LIVING room aet. 6 petce. w/2 lamps, 0000 firm. 0IS/4»e0P0. SNOWBLOWER, Toro, > yrs. old. used 5 times, 7 HP sett pro pelled. $590 or best offer, 015/310-3796, after 6 p.m. W E S T B E N D d e l u x e humidifer, used once; studio couch, never used; bumper bike reck, never used; 015/305- 0757. MOVING OUT OF STATE Moot household turn (shines, plants A misc. must be ooB. Also drafting A office furniture. 9 ama pm, M0 North Shore Or., Crystal Lake. DRAFTING TABLE A > draf a machines. Call 015/455-day or night. , MOTOROLA Mocom 70, 2 way radio system for sale, 4 mobiles, 1 bese; $1000. Call Algonquin Tire Co., 312/650- 7979, between 7am-6pm. • BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Thanksgiving balloon bouquets. Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. 015/419- RAVE. TWIN COMFORTERS, I true blue/light blue, 015/ea. Exer cise Bike, $25. Student's school desk. $15. Child's teble A chairs, $5/set. Child's wood piano & stool, $5/set. Desk Cheir, $5,312/639-5624. WHIRLPOOL HEAVY DUTY washer A gas dryer, like new avocado, $300, firm for both; exerxlstbike, $50,015/459-0905. iccHi FINECHINA, 40pc. April Row pattern by Sandalwood, silver ware k fine crystal, $1,200 new- Will sell all for $500. Call Diane at 312/669 3222 0am-4pm. 50' STEEL TOWER w/ TV antenna A separate FM anten na. Must be pkkad up In Crystal Lake. $50/ best. 015/459-4444. GAS STOVE: 30", like new, white. Will sacrifice for $275.; 015/455-0561, or 015/455-0079. FOUR SEASONS RESALE OPENING NOV. 15 AT 105 E.Judd St., Woodstock. We will sell on consignment. For more information, Call 015/330 2971. Sorry, No Clothing. B A L L O O N S , S A N T A WORKSHOPS Visits, Adult Gags. Fantasy Festival Costume/Magic Centre. 432 Virginla-Rt. 14-Crystal Lake 015/455-4910. DAYTON GAS SPACE, heater, mounts on ceiling, $150, 015/455-6706. PA. EQUIPMENT: Peavey 10 channel self-powered, $400; 2- Sunn Model 12P.A. speakers. $2S0/pr.; 2 unfinished V.O.T. cabinets w/15" Altecs-$100, 3 Mikes. 312/639 4917 aft. 6 weekdays, anytime weekends. KOCHS BARBER Chair; $125, Sears charcoal, 30 in. range hood, harvest gold; $75, Black A Decker, 10 in. electric miter saw; $135, Stanley miter saw; $125, school clocks, solid oak. 5 left, 0 day wind w/ chime; $300 aa. Call after 5pm, 312/650-4346. 2 NORTH WEST ORIENT airline tickets-round trip,good anywhere In U.S., must use by Dec. U, reasonable. 015/330- 7075. FISCHER 127 Studio Standard Cassette Deck, $175; Panasonic 35W per channel am/fm 0-track stereo, $125; Realistic 5 band equalizer, $50; United Audio direct drive turntable, $50. OR- $350 Takes All! Call 015/455 4520. WINDSOR black leather English riding boots, Exc. cond. size 6V», ladles; $50.; 015/330-5541. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Gifts for all occasions. Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. A weekends. 015/455-4056, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. FIREWOOO. Seasoned, mixed, full face cord, delivered. Crystal Lake. $40.015/459-9495 9 foot sofa. i. M foot base, 2 matching chairs, $150. Call 015/344-3016. DOLL HOUSE, handmade, 0 Ig. rooms, 1" to 1 ft. scale. Elec trtcltv with functional wall switches, running water, finish ed wells, very detailed $300 015/459-6272 after 5 p.m. GREEN COUCH; $35, brown plaid love seat A chair; $50, green floral chair; $5, 6,000 6TU air cond.; $50, Eureka vacuum, good cond.; $40. 015/455-5144. KEROSENE HEATER CLOSEOUT Kerosun Radiant 0, $49.95. Just a few left! We now stock parts for most major brand kerosene heaters, a offer full repair. Voss Vacuum a Sewing; 015/560-7477 SWIMMING POOL, 1 yr. old, 10 ft. round, all accesories, cover, thermel blenket, pump, vacuum, A red wood deck. Still under warranty, $700 or best of fer, 015/344-4607. ' KING SIZE BED w/ simulated brass headboard, $150; La. men's dresser w/ 2 doors. $100; Stereo console, $50. All in good cond. 312/639 1332. SEARS PORTABLE sewing machine, $100; Kirby vacuum cleaner, $50; General Electric fan, $15; snow fencing, $30, 015/344-3767. G A S S T O V E , $ 5 0 , Regrigerator. $75- both avacado; Rec liner chair, $50; '79 Harley Classic, 00 in., cream A tan, $4,500. Call 312/639 1677. RCA 21" XL 100 color TV, exc. cond., $150. 815/653 3254 • BASEBALL CARDSHOW BUY-SELL-TRADE SATURDAY NOV. 17 10AMtO4PM At the farm Bureau building in Woodstock on McConnell Road. Call Dan 015/455-3415. BELL TOUR STAR helmets, 1 pair, 5 months old, meroon, $100. ee. Call after 5, 015/337- 0095. 2 TICKETS. Northwest, from A to anywhere, round trip, must be ueed by Dec . 15, S)N/eech 015/455-0035. HEARING AID. Behind the ear ypo. ueed very llttte, not VEDOING RING Set with »Dls cut diamond onoage ring, appraised at $U00 Will sell for $350/ firm; 015/459 0 97 after 5 pm. I )Y'S DRESSER, 045. Girt s y flow dreooor, $35. Car seot. $ I.Call SOOn, 312/6509036 S ILL LOOKING for a Cat b ge Patch KM? Get the next b of thing One of Julie's Kids. (I ell Baby) I also make Care B «rs end cute llttte Swinging ft H*eys. Call now. Before 5 10, 015/943-TIM. after 0:00, A 1-7275 T tBLE A CHAIRS. 5 pieces; e oak dining room. 6 places, couch; swivel chairs; 3 1/420-6555 QJJEEN SIZE BED. the international Chlroprec h r Association, 1 yr. a c. cond . $250,312/639-1 In T IADE IN SALE your sofa S 00, your red Iner SSO, your k tchen teble A chairs $50, your f attreis set $25. Weill's f «rn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. R 1.17A Crystal Leke. 015/459 3 13. CMC CHURCH PEW. $100., Smith Carone electric t pewrlter, cartridge, exc. c md., $225.; electric meet s leer. $60.; 015/653 5076 after HNG SIZE WATERBEO. 4 p »ter with mahegony finish, i tmi-waveiess mattrese. new t »ater, Orig. $600. Must sell r m. $300. Call 015/455-5000. I NAACK TOOL BOX (Ig.) for Ickup. reg. $325- will sell for ISO; Maklta W In. heevy duty rverslng drill, like new, SM0; l sir size 10 Relchle ski boots. Pet, 312/639-1325. tTTN. HOMEWOMERS; wholesale to you- water soften-, ng equipment! Rental from 110/ mo. No Charge for In-oul lookup. $12.95- Cleen A Adjust. Service ell makes A models. For free wafer analysis. caH Greet Lakes AquaMestor To- lay! 015/455-6397 (X 312/639 7206. SEWING MACHINE, brand new from New Home, the elec tronic 201A save $200 on our Ij Voss Vacuum A Sewing. troductory price, lust $499.1 Voss Vecuum A f Merengo, 015/560-7477. WOOO JOINTER, Craftsmen, 4", $175, 015/455-6706. DAVID'S QUALITY FIREWOOO Delivered a Stocked $45.00 A $50.00 Call 312/741-6259 I tEFREIGERATOR, i ryer. All run well; make en of- I erf; 015/455*009. EWING MACHINE, brand ew from New Home, the oloc- ronlc 2010, save $200 on our in roductory price, just $499.95, 'oss Vecuum A Sewing. Aarengo. 015/560-7477. MAHOGANY Dining room set) ncludes chine cabinet, 50 yeers M. Antique velue. $3SoAesf; 115/653-9437. STEREO, couch, 2 chairs. * timbers, volcanic rock, 015/730* 1955. USED GAS stove in good, cleen condition, $200.; 015/330-5905, after 6 pm » ANTIQUE COLOR TV $100 Or Best Offer 312/639 4707 or 639-4670 SUPER SINGLE Weterbedj complete with heater, ped * sheets. $05.; 312/639-4044. POLYESTER FIBERFILt Scraps for pillows, crafts, etc, Celiil5/455-64400 em-4:30 pm. TRUMPET LIKE new $901 Cabbage Patch look-ollke home made Doll $35. « CABBAGE PATCH kMs. 1 girl 1 boy, best offer; RCA color TV. 19", $75, Zenith concole stereo, needs repeir, $50, 312/650 4474. ANTIQUE DRESSER w/mifi ror, craved wood, w/brass handles, $125,015/455-2403. COUCH: Country French, sollfl oak trim, brown stripes, S350j drepes, natural weeve w/lln ing, 120 X 00", $50.; decoretor rods, 2 et 06", $15. each; 1 at 52", $10.; full size comforter pillow shams, yellow print, $30.; 015/459-0741. TWO, 25 gellon fish tenks a stand, 1 roper ges stove, very good cond., 1 week A white, console t.v.; Call 312/650-7149.. TRESTLE TABLE, A benches, dk. pine, exc. cond., $300, Wurlltzer Fun Meker organ, A bench, $1200 new, asking $400, 015/095-2362. WASHER A Electric Dryer. $60/ both; stereo w/tum teble speakers, $25; Sharp 501 copier, $150/ best; chlM's play pletform w/ rolls A ladder, $30; Cell 015/330-7953 after 5 30 pm. FIREWOOO, Seesoned oak, delivered, $55. per face cord; 312/669 5570. FIVE Cabbage Petchdolls forsele. 015/305 2000 TWIN FOLD UP roll ewey bed with Seely mattress. $25; four chrome kitchen chairs, brown upholstery, $25,015/704-5130. FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 815/385-6103 a mart emm Remove the dirty culprits, soot, and creosote, which collect in chimneys and cause chimney fires. 6EHE-S CHIMENV SERVICE 815-9434927