wice Told Tales SUCCESS! PHONE: (815)653-5096 McHENRY SAVINGS AND LCfAN'S The 'SMOKE BUSTERS" Have A NEW REASON For You To Stop Smoking ...Have you ever considered how much of your hard earned dollars are going up in Smoke? ... If you're Smoking one or two packs a day, you're spending about $7.00 to $14.00 per week! ...If that money was deposited into a simple savings account it would grow into thousands of dollars! . . HERE ARE THE FACTS Number of years you Smoke One Pack Per Day Dollars Saved- Cigarettes Not Inhaled Two Packs Per Day Dollars Saved- LQ^arettes Not Inhaled 1 year $374.43 7,280 $748.85 14,560 10 years $4,911.80 72,800 $9,823.60 145,600 20 years $13,624.31 145,600 $27,248.62 291,200 McHENRY S A V I N G S McHenry Savings V IOAM ASSOCIATION 1209 North Groon Street, McHenry 815 385 3000 10520 Main Stroot, Rl- imond 815-678-2061 10402 North Vino Stroot (Huntloy Contor on Routo 47) Huntloy 312-669-3333 SAVMS HOURS: 9:00am to 4 30 pm. Monday Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am to 1 00 pm Saturday McHenry Office Drive in windows open Wednesday 8 00 am to 2:00 pm Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley. Oopoilti Inturod $100,090 by tho 9*4*9I Savings ft loon Intwronct Corp. During the American Cancer Society's "GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT" in November, McHenry Savings and Loan will decrease its usual starting deposit of our savings account passbooks to ten dollars; about the cost of a carton of cigarettes. Instead of watching your money go up In smoke, watch your "SMOKE BUSTERS" Account grow into thousands of dollars! Just stop in and ask for a "SMOKE BUSTE RS" Account and promise to try to stop smoking. At McHenry Savings and Loan... ...WE'RE READY TO BELIEVE YOU!