Neighborhood news Rlngwood: Plan breakfast Hie Johnsburg P.T.O. will be sponsoring a "Breakfast With Santa" Sunday, Dec. 2, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Johnsburg High School cafeteria. Pictures with Santa will be available. In addition to the breakfast, there will be a bazaar of hand crafted ornaments, as well as a , children's grab bag. \ This sounds like a fun time for everyone, so be sure to mark your cklgndar for this date. Katy Christopher 385-8037 Doris Low 653-9262 DINNER A SUCCESS Even though it was a cold, - blowy night, the Ring wood church had a successful roast beef dinner last Saturday evening. The support by everyone was greatly ap preciated. DON'T CALL IN „ ^ Winter and bad weather are Last nature walk slaved Pleasant Valley Outdoor Center (PVOC) will be the scene of the last of a series of nature walks led by Bill Wingate, naturalist, on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. The final "wander" will focus on varieties of trees and . shrubs useful for winter landscaping. Plants with interesting barks and thorns also will be explored. The series has been sponsored by McHenry County Defenders. PVOC is a 460-acre camp and retreat center that is owned and operated by the Community Renewal Society, an urban mission agency of the United Church of Christ in the Chicago metropolitan area. The natural environments at PVOC include a 35-acre prairie, hardwood and \ evergreen forests, and wetland areas. Toreadi PVOC,fit? ift west to Rt. 47, go north on Rt. 47 a short distance, then go west on Pleasant Valley Road. PVOC is located one-half mile west of Dean Street on the south side of Pleasant Valley Road. The walk will begin at the main parking lot near Hilltop Center. For more information, in terested persons may call Bill Wingate at (815) 459-4985 or call the McHenry County Defenders office at (815)459-0450. on their way. Bad road con ditions may warrant school closings. The director of tran sportation will evaluate road conditions and any decision to close schools will be made prior to 6:?0 a.m. by Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Andreas. The only exception to this would be those times when school would be in session and weather conditions worsen, thereby forcing an early school closing. The following radio and television stations will carry notices of any Johnsburg school closings: WGN 720 AM, WLS 890 AM and 94.7 FM, WMAQ 670 AM, WIND 560 AM, WIVS 1220 AM, WBBM 780 AM and 96 FM, WXET106 FM, WFYR 103.5 FM, WCLR 102 FM, WAGO 106 FM, US 99 FM, WGN TV channel 9, WFLD TV channel 32 and cable TV channel 3. Help the schools by not calling them for information during snow storms. It is important to keep all, telephone lines open for emergency calls. Tune in! CONGRATULATIONS "Happy. Birthday" to Bernie Klapperich and Larry Harvey, Jr., Nov. 22. Little Emily Catherine Ferrara will be three years old Nov. 24, with Phyllis Ackerman, Mary Butler and Mary (Carr) Freund adding another candle to their cakes Nov. 25. Shelley (Nabor) Burns will celebrate her special day Nov. 26; as Dolores (Betts) Cornelia and Kimberly Palermo will do Nov. 27. Nov. 28 will be that special day for Steve Harvey. Kieth Lehman, Mark Reinwful and David Ferrara. We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day, and many more to come. v ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" to Pat and Tom Parsley Nov. 28, and we wish you many more years of wedded bliss. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nov. 18-Worship sevice~9 a.m.-Ringwood Church: Junior Church-9:15 a.m.-Ringwood Church Nov. 21-Thanksgiving Eve Services Nov. 22-Thanksgiving Day- the time to give thanks for our families and all good things. Nov. 25--Worsnip service-9 a.m.-Ringwood Church; Junior Church-9:15 a.m.-Ringwood Church GOD BLESS "Wkm fine food i«4 drink ire twroawM by the wirm beauty ind chirm of ntm" Country Squire *"S Mill btavtiful t imt of tht ytar at t t if former Weslty Sun Country Estate! Tta turning of tkt ontf tko fifld color of tko flo^wn on tk® ptcturosQuo landscaped 13* acres all enhance the LmhIm f*l mui ma AnLnfl a • nil Ikmuak i>nr eMiiauie mumi ami "Tjmitiu At# " w» ivii wnicn jrou can wftjuyi lano o wwi uiivuir wr |iuunos ino anjOjf our vounxry Air* Mile Thb Thanksgiving A Sp«ci«l 0M! Thenlmlilm la a facial day at the Comtry S«rin..JM ear famMy Is u-i-- ikU fkaaheaUM m ti , * m -- > pRMii m ipiPp ewe UH pMf win panMi lar..JieiH| at Tha Country Sqaire. Choose fra* three complete m . . . a H t h e t r i m m i a t i a r e h a a a a h a a i e a r a a --tl AM e iguu. » j nafrkM ik* ^ ® mac WvKWNM naMHO** ClaiadMaaday Vn,.r llmt. Tour noon, Bill ft Kris Gram (312) 2230121 Intersections Rt 120 ft 45; Graplahe McHINRY OPTICIANS 1 JO 1 R IVERSIDE OR McHCNRY I I I ACROSS f KOM t Ml fox MOlt I ,815)38', 9740 OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY METAL OR PLASTIC FRAMES KIDS ' FRAMES METAL OR PLASTIC 6LASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! ' (SINGH VISION PIASTIC ONIT) SENIOR CITIZENS-FREE FRAME- OF LENSES EMERGENCY REPAIR & FRAME REPLACEMENT (815)385-9240 Panasonic keg. $599| SUPER NEW LOW PRICE! • Remote • Programmable • Electronic Tuning Brand New 198SrModel 12 FREE Movie Rentals with Purchase! NOW IN STOCK/ ON SALE! SONY 19 COLOR TV s429 25 Color Monitor NEW 1985 MODELS 23 diagonal of jj watchman 2" Scr--rt CT2S01A 'Uw'-Dtluu 4 Head $699 hCH s899 t Tin to mjt DtcoHotn mvL i too) DON'T RENT - - lovt $41 or mora yartyl { *AAIHI/|PWOV(0 • Mr. VMS WIRELESS! Introducing Technics amo ̂ $699 wsflwKi • S Hr. VHS > Front lood BLANK TAPE SALE mSlVPlI T120 • 6Hr.VHS llldACII • T120HQ »6Hr.VHS 3 V> lb. PDMagnetics T120HG • SHr.VHS AUTO FOCUa • 10 Lui Cm Powtf Zoom T1W6HC.VHS bcotcn L750 •"5Mr.BETA 3 HEAOS MKodak T120 •OMr.VHS 94.99* •6 f vent Program FuN Function Remote Page 13 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER It, l'4$* -- # FURNISH YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS NOW! NO PAYMENTS TIL'LATE FEB. 1985* AT: WEILER'S QUALITY FURNITURE OUTLET M fin. t te»t dieirt. taWe WE ••KNOCK OURSELVES OUT TO SAVE YOU MONEY! $499.99 Yoh could easily pay as much as $799.99 for this handsome pine-finished room, but at toiler's you'll save hundreds. Soft, LiTtmt A Chair $399e99 and(JP Good looks, solid comfort and savings of hundreds. Matching sofa, lovaeeat and chair-we scooped the W e c u t c o s t s b y c u t t i n g u n n e c e s s a r y e x p e n s e s s o t h a t w e c a n b r i n g a l l o u r p r i c e s d o w n l o w W e a v o i d a l l t h e e x t r a s s o m e s t o r e s a d d t o p r i c e s ; n o f a n c y d i s p l a y s o r f l a s h y s h o w r o o m s W h e n a t m a r k e t , w e a l w a y s s h o p f o r b e s t b u y s s o y o u ' l l a l w a y s g e t t h e t o p s a v i n g s . . O u r o f f i c e a n d w a r e h o u s e e x p e n s e s a r e a w h o l e l o t l e s s t h a n f a n c y s t o r e s . Y o u p a y l e s s t o o . IMrtiis offer .rtM te credit ap- proval. 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Sot ID4 w QusHty Furniture at Affordable Prices 81S-4S9-3363 1 RUSnC*p!)aErRlVERsiD^BEECHBRwicrLiHicTA^^ INlDlSIGN LeSabre Sedan M 0,603* Century Sedan J9,545* Chosen Ones.. m Skylark Sedan '7,707* Skyhawk Coupe iviera Cou *14,71 egal Coupe <9,92|; Electra Sedan *14,331* Somerset Regal %$57* Base price excluding freight sales tax and license and title wmmmmmm ON; •SKYHAWKS •SKYLARKS m aioioscuTUJSjDe. I owner automatic, air power steer mg power brakes AM FM stereo new tires exceptionally clean car ONLY $6990 i*"t4 a I PONTIAC BONNEVILLE BJtOUGNAM 4 Off. One owner gold finish air condition mg 6 way power seats power win dows tilt cruise and many more option, 0NU $£990 mSOLDSMOMLE TORONADO I owner, top of the line beautiful cat. loaded with many rfiany extras including convertible style top leather interior plus many others Must be seen to appreciate ai CHEVKOUT CITATION 4 Dt. SEDAN NATCH BACK 1 owner 45 000 certified miles matic transmission power steem power brakes AM FM stereo tremely nice car $AVI ss 1979 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 2000B 1 owner automatic cruise control V8 engine an power steering power brakes ONIY $5290 19B1 DATSUN 310 CX I owner am-fm cassette power steer ing sun roof low miles excsptionally economical car *4590 1979 BUKX ELECTRA LIMITED 2 DOOR Only 49 000 certified miles loaded with all options including am fm 8 track stereo black with red interior and black landau top custom wheels *4750 1977 CADILLAC COUK DEVHLE Beautiful I owner loaded with optw an automatic power windows se^ and etc this car has been kept top condition low miles A< ?r |̂ M0N. THRU THURS. 9-», FRI. »•*,- SAT. 9 5 Babep Buick 91 S. RT. 12. FOX LAKE 312/Se7-2SSS