Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1984, p. 13

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Page 13 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD. TUESDAY . NOVEMBER 20.1904 PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified / ; ' - fS?». Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date.. In the event ot an error or ommisslon, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the poortkm of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call - Classified Display Ads: 815-344-4800. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344-4800. Richmond 678- 2581. ' Office Mrs MF I OOim' 50Opm 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIVATK l'\RI\ I IM \l>- Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group 24 Help Wanted 24 NURSING ASSISTANTS. fwH time, exc. starting salary A benefits. Free meals A park­ ing. We wtll train. Apply in per­ son Monday thru Friday, 8:30 4m C Wnnilila r I *1 - -» TO WwOVTOCK K9IIQP1C9i <Wr i A • lifn n if ~ A » nncnenry mvc., rrOOu>iwmi» ^ NEEDED NOW Secretaries word processors, typists, general office, experienced ene collectors. Worklr Id, " ilng 45? Payment in advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting 'Business Opportunities 'Business Ser­ vice# 'Garage Sales *MMoving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Prees Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms, Apts. to Share'Situations Wanted'Sublease, Re-rent, etc.'Wanted to Buy'Wanted to Rent. •Santinei-Herald (Woodstock) -The Haarld (Cryetal Lak.^Cary- Qrove) -The Herald (Cardunal Free Preaa) 'Elfin Herald -Rich­ mond Oazette •Sycamore Newe 'The Harald-Plalndealer • Qenoa-Klngeton-Klrkland New* 'Hampshire Raglatar. Also available: •Herald-Citizen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous staff Is at your service T-vr • • • < ' ' " ' - - if DIRECTORY Announcements ill j T^j| DEADLINES: v READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER Afor>!.'5P.M. MOM- 12 NOON I. PLAINDEALER WF.I). j P.M. WKI). 12 NOON Cemeteries & Lots. 7. .. 02 Card of Thanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . / : . 03 Notices i . 05 Car Pools. . . . . . . . . . - .10 Lost & Found. . . . . . . . . . 11 Personals. .12 instruct ion 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools.... .,.20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 2^} Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy . . 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales : .... 33 Merchandise Under S50 34 Antiques \ 35 Bicycles A Sports Equipment. M.. .36 Lawn A Gordon Equipment.. .. 37 Boots.. 38 Musical Instruments. 39 ConSeros... .40 Aviation Pots A Equipment 44 Horwes A Equipment * 47 Form.A Dairy. „.... 48 Livestock. 49 Machinery A Equipment 53 Business Opportunity. 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy. 69 Business Property.. v 70 Open Housoi . „ .71 Real Estate ...} * 72 Condominiums for Sole 73 Townhomes for Sdle 74 Lots A Acreage.. 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for-Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent. ' /. ... 78 Rooms. Board, House Aportments to Share... .. Apartments to Rent Hofoes to Rent. Condominiums^ Townhomes to Rent. Stores. Office A industrial to Rent. Farms, Formland to Rant Miscellaneous to Rent .79 .80 .81 .82 ..83 ..84 . 8 5 Automotive Autos for Sale Wjpnted to Buy AflMo Parts & Accessories. . TriAks, Tractors A Trailers ., Vans Motorcycles A Snowmobiles. Recreation Vehicles......... 86 87 88 89 90 91 .92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAlNDEALEft HERALD GLASSFIED PAGES 312 AREA COPE 3B1 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire --;--rr 695-Elgin 697-Elgin - 740-RoundLake Ul-Elgin 742-Eigin 888-Elgin 931 -Elgin --it '.815 AREA CODE 337-Woodstock 648 Hebron 338-Woodstock 653-Wonder Lake 344-McHenry 678-Richmond 385-McHenry - 728 Wonder Lake 455-Crystal Lake . 895 Sycamore • 459-Crystol Lake> ' 923-Union 568-Marengo 943-Harvard 02 Cemeteries & Lots ii Lost & Found CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK A UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 115/459-0547 TWO CRYPTS: 6th tier, sldeby side, Wlndridge Memorial Park, Cary, II. Currant market price, 16200. Will sacrifice $5000. Call 312.231-4697 after 6pm. " 05 Notices E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro­ blems such as love, business, marriage and 11 other pro­ blems of life. Call for an appointment. 1100 Dundee Ave., Elgin, II. 60102. 312/931-1193.^ i, NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS We would like to each ad as it appears in the paper, but time doeS not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ,ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm. ATTENTION: BRIDES „ Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations & ac­ cessories. Silk Flower & Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934-9233 NOW OPEN: Jim's ReSale, 5103 McCullom Lake Rd. Clos ed Monday-Hours posted. Household & glassware; tools; T.V.; lots of misc. Look & See! . Christmas Items, too. LIVE MUSIC Medallion is your best choice. Medallion is available for your holiday parties and other special occasions. We play danceable, good time Rock A Roll. 815/72S 1724 or 815/648 2618 FOUND: Collie, mahagoney, sable A white. Vicinity 1259 A Grand. 8)5/344-4015 after 7 p.m. LOST LAB, black w/white spot on neck. Vic. of Marbel Ave., Woodstock. 815/338-2458. FOUND PUPPY, sm. German Shepherd type female, In Algonquin, 312/658-8137 or 658- 8110. GRAY POODLE-LOST 11/15, vicinity Corrine A Gilbert, Crystal Lake. 17 yr. old deaf female w/ col­ lar A Stone Mt., Ga. tags. Aprox. 12 in. high. $50 REWARD •815/459-8952* $300 REWARD for return of white enevelope lost at Village Squire containing a lot of money, it will be a sad Christmas without our Christmas money. Days only; 815/344-4018,10anr5pm. ' n f e l T . P P e r s o n a l s > ' J" FAMILY P*0&jfc Call the ftee A conf stress line, day or' 815/338-8080. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL , BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-11am. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-8695 " ATTENTION! Looking for 90 people to par­ ticipate in weight loss pro­ gram. Fun-Easy anp simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas- ed. 312/658-8429. REDUCE SAFE & fast with GoBese Tablets A E-Vap "water pills"-Algonquin Drug. • 10 Car Pools WANT TO begin carpool from Genoa to Elgin. Leave Genoa at 6:30 am. Leave Elgin at 4:30 pm.-Mon.-Fri.; 815/784-5635. 11 Lost & Found LOST, part Siamese cat, wht., family pet, (Herbert) call 815/547-7225 after 12 noon, Reward. FOUND, female wht. short haired cat with blk. spot bet­ ween ears, found 1 mile north of Genoa. 815/784-5989. SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look A feel so real. Done professionally, 3 years experience, only $25. Call Joyce for appointment, 312/658- 2019. , GUARANTEED Weight Loss, 10 to 29 lbs. Ail natural, no drugs- high energy; 10% OFF with this ad. Call 312/695-1866. LOSE WEIGHT!,Look gredt! All natural-no gimmicks. Guaranteed. Nothing to lose ex­ cept unwanted lbs. Call anytime, 312/428 0846. MS. CLUB WOMAN! Tired of working in clubs A organiza­ tions for nothing? Real Estate offers unlimited earnings, the satisfaction of helping others A r e c o g n i t i o n f o r y o u r achievements. Call Nancy Jung at Century 21-John Jung, 815/338-6470 DISCOURAGED OVER Health insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. WEIGHT LOSS Lose 10-29 Ibs./mo 100% Guaranteed All Natural Herbal Program Call 815/338-7345 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop.'All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/658- 2019. 13 Instruction CROWLEY & WATERS GUITAR STUDIO Lessons in: •Classic 'Modern •Folk *Elec. Bass 315 S. Main St. Algonquin, II. • 312/658-6000 GUITAR LESSORS Woodstock Music, professional Instruction, 815/338-0360. 19 Child Care WILL DO babysitting in my Wonder Lake home, mature, reliable, experienced; 815/728- 1841. . C H I L D C A R E i n m y McHenry/Johnsburg area home, Mon. thru Frl., 815/344- 2078. - LICENSED DAY care by lov­ ing mother, full time A drop Ins, day or night, reasonable rqh(S, 815/455-0911, LOVING CARE; experienced A reliable babysitting. Hot meats A snacks. Cary area; 312/639-1055. LOVING MOM, available for child care in my Crystal Lake home. New bom A up, 815/459- 5373. • ' CHILD CARE, Christian woman to do babysitting in my Cary home, reasonable rates, 312/639-3899. MOTHER OF 2 will babysit evenings In my Crystal Lake home. f IW4EM1B 21 Situations Wanted •- BROOMS AWAY Housecleaniiw Reliable Cleaning Service Call 815/459-7690 RESUME SERVICE A all typ- ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY S A L O N , N o v e m b e r A December Specials! All perms 10% off; Frosting, $23.40; Porclean nails, $15.00. Call 312/426-6565 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. DON JOHNSON Decorating - Inferior Painting A Papering 815/338-4850 WILL DO IRONING In my Carpentersville home 312/426-4149 WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ee., 5 yrs ex- perience. 815/943-4793. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo­ dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 459-3077. "5*T HOUSE POINTING, Interior painting, drywall repair. Reasonable rates. 815/455-3559 METAL SHOP FOREMAN A custom metal fabricator look­ ing for position with firm in­ volved with same. Exc. creden tials. Frank. 312/63*8471. ATTENTION! Need a band for the holidays? Call Don at 312/658-8209. E F F E C T I V E A d v e r t i s i n g Brochures, Sales Letters, Com­ pany Newsletters. Kaiser 8, Kaiser. 815/385-2710. ESTATE AUCTION SUN. NOV. 25TH, 1:04 P.M. PREVIEW-NOON TO BE HELD AT: THE HILTON,"WRIGLEY DR.. LAKE GENEVA, Wl. SKEEN'S LAKE GENEVA AUCTION CO., INC. PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ESTATE OF MRS. BERRY ANDRUS AND OTHERS. FURNITURE: FRENCH KIDNEY SHAPED DESK; OAK ORESSER; CU­ RIO SHELVE; FRENCH PIERCED CARVED ARM CHAIR; OAK FILING CABINET; VICTORIAN PARLOR TABLE W/MARBLE TOP; PINE WAR­ DROBE; FRENCH END TABLES; 40 LOTS MORE. OTHER ITEMS: CARNIVAL GLASS; ETCHED STEMWARE; IRONSTONE; VICTORIAN SILVER WINE SERVER; METLACH STEIN 12179; CELLUL- IOD BOY DOLL; WELLER, MAJOLICA URN; OLD SLOT'S; ESTATE JE­ WELRY: ANTIQUE DIAMOND RINGS; RUBIES; SAPPHIRES; ORIENTAL CARPETS; COIN'S: U.S. GOLD COLLECTION TO INCLUDE: S5.00; $10.00 and$20.00 DOLLAR COINS PLUS SILVER COINS. Call: SKEEN'S LAKE GENEVA AUCTION CO., INC. (414-241-7041) 956MARSHALL ST. LAKE GENEVA, Wl. 53147 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED CASH OR APPROVED CHECKS BID NO. $1.00 CONSIGNMENTS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR FUTURE AUCTIONS 11 Situations Wanted 21 Situations wanted 23 Household Help Wanted PAINTING WALLPAPERING Have It done before the holidays. Low rates. 815/64M7740T 915/648-2168 D.J. Weddings, schools, etc., Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0612, eves. DOORS REPLACED, locks A dead botts installed. GM. Trby Carpentry, 815/337-0152. ALTERATIONS-Dressmaking. Home Ec. degree. Reas. rates. Call Sharl at 815/459-8590 a.m.'s STAN'S HAUL-ALL Brush A Trash Removal Free Estimates. 815/338-0074 HOLIDAY CLEANING Avail, for {bonded! WE STOP ALt LEAKS! Roof, Chimney, Basement, Foundation, "New Work or Repaired, Free Estimates. Call Anytime. Family Owned Business. J. West Waterproof ing, Fox Lake, IL. 312/587-4646 ROLLING ACRES area mom needs help in the»eariy morn- ldren lea1 ing, before childr school. 815/385-6926. leave for • MATURE, Dependable woman needed to watch 2 yr. old in my McHenry home every Wed. 4 occasional Mondays, 815/344 4948 SCULPTURED NAILS, $15., Manicures A Pedicures. By Vickie; 815/455-1048. Household 23 Help Wanted SITTER WANTED for ' , weekends, Prairie Grove school area, , »1S/4»-ig53. SITTER NEEDED In my Lake in tfle Hills home-for 1 yr. old. Light housekeeping, 3-4 days per week. 312/658-4886 ... 24 Help Wanted SCAN EARNS $140 PER WEEK PART TIME $360 PER WEEK FULL TIME Expanding company has im­ mediate openings. Mr Adams, 312/449-1920. Crystal Lake. IIS/' NEEOEO NOW Maintenance A General Fectonr, Working World. Crystal Late, 815/45? 4490. EARN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH) We are Interviewing both licensed and non-licensed In­ dividuals for a profitable career in real estate. Extensive training available. Classes start soon. Call Today. ERA Wolf A Assoc., 815/4S-0660 - SECRETARY A leading packaging com­ pany of lawn and garden products, in Elgin, has an immediate opening for a f u l l t i m e S e c r e t a r y . Positon requires regular clerical skills, including operation of dictation equipment. Compensation will be battd on ex­ perience and a complete b e n e f i t p a c k a g e i s available. To investigate this opprotunlty, stop in & f'll out an application for employment. Black Lea? Products Co. 667 N. State St. Elgin, 11.60120 RN's, LPN's and Certified Aides needed immediately for private duty and staff relief. Full and part time available. Call Alpha Christian Registry, 312/931-0930 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS •Must be reliable to deliver morning routes. •All areas of Crystal Lake available. •Contact the Circulation Dept. •The Herald •Crystal Lake office. •815/459-4040, ext. 262. CARPENTER Moonliohter or retiree. Int. Crystal Lake work. Private party. 312/584-8324. 7* 4,' d SPECIAL WINTER Prices on Basemants. Rec. Rooms, Kit­ chen A Bathrooms. .Chateau Builders. 815/455-4392 or 312/529-4291. WAt^TEDr RELIABLE In- dividual to care for rhy 2 children, ages 2 A 6, in my home, 5 days/wk. 815/338 4500 days, 815/455-2087 eves. UOWARD tLECIR0N,CS A Division Of Shadlm. Ltd. FuH APart Time 11 ger trips, but no ov ? I clean driving record. Mocatty & In I* Occasional lights. Must have a Call John Regan 815/455*6103 ACCOUNTSPAYABLE Immediate opening available to qualified person. Mini mum of 2 years accounts payable required. Computer experience a must (IBM System 34 Helpful). Cost accounting 'and/or inventory control, experience a definite plus. Fbil time employment. We are a small growth-oriented manufacturer pf medical ^devices located in Cary. Full range of company benefits. No smoking office. Call between I am A10 am weekdays SAGE PRODUCTS, INC. Cary,!(, 312/639-8100 COLLECTION CLERK Taylor Made Golf Company in McHenry has an immediate opening for a full time Credit and Collection Clerk. Requirements include experi­ ence in collection and accounting & skills with a calculator, computer & telephone. > Please come in to complete application 4105 Crystal Lake Rd. . McHenry^ j k GAS STATION MANAGER MANAGER TRAINEE Prestige Stations, Inc., a subsidary of Atlantic Ridge- field, needs honest, hardworking individual with excel- y lent organizational skills to join our management' team. Previous management experience desirable." Must have own car and valid drivers license. Submit resume & salary history to: Robert Capparelli 1215 Lewis Ave. ,• Waukegan, IL 60085 FULL-TIME & PART-TIME OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE ASST. MGR. STOCK BARTENDERS COOKS WAITRESSES RETAIL LQR. STORE & NEW RESTAURANT-LOUNGE ' INMcHENRYMUSTBENEAT DEPENDABLE AND WANT TO WORK CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 385-6730 CHUCKorJEFFat. SPORTSMAN'S LIQUORMART Data Processing PROGRAMMER MttYST C.I.C.S./DL/1 EXPERIENCE We are a medium sized manufacturing firm looking for an experienced. C.I.C.S./DL/l Programmer Analyst with at least 2-5 years experience. WE ARE 4331 GROUP 2 D0S/VSE SHOP. We offer an excellent starting salary ?nd outstand­ ing company paid benefit program with group life and health insurance, profit sharing and a conveni­ ent Northwest suburban location. Please apply in person or call in confidence to: FOREMAN BUSINESS FORMS Are you seeking a challenge? Can you motivate your people to top performance? Do yow take pride in knowing you are helping "make things happen?" If so, our Crystal Lake Olvlsfon has an Immediate opening for you. Supervisory experience In a forms printing plant and operating experience on forms presses and or collators essential. THIS BREAKTHROUGH OPPORTUNITY OFFERS: •A chance to join a quality company where you can stay and grow. •A chance to meet your own needs and desires both professionally and financially. If you can rtlatt to pcoplo and boliovo in hard work, PUT YOUR TALENT TO WORK NOW BY SENOING C0NF10EN TAIL RESUME TO: Personnel 17tW. T|rra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, IL MOM -- IIS 455-1100 QpData Documents Equal Opportunity/AfArmafivVAction Employer 312/566-0010, Ext. 230 MacLEAN-FOGG COMPANY 1000 Allanson Road Mundelein, IL 60060 njml opportunity cmployei m/l POLICE EXAMINATION The Board of Fire and Police Commission­ ers will conduct examinations for the ap­ pointment of policemen in the Village of Fox Lake in the near future. Applications may be obtained upon request from the members of the board or at the Fox Lake Village Hall, 301 South Route 59, Fox Lake, Illinois 60020. 4 All applications will be governed by the Rules and Regulations set up by the board. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILED AT THE VILLAGE HALL ON OR BEFORE 12:00 NOON, JANUARY 15, 1985. ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF EXAMINATION BY THE BOARD. QUALIFICATIONS 1- Applicant must be a Unltw! States citizen. 2. Must have high school education or Its equivalent. » 3. Height & Proportionate to weight. 4. Weight A Proportionate to height. 5- Age A Not less than 21 years nor more than 34 years. t- E yesight A Must have at least 20/21 vision in each ey# (uncorrected) • 20/20 vision in each eye corrected. i ^^^^^JEquaHOppoHun|t^Emp^oyei^^^^^ DENTAL ASSISTANT, perma nent part time, will train people oriented pereon. Send replies to lex ANvTCrvetal Lake Morn aHer eld. PO Bo* 250, Cryetal e, IL. 10014. MYGENIST Rapidly growing dental office need* part time hyoenlst one day a week. Possibility of more days in the future. Please call iWifUm. GENERAL OFFICE: Person with ebillty to work In a feet pace environment in our order deportment. Please call Linda for appointment; 312/3I2-S244. Protect*Enterprises Inc.. Bar- rlngton, Illinois. HAIRDRESSERS WANTEO Full & Part-time. Salary plus commission Many benefits Ask for Denise; 312/42M100. ext. 255. DRIVER/CARRIER. Perma nent position w/ vehicle, to d e l i v e r C h i c a g o A M newspapers in Barrington. Barrington News Agency. Coo fret Chuck, 312/301-0214. B A R T E N O E R W A N T E D : Must epply In person at the Main Street Pub, • So. Main St., Algonquin; 312/450-2051. PART TIME Christmas help wonted for the holiday season. Call Rogers Jewelers, 115/45* 3070. i N U R S E R Y A T T E N D A N T , needed Sun. morning 1:15am • 12:JOpm for Ridge Field churcn. Must be relloble. For Info, call Debbie. 115/455-5497. WAITRESS WANTED days. Bus Boy- weekends. Apply in person at Reese's Resteurant. 205 S. Main St. In Algonquin COOK, Full Time Nights. App ly in person, Villege Squire North, 4011 N.W Hwy., Crystal Leke WAITRESS, Part Time Nights. Apply in person, Village Squire Norm, 4111 N.W. Hwy.. Crystal Lake MACHINIST-First cless 2nd shift. Growing machine shop has immediate opening for an experienced machinist. Appli­ cant should be e qualified Jig & fixture meker, or machine set­ up man, and have minimum 5 veers experience on most of the followtng: Milling mech's. Tur­ ning mach's. Surface grinders, T.AC. Grinders, Drilling, Saw ing. Thread rolHng, Screw mech's, C.N.C. lathe, C N.C. * mill, Hydreullc press, Swaging mach's. Qualified applicant could have opportunity to at­ tend an Industry recognized C.N.C. training program. Salary Is open; over time is avalleble; liberal benefits, vocation, sick pay, tuition reimbursement. Located near Barrington. A good opportuni­ ty for the right person! Call 312/381-4405. Dave. H«<p Wanted TYPIST/CLERK FOR GENERAL OFFICE Please Apply In Person WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANIES 300 Commerce Dr. Crystal Lake. IL C O C K T A I L W A I T R E S S Nights t Weekends. Apply at. Aroor Lanes, 2075 E. Chicago. Algonquin. 312/45a-fM0 DRIVER/SHOPPER Patient, pleasant personality required. Must be ebletoeftec lively relate to ell departments as well es with senior citizens Benefits. Apply In pereon: , SUNSET MANOR ' WON.SeminaryAvo. s I*' «-•* L. 11 WOOWQCIU ANDERSON MOTOR CO. of Crystel Leke Is seeking en ex perlenced end eggresslve salesperson to handle oer AMC/Jeep Renault. BMW & Mazde products. Call Dan Ap- pelgren for e confidential Inter view. >15/455-4330 ^ NURSE AIDES, ell ehltts. We will help you get certified. App ly in person, Cryetal Pines Health Care Center, 335 Illinois St., Crystel Lake. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Country Companies has 2 open logs for full time career agents in McHenry County. Interested in e presently employed in- dividual with e proven succees pettecn. FuH training aed guaranteed storting incom Submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box Woodstock, IL 40096 351 X WAITRESSES. Full 4 P#t Time. Around the Clock Resteurant, 5011 Northwest Highway, Crystel Lekev 115/459-2100 r PART TIME Temporary help to aeslst dog groomer. Cell eves., I1S/495- 5452 ^ AUTO GLASS InsteHer, m- perienced, for shop & motoil work in McHenry County. GoOd pey A benefits. 115/338-5454 for appointment. RECEPTIONIST. Pert time, working weekends, some typ ing skills required. 9 e.m.-S p.m. Write: PO. Box 117, Cary, IL.60013 R E S U M E S P r o f e s s l o n e l t y prepared. VISA/MC Welcome' Norton A Associates. 312/428 9255. Village of McCullom Lake is now accepting appli) cations for a maintenance man. 35 hour work Week. Duties would include: street, park & build-' ing maintenance. Snow plowing experience a plus. Experience preferred. Send resume to: < ' Road Commissioner 3011 N. Spring Rd. McHenry, IL 60050 OR CALL 815/344 1738 between 4 A 7 pm PRE SCHOOL TEACHERS : & Substitutes Must have or be working towards the following qualify cations: 2 years of credits in child care o^„l year experl encew/6 credit hours in child care. *?, . Apply in person at: Kinder Care 5213 West Elm St., McHenry office ON CALL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT or key punch/verify experience. On call Irork up tg 20 hours per week in corporate headquarters. CUSTODIAN General cleaning of an asigned area, lawn upkeep and other outside maintenance. Paint, floor care and other assigned prohects. Assist maintenance people In repair of building facilities Hours 2-10 p.m. M-F, with occasional overtime required. Uarco Incorporated West County Line Rd. Barrington 312/301-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Medicel Opportunities ^ COME GROW WITH US! Mit, LPNs, CRITICAL CARE NURSES Out new Medical Center (located in McHenry, Illinois) has openings on Orthop edics, Rehabilitation, Critical Care, and Medical/Surgical units for both full time and part time. We hAe additional openings in our Float Pool which affords flexible scheduling. Excellent benefit package. Salary commen­ surate with experience Contact: Human Resources Department (815) 344*5000, Ext. ,260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Drive

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