Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1984, p. 14

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•P«r«- 14 -PLAINDEALEH HER AM). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20.1984 id Help Wanttd 24 H«lp Wanted 24 H«lp Wanted 24 HalpWantad 32 Misc. Merchandise 32 Misc. Merchandise 32 Misc. Merchandise 32 Misc. Merchandise 35 ̂ Phlrmtcist NIGHT PHARMACIST Northern Illinois Medical Center needs a Night Pharmacist to work four ten hour shifts each ;*eeh. WorK in a new 195 bed facility with decentralized unit dose, IV admixture. TPN, Chemotherapy, -pharmacokinetic and out patient services. Depart ment also to be fully computerized. Hospital experience preferred E x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s package Salary commen surate with experience. 'Send resume to Human Resources Department NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER '4201 Medical Center Drive McHenry, IL 60050 cquil oppo'lunity employe m/l MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experienced required in repair At maintenance of industrial equipment Excellent company benefits. GRAFTEKPRESS 6704 S. Pingree Rd. Crystal Lake, IL *815/459-9450* POSITION OPEN 3rcf shift, RN, LPN. Apply in person, Florence Nursing Home, 544 E. [Grant. Marengo ORGANIST nd resume by December 1st ^o Trinity Lutheran Church, 504 ast Diggins, Harvard, IL V$3, 815/943 7433. SNOWTREMOVAt Laborers* Drivers, part time. Must be dependable 815/459 8387 after 7 pm. • AVON Now there are fwo ways to earn an impressive income Call 815/459-5757 « \ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Challenging position and op portunity for growth in home health care and outpatient rehab, program. Position available 1/85. Bachelors degree minimum. Salary Negotiable. Send confidential resume, salary history and re Irements to: Search Com Ittee. Easter Seals for cHenry County, 708 ashlngton, Woodstock, IL ' 40098 'SEVERAL PEOPLE reeded for temporary futl time to assist in raspberry plant harvest. Call 815/338 0287. CUSTODIAN Part time evenings. Alden •Hebron High School Call MS/448 2884 . FAST GROWING company needs full time retail sales per I .yon, Monday through Friday, 9 V 67m. to 5 p.m.; Micro computer knowledge helpful. Call 312/382 6811, ask for Chris. PERSON TO ANSWER Phones, do General Office work and do light Housekeeping in «rty ?istakee Bay home, OK to bring younoer child along to work. Full time. 8:30 5pm, 815/385 2232, 815/344 2642. PARTS COUNTER PERSON Min. I yr. GMexp. Call Ron: 815/385 6000 or 312/255 2992 Harborside Pontiac Cadillac BEAUTICIAN, pari time posl tion avail, in skilled nursing facility. Work In clean, com fortable surroundings, lease optional. Mustbe Illinois licens­ ed Inquire; Americana Health Care Center. 180 S. State St., BLACKDOT COMPUTER TYPESETTING looking -for a career? We will train -you in a job with a future. We need people for our proofreading, camera, and film stripping de­ partments in our graphic arts facility; also cus­ tomer service trainees. Excellent working condi­ tions plus fringe bene^V fits. D«yt & Nights Call Delores at BLaCK D*T 6115 Official Rd. Crystal Lake 815/459-8520 DRIVERS NEEDED for snowplowing. Must be respon slble and have own truck w/plow. 815/385-4103 EXPERIENCED Injectjon Molding. Foreman needed Must be dependable, assume responsibility A, able to troubleshoot. Call Harwood Plastics, 312/888-2700. FULL & PART TIME Cashier/Attendants Apply in person between 8am 2pm, Monday thru Friday. Clark Oil 3811 Elm St. McHenry SECRETARY with bookkeep ing experience for a construc tion company in McHenry: Must be a quick learner & able to work independently. Send resume & or letter to P.O. Box 23, McHenry, 11.40050 •••HAPPY GRAMS"* SINGING TELEGRAMS Male & Female Belly Dancers Jelly I •••312/888 3040«« 31 Wanted to Buy • NIGHT ATTENDANT Wanted, Full & Part-time Contact Koubenec Motor Service; XI2/669 3342. ______ „ INSURANCE SALES Due to the desire to have an in creased volume of customer contacts, we are seeking sales people to market our products. -We offer an excellent op portunity to earn a good income tHrough our advance commis slon pay plan, in addition, fr inge benefits, bonuses 8, incen tive awards An insurance license is a plus, but we are willing to train aggressive inv dividuals. For a recorded message, call , 312/964 2117 CASHIERS Personable, honest \ hard working individuals are needed to assist customers and per form a variety of store related duties Must be able to ac curately handle cash and work flexible schedule including weekends. Apply in person at ARCO Gas Station, 3602 Elm St., McHenry, IL., between the hours of 9a m & 3p m < EOE Employer SALESPERSON WANTED Full time position in retail paint 8. decorating center. Salary commensurate with ex perience Apply at LLOYD'S t- PAINT N PAPER 73 North Williams Crystal Lake *••815/459-1160*** 'MIDAS MUFFLER is seeking an experienced auto mechanic ,for it s Crystal Lake location. /Qualified applicants should have brake, exhaust & front end experience. Excellent pay a benefit plan Apply in person cat 260 Virginia St Elgin II., 312/742 3310. MAINTENANCE Must have 3-5 yrs. exp. w/ injection molding machine a n d h a v e a g o o d understanding of electrici­ ty, hydraulics & pipe fit­ ting. Armin Molding Corp. 312/742-1864 BARR'S TEMPORARY Offices, Factory Service, 312/742 7991 IMMEDIATE 1ST.2ND4 3RD SHIFT POSITIONS Local Algonquin company needs press operators for their clean, light industrial factory. Short & long term assingments available. Call us today! 312/381 3322 A.E. Schuurman & Associates Temporary Service OB--GYN OFFICE, needs RN- for 2 days a week. Send resume to: Barrington Ob 8, Gynw450 W. Hwy. 22, Suite 14, Barr­ ington, 11.60010. SECRETARY For general office duties, typ ing helpful. Apply in person: Conlon Collins Ford, 5213 W. Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake. Ask for Rick. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS w/ Mothercare. Must be flexible, exp. preferred. 312/426 8707. EARLY MORNING News­ paper delivery help needed. In­ sured. reliable car a must. Call before noon, 815/385-1060. RADIOGRAPHERS \ ARRT Northern Illinois Medical Center, a progressive, g r o w i n g c o m m u n i t y hospital and an acute care trauma center, has part t i m e o p e n i n g s f o r Radiographers on the day and night shifts (night shift hours are ll:00p.m,to7:30 a.m.). We offer a competitive salary commensurate with experience. For more in formation contact: Human Resources Department 815/344-5000, Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICALCENTER 4201 Medical Center Drive » McHenry, IL 60050 equal opportunity employer m/l OFFICE SECRETARY: Well established industrial manufacturer headquartered In the Elgin area is seeking full time permanent secretary for office staff. Short hand, typing, 8, filing skills required. Word Processing knowledge helpful. Call for appointment; 312/697 2350. Refractory Products Co. EXPERIENCED GARAGE Door Installer 8, service man. Must have own truck 8, tools. Call 312/658 7439. , RN's LPN's » CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES Immediate openings for ex perienced nurses 8, certified nurses aides in hospitals, nurs­ ing homes, 8, private duty in Lake 4 McHenry Counties. Ex­ cellent wages 8, fringe benefits. Call for an appointment. MANPOWER HEALTH CARE 312/623-6880 CERTIFIED NURSES AIDS Work w/ us, 8am-4pm, weekdays caring for patients in their homes. Must have car& 2 yrs. hospital exp. w/ certifica­ tion of aid training. Call 312/232-7890. NEED PARTY to clear snow from home sidewalk (Genoa) 1 block from high school. Must be reliable. 815/784-2042. SIDING INSTALLER, full time, must be experienced & have truck, some equipment required. Call 312/526 9234. - SERVICE TECHNICIAN For plumbing, heating 8, air conditioning. Call for appoint met, Junsen's Plumbing 8, Heating, 815/338 1936. GRINDER Immediate opening for qualified individual with strong background in tool grinding. Call for appointment: 815/359-9252 PLUMBERS WANTED Licensed journeyman or registered apprentices. N O N - U N I O N . C a l l , 312/658-7000, between 8am- 5pm. SLOT MACHINES WANTED Paying Cash. Any condition; & Wurlitzer juke boxes 414/248 3796. . • " - WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains 8. old toys 8i baseball cards. 815/675-6379 after 5:30pm. H.C. COIN & STAMP CO. WE BUY 8, SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •••815/459 3940««« OLD BICYCLES WANTED, balloon tire bikes, 1930 50 style; also old motorbikes, pedal cars, wagons, toys, etc. 414/248- 3796 ANTIQUES WANTED, old fur­ niture, lamps, toys, wicker, clocks, anything old, also buy ing complete households 414/248 3796. A 8. A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersville, 312/426-2360. 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, casn 312/444 5441 BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related items. 815/338-4731. • OUTBOARD MOTORS Prefer Johnson or Evinrude, need not be running; Also boats. Call 312/837 2812. WANTED: Woodsworking tools, table saw, radial saw, sander, planer, lathe 8, misc. tools. 815/338-2452. DAYS , ' SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, arid other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. 306 Briarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/459 7751 WANTED TO BUY: Large dog house; also approximately lO'xlO' fenced-in dog run. Will pick-up. Call after 5pm, 312/639-9214. 32 Misc. Merchandise OAK FIREWOOD, $55. aJface d. 815/547-8362, 815/544 2411. PRE HOLIDAY SALE Nov. 1st-30th Perm waves, $10 off; Haircut, 88; Cut & Style. $12; 10% Seniors discount. Coach House H a i r d r e s s e r s , 1 1 5 W . Washington St., Algonquin. 312/658 5770 MAJOR APPLIANCES . WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & e l e c t r i c , w a s h e r s , dryers, portables & wr­ ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed, - WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALES8, SERVICE 1209 Court St. McHenry, II. •» 815/385 1872 815/385-1896 COPIERS, new 8, used, plain paper 8, coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master Charge 8, Visa) 815/455-3050. SALE Upholstering Fabrics 8, Sup­ plies. Foam Rubber, Caning, Rubber Webbing, etc. 35% Dis count on all brand name fabrics. Upholstering, repair­ ing 8, regluing. Crystal Lake Upholstery Shop, 151 N. Main (in rear), Crystal Lake. 815/459-0^63. Sat. 8, evenings by appointment only. B A L L O O N S , S A N T A WORKSHOPS-Visits, Adult Gags. Fantasy Festival - isli - • " ' ra "815/455-4910. Costume/MMic - Centre. 432 Vlrginia-Rt. n4-Crystal Lake. PLANT MANAGER Wheaton Injection Molding Company Wheaton Closures, a Division of Wheaton Industries, Millville, NJ has available a key position for an individual to manage one of its injection molding manufacturing opera tions In Millville, N J This facili­ ty produces primarily closures for the Cosmetic, Phar­ maceutical 8, Personal Health Care Industries. Candidates must have a minimum of ten years of pro gressively successful line management responsibilities and experience preferably in the Closure Injection Molding Industry. We are a fast growing quality oriented manufactur­ ing company that is a major force within our highly com petitive market area. We offer a competitive compensation and benefit program. If you have the required background and successful experience and are willing to accept new challenges, or If you currently hold such a position, send your resume to include salary history in complete confidence to: J P. Barbei a WHEATON INJECTION MOLDING COMPANY Sharp Street P.O.Box 762 Millville, NJ 08332 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F A N T E D : G l a s s w a r e • Depression (colored), Heisey, C a m b r i d g e , F o s t o r i a , Candlewick, etc. Pottery - Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Roseville, etc. 815/895-6033 SEASONED FIREWOOD $55 Per Face Cord 815/338-3565 After 4 pm 815/338-8615 After 8 pm MATTRESSES from $29.99. Linen Outlet Mattress Li­ quidators. Hebron 815/648- 4320. Thurs. 8, Fri„ 10 6, Sat. 10-5. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations • Furniture*Clothing •Any Re Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM Mon Sat 815/459-3401 Ail Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MATTRESS SALE, Twin set, $89.99, Full set, $99.99; Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available. Weller's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rt. 176, V2 block W. of 31). Crystal Lake, 815/459-3363. BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Rat fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, or by f. 815/338-4474 or 815/338- P.A. EQUIPMENT: Peavey 10 channel self-powered, $400; 2- Sunn Model 12 P.A. speakers, $250/prj 2-unflnished V.O.T. cabinets w/15" Altecs-SlOO; 3 Mikes. 312/439-4917 aft. 4 weekdays, anytime weekends. TRADE-IN SALE your sofa $100, your recliner-$50, your kitchen table 8, chairs $50, your mattress set-$25. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 174. Crystal Lake. 815/459 3343. » OAK CHURCH PEW, $100.; S m i t h C o r o n a e l e c t r i c typewriter, cartridge, exc. cond., $225.; electric meat slicer, $40 ; 815/653 5876 after 6pm. HOME GREENHOUSE Plant Sale House Pants, Holiday Cacti Reasonable Prices.' Nov. 23, 24 8, 25, 9 am 5 pm at 9529 Byrne Dr. in Fox River Grove. 312/658 5125. . STEREO, couch, 2 chairs, 4' timbers, volcanic rock, 815/728 1955. « TWIN FOLD UP roll away bed with Sealy mattress, $25; four chrome kitchen chairs, brown upholstery, $25,815/784-5138. TWIN FOLD UP roll away bed with Sealy mattress, $25; four chrome kitchen chairs, brown upholstery, $25,815/784-5138. MOVING MUST SELL, Queen size waterbed; antiques; liv. rm. furn.; air conditioner; 815/459-0572. DOLL HOUSE, log cabin, hand made, 1 and 2 stories, only 3 left, under $75,815/344-2766. ATTAR I + cartridges, doll col­ lection, ladies rabbit fur coat, med , blk. 8, wht. TV, 8 track tapes, hundreds of paper packs, 815/385-7194, leave message or after 6 p.m. LIKE NEW rabbit jacket, sz. Ig. Paid $120, asking $75. Great xmas present, 815/455^365. REFRIGERATOR, 20 cu. ft.. complete w/ice maker, all ex­ tras, $500; 18 cu. ft. commer clal freezer, $100 . 815/344 1120 or 815/344 1888. SEASONED WOOD for stove or fplc. Stacked & delivered, $100/cord. After 6pm or weekends 815/459-6142. COUCH. LOVESEAT, $290, 19" color TV, $50/best offer. 312/458-5095 RAILROAD TIES, $3 98/each. Landscape timbers. Area's largest selection of wild bird seed & supplies Woodstock Farm 8, Lawn. 815/338-4200. STOVES, GAS, 1-30" & 1-34", Best offers 815/455-1405 LIKE NEW bunk beds, brown oak w/built in ladder, matt. inc.. $200, 815/385-6995.; HEAVY DUTY dryer; $50, gas stove with double oven; $95. Call 312/428-2744. COCKTAIl table, vinyl chair, s h e l v i n g u n i t , l e a t h e r * footstools, bumper pool table, stereo, arc welder, chain & fence, much more. Call 815/344 1120 or 815/344-1888. FISCHER 127 Studio Standard Cassette Deck, $175; Panasonic 35W per channel am/fm 8-track stereo, $125; Realistic 5- band equalizer, $50; United Audio direct drive turntable, $50. OR- $350 Takes All! Call 815/455- 4528. SEARS 15.3 cu. ft. frostless freezer, asking $200; Sears belt massager, $50; Walnut crib & Wicker dressing table, $20 each; high, chair, clothes & toys, 50t-$500.815/344-3857. GAS RANGE by Crown, al­ mond, used 1 yr., $100, 4- poster double bed, $50. Call 815/385- 6929 after 6 pm. ' / GIRL'S FURNITURE, white- bunk beds, 3 drawer chest, hutch. $150/all. 815/459-6337. CHINA CABINET w/1 light, like new, oak, $500, 815/459- 9258. BEER CAN Collection, all types, over 200 in collection. $250/best. Ask for Ken, 312/639- 9136 , OAK DINING Room set, table extends to 8 ft. 8. has 8 chairs. Lighted china cabinet w/silver- ware drawer, also matching buffet. Set was almost $4000 new, will take $1000 . 815/344- 3246 SEWING MACHINE, brand new from New'Home, the elec­ tronic 2018, save $200 on our in­ troductory price, just $499.95. Voss Vacuum 8, Sewing, Marengo, 815/568-7477. VACUUM SALE: Eureka .upright or cannister, $69.95; Douglas cannister w/power nozzle, reg. $179., only $99.95 now through Christmas. Voss Vacuum 8. Sewing, Marengo, IU. 815/568 7477. CEILING FAN Hugger sale: 52" antique brass or white, 3 speed reverse, 5 yr. warranty, light kit adaptable, 8" from ceiling. Now only $49.95! Voss Vacuum 8, Sewing, Marengo, 111^815/548-7477. DRESSERS: double dresser 8, chest of drawers, night stand, & dressing table. All white wood. $175; odd chest of drawers, all wood, $75; commercial wall paper, $3 per yd. 815/459-5747. WALNUT DINING Table, 4 chairs 8, small buffet, Danish modern, good cond., $500. 8 1 5 / 3 4 4 - 4 7 3 8 a f t e r 5 p m weekdays or weekends. CHEST OF DRAWERS (3), 1 dresser, l metal wardrobe, sofa 8, chair. 815/385-5909. GREAT GIFT Idea. Size 10 ladies fox sides fur coat. Like, new. $350. Originally $1000 Call 815/337-0225 AMANA REFRIGERATOR, white; $50/, Sofa sleeper; $35. After 5pm weekdays, 312/551- 9728. MOTOROLA, Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base, 2-100 watt mobiles 8. antennas. $2,900/best offer. After 5:30, 815/385-1097. BABY FURNITURE: Sim­ mons baby bed, mattress, changing table, buggy, (3 in l), misc. baby things, 815/455-0340. 1960's JUKE BOX, records In­ cluded. very good cond.. asking $500.815/459 1145 C R O S S C O U N T R Y S K I S , boots/size 7, & poles, like new cond., $50. or trade for • Downhill set. 815/653-9S48 after 4pm. , •••SEASON SPECIAL"* Medium-duty gas welding out­ fits, complete w/ cylinders. KELSEY WELDING SUPPLY •••815/338-4312»»» PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative 8, reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. I PECAN DINING TABLE, 4 chairs, 2 leaves w/pads, $400; pecan desk 8. chair, matches dining table, $200. Both exc. cond., 815/344-1120 or 815/344- 1888. • -' TWIN SIZE BED, single 8. dou­ ble dresser, white,- also lamps. Call after 4pm, 815/459-3293. ••BLOOMIN' BALLOONS" Balloon Bouquets. Costumed deliveries 7 days per wk. 815/459-RAVE. • MOVING: Must Go! Living room 8, bedroom furniture. 815/338-8785 after 5 p.m. KING SZ. MATTRESS ,box spring 8. sheets; $100/best. Call after 4pm, 312/428-7467. ELECTRIC DRYER, large capacity, used 6 yrs., works perfectly, $150. Sofa, T plaid, Herculan, good cond., $50. 312/639 5476. • FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 815/385-6103 SANTA Shopping Spree. Im- manual Lutheran feym, 178 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. Nov. 25, lpm 7pm. Photos w/ Santa; $2.00, 3pm-6pm. Dolls, toys, spices, jewelry, wicker, perfume, albums, ceramics 8, much more. Orders taken for the US Marine Corp., Toys For Tots Program. Portion of all proceeds go to Crystal Lake in- , terfaith food pantry. SOFA, green 8. gold velour, Spanish style, $150; 2 gold velour chairs, $50/ ea. All in good cond. Call 312/658-4496. EjTHAN ALLEN, dk. pine bar, opens to 6 ft. 4 swivel stools; S395. After 5pm, 815/459-4887. R C A S T E R E O C O N S O L E , solid walnut, exc. cond. 8< sound; $100, black reclfner; $40, old maJjogany- desk w/ glass top; $75. Great xmas gifts! 815/459 8628. STILL LOOKING for a Cab­ bage Patch Kid? Get the next best thing. One of Julie's Kids. (Doll Baby) I also make Care Bears and cute little Swinging Monkeys. Call now. Before 5:30, 815/943-7218, after 6 pm; 815/943-7275. . FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. R & M Lawn Service. 815/344-0515 HOME COMPUTER, Vic ^ w/16K ram cartridge. One Commodore C2N cassette. One Commodore Vic-1525 graphic printer. One Vicmodem Model 1600 8< the following cassette programs: Vicheck, Vicalc, in- tro. to basic part I & Victerm I. One Panasonic dual mode color monitor, Model CT 160. Com­ puter manuals. All brand new. $400/all. Eves. 815/455-6479 or days call Ann at 815/459-4139. I N T E R N A T I O N A L 3 6 " Snowblower attachment for t r a c t o r , $ 4 0 0 / b e s t o f f e r . 815/459-1137 after 5pm. BEN FRANKLIN wood burn­ ing stove, $75; two like new B.F. Goodrich wide rider tires, #800 16 5, $50 for both, 815/338- 3878. n OVAL TEL--CITY dark maple dining room set. Two leaves. 4 captains chairs. Excellent con­ dition. $700. Call 815/895 5953 after 5 p.m. SNOWMOBILE TRAILER, single, $150; 8 ft. truck cap, $50, 312/381-1230, between 10 a.m. 8. 5p.m BUSINESS COPY machine, like new, many features, cost $3400, sacrifice for $495. 312/724 7559. • S H O W E R B A S E , $ 5 0 . ; fiberglass shower door, $25.; shower stall, faucets 8< shower head, $25.; 815/385-4496. RIOT GUN, 16 in. barrel, 12 ga. Rmgtn., auto., big spread fpr pheasant, 815/385-0149, DAVID'S QUALITY FIREWOOD Delivered & Stacked $45,008, $50.00 Call 312/741-4259 20 GALLON AQUARIUM, w/ stand 8, some accesories. Mounted double HO train set. 5 white spoke rims, 11-15 LT. After 5:30pm call, 815/459 3802. F I R E W O O D D r y O a k , Hickory 8, Cherry mixed, $50/ f a c e c o r d ; $ 1 3 0 / c o r d . Delivered Free within a reasonable distance. Tom Hartfleld, 815/943 6990. FILE CABINET SALE. 150 to choose from. $40 8, up. 120 Used Desks. Used Flat Files. Large selection of all types of office furnishings. Brand Equipment 8. Supply, 137 N. Main, Crystal Lake. 815/455-4550 A T T N . H O M E O W N E R S ! Wholesale to you water soften ing equipment! Rental from $10/ mo. No Charge for in-out hookup. $12.95 Clean 8, Adjust. Service all makes 8, -models. For free water analysis, call Great Lakes Aqua Master To­ day! 815/455 6397 or 312/639- 7206. G.E.GAS DRYER, white, very good cond., $400,312/639-3899 SOLID OAK TABLE, 36x60; $ 4 5 0 / b e s t . B e a u t i f u l woodhutch, 36x70, $50 . 312/428- 0734. F O R A L O W C O S T CHRISTMAS, hand crafted wooden toys. Trains, trucks, cars, doll beds, all types of shelves, at 1/2 the price and many other items. Call 815/385- 3409. BEDROOM SET, cherry. Big boy dresser 8, bed complete. $550,815/385-8941. FOR A LOW COST CHRIST­ MAS, hand crafted wooden toys. Trains, trucks, cars, doll beds, all types of shelves, at 1/2 the price and many other items. Call 815/385-3609. GREATER ROCKFORD IND00R/0UTD00R ANTIQUE MARKET Evmj Salt Sun. 940 ml-5.40 p.m. Antiqucs-FuniiturB, DoUs, Farm Toys, PriiMtivnnmCiNtct- Car* A Comics 10 Inside Dealers SiXonwrof 11th St & Sandy Hottow Rd (Hwy. 251 South) 815397^6*3 HALF TESTER BED, circa 1870, china/ book cases, hall tree, plant stands. Algonqin An­ tique Mail, 113 S. Main, Algon quin. Open 7 days. 312/658-8113. Blcyclcs & 36 Sport* Equip. CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, 2 pr. boots, sz.9&ll,exc. cond., $85, 815/459 9235. - Lawn 8. Garden Equip. 37 SEARS TRACTOR, 11 H.p., with snowthrower attachment, snow plow blade, tire chains & 36 in. mower. $900 takes all. 815/344-3244 Boats 33 Garage Sales REMODELING/ MOVING SALE McHenry 3317 Bay View Lane 815/344 5341 Nov 23,9-6 Refrig/freezer, gas range/dou­ ble oven, windows, doors, fix­ tures, household 8> misc. • ALGONQUIN WHITNEY'S WORK SHOP ANNUAL XMAS BAZZAR 301 S. Main Nov. 24,25; 9-5 Xmas decorations; ornaments, wreaths, etc. Country folk art. Many handmade items 8, refreshments. Don't miss this Pre-Xmas Event! \ Merchandise 34 Under 850 FALL SALE. 100 Guest Chairs. » Swivel Chairs, $15 ea.; 25 Metal Wastebaskets, $3 ea. 8, Many other office items. Brand Equipment $ Supply Co., 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake. 815/455 4550 ADDRESSOGRAPH, Mimeograph, Display case 8. shelt units. 815/455-4910 WANTED: MAST FOR DN Ice Boat. 815/385-7588 '81 BASS TRACKER, bass boat, 50 h.p., power tilt & fully loaded, $5,200,815/338-5118. 39 Musical Instruments W U R L I T Z E R P I A N O & ORGAN sale. Save 40-50%. Bell Morford Piano 8. Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. 312/741-0780. P.A. EQUIPMENT: Peavey 10 channel self-powered, $400; 2- Sunn Model 12P.A. speakers, $250/pr.; 2-unflnisheo V.O.T. cabinets w/15" Altecs-$100; 3 M i k e s . 3 1 2 / 6 3 9 - 4 9 1 7 a f t . . 6 weekdays, anytime weekends. THOMAS Playmate Organ, w/Color Glow, 2 keyboards, many options, $300. 815/385- 8141, *15/385-0825. P.A. EQUIPMENT. 2 horns & 2 m i d - r a n g e b o t t o m s w/crossovers. 12 pc. Sl- ingerland Magnum drum set with hardware 8, cymbals. On­ ly 3 mos. old, exc. cond. Best Offer. 815/338-8850 or 338-1033 ORGAN, KIMBALL, "Enter­ tainer", many extra features, beautiful walnut cabinet. After 5pm, or weekends, 815/344-4738- GUITARS, BRAND new at wholesale prices. Save 40-50%. Accoustics, electrics 8, bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases & much, much more. 815/728- 0544. 9:30-4:30pm, 815/385-8383 6 9pm or weekends. 40 Cameras 35 Antiques ANTIQUE coal 8, woodburning railroad caboose stove, cast iron, complete & ready to use, $300,815/459-1959, after 5p.m. ANTIQUES. Oak table; kit. cupboard; la. pine cupboard; 5 pc. walnut, bdrm. set. Moving must sell. 312/669-5707. MOVIE SYSTEM, sound, 8MM, camera 8< projector + extras, exc. cond., Eves., 312/495-0428. 44 Pets 8. Equipment COCKATIELS; home railed' babies, greys 8, pieds; Baby parakeets: yellows, greens i pieds; 815/385-5584. ' "LOVE 81 FLUFF Dog Salon". Professional Grooming of All B r e e d s . F r e e P i c k - up/Delivery. 312/424-5077. AKC GOLDEN Retriever Pup­ pies, 4 wks. old, sire 8, dame on premises. $175 ea. 815/459-9411 TABLES AVAILABLE For rent for Annual Christmas Bazaar, McCullom Lake Beach House Dec. 8. Gifts Crafts & Bake Sale. Call Eva, 81S/385-S678 BLACKTOP <? M&H BLACKTOP •Driveways • Parking Lots •dealer Coating • Gravel ff Work Guarantee I FREE Estimate. 312/695-9820 CARPET ? CLEANING COULMAN'S CLEANING SERVICE 815/648 2109 We Use Dry Foam Cleaning Equipment. No Soaking ' No Unpleasant Odors CONTRACTORS effy Carpenter/Contractor D/B/A Frank Flcek 8, Sons 27 yrs. exp. in home build­ ing and remodeling. Quaiit>, Service 8i Pride Free Estimates Phone 815/338 5129 or 815/385 1383 CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions *Baths • Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum SidTngS, Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY £ ALL ANYTIME CHIMNEY SWEEP j% 5enior Citiien Discounl .L.FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces 'Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member ot National Chimnev Sweeps Guild lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllHIIf Ingleside pj Certified DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation & Finishing •Patchwork 8i Spray-on-ceilings 815/344-1956 FIREWOOD OAK FIREWOOD $24.00 per face cord Delivered & stacked. As available. 1/800 367-3325 HOME IMPROVEMENT U L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages 81 Aluminum Siding Soffit*Fascia«Gutters Rootino'Decks Low Prices & Pree Estimates Fully Guaranteed & Insured •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext. Z PAINTING G R A N D P R E CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work & materials References 815/455-5536 GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available - $75 (Incls service. 4 lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 Master Card & Visa Accepted PAINTING SKELNIK&SONS PAINTING & DECORATING •Commercial •Industrial • 'Residential 312/428-2246 PLUMBING & HEATING SKELNIK&SONS DON'T WAIT INSULATE! Blow in insulation 312/428-2246 REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years McHenry County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OE A CONSTRUCTION 815/344-1632 815/385 6566, 815/344 0748 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONSTRUCTION •SHINGLES -HOT TAR •NEW WORK'REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices S.R. Citizen Discount 312/658-5301 ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING 10 Years Shingle Expertise Quality Materials 'Insured Free Estimates All workgGaranteed 815/385-0009 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service & Parts v Household & Industrial In Home Service Free Pickup 8, Delivery KEENER&SON 815/728-4672 SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service Get on our list now! GRANDPRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 UPHOLSTERY "JUST SEW" CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY & DRAPES HOLIDAY SPECIALS •Valances •Cornlccs Use Our Fabrics Or Your Own We Also Alter Draperies Purchased Elsewhere FREE PICKUP&DELIVERY CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE •••312/639-4678*** If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext. J WINDOW WASHING WINDOW WASHING 1N81OUT HIGH & LOW Residential-Commercial GRANDPRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 815/338-3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING " (Limited to Home Owners) WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION 10 Years Experience Furniture, antique repair 81 refinishing. Hand stripp­ ing/durable sprayed on finish. 815/385-4024 people read classified To Place Your Dial • A* Service Ad Call X 344-4800

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