Condos& it TownhomesToRenf Starts, Offlcts* •3 Industrial To Rant CONuu IN Waters Edge, McHenry, 2 bdrm., w/gar., Im- med. occup., 8400/mo. Call after 7pm, 015/653-9394, 312/665-4735. 2200 SQ. FT. Downtown Crystal Lake, newly remodeled, carpeted. 06.50 per sq. ft. per par* Tenant pays all utilities. Essex Costello Real Estate, 330 Vlroinia St., Crystal Lake, 015/459-3066 2 BDRM. CONDO, IV* bath, all an1* carpeted; 0425/mo. Call 0l5/3tt-6205 between 0am-2pm. After 4pm, 015/305-4227. 2200 SQ. FT. Downtown Crystal Lake, newly remodeled, carpeted. 06.50 per sq. ft. per par* Tenant pays all utilities. Essex Costello Real Estate, 330 Vlroinia St., Crystal Lake, 015/459-3066 2 BDRM. CONDO, IV* bath, all an1* carpeted; 0425/mo. Call 0l5/3tt-6205 between 0am-2pm. After 4pm, 015/305-4227. •5 Mlac. To Rant MCHE NR Y/Northfox condo, 2nd floor, quiet bldg., 2 bdrm., » m bath, all appl., tease. No pets,' eec. dep., $410 month, 815/305-2919. BARN SPACE for rent, 10 ft. door; $175/ mo. 015/459-5560. MCHE NR Y/Northfox condo, 2nd floor, quiet bldg., 2 bdrm., » m bath, all appl., tease. No pets,' eec. dep., $410 month, 815/305-2919. CHEAPER STORAGE Mini warehouse units, 40* x r, $60/month near Rts. 31 & 176, 815/459-6270. StOTM,OfflCOS* 83 Industrial To Rent CHEAPER STORAGE Mini warehouse units, 40* x r, $60/month near Rts. 31 & 176, 815/459-6270. StOTM,OfflCOS* 83 Industrial To Rent BETWEEN WOODSTOCK ft Harvard, wood floored warehouse for light manufac turing building w/upstalrs 3 bdrm. apt. $400 + utils., Call Larry, 015/640-4078. CARY-OAKS EXECUTIVE BLDG. Bpautiful furnished ex ecutive offices w/9-5 recep tionist A phone answerieg sup plied. Secretarial services on premises. Georgeous view from every office. Suites built to suit. Call 312/639-0055. BETWEEN WOODSTOCK ft Harvard, wood floored warehouse for light manufac turing building w/upstalrs 3 bdrm. apt. $400 + utils., Call Larry, 015/640-4078. CARY-OAKS EXECUTIVE BLDG. Bpautiful furnished ex ecutive offices w/9-5 recep tionist A phone answerieg sup plied. Secretarial services on premises. Georgeous view from every office. Suites built to suit. Call 312/639-0055. Autos For Sala CARY-OAKS EXECUTIVE BLDG. Bpautiful furnished ex ecutive offices w/9-5 recep tionist A phone answerieg sup plied. Secretarial services on premises. Georgeous view from every office. Suites built to suit. Call 312/639-0055. 1900 DATSUN HATCHBACK, auto, air, low mileage, exc. cond., $4000.; 815/455-lMOeven ings before 10 pm. INDUSTRIAL OFFICE-STORAGE 50'x25' w/offlce + loading dock + 2-10* overhead drs. Radiant heat, 220-3 phase, immed. oc cup. Across from McHenry Hospital. Jan"C", 4450 Bull Valley Rd., McHenry. 815/305- 0257. 1900 DATSUN HATCHBACK, auto, air, low mileage, exc. cond., $4000.; 815/455-lMOeven ings before 10 pm. INDUSTRIAL OFFICE-STORAGE 50'x25' w/offlce + loading dock + 2-10* overhead drs. Radiant heat, 220-3 phase, immed. oc cup. Across from McHenry Hospital. Jan"C", 4450 Bull Valley Rd., McHenry. 815/305- 0257. 1973 CHEVY CHEVELLE SS, Great engine, easily restorabie amount of rust, asking $1500.; 815/784-5909. INDUSTRIAL OFFICE-STORAGE 50'x25' w/offlce + loading dock + 2-10* overhead drs. Radiant heat, 220-3 phase, immed. oc cup. Across from McHenry Hospital. Jan"C", 4450 Bull Valley Rd., McHenry. 815/305- 0257. LEMANSspor ' o«toe, 75. good second car. Lo^ - runs good. $1,000 or best offer, 312/650- 6404. STORE ALGONQUIN: 642 S. Main (Rt.31) Adjoining Post Office. A/C, Parking, 770 sq. ft.. Highway Sign, *375.; 312/372-1692. LEMANSspor ' o«toe, 75. good second car. Lo^ - runs good. $1,000 or best offer, 312/650- 6404. STORE ALGONQUIN: 642 S. Main (Rt.31) Adjoining Post Office. A/C, Parking, 770 sq. ft.. Highway Sign, *375.; 312/372-1692. CUTLASS SUPREME, '79 auto. ps/pb. air, am/fm, $3,100 Call 815/455-4561. STORE FOR RENT, downtown McHenry, 0275 month, call 015/459-5967 or 312/406-0466. MERCURY Grand Marquis wagon, '77. all power, runs greet, $1000,815/455-3793. 1st. CLASS OFFICE SPACE 700-2500 sq. ft., 490 Coventry Lane. Cell 015/455-4000. LINCOLN CONT., 1963, 4 door, runs good, collectors car, ask Ino $1,550.; 413" wheels to fit 4 bolt Ford, $6/ea. 815/728 1108. 14,000 SQ.FT. Warehouse With Dock. Call Phil at 015/455-4333 LINCOLN CONT., 1963, 4 door, runs good, collectors car, ask Ino $1,550.; 413" wheels to fit 4 bolt Ford, $6/ea. 815/728 1108. 14,000 SQ.FT. Warehouse With Dock. Call Phil at 015/455-4333 OPAL 1900,74. Runs good! $600. Call after 5 pm; 015/455- 3419. OFFICE, COMMERCIAL & Storefront space available. Reasonable. 815/459-0658. 8 a.m.-Sp.m. OPAL 1900,74. Runs good! $600. Call after 5 pm; 015/455- 3419. OFFICE, COMMERCIAL & Storefront space available. Reasonable. 815/459-0658. 8 a.m.-Sp.m. TOYOTA COROLLA, 1970, SR5, liftback, sunroof, air, am- fm, recent clutch, snows on rims, looks ft runs nice, $2,200/best. 815/385-7660. McHfeNRY, OFFICE for rent, 600 sq. ft., immed. occupancy, comer Rte. 31 & Rte. 120, 815/305-5716. TOYOTA COROLLA, 1970, SR5, liftback, sunroof, air, am- fm, recent clutch, snows on rims, looks ft runs nice, $2,200/best. 815/385-7660. McHfeNRY, OFFICE for rent, 600 sq. ft., immed. occupancy, comer Rte. 31 & Rte. 120, 815/305-5716. TOYOTA COROLLA SR 5 Sport Coupe, '78. high miles- needs work, $500.815/728-1366. BUILDING 8500 sq. ft., with show room & rear shop, many uses, good location, Rt 47, Huntley, move in, 312/302-4264 Ron. TOYOTA COROLLA SR 5 Sport Coupe, '78. high miles- needs work, $500.815/728-1366. BUILDING 8500 sq. ft., with show room & rear shop, many uses, good location, Rt 47, Huntley, move in, 312/302-4264 Ron. • PORSCHE-924, 1977, silver ft bik., rebuilt motor, 15.000 mi., sunroof, am-fm radio, asking $8,200. 015/459-1657, 015/459- 0030 or 815/459-3222 after 5pm. COMMERCIAL Biding, for lease, 3 mi. east Crystal Lake, on Rte. 176, 6,900 sq. ft., incl. 1,500 sq. ft. showroom area, v 220v, 3 ph., 12" doors, gas heat, voned 6-1,015/459-5070. • PORSCHE-924, 1977, silver ft bik., rebuilt motor, 15.000 mi., sunroof, am-fm radio, asking $8,200. 015/459-1657, 015/459- 0030 or 815/459-3222 after 5pm. COMMERCIAL Biding, for lease, 3 mi. east Crystal Lake, on Rte. 176, 6,900 sq. ft., incl. 1,500 sq. ft. showroom area, v 220v, 3 ph., 12" doors, gas heat, voned 6-1,015/459-5070. BUICK LTD455, '73. good cond, air, cruise, new tires, runs great. 815/459-0932. CRYSTAL LAKE, 5111 E. Terra Cotta Ave. Office space, 1 to 8 rooms, low rent. 312/440- 9641. BUICK LTD455, '73. good cond, air, cruise, new tires, runs great. 815/459-0932. CRYSTAL LAKE, 5111 E. Terra Cotta Ave. Office space, 1 to 8 rooms, low rent. 312/440- 9641. FIREBIRD, 69, great transportation, $000, 815/385-1594. EXECUTIVE SUITES Available. 210 sq. ft., 650 sq. ft., 800 sq. ft., or 1,600 sq. ft. Call 015/459-7600 to see. 101 CORPORATE CORNER FIREBIRD, 69, great transportation, $000, 815/385-1594. EXECUTIVE SUITES Available. 210 sq. ft., 650 sq. ft., 800 sq. ft., or 1,600 sq. ft. Call 015/459-7600 to see. 101 CORPORATE CORNER '76, CHEVY BLAZER, 4x4, air, ps/pb, am/fm stereoO-track, low ml., $4,100! 815/3*14-0413. McHENRY: Office spece. 720 square feet in professional of fice building. Ample parking, located on Rt. 120 (Elm Street) Call 015/305-8700. OLDS CUTLASS Salon,'76. cloth interior, am/fm., air, tilt wheel ft cruise. Runs good; must sell! $1000. or offer. Rich, evenings, 312/888-4667. 86 Auto* For Sale Page 17-PLA1NDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2t. 19t4 Autos For Sals I at AMC CONCORD,'79, 4 door, auto, ps/pb, air, $1900. or offer; 312/800-4979. Mm For Solo '76. CHEVY BLAZER, 4x4, air, pt/pb, am/fm stereo 8-treck, W ml., 04,100.115/344-0413. PONT I AC Firebird, '02, 4 < auto., ps, pb, air, em stereo, *7500 or best o 312/420-0013 after 4 p.m. DODGE COLT, '01, front wheel drive, auto., no rust, exc. runn ing cond. One owner. Must sell. $2450.312/097-7403 74, BUICK CENTURY, 2 dr., auto., hardtop, sun roof, cruise control, air cond., exc. cond.; 11195.015/305-2352. '73, BUICK CENTURY, 2 dr., am/fm, pt/pb, good tires, runs well; $500.015/455-3411. FAIRMONT, '70 engine & body, exc. cond., low miles, best of ferm 015/344-5279. CAPRICE CLASSIC, '79, load ed, 00,000 miles, exc. cond., $3900,815/338-0442. FORD LTD, 74, body ft In terior in exc. cond., new tires, ft water pump, needs break work, $300.312/650-4062. f BUICK LESABRE, '75. $750. Daytime 0V5/455-4960. Even Ings, 015/344-1065. OLDS REGENCY 90, '79, load ed, low miles, $4000 or best of fer, 015/330 2012 days, 653-9472 VW '02 rabbit, 4 spd.. 4 dr., 1 owner, 39,000 miles, mint cond., $4,975,312/773-1903 ext 236. OLDS CUTLASS, '76, exc. con- d.,alr, am/fm, pw, pb, ps, ex tras, $1400,312/639-0339. CHEVY, '70, V0, located at Meadow Ln. 8, 120, McHenry, runs good, $295. CHEVY CAPRICE Estate Wagon, '70, orig. owner, air, am/fm, exc. cond., $3,700. 015/459-1001 days, 455-2905 after 5 pm. '78 MERCURY GRAND Mar quis, Ig. V-8, silver grey ext., maroon plush int., auto., ps/pb, air, cruise, am/fm. Must see! $4000,015/640-2039, eves. CHEVY MONZA,'76 exc. cond., $750 firm, 312/603-2225. TOYOTA CRESSIDA. '03,4 dr., fully equiped with all extras, 10,000 miles, spotless cond., $12,000, 815/455-3929, after 5 p.m. * FORD GRAND TORINO, '73, $350; Plymouth Fury III, '73, $500; 312/464-5770. FORD LTD II GT, '77, 302 V0 rebuilt eng., buckets, floor con sole ft more, $2,250/best, sale or trade, 312/420-5020. OLDS 00, '75, 2 dr., H.T., A.C., ps, pb, new battery 8, brakes.. Left door needs replacement. Runs well. $450 or best offer, 815/675-6353. 77 T-BIRD, 302, air, am/fm, split bench, wire hub caps, exc. in & out, from Kentucky; $3650/best, 312/420-0722. CUTLASS, Salon Coupe. 75, starts good, runs good, recent brakes ft water pump, dentt It rutt. $1200/offer, 015/720-0647. after 6 p.m. weekdays. 1977 BMW 320 I Great cond., A/C, am/fm cassette, mutt Sell, $6,500. 015/455-3607. AMC HORNET, '72, 4 dr., 6 cyt., auto., low miles, runs good, $650,015/455 4817. DATSUN 200 Z, '78, dk blue 0. gray, pb, auto., very good cond., $4000 or best. Yvette 312/420-2077 after 5 p.m. weekdays. CAMARO, '77, V0, auto., all power, air, am/fm, cassette, sun roof, sharp Int., new ex haust, extras, 015/459-5054. MUSTANG, '70, V6, no rust, pb, auto., new tires, 'SS.OOO miles, $2,300,015/344-5364. DATSUN, '00, 310 GX hat chback, 4 spd., exc. mileage, $2,000,312/639 5167. CHEVY IMPALA Wagon,'77, V-0, ps/pb., auto, air, $1200. or offer; 015/305-4668. after 7 pm. DODGE ASPEN '78.4 dr., good motor & tires, needs body work, $750,815/459 4390. VW DASHER, '76, low miles, high mpg, good cond., $1,700/ best. Cell815/385 3365. TOYOTA COROLLA Lift- back,'76, 4 speed, runs good! $000., 815/305-0469. DODGE MONOCO. '75; Dodge Polaris, '73, $375 ea. or best of fer, 815/597-4951. JEEP CJ7 Renegade,'78. 2700 miles, V--0, auto, perfect cond., $4200. or best offer; 015/568-8615. DATSUN 200 SX. '80, auto., am/fm radio, cruise, 44,000 ml., $3.400.815/338-8899. DODGE COLT, '01, manual trans., am/fm radio, air, $2,695. Call 015/330 8899. MALIBU CLASSIC, '76, 2 dr.. afr, cassette, am/fm stereo, new tires, tune up, $1400; or best offer, 312/650-9514. BUICK LE SABRE,'78, exc. cond., Loaded! $3300.. VW Bug, no rust, exc. cond., 73, Bug, r $1200.; 312/658-3129. SUBARU 1600 GL Station Wagon, '80, 4 wheel drive, A/C, 4 speed, new radials, exc. cond., $4,500/ best. 312/658 3858. CHEVY CAMARO, 1977, like new, no rust, fully equipped, l owner, $2,500.312/639 1 218. DATSUN F10 Hatchback, 1978, 5 spd., front wheel drive, am fm, 4 cyl., great gas mileage. Call 815/338-3115 after 4pm. USED CAR SPECIALS 'Cf. -XV,an. /. Serving The Woodstock Area For 35 Years bbhh DCMnV Motor m DCÎ IU • Bales Ul'Hli'iVI'l 656 I AKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, IL 815-338-5100 M-T-Th 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; W, F 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Motor O Auto* For Solo DELTA 00. 1976, p.S., p.b., velour int., good cond., $995. 015/344 5114. CAMARO, 1974, Runs great, good cond., $900/best. 312/650-6265. VW Scrocco,79, 4 speed, air, new radials, exc. cond., $2650.,- 015/344-2464. FORD PINTO station wagon. 76, $350 Firm. 015/330-0231 after 5 pm. CHEVY CITATION, 1900, 4 spd., many options;flood cond., $2,250.015/675-6344 after 5pm. 1973 CHEVY Chevelle SS. Great engine, easily restorabie amount of rush, asking $1500. 015/704 5909. 68 CHEVY CAMARO, auto., runs good; Best offer. Eves., 312/639 2923. Days, 576-0692. 1970 OLDS 90, engine runs good, all power, sturdy winter car. $400/ best. Call 015/095- 6147. 1979 DODGE ASPEN, 2 door, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, exc. cond., 23 mpg., $1950.; 815/330-3043. ' LINCOLN MARK V, '79. 35.000 actual miles, Al cond., $7,500, 312/639 4031. TRANS AM, '03, hot red, t tops w/locks, am/fm cassette, load ed. Must sell, entering service. Call 015/653 5447 1980 CHEVY MONZA 2 DR. V-6, 4 speed, power. steering and brakes. *2195 1979 VW • SCIROCCO 2 DR. 4 cylinder, 5 speed, front wheel drive. *1595 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY WAGON V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. *1000 1977 DODGE % TON VAN V-8, 3 speed, power steering. $1400 1977 FORD GRANADA 4 DR. V-8, ' automatic, power steering and brakes. $800 1977 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE GT 2 DR. V-6, 5 speed, power steering and brakes. 33,000 miles. $ 2195 1976 PONTIAC GrAJ*?N\ALdr. V-8, ^^/-JjWrpower steerii rakes. $ 1000 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 DR. 6 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering, air conditioned, 51,000 miles. *1595 1976 AMC PACER 2 DR. 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, 66,000 miles M595 r 1976 FIAT 131 4 DR. 4 cylinder, automatic *500 l | 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 DR. 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering. $ 1000 1976 CHEVY MALIBU 4 DR. V-8, automatic, power steering, and brakes, air conditioned. $ 1595 1975 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 DR. V-8; automatic, power ateering and brakes. '800 1975 CHEVY WAGON V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, 9-passenger seating, 59,000 miles. *1295 1975 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX 2 DR. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes $ 1295 1975 BUICK REGAL 2 DR. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. . *900 1975 CHEVY CAMARO 6 cylinder, 3 speed, power steering and brakes. M400 1972 CHEVY 4 DR. V-8, automatic $ 300 1972 MERCURY CAPRI 2 DR. 4 cylinder, 4 speed *300 1972 FORD WAGON 6 cylinder, 3 speed, low miles. *500 1969 DODGE CAMPER VAN 6 cylinder 3 speed *1295 FORD LTD,72. 4 door, air, ps/pb., no rust, $400. 312/639-0109 DODGE DART, '75, 6 cyl. auto., runs good, $550. Call 815/385 2532 after 7 pm. BUICK Skylark, '66, Must Sell, Need college money! New brakes, exhaust. Great winter car. $450. 815/338-5420 after 7 p.m. FORD THUNDERBIRD '77, 51,000 miles, V8, auto, air, ps, pb, pw, 1 owner, gar. kept, spotless, $3800,815/455-1184. HORIZON, '80,4 dr. stick shift, sunroof, am/fm stereo, exc. cond., call after 4 p.m., 015/344 4973. OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME '76, V8, ps, pb, pw, tilt, fabric interior, am/fm & tape deck, exc. running, good starter, body is rough. $750, 815/728- 0803, after 5:30 p.m. or weekends anytime. BUICK LE SABRE,'65. 4 door, runs & looks good, $650., 312/658 3818, after 6 pm. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SJ, '77, best offer, 815/344 5163 eves., 312/940-8400 days, ask for Laura Turner. •1923 FORD ROADSTER* 1,500 mi. since built, 1st Place Show Winner, 350 cu. in. Chevy V-8, auto trans., stereo cassette, orig. title. Appraised at $16,500 Must Sell- $9,000/ firm. Call Ken, 815/459-7673 home or 459-0016, business. OLDS Cutlass, '82, navy metal ic, buckets, V8, air, pw, cassette, one owner, exc, cond., $7300 or offer, 312/546-6311 ext. 2605 days. 6sl070rbBONNEVILLE, '74, runs good, no rust, new battery, 015/344 2613 after 7 p.m. CHEVY MONZA, '79, 4 cyl., 4 spd., red w/black interior, slot ted mags, sharp car, runs great. $2400/best 312/420 2600 74 MERCURY WAGON, 0 passenger, runs good, $000 or offer., 815/344-3575. • 1978 VOLKSWAGON Deisel, excellent condition, starts in winter w/ no problem, good mileage, sun roof, am/fm stereo, like new tires, $2000. 815/459 4683 after 6 p.m. 1947 CHEVY, black 2 door in running cond. w/ new tires 0, rims. Needs brake work, but you can drive it home! Asking $1,000. Call 815/385 7477. 1974 JEEP CJ5, 4-wheel drive, 3 speed, 304 engine, lots of re cent parts, must see; $1500. 815/459 3823, ask for Mike. INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 4 X 4, '77, top cond., asking $3,500. Call 815/344 1063. VW, '62, sunroof, California car, exc. cond. ,$775 or best, 312/639 7456. CHRYSLER Cordoba, 1970, a/c, many extras, good cond., runs well, $2500.815/455-0354. CHEVY WAGON,'74 $350. Call after 5 pm 815/344-2285 CHEVY Impala, '77. 4 dr., auto., ps, pb, V8, no rust Ask ihg $1,200 or reasonable offer, 815/338 2817after 6 p.m. FORD LTD, '77 wagon, V8, ps, pb, pw, air, am/fm, good cond., $1500,312/426-5375. DATSUN 280ZX, '82, ioaded, T tops, auto., exc. cond., S9,600/best by 12/10, 312/639 8459. OLDS FIRENZA, '82, 4-dr., 4 spd, air, exc. cond., $4,900, 312/639-8459. FORD FAIR/MONT Wagon, '81, 6 cyl., auto., $4395/best. Call after 7 p.m. 815/305-5518. ESCORT GL WAGON, '81, 19,000 miles, LIKE NEW, rustproofed. $4200.815/455-5872 TWO JEEP SALE, '76, CJS. 6 cyl., 3 spd., 53,000 miles. New soft top, '78 CJS 6 cyl., 3 spd., hard 8, s6ft tops, 304 AMC V8 runs good, $4800 for all or will seperate. Call 815/305-4358 or 385 2982. DODGE DART GT, '66, 58.000 original miles, good running cond, 815/385 2237. VW RABBIT, '78, diesel, only 8,000 miles. Yes, 8,000. Never in salt, never been smoked in. 815/385 8905 or 675 6000 OLDS 98/79, full power, 4 door, leather interior, $3600., after 6 pm; 312/639-2112. SUBURU GL Wagon,'82,4 wheel drive. 4 speed, $5000. after 6 pm; 312/639 2112. FORD MUSTANG,'73 Mach I, very clean, must see, $3300 or best; 815/344-3735. BUICK OPEL, 78, 2 dr., am/fm radio, low mileage, no rust, runs good. $1,000. 815/385 3269 DATSUN 200 SX, '77, 5 speed, am/fm radio, $1600 or best of fer, 815/338-6047 after 5 p.m. CHEVETTE, '79, low miles, very good cond., best offer, 815/338 8135. S7 Wanted To Buy CORVETTES WANTED, Paying Cash. Any year or condition. 414/240-3796. CASH PAID CARS/TRUCKS Running or Near Running Immediate Removal Call 312/526 3116 •7 WantodToBuy CASH PAID For Junk Cart 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2020 WANTED DEAD OR Alive. Cart. Trucks, Vent Junkt alto towed. 015/720-1007. WANTED: Junk Cars 8. Trucks. 015/455-1403 Auto Ports A Affooonrloo PONTIAC, 74. 350 engine ft trans., runs good low mileage, $150, contact Jim 015/653-7757. 1975 CORVETTE RALLY wheelt complete with rings ft caps, $225. Jlrm. Call after 5, 312/639-0352. 75 BLAZER, complete, or partt, car runt, betf offer; 312/650-5965. PARTING OUT 1972 Blazer, 4 bolt malnt, poti axle, Wrangler ,015/459-3 ~ radials. >3963. SUBARU, '70, great runner, 32 mpg, lor partt, 015/459-5660 days. 015/455-1237 evet. TIRES. Set of 4 B.F. Goodrich radipl T/A's. P235/60R15. $100. Call after 5:30,312/669-5079 PONTIAC 400, with turbo trans., runs good. $200,015/337-0704 Truck*. Tractors 89 fcTrslKors CHEVY PICK-UP,'73, 3/4 ton with snow plow, 4X4, rutty but a snow plowing fool! $000.; 312/301-0722. ~ DATSUN, 1902. King cab. /cab, 5 spd., am-fm cassette stereo, 84,300.414/279-5097. CHEVY,'70, 3/4 ton pickup w/cap. Good runner, $950.; 015/455-6590. INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, '70, 4 x 4RH steering 4 cyl. engine, good runner, $000 or best. 015/305-3536. CHEVY BLAZER K5,74, 4 wheel drive, auto, ps/pb., 57000 nlles, $1700.; 312/639-6740. GMC Vi ton pick up, '78, 6 cyl., stick shift, 75,000 miles, $16» or best offer, 312/639 7320. 1979 TOYOTA long bed pickup sragedft $2,750. Call 815^3-4926. DATSUN. '81.4 by 4. Kino cab. 5 spd., ps, pb, air, roll bar, brush guard, sun roof, exc. cond., $7,000.312/639-5404. after 5 p.m. CONSTRUCTION SITE OF FICE, 8x24, storage trailer, restored cash or bank certified check. 815/330-5977. FOR SALE or trade, '01 Chevy V* ton pick up, 305 auto., exc. cond., like new tires, brakes, radiator/shocks, $5,500 or best Offer, 312/650-2106. Legal notice Always garaged ft maintained, low mifi fine cond., Vons FORD CLUB VAN, 70. e beau iinside t out, 0 cyl., ps. pb. , tinted windows, ft more $4400,015/459-2115. DODGE MAX I VAN, '77, V-0. fully equipped. $1995. Tap cond. 312/6SM171 eves. FORD CLUB wagon, '00. custom. $6200; '79 Chateau. $5,900; 76 Standard, $500 after 5 p.m., 015/459-0016. CHEVY CONVERSION Van. '03, V0, low miles, loaded, like new, $11,600,015/459-5664. tl Motorcycles & tniMinw nllil-- dnowmuoi IW SNOWMOBILE Insurance $50,000 liability only $25.00 per year. Fltzgeralds' Insurance Agency, 815/385-8700 ARTIC CAT, 71, ft Polaris, 1973 snowmobiles with Leland trailer. Both good cond., pro feesionelly tuned, ready to go. $1,200 for all. 015/330-3077. HONDA C8750,74, Runs good, front end needs repair. Best of fer. Call after 5. 312/639 0352. KAWASAKI KLT 200.3 wheeler '82, Like new; adult driven, $900./best; 015/344-4066. YAMAHA 440 EXCITER Snowmobile. 1979, clean. $850. 815/720 1634. JOHN DEERE. 02 Sportfire. tall windshield, carbides, ft cover, $1000, weekends 8. evens., 815/459-8810. 1902 SKI--DOO: Blizzard 5500. MX. 500 CC, under 1000 miles, handlebar heaters ft cover, exc. cond., $2200. or best offer; 015/455-0902. SNOWMOBILES, 1 Rupp. 3 Skidoos & 4 place trailer w/hitch, $3,000. 815/344 1211 after 6pm. MUST SELL, exc. cond., 1979 Yamaha YZ125 dirt bike, $400/best. 1980 TS125, $550/ best. Call after 5 pm, 312/428 7963 MUST SELL, exc. cond, 1979 Yemaha YZ125 dirt bike, $400/best. 1900 TS125, $550/ best. Call after 5 pm, 312/428 7963. 1977 KAWASAKI 750, 8,000 miles, excellent cond., custom seat, $450.015/385-4852. YAMAHA BRAVO 250, '82, w/cover, like new, under 500 miles. $1200/best. 815/455 6625 after 7 p.m. 93 Recreational Vehicles FORD Shasta motorhome, '70. Runs good, everything works. Shower, stove, heater, sink, etc. Reasonable. 815/338 8419 or 815/330-4349. MINI MOTOR HOME, 1976, 23 ft., sleeps 6, runs great, small hail damage, serious calls only, must sell, $5,000.414/279-5897. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS NO. 04 CH197 MARGARETTEN & COMPANY, INC. Pleintiff vs. ROGER W. SIGO, JAUNINE M. SIGO, his wife, and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance to e Decree heretofore entered by uM Court in the above entitled cause, on November 16,1904, The Honorable Judge Suten Hutchinson, of the Circuit Court, will on Friday, the 4th day of January, 1905, at the hour-of 9:00 a.m. in Room 307 of the Courthouse, in the City of Woodtfock, In taid County, tell at public auction to the highett and bett bidder for cath all and lingular, the following detcribed premises end real estate in said decree mentioned, situeted in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 6 in block 9 in Orchard Heights on the Fox, a subdivi sion of part of the South Half of Section 12, Township 44 North, range 0 East of the third principal merldien, ac cording to the plat thereof recorded September 14, 1954 as Document 1203170 Jn Book 12 of Plets, as Document 1203178 Jn I McHenry County, Illinois, nmonly known os: 2505 E page 4, in Commonly known as: 2505 Baldwin St., McHenry, IL 60050, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong li DITEC ED, at Woodstock, Illinois this 19th day of November, 1984. Clerk of the Nineteenth Judiciel Circuit McHenry County, Illinois Codills end Associates, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 1S 376 Summit Avenue, Suite 2A Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60101 312/629-0444 (Published In Pleindeeler Herald on 11/28,12/58.12/12,1984) M2724 PUBLIC NOTICE The regular monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Township of Nunde scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 1904, has been rescheduled to December 6, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Itf CHANCERY el No 04 CH 130 ITT THORP CORPORATjON, a Delaware Corporation, Plaintiff vs. < ELMER M FRITZ. DIANE L FRITZ, Individually and d/b/a FRITZ'S JOHNSBURG INN; KENNETH E. HOERR. Trustee, J THOMAS JOHNSON. Director of Illinois Department of Revenue; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS, Deten dents. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by taid Court in the above entitled cause, Susan Fayette Hutchinson, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 14th dey of December A.D. 1004, at the hour of 9 00 o'clock A.M. (Locel Time), in Room 307 of the Court House. In the Legal notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE City of Woodstock, in seid County, sell at public auction to the highest end best bidder for cesh ell end singular, the following described premises end real estate In said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry end Stole of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to wit: Thet pert of the Southeest Quarter of Section 27 and the Nor theast Quarter of Section 34, Township 4S North, Range 0 East of the Third Princlpel Merldien, described at follows: Beginning on the Eetterly line of Cryttel Lake Road at the Southwetterly corner of Lot 1 in Block 1 in Henley't Second Addition to McHenry, thence Soufhwetterly along the Easterly line of Cryttal Lake Rood, e distance of 14.65 feet; thence Southeasterly parallel with the Northerly line of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 in Henley's Second Addition to McHenry, a distance of 144.0 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel with the Easterly line of Crystal Lake Road, a distance of 00.65 feet; thence Northwesterly elong the Northerly line of Lots 1 end 2 in Block l of seid Addition a distance of 144.0 feet to the Easterly line of Crystel Leke Roed, thence Southwesterly e distance of 66 0 feet to the piece of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 4109 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. IL 60050, together with all buildings and im provements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging. DATED. Woodstock. Illinois, this 13th day of November A.D. 1904 VERNON W kAYS, JR Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff Roeser, V ucha 8. Carbary 920 Davis Road, Elgin, IL60120 312/888 1820 (Published in the Plalndealer Herald, Nov 21.20, Dec. 5,1904) M2703 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY 04 D 794 CAROL BURNS, Pleintiff, FRANCIS BURNS, Defendent. *$ PUBLICATION NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, defendents, thet this cese has been com menced in this court egeinst you and other defendents, esklng thet e judgment lor dissolution of merriege be entered, for custody of your two children, JeaneMe, born Augutt 16. 1970, and John, born July 5,1901, and for other relief. UNLE SS YOU file your entwer or otherwise file your eppearance in this case in the office of the court, McHenry County Court House, 2200 N Seminary Ave., Room 301, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before Jen. 3,1905, A JUDGMENT OF DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT Witness, November 20.1904 Vernon W.Kays Jr. (SEAL) TARADASH & TARADASH Attorney for Plaintiff 4213 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 815/305 0063 (Published in the Plalndealer Here|d, Nov. 20; Dec. 5,12,1904) M2723 i at the Nunda Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, II linois. Kathleen Herper Nunda Town Clerk Dated: November 13,1984 (Published in the Plaindealer Herald, Nov. 23,28, Dec. 5,1984) M2462 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS: COUNTYOFLAKE ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS CASE NO. 84 D 1710 IN RE : THE MARRIAGE OF SHAN R. MERTINS and ROBERTC. MERTINS, JR. PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite application for publication having been filed, notice is hereby oiven to ROBERT C. MERTINS, JR., Respondent in the above entitled cause, that a Petition for Dissolution of Merriege has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Cir cult, Lake County. Illinois, in which the Petitioner, SHAN R. MER TINS, has prayed for a Dissolution of Marriage from you, the said ROBERT t MERTINS, JR., and for other relief, that summons was duly tssued out of said court as provided by lew and that said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, ROBERT C. MERTINS, JR., the said Respondent, file your answer to the Petition in said cause or other wise make your appearance therein in the Circuit Court of the Nine tee.ith Judicial Circuit, Lake County, Illinois, in the County Cour thouse, in the City of Weukegen, Illinois, on or before the 17th day of December, 1984, default may be entered against you at any time after that date and a Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage entered in accordance with the prayer of said Petition. SALLY D.COFFELT, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Leke County, Illinois Donald H Geiger Attorney at Law 20 North Utica Waukegan. Illinois60085 Telephone: Area Code 312 249-4300 (Published in the Plaindeeler-Hereld, Nov 21,20, Dec. 5,1904) M2461 Don't Forget To Send Vour MISTLETOE MESSAGE This Year! It costs enly *6.00 for up to 10 lines Giving o motstfo is ss muck fun ts receiving onol To Send Your Massage Call 1-800/942-5916 MittlaToe Messages drill be published on Monday, December 24, 1984 <#• She* *rtt Nt*lp«p«r Group DEADLINE: Wednesday, December 19, at 5:00 p.m Drop Ail klnr>* of interesting tmngs are advertised in classified every day Droo in and drowse a Dit in classified--just for fun leoMtracf pmii JL.