nv - k P«*e 10- PLAINOCALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5,1984 Robert Wagner, of Cary, and Katy Stoughton, of Woodstock, work on establishing the relationship they will bring to life beginning Thursday night as Bo and Cherie in the McHenry County College Theatre production of "Bus Stop." Performances are Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 6 to 8 and 13 to 15 at 8 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. in the college's Black Box Theatre, Rm. 194 of the Ap plied Science Building. Reserve tickets by calling the MCC Business Office, 455-3700, ext. 234. MCC Tt> lay 'Bus S top ' t o open "Bus Stop", the second production of McHenry County College Theatre's 1984-85 season, will open Thursday night at 8 p.m. in the college's Black Box Theatre. Written by William Inge, "Bus Stop" recounts interaction bet ween seven people stranded together in Grace's Diner, a small town restaurant and bus stop, because a snowstorm blocks the highway between Topeka and Kansas City. Among the travelers are Bo Decker (played by Robert Wagner of Cary), a Montana cowboy who has fallen in love with a nightclub singer named Cherie (Katy Stoughton of Woodstock), who wants nothing to do with him. Bo's fellow rodeo rider, Virgil Blessing (Geary Smith of Crystal Lake), and Gerald Lyman (William Scott Mather of Woodstock), an eccentric and alcoholic college professor, are also passengers. During the stopover, Grace, the cafe's owner (Ann Baltys of McHenry) pursues a romance with Carl, the bus driver (Mike Davis of Ringwood), while Emma (Michelle Anderson of Crystal Lake) serves the passengers find Will, the town sheriff (Frank Kmilek of Cary), maintains order. The play is being directed by Robert Riner, chairman of the Humanities and Social Science Division of MCC. Performances will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6, 7, 8 and Dec. 13, 14 and 15 at 8 p.m. A" matinee performance is schedul ed for Sunday, Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. Tickets can be reserved by calling the MCC Business Office, 455-3700, ext. 234. Tickets will also be sold at the box office outside the theatre just prior to performances on a seat available basis. Ticket prices are $4 for adults, and $3 for students and senior citizens. Program set for dairymen The 1985 Illinois Dairy Days program fc: the McHenry County area will be Tuesday, Jan. 15 at the Cloven Hoof Restaurant in Marengo. The day's activities will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a discussion of heifer replacement strategies. Other topics to be discussed include minimizing feet and leg stress and the federal dairy program. An addition to this year's program will be the presence of the forage testing van from the Illinois Department of Agriculture. The van will be available from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to conduct nutrient analysis of farmer's hay, haylage, and corn silage samples at no cost. Individuals interested in participating in the program should register in advance by calling McHenry County Ex tension Office at (815) 338-3737 or 338-4747 by Thursday, Jan. 10. A $4 registration fee per farm unit will be collected at the door. Lunch will be available at the restaurant at a cost of $7 per person. COUNTY BOARD The regular December meeting of the McHenry County Board will be held at 9 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 18, at the court house, 2200 N. Seminary Ave. (Route 47 North) in Woodstock. FRESH CHRISTMAS TD|? ITC We have personally I IIK L9 selected each tree. All our trees were harvested in Late November to insure you the freshest cut tree possible! Choose From: Douglas Fir • Scotch Pine • Balsam Fir • Norway Pine • ^ White Pirte • BlueSprucW * Conco1or*F1r UP TO IS' TALL • ALL PRICES TOO! 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RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE--455-0333 )AND, ROUTE 176, WAUCONDA HOURS: MON, TUES, SAT. 9-5 WED, THURS, FRI. 8-8; SUN. 10-3 ALL CLOTHING 50% OFF OUR REG PRICE DRESSES--TOPS SKIRTS-SLACKS BOOTS--SHOES PANTS--SHIRTS CHRISTMAS CRAFT KITS 60% OFF REG. PRICE OTHER WORLD CREATURES 50% OFF REG. PRICE PARKING GARAGE BY BLUE BOX $4 19 REG. 8.39 ALL OTHER STORE STOCK mA [ [ R E G . S T O R E S T O C K wrr EXCLUDING GUM & BATTERIES DOMESTICS HOUSEWARES GIFTWARE • . TOYS ELECTRONIC FURNITURE