Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1984, p. 18

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Page 17 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 3.1981 1 24 Help Wanted 24 CONVENIENCE , STORE MANAGER Management, retail sales, and fast foods ex­ perience preferred. Send qualifications or resume to: MANAGER BOX ZSA c/o Sentinel-Herald 109 S. Jefferson Woodstock, IL 60098 APPLIANCE CLEANER, ideal for female. Full time position w/benefits. Call for appoint­ ment, Wahl Appliance, McHenry, >15/385-1872. HELP WANTED, Richmond, IL. - experienced dining room waitresses, full or part time. E x p e r i e n c e d b a n q u e t waitresses, part time. For ap­ pointment, call 815/678-4078 after 4 pm. TELEAAARKETING SALES 12 hours per week in Carpentersville office. Good salary plus commis­ sion. Call: Mrs. Jones 3T2/426-1650 after 5:00 pm JOB HUNTING? Let Janet Marsh Teach You i How To Find A Job! CALL JANET MARSH, MSW "»815/338-M21"» JANITORIAL SERVICE needs experienced people for floor work in retail stores in Crystal Lake area. Call 312/629-0400 between 7 pm and 10 pm. JANITOR, full time days. Ex­ cellent starting salary & com plete benefit package. Apply at Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. WAITRESS Nights Cooks, Days Part Time Pizza Cook, Nights Call 312/639 7800 WANTED: EXPERIENCED Tow Truck driver for nights ft weekends. Apply at Mitchell Auto Body, 4011 W. Main, McHenry, It. 815/385-9300. SALES PERSON, full time position avail, for picture frame shop manager. Art background & attention to detail important. 815/459-8035. FULL ft PART TIME Im­ mediate Openings. Little John's Sandwich Shop, 815/459- 3176. •_ FULLTIME Permanent position. Pleasant working conditions as machine operators for tight plastics pro­ duct fabrication. No experience necessary. Profit sharing pen­ sion fund & other benefits. Alpha Plastics 3905 W. Albany Sf. McHenry - Tony an Industrial Park PARA-LEGAL OPENING Responsible for real estate file management. Title company experience a plus. 312/428-5477, ask for Kathle. FULL TIME TEMPORARY Secretary for insurance com­ pany. General office skills re­ quired. Please submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock, IL, 60098 PART TIME Sales Instructor. Evenings & weekends. Call McHenry Nautilus, 815/344 2202 Help Wanted JANITOR Aggressive person for plant and office clean-up. Must be ex­ perienced. Call Executive Coach Corp., ask for Jim Small. 312/639-0575 Clerical ACCOUNTING CLERK Good math aptitude along with at least 1 year of general office experience could qualify you for this opening in our Accounts Payable Department where you'll maintain accounting records and systems. Ability to operate a 10-key calculator 'desirable. Apply in person: SUN ELECTRIC CORPORATION One Sun Parkway Crystal Lake, IL 60014 An Equal Opportunity Employer Females and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply Accounting BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT Qualified applicant must have college degree in accounting and 1-3 yrs. experience book­ keeping/accounting including preparation of financial state­ ment. We offer a competitive salary commensurate with experience and excellent benefits. Please send resume to: Human Resources Dept. NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F M c H E N R Y C O U N T Y Warehouse Distributor seeks a mature responsible individual to train In parts expedition & w a r e h o u s e o p e r a t i o n s . Knowledge of automotive cool­ ing systems helpful. If you are interested in a position with ad­ vancement opportunities, send a resume or a letter of Introduc­ tion to Box AOE, % Shaw Free Press, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. WINTER SHOP Help Wanted, Mechanical experience helpful. McHenry area. 815/385-7393. ADMISSION COORDINATOR B.S.N, or R.N. to coordinate ad­ missions, for a skilled nursing facility. Responsibilities In­ clude: patient, family & com­ munity contacts. Training background in community health services would be h e l p f u l . A p p l y a t : Fox Valley Nursing Center 759 Kane St. S. Elgin, II. 312/697-3310 NOW ACCEPTING applica­ tions for part time employ­ ment. Apply In person only to Plitt Spring Hill Theaters. Free movies, free movie potters, free soft drinks and popcorn while working! This is not a Xmas time only position. GENERAL OFFICE, includes typing, accounts payable, receptionist. Must have good business judgement. 815/459- 9178 between 8 am a 5 pm. 24 Help Wanted D I E T C O N S U L T A N T t o manage Slender Center open­ ing January 7th In McHenry. Background in teaching, nurs ing, sales, or personal weight loas helpful. Salary plus! Re- pond with handwritten letter & resume to Jean Loudon, Slender Center, 106 W. Main Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin, 53190 by December 15th. NAIL SCULPTURIST Needed immediately. Call for an appointment, 815/344-4350 D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T - Receptionist, must be ex­ perienced. 25-30 hours per week. Mon.-Fri. nights, Satur days only. Crystal Lake office. Call 815/455-3123 TEXAS REFINERY CORP. Needs mature person now in Crystal Lake a I'M. Regardless of experience, write A. B. Sears, Box 711, Fort Worth, TX 76101. PART TIME Counter Help Needed, nights & weekends. Apply, Arbor Lanes, 2075 E. Chicago St., Algonquin, II., l/658-r- 31 Wanted to Buy 32 Misc. Merchandise 32 Misc. Merchandise a Misc. Merchandlee S Garage Sales WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains 4 old toys & baseball cards. 815/675-6379 after 5:30pm. 312/658-9200. BUILDING SUPERINTEN­ DENT, full time, to be in charge of all cleaning & repair services. Will also supervise some partotime cleaning staff. »>Hcatlons are being taken II Dec. 16, 1914. Successful applicant will begin job in Jan. of 1985. Salary package com­ mensurate with experience. Send credentials & letter of ap­ plication to: Lake Region Y.M.C.A., David E. Poremba, Executive Director, 7315 S. Rte. 31, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. SNACK BAR HELP: part-time days. Apply, Arbor Lanes, 2075 E. Chicago St., Algonquin, II; 312/658-9200. AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE MANAGER G.M. Accounting experience preferred, 5 yr. mfn. Full k n o w l e d g e o f f i n a n c i a l statements & payroll. Beautiful facility & excellent working conditions. This is not just a job but a carrier w/lots of op­ portunity. Attractive salary. Please call Ben Nemec for an ^ointment. Strictly conflden- Baber Buick 91S. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, 11.60020 312/587-2555 31 Wanted to Buy SLOT MACHINES WANTED. Paying Cash. Any condition; & Wurlitzer juke boxes. 414/248- 3796. AN OHIO OIL CO. offers high Income, plus cash bonuses, benefits to mature person in Woodstock area. No Invest­ ment Necessary. Regardless of experience, write G.G. Read, American Lubricants Co., Box 426, Dayton, Ohio 45401. OLD BICYCLES WANTED, balloon tire bikes, 1930-50 style, also old motorbikes, pedal cars, wagons, toys, etc. 414/248- 3796. ANTIQUES WANTED, old fur­ niture, lamps, toys, wicker, clocks, anything old, also buy­ ing complete households. 414/248-3796. OUTBOARD MOTORS Prefer Johnson or Evinrude, need not be running; Also boats. Call 312/837-2812. DAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sundays 8 a.m. noon. 306 Brlarwood, Crystal Lake. •15/459-7751 BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related items. 815/338-4731. BUYING FURNITURE- 1940s & older, bookcases, desks, tables, chairs, china cabinets, beds, dressers, etc., 815/678- 4141. G0LD&SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterl­ ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-6190 H.C. COIN & STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •••815/459-3940*" CABBABE PATCH PREEMIE (new) or regular w/ pacifier. Call eves only, 815/455-4992. FREE! We will pick up un­ wanted 81 used appliances. Call for appointment, 815/385-0661. 32 Misc. Merchandise W A N T E D : G l a s s w a r e - Depression (colored), Helsey, C a m b r i d g e , F o s t o r l a , Candlewlck, etc. Pottery • Fiesta, Hall, Welter, Rosevllle, etc. 815/895-6033 TRADE-IN SALE your sofa $100, your recliner-$50, your kitchen table & chalrs-$50, your mattress set-$25. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 3363. MOTOROLA, Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base, 2-too watt mobiles & antennas. 82,900/best offer. After 5:30, 815/385-1097. •••SEASON SPECIAL*** Medium-duty gas welding out­ fits, complete w/ cylinders. KELSEY WELDING SUPPLY •••815/338-6312*** PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative & reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. R ft M Lawn Service. 815/344-0515 BUSINESS COPY machine, like new, many features, cost $3400, sacrifice for $495. 312/724-7559. BARBIE DREAM House, some furniture, good cond., $35. 815/728-1287 MATTRESSES from $29.99. Linen Outlet Mattress Li­ quidators. Hebron- 815/648- 4320. Thurs. & Fri., 10-6; Sat. 10-5. FOR A LOW COST CHRIST­ MAS, hand crafted wooden toys. Trains, trucks, cars, doll beds, all types of shelves, at 1/2 the price and many other items. Call 815/385-3609. MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & electric, washers, dryers, portables & wr­ ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALES ft SERVICE 1209 Court St. McHenry, II. 815/385-1872 815/385-1896 R E F R I G E R A T O R , d o u b l e door, reasonable. Four, 15in. Michelin radial tires; 312/695- 3375 or 695-0775. SEARS Kerosene heater, 9300 BTU's, $50, 815/344-5511. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations • F ur nlture*Ctotti Ing •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM - Mon-Set 815/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MATTRESS SALE, Twin set, $•9.99; Full set, 199.99; Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available. Weiler's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. !76>(on Rt. 176, V> block W. of 31). Crystal Lake, 815/459-3363. SANTA OR CRACKERS The Clown, or "Elfie" for par­ ties, home visits. Magic, pup pets t fun. 815/923-HEAR. 4 COMPLETE ROOMS of fur niture! TV, stereo system, liv. rm., din. rm., bdrm. sets, kit­ chen set. All unused, top grade mdse.* actual value- $17,000. Sell- Best Offer! Call for ap- polntment, 815/455 4867. FLOOR PILLOWS or Bed for your dog or cat, custom made to match your decor. Start at $7,312/639-5649. SHORT ROMANCE Diamond Engagement Ring, 1/3 K, $595 Firm. After 4 pm, 816/385-7819. C A B B A G E P A T C H L o o k allkes. $25. Cabbage Patch 8i Preemle clothes. 312/683-2587 or 312/683 3058 BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf- fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM or by appt. 815/338-6674 or 815/338- --HAPPY GRAMS*" SINGING TELEGRAMS Male & Female Belly Dancers --312/888-3060*** CHRISTMAS ANGELS, bead­ ed, $2/ea. Croctched afghans, $40 to $50,815/459 5337. WATER BED, king size, com­ plete, excellent cond., $350. 815/455 3567. ICELANDIC WOOL Sweaters, never worn, 3. $55 each. 815/338-5242 VAPOR All deluxe humidifer, best offer, 815/338-6307, WATER BED, queen size, 6 drawer pedastel, liner,padded rails, heater, vibrator, sheets & comforter, great Christmas gift, $475,815/728 1478. RAILROAD TIES, $3.98/each. Landscape timbers, Area's largest selection of wild bird seed & supplies. Woodstock Farm 8i Lawn, 815/338-4200. COPIERS, new 8> used, plain paper 8i coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master Charge ft Visa) 815/455-3050. D E S I G N E R C L O T H E S f t clothes racks for Cabbage Patch dolts; 312/426-5013. MIXED WOOD: $45. dumped, additional $5. per face cord stacked. Hickory, Oak, Maple, Walnut; R & S Tree Work, 312/428-0788. OAK FIREWOOD Spilt a seasoned 1 yr. Delivered & stacked. $55/ face cord. Die- counts available.815/547-8362 or 544-2411. H.O. TRAIN, switches, extra track. $60. After 7 pm, 312/428- 1810. *1/2PRICE SALE!* LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOP 281 King St. Crystal Lake Tuesday, Dec. 6 Through Saturday, Dec. 10 All Clothing From The Second Floor Shop Open 10 am-3 pm DOUBLE OVEN, T*pane4ec.. 30" white (self-clean), good condition. Men's coats, like new, leather 3/4 length, sin 44. Poplin w/zlp-out lining, 42 long. Best offers, 815/459-3313. BEDROOM SET, 5 pc., <200. Twin beds ft small dresser, $100. Couch w/end tables 4 lamps, $120. Whirlpool, hydro- jet portable, $100,312/6*9393. MOVING SALE:, Country Oak, 4 piece Mrm. set, $800; Broyhlll soil 4 love seat, $400; sofa bed, ft love seat, $600; 2 oak/end tables, & coffee table, $200; dinette table, & 4 chairs, $250; Brunswick 8 ft. pool table, $800; Ken more 18 cu. ft. chest freezer, $350; 815/385-9259. SOLID OAK, double bed, dresser w/mlrror, chest, a many other Items. After 5pm, 815/459-2109. COLECO ADAM Computer with Coteco Vision module. Asking $500/best. 815/338-7919 after 7 p.m. $5 oft $5 Off BLOOMIN' BALLOONS Have Santa, Mr*. Claus, or X-Mas tree deliver balloons for the holiday season. 815/459-RAVE $5 off $5 off DESIGNERS/DRAFTSMAN, drafting supplies now in stock - clear print, drafting film, etc. Roden's, Crystal Lake, 815/459- 1148 STOVE Coal a Wood Burning 312/639-2042 METAL FOLDING CHAIRS (39), brown, good cond., $4 each. Call 815/338-6214 eves. FOUR SEASONS RESALE SHOP Now selling re-built vacuum cleaners with warranties. We take trade-ins in any condition. 105. E. Judd St. Woodstock 815/338-1990 DP 300, ROWING MACHINE, exc. cond., new; $135, will sell; $90. After 4pm, 815/385-0450. DELUXE UHF TV Converter. Channel 44 sound thru TV Guaranteed, $250. Kit, $150. 312/683-2948 OLIN MARK IV SKIS, 160cm, Salomon 444 bindings, w/ brakes, 2 sets of poles, Nordika Hurricane boots, sz. 6 Med., exc. cond., complete; $200, 815/338-5541. GAS RANGE, 30", exc. cond., $150/best. Electric range, needs work, $50, 4924 Fountain L a n e , M c C o l l u m L a k e , McHenry. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. Moving. Ceramics, wax, in/out lights, ornaments, artificial trees, low prices, 815/459-1689. TRUNDLE BED, $50, 815/459-8281 after 5 p.m. Tl 994/A COMPUTER, w/ ex­ pansion box, RS 232 card, tape drive & software, many extras. Smith- Corona, letter quality printer, w/ tractor drive. After 5pm, 815/455-3396. COMMODORE 64 computer, BMC color video display monitor, commodore dalasette --tmfTT basic program tape, radiar rat race tape, & several computer books. All purchased within the last month, still have all the boxes & instructions, perfect Christmas present, $550,815/943-4281. TWIN WHITE Canopy bed. complete, 2 dressers, mirror, desk, chair, $350.; 815/344-2581 after 6. BALED HAY & STRAW Tom Kin Tom King 815/943-5733 CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions • Baths •Remodeling *Decks •Garages •Aluminum SidTng & Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME 815/338-0905 CONSTRUCTION M & D CONSTRUCTION Baths* Kitchens Rec. Rooms Electrical* Plumbing Drywall* Wall & Floor Tile INSURED •••815/459-8992"* DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation a Finishing •Patchwork & Spray-on-cei lings 115/344-1956 ENTER­ TAINMENT XT D.J.SH0W! •^•For ALL occasions JP|AII types of music UllGreat P.A. & lights ylj Call John 312/289-7259 CHIMNEYSWEEP 15% Senior Citizen Discount M Ingleside L.FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces 'Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimnev Sweeps Guild CONSTRUCTION HOUGHTON CONSTRUCTION "ADDITIONS "NEW/CONSTRUCTION •CONCRETE & ROOFING •KITCHENS & BATHS 10% fixed 30 year mortgage As low as 5% Down to qualified buyers for new construction. Call for more details after 6 pm 815/344-4574 FIREWOOD OAK FIREWOOD $24.00 per face cord Delivered & stacked. As available. 1/800-367-3325 HOME IMPROVEMENT I O I HOME J&L IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling ft Room Additions Garages ft Aluminum Siding Soffit*Fascia»Gutters Rooflng*Decks < Low Prices ft rree Estimates Fully Guaranteed ft Insured x>*15/455-4224* A\ No Answer, Call •15/459-3818, Ext. Z PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work & materials References 8 >6/455-5536 PAINTING BECK'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners, Businesses Contractors, Decorators 312/658-9278. GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available $75 (Incls. service, & lubrication of garage door) BAUERMANCONTROLS 815/385-7219 Master Card ft Visa Accepted HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REMODELING & HOME REPAIRS •Kitchens 8. Baths •Wolrmnized Decks Electrical 81 Paneling •Custom Cedar Shutters Wallpaper 'Ceramic Tile No Job Too Small. HARRY VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION 815/385-2847 (Developer of the Prestigious Val-Mar Estates, McHenry) REFRIGER­ ATION REPAIR 0&D REFRIGERATION SERVICE Any make or model. Quality Workmanship Low prices 815/568-5296. REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years-McHenry County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OE A CONSTRUCTION •15/344-1632 815/385-6566, 815/344-0748 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONSTRUCTION •SHINGLES *HOT TAR •NEW WORK'REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices S.R. Citizen Discount 312/451-5301 ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING 10 Years Shingle Expertise Quality Materials 'Insured Free Estimates All work guaranteed 815/315-0009 SEWING ft VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service 8i Parts Household ft Industrial In-Home Service Free Pickup & Delivery KEENERCiSON 815/728-0672 SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service, Get on our list now! GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 115/3313344 \ QUALITY \ WATER ^CONDITIONING '(Limited to Horn*Owners) WOOD RESTORATION SOHMER. upright piano, walnut, best offer, 31 cubic ft., upright freezer; MOO/best, 8 in. Zenith color console; si25/ best, Cannon 8mm movie camera ft projector; 8225/best. mens's 10 spd. bike; M0/ best, ft other misc. Items. 815/338- 7134. FULL SIZE sleeper sofa, plaid, orange 8t brown, good cond., $100,312/439-5895. JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION 10 Years Experience Furniture, antique repair & refinishing. Hand stripp­ ing/durable sprayed on f inisn G*£ ANSWERING SERVICE ~ executive MOO, 312/M3-3852, after 12 p.m. ROUNDTRIP A n y w h e r e U S A . > 2 0 0 . •15/455-6438 • FUR JACKET, size 40, black Broadtail-sable trim, brand new, $395 Can be seen at River­ side Retail Outlet, 1402 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 815/385-5900. SEARS CRAFTSMAN, self pre- p e l l e d e l e c t r i c s t a r t , snowblower. 7 HP, 5 spd., %" path, $375, $15/385-7144 after 6 p.m. THERMOGRATE wood burn­ ing Stove. $400. $15/385-7144. after* p.m. ' DINETTE SET w/4 chairs, full si. bookcase bed; 2-18" round tables; 3 drawer dresser, Panasonic stereo; GAF movie camera, projector & editor; 2 fiberglass belted tires, sz. A-78- 13. 815/459-71M after 5 p.m. DESKS, art tables, chairs, cabinets, etc., reasonably pric­ ed, good cond.. 815/459-1148. WEIGHT BENCH, w/ weights; $65. 40 In. round trampoline; $20, exercise bike; $38, zlg zag, sewing machine w/ cabinet; $50,815/385-2783. G E R E F R I G E R A T O R , beautiful, large, like new, revolving shelves, $175; Girl'$ Schwlnn 3 sp. bike, $15.815/455- 4325. CAMERA ZOOM LENS, 80-210 mm macro, vlvltar series 1, cannon mount, $165, 815/338- M21. BEDROOM SE1>»t)lte, double bed, 2 dressers amlrror. Good cond., $375,815/728-0M8. GAS RANGE, washer, dryer, $50. each; dining w/6 chairs, $75.; crib, $25.; £ folding bar, 8SD.; or all for best offer; 815/458-5295. BLACK 81 DECKER 12 In. band saw, like new, $85. 815/653-9789 \ FRANKLIN STOVE, Atlanta stove Company, never been us ed, $320,815/338-M21. CABBAGE PATCH, preemles. 2 genuine adorable girl preemles. waiting for adoption, taking best offers, 815/648-28M. • HOLIDAY CRAFTS Bazaar Bake Sale Dec. 8th, 8-4 Door Prizes 6 W. Orchard Dr. Gate 3 McCullom Lake Beach House VANITY, mirrdr, & tench, $15.00; Lloyd stereo am/fm 8 track turntable, 2 speakers, $50 firm, 815/385-11M. SEWING MACHINE Sale! Heavy duty free arm with but ton noler, stretch sf Itches, cover, 25 year warranty, regular, $499.95 just $199,951 Quantities Limited) Voss Vacuum & Sewing, Marengo, II.; 815/5M-7477. u CIELING FAN SALE. All In stock fans $29.95-$79.95. All metal 3 spd. reverse, wood blades, 5 yr. warranty. 4 & 5 blade and nuggars on sale now. Plus, light kits from $4.95. Voss Vacuum ft Sewing, Marengo, IL815/5M-7477. AMERICAN DREW OAK BDRM. Set, king bed ft mat tress. 2 dressers, mirror ft night stand; $500/best, butcher block kitchen table ft 3 chairs; $50.815/344-1880. 115/385-4024 R E A L C H R I S T M A S SPECIAL: Sears 4 ft. x 8 ft pool table, que sticks, que rack, 2 sets of balls, $200, 815/784 4093. BAZAAR Thurs.- Sat., 11am-5pm Gifts ft Christmas Items 77l7Wldoff Ln. Wonder Lake 815/728-0827 HEATHKIT COLOR TV. $79., kitchen table ft chairs, $30.; 8 X 15 Ford Rims, $10. all; Roll bar for step side truck, $45.; 19'BftW TV, $20; 312/639-1038. GUN CABINET, water aoftner, air compressor, welding tanks, ithica 12 gauge, Hawkln 50 calb. rifle, 45 cat. Patriot target pistol, Ruger 44 old army, 312/639-6732. Receive a personalized hand­ written - LETTER FROM SANTA On Santa's own stationery. S6nd child's letter and $3 to: P.O. Box 303 McHenry, IL, 40050 Parents: Include a note men tlonlng what they're getting and something about the child BEDROOM SET. 3 piece, con­ temporary, $150; queen sz mattress set, $1M. Must self $15/385 9055 eves. DOLL HOUSES. Only three left. Please call $15/305-0551. • MCHENRY Holiday Hills Craft Bazaar Dec. 4,7,9-3 li 13 Violet MITSUBISHI Hi 19" Color TV with wood cabinet and FM stereo radio with remote con­ trol cable ready; $4M.; $15/338 64M. POOL TABLE: Regulation size, slate ft accessories inc $300 or best offer, 815/3854394. RCA 21 "XL 188, color TV, exc. cond., $1M, 815/653 3254. GAS SPACE Heater, 14 BTU, $»., small dog house, $15 ; 2SM sq. ft. humidifier. $50.; 300 sq. ft. rug ft padding, very good, $200 , small metal lathe. $50.; satinless sink. $10.; slop sink, $10.; 2 lawn tractors. $100.; 1/3 HP Motors, M.each 815/459-0*66 CRYSTAL LAKE UMCadarCreetOr. Nov. 30-Dec. 1,9-4 Hydraulic wet kit, freezer, fur­ niture. baby items, desks, chests, ft misc. DAYDREAMS HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 116 Velley Dr. Cary/Oakwood Hills 312/639 5895 Dec. 7.10 $ Dec. 8.10-4 No Early Birds Please HEBRON 9882 Main Dec. 4.7 ft 8 10-4 Like new winter parkas, Christmas specials and much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE Basement sale Craft ft floral supplies 3812 Great Hill Rd./Foxfire Dec. 6. r. 9-5 fabric: calico's $1.25 yd., wool. $2.Myd.: silk flowers: wedding supplies: bran ware: pottery: engllsh tin*: sewing notions: ribbon*: yarn: ft much more. Antiques ANTIQUE GAS PUMP In good cond. Call 815/627-9225 evenings ROLL TOP DESK. SI.MQ. Call 9:38-4:30; 815/728-0456. eves, or weekends; (15/385-8383. '50 FORD, FX 3/4 ton pick up. wood stake bed,very good cond.. 46,000 orig. ml.; $1500, 815/548-7443 or 548-M10. ANTIQUE BLK. OAK dresser w/mirror, $125; stand up oak sear, $65; drop leaf dining room table w/4 chairs. $130; 2 antique arm chairs, with beige felt seats, $50 each; antique rocker, $125; antique ottoman. $125; chllds white dreeser with matching book shelf, $45, 815/337-0410. Bicycles & Sports Equip. SCHWINN 18 speed bicycle, exc. cond., $65 or best offer, 815/455-4528. TWO SCHWINN BIKES, 10 s p e e d , f e m a l e s p o r t - stourer,male, World bike $200 pr., 815/337-0450. SCORPION '74 Range Wood, good condition, $5S0/best, 815/338-3551 or 815/5M-6452. Lawn & Gordon Equip. SNOW PLOW for garden trac­ tor, 42", uood once, like' new, 875,312/424-4002. CASE 222 Tractor Hydrlve, 'M, 44" mower, 38" snowblower chains (A-l condition, 815/338- 4991. Boats '76 EVINRUDE, 15 h.p. w/ tank; W00 Call after 6pm, 312/742-5283. CHRYSLER 9.9 Outboard,'72, Electric start, 6 gal. tank, bat­ tery; $225.; 815/3S-3293. 9 Musical Instruments AlTiA ^ew Stray Cat >/case, $149 > New Knight Werrior w/case ft Kohler trem. ARlAPjtOII CTtfCGUnMS CROWLEY WARTERS GUITAR STUDIO 315 S. Main St. Algonquin, II. 312/6M-40M GUITARS, BRAND new at wholesale prices. Save 40-50%. Accoustics, electrics ft bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases ft much, much more. 815/728- 0546. 9:30-4:30pm; 815/385-8383 6 9pm or weekends. WURLITZER Console Piano. 2 yrs. old, exc. cond., beautiful dark wobd. Sacrifice for $1300 Call after 4 p.m. 815/459-9207 GETZEN cornet, 3M series, 4 yrs. old with case, good cond., $175; Thomas California 2*T color glow organ with rhythm, bench inc., $400 or best offer, $15/338-6387. A N T I Q U E C H I C K E R I N G plana needs tuning; $500/ best After 5:30pm, cell 815/455 422fr SPINET PIANO Excellent condition, after 5 p.m. 312/639-8467 \NO CT i, $795) Call B E A U T I F U L H A M M O N D Organ, mahogany, must be seen to appreciate. Call after 5 p.m. $15/489-3951 FENDER Accoustlc, 6 string, $75, good cond., $15/728-0941 after 6pm, Karen. B A B Y G R A N D P I A N O , Chlckerlng, antique white, $1,5M, call after 5 p.m., 815/459- 8151. UPRIGHT Marshall Wendell piano, $200., good condition; 312/428-2312. W U R L I T Z E R P I A N O f t organ sale. Save 40-50%. Bell Merford Piano ft Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. 312/741-07M. W U R L I T Z E R P I A N O f t ORGAN sale. Save 40-50%. Bell Morford Piano ft Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. 312/741-07M. BALDWIN piano, $700; Holton coronet in case, $3M, $15/72$ 0394, after 4 p.m. PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs Pat Woodruff, 815/640 2546 V 44 Pets & Equipment NANDAY CONURES (2) ft cage (20 X 20 X 29), $100. Call 815/338-6214 eves 2 CATS, free to good homes male dodawed. Mack ft white, neutered. Female spayed, orenge ft white. Both about l yr. old. Before 5 pm. 815/455 ilM. FREE TO GOOD Hom«, 3 mo s old kittens, litter-boxed train ed. 815/385-90*2 P O O D L E B A B I E S A K C registered, Toy and Tiny Toy. loving, healthy, groomed. Champion stud service, alt breed grooming. 815/338 2155 SIBERIAN HUSKY, 1 yr old, female, has papers. 815/728- 09*1. after *pm., Karen. 3 TWO Yr Old Cockatlels, In­ cluding large cege, $100. $15/344 2855 COCKATEELS: 2 breeding ! pair with cage ft accessories, ' >100. a pair" 312/658 4308 44 Pets A Equipment COCKATIELS; home raised bebies, greys ft pieds. Baby parakeets: yellows, greens ft plods; 815/385-5586. WANTED: PUPPIES, all breeds, will find good, loving home. Over 25 yrs. exp. We buy pedigree pups. 312/594 2241. YORKIES Puppies, Male A female 815/459-8263 COCKATIELS: 2 pair normals, for brooding, with breeding caiM- Proven pairs; excellent parents! SM. a pair, or $75. a pair wfth cage; $15/330 4520. C O C K A T I E L S : H a n d f e d babies, since TVj weeks old. Think of themselves as people. Ready at X-Mas. Super gifts; wlll holdt $45. ft 65.; 815/338 KEESHOUND PUPS. AKC, born Oct. 4th, 2 female. Great xmas gift. Great disposition. Parents on premise, $200. $15/385-0826. BIRD BARN. INC. Specializing in exotic birds ft supplies. For that special gift, why not buy a bird. Holiday Special Finches to Macaws Some Handfed ft Tame Open 7 Days 18520 Kishwaukee Valley Rd. 5 miles west of Woodstock $15/568-7500 or 5687050 47 Horses «• Equipment HORSE BOARDING Facility: Full services. Joann. days, 815/385-3640, evenings. 815/455- 0437. ENGLISH SADDLE, complete. 16 in. seet, knee rolls, Includes pad. Exc. cond.; $150. Call S15/SM-5405. TWO WHITE MARES, with tack, for sale or trade for hay, $15/344 462$. Farm & Dairy • CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! 25% off all dog sweaters ft bird cages. Also have huge selection of wild Mrd feeders. Main Sup piles, 28W039 Commercial Ave., Lake Barrlngton In­ dustrial Park, Barrington; 312/381-5000. Open Sundays 1-5 now through Christmas. Closed Ifaiianailai • fw toensoeys. "LOVE ft FLUFF Dog Salon" Professional Grooming of All B r e e d s . F r e e P i c k - up/Oellvery. 313/6a$-»77. FOX TERRIER Puppies. 8 weeks, talis are bobbed $50, $15/337-823*. 100% ALFALFA HAY Reasonable Phone 815/923 43*9 STEEL BUILDINGS "Factory Sponsored Sale" 3 Up to 20% off. 30 X 40 special price. 100 X 70 special price. " Must sell by Dec. 15th. Call Frank, 312/223 7445. 1 4f s Livestock > CROSS BRED polled Hereford * ft Holsteln bull, 1* mo. old. 312/669-5884. 53 Machinery & Equipment CLARK FORKLIFT jrrent, • $150 month, » $15/459-5805 j Business < Opportunity, E S T A B L I S H E D H o m e ' maintenance business, eouip > ment ft accounts, good profit ft , cash flow, owner financing, 815/459-5121. SERVICE BUSINESS M c H e n r y C o u n t y . G r o s s v o l u m e $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . H Owner /operator or can be run > with employees or family. . C i B B 3 1 2 / 7 4 2 - 6 1 3 0 K O C ' 1 GRAND OPENING. McHenry County's first and only full ser- > vice Business Brokerage firm* now open to help you buy. sell. t or evaluate'your business. Call Kaplan Commercial. 815/455 ' 5M2. . to Wanted to Buy, 2 OR 3 BE DROOM Home in this > aree. Assumable loan desired, i No brokers please. 815/385 4389. > k 72 Real Estate NO MONEY DOWN 3 bdrm., full bsmt., alum, siding, R-40 ceiling insul., R 19 wall Insul., FHA VA financing available, $49,750. Call /March Builders, Inc., 815/385 81M. R E A L E S T A T E P E O P L E ! I f you read these FSBO ads religiously ft then do something • about them, you may be in- • forested in a salaried position just created that offers predic-' table hours ft much growth potential. Generous bonus' a v a i l a b l e . C a l l C h i c k a t E R A Household, 312/639 2000. WOODSTOCK/ Harvard area by owner. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on 1.3 acres, finished fam. rm„ Ig. stone frplce., formal din. rm. ft liv. rm., deck ft patio, 2 car garage, exceptional view, 000.815/0 "" $89,1 15/943 52M. C R Y S T A L L A K E . C o v e r e d Bridge, spacious 4 bdrm. Col-, onial, 2700 sq. ft., plus custom' finished basement, paneled' family room, w/fireplace ft wetj bar, cent, air, many extras,. $166,900.815/459 7836 LAKE IN THE HILLS, 3 bdrm! ranch, by owner, full bsmt., c/a, oak floors, appls., large lot. $50,000. 312/658 3791 WONDER LAKE, near comple tlon, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, full bsmt, corner lot, Ml,000. Call days, 815/459 2552. NEW HOME BY BUILDER, Cary area. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 car attached gar. Move right In! $72,500, $15/459 9557. MCHenry County: Beautiful ranch on 6 acres, many extras, good for horses. $89000.; 312/025 7737. McHENRY, 125" ft. on Fo* River, 3 bdrm., 8 room home, att. gar., 9% Interest. 815/385 •SM. CITY OF McHENRY, 4 unit apartment, investment fax shelter, 9% interest, 815/385 6566 C R Y S T A L L A K E , C o v e n t r y f r i level, 4bdrms., base., tfent. air, appl.,M2,000. 815/459-6524. WOODSTOCK, 960 Sq. ft. 3 bdrm. ranch near Northwood School, dry unfinished bsmt. ft large garage. $58,900, 815/33$ 4505 after 6 pm WOODSTOCK Investment pro perty, 2 yr. old 2-story duple* 2 ft 3 bdrm . 1.150 sq. H. each w/iVi baths ft gar. w/stoves. refrig.. dishwashers, exterior maintenance free Exc loca tion ft income 815/338 4585 after 6 pm HARVARD. 3 flat apt. building (1, 2 ft 3 bdrm.). Oversized lot. Exc. location ft cond., $1,200 monthly Income. $15/330-4585 after 6 pm. . ,

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