Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1984, p. 10

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P«l» It • PLAINDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7.1984 ̂PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified OHkcHrs M e ? 00 i m 5 00p.m 3 LINES. 3 DAYS >8.80 I'RIVA 11. IWRI'N I INI \l)> V Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Advertisers, ptaasa check your ad the FIRST Inaertiw date. In the event of on orror or ommtnion, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the fir* incorrect Inoortlon. The newspaper shall be liable for only me poortkm of the ad which Is In error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: IIS-34MM0. Private Party A Commercial line Ads: IIHii NH. Richmond *71- 2M1 NORTHWEST Security Service tfs security guards tar full time A part time wraehands ft holidays. Piaase apply at the Security Oask. »1 Jandus Rd.. Cary, It. JANITORS, McHer y area. Part time. Men.- Frl. eves., ptus some daytime. Experience not necesaary, must drive. S3.S0/ hr. to start, avg. 30 hrs./ wIl Call Ed, HSmS 1177. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting "Business Opportunities 'Business Ser­ vices •Garage Sales *MMoving Sales «Ovt of Shaw Free Praia Circulation Area •Political •Rooms, Apts. to Share • Situations Wanted«Sublease, Re-rent, etc. •Wanted to Buy •Wanted to Rent. . >iywp1tlrw Ww9*tnc. Abo MM* HwW Cm--*, Bfrday Ertrs and thoppar Sanrice. Owr halphit, oonrtaoM fit Is t far -- DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND \ION. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. > P.M. MON. 12 NOON '̂FD. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements •kyclwa ft Sports Equipment, town ft Garden Equipment.. Cemeteries ft Lois. Cord of Thonks .. Notices Cor Pools...!.... lost & Found Personals Instruction Auctions Help Wanted Child Core 02 03 05 10 11 12 13 18 19 .36 37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .44 .47 .48 ..49 ..53 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wonted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscello eous Merchandise 32 Coroge sales 33 Merchordite Under S50 34 Antiques 35 Musical Instruments Comwros..., .t.. * Aviation...; .f. Pots ft Equipment Horses ft Equipment Form ft Ooiry Livestock Mochfctery ft Equipment Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wonted to Buy .. . 69 Business Property. 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums tor Sole 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage. 75 Mobile Homes. ., 76 Farms for Sole 77 Real Estate Rentals Wonted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share Aportments to Rent Homes to Rent Condominiums ft Town homes to Rent. Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent.... Forms. Farmland to Rent. Miscellaneous to Rent....... 6 • .79 .80 .81 .82 ..83 ..84 ..85 Automotive Autos for Sola 86 Wanted to Buy. 87 Auto Ports ft Accessories . 88 Trucks, Troctors ft Troilers 89 Vons *0 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles...... 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Help Wanted U Hofp Wanted HEAVY DUTY TRUCK Mechanic. Knowlege of welding, maintenance ft write- up work on semi dump trucks is essential. Berrington area. 312/311-05*. CERTIFIE0 NURSING ASSISTANT We are acwotinji applications tar full timeTto-n pm shift in a 70-bed ambulatory In­ termediate care facility. Some part time positions fvailableon all 3 shifts. No un forms worn. Overall involvement In residents care. Contact Ms. Veiek SHELTERING OAK INC. Island La*?. II 312/SJ*-V3» TAYLOR MADE GOLF Co. in McHenry has an immediate opening for a fu'i time credit and collection clerk. Re­ quirements inclu ie experience in collections, accounting and skills with a calculator, com­ puter, and telephone. Please come in to complete applica­ tion to 41®S Crystal Lake Rd., Mc Henry. t PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAMOEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381-Borrington 382-Borrington 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Horn pthire 695-Elgin 697 Elgin 740-Round lake 741 Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931 Elgin 337 Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystol Lake 459-Crystol Lake 568-Morengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Horvard Cemeteries ft Lots 11 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 87S. Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. ftlS/459-0547 BEAUTIFUL WINDRIDGE: Oouble lot with all ar­ rangements. Asking 12700.; Cal(lii/4J»W. M E M O R I A L P A R K CEMETERY, adlolnina graves. (12) value U50. 1 grave. Sell 2 for l, 317/m-lMO or 317/3M-10K). 03 Cardof Thanks I wish to thank ev eryone for their vi sits, cards, flowers a n d m a n y k i n d deeds during my re­ cent illness. Your throughtfulness will always be remem­ bered. Pttay Schaefer 05 Notices hSTICI PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us If you find an error in your classified ad. or if your ad failed to appear. If yeu notify us try 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day pf an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm "FREE" PREGMANCYTESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS U HOUR HOT LINE 312/W4-f2J3 ART I craft Items for Christmas, also toys. By ap- 115/331 1153. ATTENTION: Arts & Crafts Persons interested In forming a crafts guild tar the purpose of selling your crafts. Write to Bob Justen. 4*03 Bromley. I. *0150 I15/3S5- 10 Car Pools CHRISTIAN MAN needs ride from Woodstock to Crystal Lake to catch 5 40 a.m. train. 115/3)0-3774 NEED RlOE from east of Huntley to Woodstock. My work hours are from * am to 5 3# pm. Can leave earlier if *«Mry will share gas. !12/M*JM 11 Lostl Found WEST DUNDEE Lost cat Long haired, white w/ black spots, declawed. indoor cat. 312/4K2M7 . LOST, little tan female dog. w/ course hair, longer on back than sides, white chest, tail tip A muzile. w/ 4 white paws. , Answers to Missy. 115 4*7191 .MISSING! 11/20, Large dark Kay male cat Chico . N. He Farm Rd 115/3314S74 Lost & Found If LOST DOG, Golden Retriever. f̂ tyr. Old mile, homed Buddy, of Crystal Point AAall on Nov. Mth. Call collect, 319/30M040 between lam A 5 pm. FOUND: Large white cat w/brown ears, tail A spot on back. Nov. 24, vicinity Colby Subd.. I15/4W-07N after 5pm. LOST CAT. Calico. 2 yr. old female spayed, house cat, vk. of Lundahf Jr. Hi., Crystal Lake, I1V4SS-3413. REWARD FOR into, leading to retom missing female col lle ' Toscha", Durke Rd. vicini­ ty.; I1VM0-2M. 11 Personals PREGNANT? NEEOHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open •liam. and from 7-*pm. Men. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. HV3t52m ATTENTION! Looking tar JO people to par­ ticipate Im weight loos pro­ gram. Fun-Eaay and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas •d. 312/S50-S42V. • SCULPTUREO NAILS The nails that look A tad so real. Done professionally. 3 years experience, only S2S. Call Joyce tor appointment. 312/454 10H. WEIGHT LOSS Lose 10-29 tos./mo. 100% Guaranteed All Natural Herbal Program 115/330-7345 VISITS FROM SANTA in your home or tar parties. Call 312/48S-5W tor appointment. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free A confidential stress line, day or night, •15/331-0000. WHAT'S THE BEST gift Christmas? Good health, good nutrition, weight lots A possi­ ble business opportunity. For more Into., call 3M3»-M0I SHAKLEEPRODUCTS Wholesale or retail > to noon. 115/455-5371 HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. We can help. Contact John Holby at l- WO-t <2-2709 SANTA AND MRS. SANTA n#vf frnvfo "om inc norm pole. Call: >15/305-0040 tar app. THANK YOU St. Jude tar labors era Of . 13 Instruction SCULPTUREO NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished Call Joyce Huber tor more into. 312/051- 2019. BABYSITTING •N tar ye font, my Crystal rets. evaiL 015/499-4920. LOVING h/Htlme. BABYSITTING in my home Lots of T .L .C Call anytime. I 115/330-9114. tSS". , INc. 4hre. to Mhrs. • 7 dayis1 Meal Preparation Also evaWebit: yhoapbig Nersteg Care tight lloiisekrfploi Registered Nurses Laundr> lie Practical Smmi Personal Care flense Cave Asetal » Hr. Answerte§ Services ItS-Sda-SUB '"w* Mi m kMpM m mm •m w mm w i isî iwiSi , Child Care 21 SttuattonsWi RESPONSIBLE ADULT to BE^SiTi wk. Old 1-3 afternoons and/or eve. per week. 2 Sat. a month. 115/344-4037. II Situations Wanted DON JOHNSON Decor et in • Interior Pointing A Papering 015/330-4050 0.J. Weddings, schools, etc.. Your choice of sound systems, lights end music. Equip, rental atao; 312/504-0002, eves. WILL DO house cleaning, exc. ref. Have days open, call attar 2 p.m.,H5/0SM>47. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you con afford 115/459-7194 after 5 pm. SANTA CLAUS will visit your home offering Christmes magic holiday spirit A froepic- ture. From ISO. 312/050-3279 or 312/0»3M0. CERTIFIED NURSING Assis tent or Housekeeper. Call 01S/4SS-3411 after 12-Mnoon. WHY NOT GIVE the dWt of col­ or tar Christmas? Men A woman color analysis A hair cut w/ sample peck; $40. Cal ,312/301 4501. • SCULPTURED NAILS. S20; Gift certificates By Vickie, 115/455-1040. HOUSECLEANING. own trans., ret., 312/039-1509 after 3p.m. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! M.W. Cleaning Service Bonded A Insured Homes A Offices 115/344-0525 015/344-4025 NEEO HELP FOR THE holidays? Experienced clean­ ing lady has 1 day a week open, rm. 015/455-1202. PRIVATE DUTY certified aide. Your home. Please call. 015/3054394. HOUSECLEANING. Rich mend. Spring Grove A Twin Lakes area, min. of 4 hrs.. S5.00 an hr., 915/075-0407 after 4 p.m. GUN REPAIRS Custom knives A guns. Open Opm to 9pm weekdays. 9am to 5pm Sat., 9am to mm Sun.; 312/0*3-2309. Ask tar OiCk. NATURAL SCULPTURED noils by Robin. S20. House calls mad*. 115/455-0009 after 5 p.m. WILL DO/Aseombly work in my home. Local pick up and doilvery. 015/499-0573 after 4 p.m. AUTO REPAIRS, incl. Hondo. Reasonable. 20 yrs. cert, technician. A/C work also. Free estimates. 015/053-9151. HANDYMAN Service • quality -~i _ 4 I 1 1 j j a e -- w r « worn a* lowest prices, we do anything, 015/597-49S1. m Winter Is neering and those heating bills won't be ending. So. get warm,- insulate the at­ tic. when you decide to. write P.O. Bex IL. a a-^a-- rteip vvtfiHVU LOVING, RELIABLE, mature wpman needed to care tar o mo. old infant. Prefer in my McHenry (Winding Creek) home. Full time, Mon. Frl. Salary negotiable. Must have rets. After 0:30 pm. 015/344- MB; URGENT worKing rTX/Tners rveeos O^Nfr dabie mature women with lots of TLC to care tar a 2 yr. old A 11 mo. old in Crystal Lake home. After 5 p.m. 015/4S5-092S. Experienced " 2 WANTED: bobysitter In girts ages 2 1/2 yrs. A 2 mos. Mon.-FrL, • a.m.-3 p.m. Must have own transportation and be depsndobli. S7$ weekly. Only Z. -tt.1- mt1 • rfsponsiDic w need ta call euked. 015/305-2051 BABYSITTER WANTED in your heme or mine tar 2 yr. old girl. Please call evenings. 115/459-0519 BABYSITTER NEEDED, must be reliable with references, tor 22 month A 11 month. 3 days per wk.. 9:30 e.m. to 4 p.m., 311/551-11*9. LOVING RESPONSIBLE babysitter needed tar two children In my Woodstock home.; H5/330-0S(7. NEED DAY CARE. IN CRYSTAL LAKE. Part time tar 0 mo. old A 2 yr. old. After­ noons. 4deys/ wk. 312/741/9100. MATURE, dependable woman needed in my Mc Henry home tar 2 A 3yr. olds. Monday thru Friday. 7 e.m. to 5 p.m., 015/344-4319. CHILD CARE Needed tar our 15 mo. old son. must be depen dabie and have references. Full time. Crystal Lake area. Our home or yours. After 0:30 p.m., 015/455-1153 MATURE BABYSITTER need ed. my McHenry home, occa­ sional hrs. 015/344-3904 after 5:30 pm. MATURE, LOVING SITTER needed, for 2 pre school chUron. Occaetan# day or overnight sitting. Must drive A have ref. Before Spm. 312/420- 0033. SITTER, mature woman to sit in my home for 3 boys. 7. 4 A 2 mo., days. Car a must, ref. re­ quired, 312/439 2940. ChNdCare RELIABLE MOTHER, reasonable rates, full time A pert time child care in school setting. Elgin Michelle. 312/742 20Sr sr. PRESCHOOL teacher will babysit furnime neer Central door playroom A outdoor play equipment. Call 015/455-5002 after J p.m. of i to II babysit parftlme, day or 312/OSS30I4. EXPERIENCED CHILO CARE, any age welcome. Lg. ea. lunch A snacks incl.. . 312/039 31*2. LARGE ANTIQUE TOOL ft FURNITURE AUCTION Sun., Dec. 9,11am prsswO Sack Otsk ckw/iur. CtstW* Mkrat MckM Mt/ONftasf/4 chairs, s»n0«l teck cavntnr Wadsw etaes, kiOiwk prwHtas ckm. Mk rm| lector. 1900 slat leek sak ieckei. aotawt latfltk* urtm dsn l| mod tock cksa. armt eelaat OeO/kvO pwl«R, •Patt Kfl, RIHW taSVM WMp INK. VtOtl IRM| •eckwe. Mt 1000*s Mkwt <eu>, eelnat vafM ssst. «eri|. M m| wm| tsWts in knplici fwaW. Mk imm. kbnry (site. Ms IOOTi Chtrry wmt Onkuw. eahwl *ep ken desk, d wOOinm. 10 k. en ckerck pse. sN mmtm Mtkiq tonk eekMd 2 draw mckt tU*4/IIOO's. IOOTs InoOmsOt mcO Ms* tsbls. H. pin wsk be*cfc. csenl beck hwtks. 1914 b*m prrel cage. 1900 nk. walMt chaw Iseeos. tseaf liad trMdsl M. w. pwlw wmt kw*«| stow aart» 1000 eekwl ckssl Orcsto. Ms 1100 kiiOnii •sad ckeM/Oan tai laMskt tatt cawh/kawt Vctsnaa «akwt m. vat A sea ie» ke ̂ sM tM No treats, teas A caeeat «aa* sawrai ad laaies/Naddw. Shckler aunwe lectoi. Ores w* soera. tfcMtr. Irwik. H trays/sAw pi»H I knss inml safe. Hal seas. Oi>iwi n class t (baa TOOiBt Hgndraes t» aU teals. Staetar Oartu pUacs «d 17. « •anral Heck ftsaas w anas. I na»e«aia| sqeeewaj Fata* see Ua>acMi| awekwa. eN kraesl aa A kracts/nna n>y tarty, see sHs. One kanes Oaieet af M im awrkMf pips IsMiac rates inteaatf 1 bewh. icwMad haadM tn lent rest 4 bran Mel. to dMOars b*ck saw faai ktaei k«ena| mactmc. toad c>an »>cas aartf wtt lacks. Made! * tare dwaaet. aaadsa Ml tons Mttras. ew Scfcck taatara early baskets aid brass pm4* "ask Mwn cMhes 0n»». « ta««s >»t beaters WMcbestei n. %. assartMeat at oacbeted baad baees tU yewetry capper he arte fetsber 1940s l| me«» ceHaclw baM paertad. 2 awe see. Mt 1100 Mel eara/msaaad baadies cast eea can sMe. brass caeee t «Mi plate aemv bnss bed eon keren* can stew/eenw* awa/eatei tewnai/iactehaMl cend mwH bans af tra caMacta bit I m tai cael Kettlei 1919 aeheaai can DON'T MISS THIS SAU! DUKE RATH AUCTION CENTER 3 ML w«tt off Elgin on Rt 20 T trait Ctth/MasUr/or VIM 312/695 )̂388 noumnno • a-a_ «•« a, ̂ Hwip "BfnWy RELIABLE SITTER eve 9 CTIitVi my If̂ l l»"R | IHfTlfi occasional Sets. A eves. Call between 7 s I pm, 015/344 MB. « III, | RESUMES Professionally prepared. VISA/MC Welcome. Norton A Associates. 312/420- 9255. HOUSEWIVES MOONLIGHTERS STUDENTS Are you in need of exfra in­ come to covor your Christmas costs? If so we may have a job for you. If you work Monday thru Fri­ day evenings from J: 15 On til t: 15 plus Saturday mor­ nings from 9:00 until 1:00? Please call: Mrs. Hayes I1S/455-4M0 After t :00 pm. BARR'S TEMPORARY Office A Factary Service 312/742-7991 TEXAS OIL Cempany needs mature person tar short trips surrounding Crystal Lake. Con­ tact customers We train. No Investment Necessary. Write K.M. Dicker son. Pres., Southeastern Petroleum, Box 709, Ft. Worth, TX. 74101. EXPANDING REAL ESTATE Firm has |ust created an open- •ngin our Marketing Depart men I for an aggressive team Help Wanted MAJOR APPLIANCE A Refrigeration Technician, Minimum 5 years experience. Apply in person, Thompson Ap­ pliance, 310 Clay Street, piiance, 3 Woodstock. NEEDED NOW • Maint. A General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455 NEEDED NOW • Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, phone collec­ tors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 015/455-4490. NEED CNC MILLing machine operator. Apply In persotL Woodstock Welding, 72S McHenry Ave., Woodstock, II. LEGAL SECRETARY: part time, flexible hours, legal ex perience needed 312/420-7330. Engineering DRAFTSPERS0N Immediate opening for an experienced design Draft- sperson capable of packag­ ing electro-mechanical components and chassis layout. Excellent salary and benefits for qualified per­ son. Please forward your resume and salary history to: Personnel Department _HLEDYNE BIG BEAM P.O. Box 518 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity E mptoyw M/F LOCAL FINANCE CO. looking for a responsible person for our collection dept. Full or part time- hours will vary. Depen dabie car needed. Call Mrs. Berry between 9 am 4 4 pm for appointment, 115/330-3907. RN'S A LPN'S needed for home health care A staff relief. Come work for the best registry in the area. Call 312/050-M55 or 650- 9000. LOOKING FOR FULLTIME EXPERIENCED MECHANICS Excellent Benefits and Insurance Policy. V Call to make an appointment 385-2000 BUS FORD Fixed hours, salary plus generous bonus. Call Chick at ERA Household, 312/039- MACHINIST MECHANIC 5 years experience required, excellent company benefits. Greftak Press. 0704 S. Pingree Rd„ Crystal Lake. 015/499-9430. TEXAS REFINERY Corp. of­ fers plenty of money plus cash Dongsev fringe oeneTirs TO mature person in Crystal lake area. No Investment Necessary. Regardless of ex­ perience. write D.T. Sears, Pres.. Box 711, Ft. Worth. TX. 70101. 1905-REAL ESTATE is boom ming! We are looking tor a few associates ta loin our rapidly groarina, NEW real estate of hoe. ERA offers pre-licensing school A an excel lent trlaning program. Our on going in-field office training program will give You the eege ta be the best to the real estate business. Call, Maiy D.. ERA All Service ReaHy. 312/4505031. BOOKKEEPER, tamilier with L.l, L -4- ̂| , « - - » - | _ Diiuv oouDte tnini tyswn in* surance office. Send resume c/e P. O. Box 534. Crystal Lake. IL 10014. PART TIME NURSE. Certified or registered, l day per week. AWen-Hebron Schools. H5/040- SMALL FRENCH restaurant looking tar apprentice chef with little experience Call after 12 Noon, 915/305^221. BUILDER LOOKING For salesperson for weekends. Salary A incentives. Algonquin. 312/450-5220 COOK'S ASSISTANT, pert time days. Will train. Apptyat Tk> hi i a 11 i ** --»-* eaa Int WOOOS"OC * KCKOKKt. Jff sa.11,,, A »" * - • WCn0nTy A¥f w WvOuSfOCk CARPENTER'S HELPER with trim experience. Call after 4pm.llV455-5310. SEEKING MATURE, ex Secret̂ ry/R^cep- Hontst ta «erk tar fast growing company. Must have good typ­ ing skills, and be able ta work P* Ml Ilk*no prfTfTTW. Send resume ta Gary L. Osoonkap. General Manisger. Moatataaf Genetics. Inc. 17400 W. Kunde Rd., Union. II 40100. Phone. 015/923-2702. ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening for mature parson who is able ta maintain ahiH setqf records in a rapidly growing distribution firm. Ac­ counting and micro computer experience a primary asset. Applicant must be co-operative and able to work efficiently and ratoiy. Salary commen- to wtth experience Mail In confidence to Mr. Gary Ossenkop. General Manager. 17400 West Kunde Rood. Union. Illinois. 40100; 015/923-2702. AUTO SALES. Mitchell Buick OidsGMC in McHenry is now liicattans tar a sates is McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Our New Accts. Dept. is seek­ ing a full time Savings Coun­ selor with previous banking or savings and * loan experi­ ence in customer relations and investments. Please con­ tact Connie Blietz, 385-3000. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE NIGHT CUSTODIAN Parkland Junior High, 3:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. 12 month position with summer day work. Salary: $10,900 annual. Benefits include: Paid holidays, 2 weeks va­ cation after 1 year, paid hospitalization & major medical, paid dental insurance, paid life insurance. Applications may be filed with: Mr. Donald Toole, Principal, PARKLANDJUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1802 Ringwood Rd. McHenry, IL at 015/MS-7200 ta ar­ range an interview. WANTED: STYLIST with some tattowinf. Calf Jim at The If you are a highly motivated individual and have the desire, determination & en­ ergy to be highly successful you have the qualifications we are lookina for. We of­ fer a competitive salary, liberal vacation policy, Health & Life Insurance. ' Apply in person, Sat. Dec. 8, between U pm •03 Front St. McHenry 815/344-3880 WANTED iJchooHtus^drivers for Districts 47 A 155. Earn $4.*0/hr. to start + dally bonus. Guaranteed hour*, good work Ina conditions! Summers off. Paid training. Call Mr. Hansen 015/455-0550. DENTAL ASSISTANT. 2 yrs. minimum experience. Apply between 0 am A Noon. Woodstock Dental Associates, 400 West Jackson, Woodstock, IL. LIVE INS WANTED, for home health care. Must be able to live in 2-5 days per week. Call, 312/454-0055 or 650 9000. CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES, needed for home health care. Must be neat, dependable & able to give loving care. Call 312/4504055 or 6S«fa0. RECYCLING SPECIALIST To greet customers, weigh Om, paper, alass, cashier, load trucks. Outdoor work; Some heavy lifting. Class C License, or ability to obtain, necessary. Full time. Beginn­ ing salary S10.200. Call McHenry dounty Defenders between f am A Noon, 015/45* 0450. _____ MAINTENANCE Maintenance person with 2 yrs. experience. In production en­ vironment. Must be able to in­ stall conduit, run pipe, weld, do carpentry, nook up 3 h p., han­ dle precision measuring devices. Must have bask tools. Machine shop experience helpful. Apply in person only, between Sem-tpm. NO calls please. Computer Resource*. Cary Point Industrial Park. 150 Chicago St., Cary, IL SALES PERSON, full time position avail, for picture frame shop manager. Art background A attention to detail important. 815/45**0035 FULL A PART TIME Im­ mediate Openings. Little John's Sandwich Shop, 015/45*- 3170. 7 • H-«- » * rwp wameo CONVENIENCE STORE . MANAGER Management, retail sales, and fast foods ex­ perience preferred. Send qualifications or resume to: MANAGER BOXZSA c/o Sentinel-Herald 109 S. Jefferson Woodstock, IL 60098 APPLIANCE CLEANER, ideal for female. Full time position w/benefits. Call tar appoint ment. Wahl Appliance, McHenry, QI5/305-ll72. HELP WANTED, Richmond. IL. - experienced dinina room waitresses, full or part time. Experienced banquet waitresses, part time. For ap­ pointment, call 015/070-4070 after 4 pm. CARRIER SUPERVISOR Work closely with young carriers and their parents. Career opportunify. Responsibilities include sales, public relations and collections. Apply in person only 250 Williams Road Carpentersville CARPENTER trim ex perience helpful. Year-round work, 915/455-0602 between i pm A»prrv INJECTION MOLDING SET-UP Full Time-Night Shift 0*r well established cofnpaay has o carteel openinj for oa indmdusl witk o minimum of 2 to J years injection moldini set ep experience. Enjoy clean and pleasant eorkiftf conditions pies o comprehensive benefit packife. PUsta tnnlv in Partflfl' t icix ippiy 'I' " ffMJH FILTERTEK INC. 11411 Price Rd. H«bronfIL. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL REAL ESTATE CAREER. UcMMd or Unlicensed. Earn while you learn. We ore seeking high caliber people who have no ceiling. Unlicensed?. Let's discuss your future snd learn about licensing training ses­ sions. Licensed? Learn all about our Sales Develop­ ment Program. Good companies attract goqd people in turn, good people make good companies. This could be the start ol a great association for you -and ml! Call Harriet Bergstrand for a confidential inter­ view. 815 385 8060. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVAL 4213 W. Ehn SL, McHenry, IL 815*365-9060 • ' " m* yriHAtt A •' •»'!»<& ft*! i »0 Kftlll' , MAINTENANCE MAN Village of McCullom Lake, 35 hour work week. Experience preferred. Call 815/344-1738 between 4& 7 pm. NAVE YOU CONSIDERED REAL ESIATE? ERA CONNERTY REALTY is expanding due to new buyer and seller services. We need salespeople to service our mony young buyers on a full time basis. The many ERA TRAINING PROGRAMS will allow you the opportunity to make more money »n a growing. professional business. Coll today for an appointment for a career in reol estate. ERA® CONNERTY REALTY / 3824 N. Wiimot Rd. McHenry, IL 60050 •15-385-202t Members of McHenry and Loke County Multiple Listing Service independently owned and opoinicl (o< It oMko Medical Opportunities COME GROW WITH US! RNs, LPNs, CRITICAL CARE NURSES Our new Medical Center (located in McHenry, Illinois) has openings on Orthop­ edics, Rehabilitation, Critical Care, and Medical/Surgical units for both full time and part time. We have additional openings in our Float Pool which affords flexible scheduling. Excellent benefit package. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Contact: i Roseertes Department (815) 3444000, Ext 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4»1 leieel Cental Drtw r * I i

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