Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1984, p. 11

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P**r U • PLAINDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7.1*4 24 HolpWontod , 24 JOB HUNTING? Let Janet Marsh Teach You HewTeFindAJobi CALL JANET MARSH, MSW --015/330-8621*-- JANITORIAL SERVICE needs experienced people for floor work In retail stores in Crystal Lake area. Call 312/629-0400 belwesn 7 pm end 10 pm. JANITOR, full time days. Ex­ cellent starting salary A com­ plete benefit package. Apply at Woodstock Residence, 309 McHonry Ave.. Woodstock, IL. WAITRESS Nights Cooks, Days Part Time Pizza Cook, Nights . Call 312/639-7000 WANTED: EXPERIENCED Tow Truck driver for nights & weekends. Apply at Mitchell Auto Body, 4011 W. Main, Mc Henry, ft. 015/385-9300. FULLTIME Permanent position. Pleasant working conditions as machine operators for light plastics pro- duct fabrication. No experience necessary. Profit sharing pen­ sion fund A other benefits. Alpha Plastics 3905 W.Albany St. McHenry Tonyan Industrial Park PARA-LEGAL OPENING Responsible for real estate file Title company management. Til experience a plus. 312/421-5477, ask f< ask for Kathie. FULL TIME TEMPORARY Secretary for insurance com­ pany. General office skills re­ quired. Please submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock, IL, 60090 JANITOR Aggressive person for plant am office clean-up. Must be ex­ perienced. Call Executive Coach Corp., ask for Jim Smell. 312/639-OS7S SECRETARY, part time, 10 hours a week, small office In Woodstock. University of Il­ linois Cooperative Extension Service, 789 McHenry Ave.. Woodstock. 115/338-4747. Equal Oppprtunity Employer. McHENRY COUNTY Warehouse Distributor seeks a mature responsible individual to train in parts expedition & warehouse operations. Knowledge of automotive cool­ ing systems helpful. If you are interested In a position with ad­ vancement opportunities, send a resume or a letter of introduc­ tion to Box AOE, % Shaw Free Press, 3812 W. Elm St.. McHonry, H. 60050. T ' WINTER SHOP Help Wanted, Mechanical experience helpful. McHenry area. 815/385-7393. PART TIME Sales-instructor. Evenings A weekends. Call McHenry Nautilus, 815/344-2202 NOW ACCEPTING applica­ tions for part time employ­ ment. Apply in person only to Plitt Spring Hill Theaters. Free movies, free movie posters, free soft drinks and popcorn while working! This is not a Xmas time only position. DIET CONSULTANT to manage Slender Center open­ ing January 7th in McHenry. Background in teaching, nurs­ ing, sales, or personal weight loss helpful. Salary plus! Re- pond with handwritten letter 8. resume to Jean Loudon, Slender Center,; WO W. Main Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin, 53190 by December 15th. NAIL SCULPTURIST Needed immediately. Call for sn appointment, 815/344-4350 DENTAL ASSISTANT- Receptionist, must be ex­ perienced. 25-30 hours per week. Mon.-Fri. nights, Satur­ days only. Crystal Lake office. Call 815/455-3123 HotpWowtod 24 TEXAS REFINERY CORP. Needs mature person now In Crystal Lake area. Regardless of experience, write A. B. Sears, Box 711, Fort Worth, TX 76101. AN OHIO OIL CO. offers high income, plus cash bonuses, benefits to mature person In Woodstock area. No Invest ment Necessary. Regardless of experience, write G.G. Read, American Lubricants Co., Box 426, Dayton, Ohio 45401. PART TIME Counter Help Needed, nights A weekends. SSfffeg* BUILDING SUPERINTEN­ DENT, full time, to be in charge of all cleaning A repair services. Will also supervise some part time cleaning staff. Applications are being taken until Dec. 14, 1984. Successful applicant will begin job In Jan. of 1985. Salary package com­ mensurate with experience. Send credentials A letter of ap­ plication to: Lake Region Y.M.C.A., Oavld E. Poremba. Executive Director, 7315 S. Rte. 31. Crystal Lake, IL, 80014. SNACK BAR HELP: part-time days. Apply, Arbor Lanes. 2075 E. Chicago St., Algonquin, II; 312/458-9200. AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE MANAGER G.M. Accounting experience preferred, 5 yr. min. Full knowledge oL f inancial statements A payroll. Beautiful facility A excellent working conditions. This is not just a joe but a carrier w/lots of op­ portunity. Attractive salary. Please call Ben Nemec for an appointment. Strictly confiden- Baber Buick 91S. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, 11.60020 , 312/587-2555 Clerical ^ ACCOUNTING CLERK Good math aptitude along with at least i year of general office experience fcoulo qualify you for this opening in our Accounts Payable Department where you'll maintain accounting records and systems. Ability to operate a 10-key calculator desirable. Apply in person: SUN ELECTRIC CORPORATION One Sun Parkway Crystal Lake, IL 60014 An Equal Opportunity E mployer Females and Minorities art Encouraged to Apply TELEMARKETING SALES 12 hours per week in Carpentersville office. Good salary plus commis­ sion. Call: Mrs. Jones 312/426 1650 after 5:00 pm MAINTENANCE TRAINEE, Village of Cary. Water A Sewage Dept., fuH time, 86/hr., 255 Stonogate Rd., Cary, IL R ECE PTION 1ST, for evenings, 3 to 11. Mature, reliable, ac­ curate typist. CAREFREE VILLAGE 840 N. Seminary Woodstock, IL 815/338-2110 TIRE INSTALLER. Full Time. Experience preferred. Apply in person to Service Manager. County Tire A Supply, 7218 Virginia Rd.. CrystalLake. HolpWontod . 24 Accounting BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT Qualified applicant must have college degree In accounting and 1-3 yrs. experience book­ keeping/accounting including preparation of financial state­ ment. WO offer a competitive salary commensurate with experience and excellent benefits. Please send resume to: Human Resources Dept. NORTHERN ILLINOIS -MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Equal Opportunity Employer WP SET UP MAN-2nd SHIFT Experienced mature set up man- must have ability A prior experience in set up 4 adjust­ ment of high speed production machines. Must have own hand tools. Apply in person, 9 am • 3 pm. SANFORD CORPORATION 1500McConnell Rd. Woodstock, Illinois P A R T T I M E f l o o r maintenance in Woodstock, 7 am to 10 am daily, S4 per hour. Call Mr. Mills at 312/358-0779. LOBBY ATTENDANT Mature Individual to work as needed as a Lobby Attendant. Must be available to work weekends and holidays. Day or evening shift. Contact 4» Human Resources Department 815/344*5000, Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 /Medical Center Dr. McHenry, IL 60030 •qutl opportunity • TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDER Full Time Day Position 3-plus years experience re­ quired. Good wages, full insurance, plus other benefits. Apply at: GK INDEXABLE 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Lake, IL MILLING MACHINE OPERATOR Immediate opening; must be experienced on vertical A horlzntal mill. Salary based on experience. Call For Appointment 015/499-9252 HOME CUTTERS A sewers. Cabbage patch clothes A ac­ cessories, call between 8 a.m. & noon, 312/658-2248. GBNERAL OFFICE. min. 3 yrs. recent exp., paid vaca* lions, holidays, Insurance 8. profit sharing, part time. Apply In person, we are a non- smokers office. Crystal Die A Mold, 5305 W. Huntley Rd., Algonquin, 312/658-6535. CASHIER, part t ime Call 10am-6pm 312/416-2330 HOUSEKEEPER, full time. Apply in person Woodstock Residence. 309 McHenry Ave.. Woodstock, IL. Htlp WftfVtotf |4 Hahi Winteil NEW BODY SHOP m Palatine area needs body man with ex- nirlinci & (mm toot* f̂ we .v M v V9fn tWfie* salary. For appolwtnunl. call 312/914-1166, ask for Ed or Larry. MAJOR SALES Firm now hir­ ing for appointment manager. i|ji bimia personable, self-starter with a pleeseont phone voice. Ex­ perience preferred, but not necessary. Starting salary SMO/mo. plus production bonus. Call H5/4&-3000 bet­ ween 12 noon 4 8 p.m. WAITRESS* KITCHEN HELP Part Time • Experienced 8? Cuaa A • Of C VFL • WIVKVnQI Call For Appointmet 312/639 3300 •IRENA'S* 6886 Silver Lake Rd., Cary TEACHER AIDES •Full Apart time •30 college credit hours required. •84-JJenhour. Apply now! Personnel Office Community Unit School Dlsf. 300 405 N. 6th St. Dundee. 11.40111 312/436-1300 EOE P A R T T I M E C L E R K / CASHIER, 9:30-6, 2-3 days/ wk.. no exp. necesaary. Bairr ington PetShop, 312/381-1515. NURSING ASSISTANTS, cer­ tified. full time, exc. starting salary A benefits. Apply in per* SOfi# VrOOOSTOCK KniQCftCft JrT McHenry Ave. Woodstock, IL. PART TIME work at home, no selling or investment.Call, 312/436-6114, LEARN ATRADE N toots reveal that you have K mechanical aptitude, we the on-the-job training HM4 MOIII MkaKIa i mi. • 4* l̂ un • wp win vnooiv you TO voorn § machine trade. If you have: PART/FULL TIME Can earn, part time 87/hr. Fulltime, S3»0/wk. til rial la Ufelrnma STUOfTTT? VrCflCOfnC Mr. Adams. 312/449-1920 IMMEOIATE OPENING! Per­ manent part time position cleaning offices in Berrlngton 3 nights per week A Saturdays. Service Master; 312/381-4468. MANICURIST. Nail Sculpture wanted. Estoblished Algonquin salon. 312/650-4455. FRONT DESK Receptionist, part time, various hours. Must be available weekends. Apply in person. The Supreme Courts. 1 Virginia Rd , Crystal Lake, PRE SCHOOL-Day Care | teacher needed. Fun time; 1 must have 2 year degree or bet- : tor. Apply at Tom Tnumb Day Care Center, 1651 Ravine Ln., Carpentersville; 312/426-9505. GENERAL OFFICE, includes typing, accounts payable, receptionist. Must have good business judgement. 8157459- | 9187 between 8 am A 5 pm. MECHANIC, experienced. 1 Must have own tools. Many company benefits. Apply in person Ormsbv Motors. Inc., 90 i Main St., Crystal Lake. j PART TIME OFFICE To start Jan. 2, 1905. 9 a.m.-3 ! I.HI., Mon.-Fri. S4/hr to start. reliable person for recap- j tlon, light bookkeeping/ typing, and light mfg. duties. Must have own reliable transporta­ tion. Call for appointment to 1. Bun •Mechanical Abilities •Geod stable work record •Past machine experience We have: •Machine operating positions •Good starting wage . m Ami I A •C XCfllfflT DtfitTITS PRECISION TWIST DRIUrCOMPANY 301 Industrial Ave. Box 4002 Crystal Lake, IL 10014 Applications Accepted: Mum., Tues., Wed. 1-11 AM* 1-4 PM If Not Convenient, Please Call 015/459-2040 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F GENERAL OFFICE, part time, mature person. 4 hours daily. 5 days a week. Must type fc»aml0l2-»l5^Oyln person ONLY. Telco Plastic, Inc., 7010 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake. ADMISSION COORDINATOR B.S.N. or R.N. to coordinate ad­ missions. for a skilled nursing facility. Responsibilities In­ clude: patient, family A com­ munity contacts. Training background in community health services would be tSSg&igCm, S. EMail. 312/607-3310 WAITER-WAITRESS A few good S shifts are now open I Apply or call between 2 A 4 p.m.We need smiling, friend- tjymple to loin our caring Coleman's McHenry " tounty Inn (Across from YMCA) 7320 S. Rt. 31 Crystal Lake 815/455-1234 PET LAND is looking for both ful l t ime A part t ime employees. Strong desire to work with pe* required. Hard working sales oriented in­ dividuals may apply In person, grinp Hill Mali. No Phone tli WW apply In person, t Inc. 815/459-1170 t Seles Co* NURSERY ATTENDANT Sun­ day mornings 0:15 to 'tl:J0, RIdgefleld Cnurch. Must be 18 years Otoii reliable.Please call Debbie. 815/455-5497. EARN 8SS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BILLS by working tor RGIS INVEN­ TORY SPECIALISTS in January. The World's Largest inventory service needs depen­ dable persons to loin our Crystal Lake team. 84J0/hr. Fluctuating hours on a year- round basis. January is ex­ tremely busy. Call Dae at 815/459-7590 after 5 PM or 312^01-9590 anytime. EOE SCHOOL BUS MECHANIC Leadership qualities, ex­ perience preferred, 12 mo. posi­ tion. Apply: Personnel Office* Community Unit School Dlst. 300 405 N. 6th St. Dundee, 11.60110 | .312/426-1300 EOE » 1 or 1 MOCO MAKER Progressive manufacturer is In need el an experienced mold maker with a minimum of S years experience. We offer a modern air conditioned plant, and competattve benefits and wages. Including profit shar- *'WBIHBfcN TOOL & DIE 375 Rentier Or. Etain. II60120; 312/697-2038. EOE. 39 Mlec. Merchandise 39 Misc. Merchandise 39 Misc. CASHIERS WANTED, ex porlence preferred. Applica­ tions taken Tues.. Dec. 11. 9 em-4 pm. Mlnuteman Gas A Pantry, 131 Washington St.. WonOodtoBuy OUTBOARD MOTORS Prefer Johnson or Evlnrude, need not be running; Also boats. Call 312/037-2112. DAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.,- Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. JG6 Brlarwood. Crystal Lake. 81V499-77S1 BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related items. 015/338-4731. WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains A old toys A baseball cards. B15/67S-A379 after 5:38pm. GOLD & SILVER Coins. Diamonds. Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterl­ ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS A INVESTMENTS 366VirglniaSt. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-6190 H.C. COIN A STAMP CO. WE BUY A SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plata •~01S/4S9 3940*~ CABBABE >ATCH PREEMIE (now) or regular w/ pacifier. Call eves only, 815/455-4992. BUYING FURNITURE lOaO's A older, bookcases, desks, tables, chairs, china cabinets, bete, dressers, etc., 819/478- 4141. FREE! We will pick up un­ wanted A used appliances. Call for appolntment/ll5/385-0661. AA ACOIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersville. 312/426-2360. CASH REWARD. Wanted, Nabisco box top game cards for "Win A Vacation For Ufa Game." Call 815/337-0059 after 5pm. DEAN'S BASfBAL CARDS, Buy, Sell A Trade. Please call for an eppt., 312/742-0756. 31 Misc. Merchandise TRADE-IN SALE -your sofa >100, your recliner-S50, your kitchen table A chairs-S50, your mattress set-S25. Welter's Furo. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake 815/459- 3363. MOTOROLA, Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base. 2-100 wan mobiles A antennas. S2,900/best offer. After 5:30* 815/385-1097. •••SEASON SPECIAL*** Medium-duty gas welding out­ fits, complete w/ cylinders. KELSE Y WELDING SUPPLY **•015/338-6312^* PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative A reasonable. Our Frame House. 015/455- 4515. FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. RAM Lawn Service. BUSINESS COPV MMMW like new, many features, cost S3400, sacrifice for S495. 312/724 7559. BARBIE DREAM House, some furniture, good cond., S35. 815/728 1287 FOR A LOW COST CHRIST­ MAS, hand crafted wooden toys. Trains, trucks, cars, doll beds, ail types of shelves, at 1/2 the price and many other Items. Call 815/385-3609. CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions *Baths •Remodeling *Decks •Garages •Aluminum Siding A Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME 81S/X»0M5 CONSTRUCTION M & D CONSTRUCTION Baths* Kitchens Rec. Rooms Electrical • Plumbing Drywall* Wall A Floor Tile INSURED •••815/459-8992"* DRYWALL cnuiico VVVVWVlb I\ DRYWALL •installation A Finishing •Patchwork A ~ Spray-on-celllngs 115/344-1956 FIREWOOD OAK FIREWOOD S24.00 per face cord Delivered & stacked. As available. 1/800-367-3325 .ENTER­ TAINMENT DJ.SH0W! •^•For ALL occasions JHaII types of music f|V|Great P.A. & lights Jig Call John 312/289-7259 CHIMNEYSWEEP ! 5% Senior Citizen Discount M Ingleside L.FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS REUNED ° 'Fireplaces •Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimney Sweeps Guild CONSTRUCTION HOUGHTON CONSTRUCTION •ADDITIONS •NEWC0NSTRUCTI0N •CONCRETE & ROOFING •KITCHENS & BATHS 10% fixed 30 year mortgage As low as 5% Down to qualified buyers lor new construction. Call for more details after 6 pm 815/344-4574 HOME IMPROVEMENT J&L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling A Room Additions Garages A Aluminum Siding SoHit*Fascia*Gutters Roofing* Decks Law Prices A Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed A Insured •015/455-4224* If No Answer, Call •1S/459-3MS, Ext. Z PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Qualify work A materials •15/455-5534 PAINTING BECKS DECORATING 4 Interior/Exterior Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners* Businesses Contractors. Decorators 312/658-928 GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORYOFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available S75 (Incls. service. A lubrication of garage door) . BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 AAaster Card A Visa Accepted HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REMODELING & HOME REPAIRS •Kitchens & Baths •Wolmanized Decks Electrical 4 Paneling 'Custom Cedar Shutters Wallpaper •Ceramic Tilt No Job Too Small. HARRY VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION 815/385-2847 (Developer of the Prestigious Vat-Mar Estates. McHenry) REFRIGER­ ATION REPAIR D&D REFRIGERATION SERVICE Any make or model. Quality Workmanship Low prices 815/568-5296. REMODELING COMPLETE REMOOELING SERVICES 38 Years-McHenrv County fllttffWlf fft n Wf Prompt Service si I !• •• , ft..nJ itfw nome DUivoers OEA CONSTRUCTION 815/144-148 815/315-4546,815/344-0748 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONSTRUCTION •SHINGLES *HOT TAR •NEW WORK •REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices S.R. Citizen Discount 312/65H3I1 ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING 10 Years Shingle E xpertise Quality Material* 'Insured Free Estimates All work guaranteed 8U/3SH8* SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE tVACUUM CLEANER Sales Service A Parts Household A Industrial In-Home Service Free Pickup A Delivery KEENERASON 815/728-0672 SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service Get on our list now I GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 115/455^536 WATER CONDITIONING introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 815/338-3)44 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING '(Limited to Home Owners) WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION 18 Years Experience Furniture, antlaue repair A retinishing. Hand stripp­ ing/durable sprayed on finish. jjBimm MATTRESSES from l»tt. Linen Outlet Mattress Li­ quidators. Hebron IIS/448- DM. Thurs A Fri.. HM; Sat. 18-S. IB MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas A electric, washers, dryers, portables & wr­ ingers. Clean A like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned A guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALES A SERVICE MO* Court St. McHenry, II. •1S/M5-1I72 US/385-ItH REFRIGERATOR, double door, reasonable. Four, ISIn. Michel in radial tires; 312/695 UHormtm. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •F urn! ture*C lathing •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible *S East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake WAMtoSPM-Mon-Sat •15/491-3481 All Proceeds G0T0 The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MATTRESS SALE. Twin set. tOf.ff; Full set, SW.ff; Queen Set, S139.M. Delivery available. Welter's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 174 (on Rt. 176, block W. of 31). Crystal Lake. I15/43E-33S3. SANTAOR CRACKERS The Clown, or "Elfie" for par­ ties, home visits. Magic, pup pets A fun. I1S/W3-HEAR. 4 COMPLETE ROOMS of fur­ niture! TV, stereo system, liv. rm., din. rm., bdrm. sets, kit­ chen set. All unused, top grade mdse.- actual value- S17.080. Sell- Best Offer) Call for ap polntment, 81S/4S5-4867. FLOOR PILLOWS or Bed for your dog or cat, custom made to matcn your decor. Start at S7,312/63* 3649. SHORT ROMANCE Diamond Engagement Ring, 1/3 K, S59S Firm. After 4 pm, 815/385-7819. CABBAGE PATCH Look a!Ikes. S2S. Cabbage Patch A Preemle clothes. 312/683-2SS7 or 312/683-3051 •••HAPPY GRAMS*** SINGING TELEGRAMS Male A Female Belly Dancers --312/H8-3M6-- CHRISTMAS ANGELS, bead­ ed, S2/ea. Croctched afghans, S40toSS0,615/459 5337. WATER BED, king size, com­ plete, excellent cond., S350. •15/455-3567. ICELANDIC WOOL Sweaters, never worn, 3. SS5 each. - •15/331-5242 SEARS Kerosene heater. 93Q0 BTU's. S50. •15/344-5511. VAPOR All deluxe humldifer, best offer, 81V83A6387. WATER BED, queen size, 6 drawer pedastel, liner .padded rails, heater, vibrator, sheets A comforter, great Christmas gHt,S47S,»15/72»147». RAILROAD TIES, S3.9S/each. Landscape timbers, Area's largest selection of wild bird seed A supplies. Woodstock Farm A Lawn, S15/33M200. LARGE SELECTION of recon­ ditioned appliances Including air conditioners with warranty, Thompson's Appl iance, •15/338-5611. COPIERS, new A used, plain paper A coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master Charge A Visa) •I5/4SS-3050. DESIGNER CLOTHES A clothes racks for Cabbage Patch dolls; 312/426 5013. MIXED WOOD: S4S. dumped, additional 15. per face cord stacked. Hickory, Oak, Maple, Walnut. R A S Tree Work. 312/420-0 7M. OAK FIREWOOD Split A seasoned 1 yr. Delivered A stacked. SS5/ face cord. Dis­ counts available.B15/547-S362 or 544-2411. H.O. TRAIN, switches, extra track. $60. After 7 pm, 312/428 1810. FOUR SEASONS RESALE SHOP Now selling re-built vacuum cleaners with warranties. We take trade-ins in any condition. 105. E. JuddSt. Woodstock •15/33M99Q . DOUBLE OVEN. Tappaneiec., 30" white (setf-cloan). good condition. Men's, coats. Ilka new. leather 3/4 length, site 44. Poplin w/zip-out lining. 42 long. Best otters. •IS/499-3313. BEDROOM SET. 5 pc., 8200. Twin beds A small dreseer, SM0. Couch w/end tables A lamps. 8120. Whirlpool, hydro- let portable. 8188.312/439*393. MOVING SALECountry Oak. 4 piece bdrm. set. 8800; Broyhlll sofa A love seat, 8600, sofa bed. A love seat, 8608; 2 oak/end tables. A coffee table, 8300; dinette table. A 4 chairs, 8250; Brunswick 0 ft. pool table, 8000; Kenmore K cu. ft. chest freezer, 8350; »15/385-9299. SOLID OAK, double bed. dresser w/mlrror. chest, A many other Items. After 5pm. •15/499-2109. COLECO ADAM Computer with Coieco Vision module. Asking 8500/best. •15/338-7989 after 7 p.m. •1/2PRICE SALE!* LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOP 2«l King St. CrystalLake Tuesday, Dec. 6 Through Saturday. Dec. 10 All Clothing From The Second Floor Shop Open 10 am-3 pm 85 off 85 off BLOOMIN' BALLOONS Have Santa. Mrs. Claws, or X-Mas tree deliver balloons for the holiday season. 815/459 RAVE 85 off 85 Off STOVE Coal A Wood Burning 312/639-2042 METAL FOLDING CHAIRS (39). brown, good cond., 84 each. Call (15/U8-6214 eves. DP 300, ROWING MACHINE, exc. cond.. new; $135. will sell; 890. After 6pm. 815/3B5 0458. DELUXE UHF TV Converter. Channel 44 sound thru TV Guaranteed. 8250. Kit. 8150. 312/683-294« OLIN MARK IV SKIS, 160cm. Salomon 444 bindings, w/ brakes, 2 sets of poles, Nordika Hurricane boots, sz. 6 Med., exc. cond., complete; 8200, 015/330 5541. GAS RANGE, 30", exc. cond.. 8150/best. Electric range, needs work. 850, 4924 Fountain Lane. McCollum Lake, McHenry. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. Moving. Ceramics, wax, in/out lights, ornaments, artificial trees, low prices, 015/459-1609. TRUNDLE BED. 850, 01S/459-«2ai after 5p.m. Tl 994/A COMPUTER, w/ ex pension box. RS 232 card, tape drive A software, many extras. Smith- Corona, tetter qualify printer, w/ tractor drive. After 5pm. •15/455-3396. COMMODORE 64 computer. BMC color video display monitor, commodore datasette unit, basic program tape, radiar rat race tope, A several computer books. All purchased within the last month, still have all the boxes A instructions, perfect Christmas present. 8550,815/943-4201. TWIN WHITE 'Canopy toad, complete, 2 dresoers, mirror, desk, chair, 8350.; 315/344-250) SOHMER, upright piano, walnut, best otter, 31 cubic ft., upright freezer; 8400/best, 25 in. zenith color console; 8125/ best. Cannon 0mm movie camera A projector; $225/ best, mens's 10 spd bike; $60/ best, A other misc. items, 815/338- 7134. FULL SIZE sleeper sofa, plaid, orange A brown, good cond., $100,312/639 5895. GTE ANSWERING SERVICE executive 6000, 312/683-3852, after 12 p.m. ROUND TRIP Anywhere USA, $200. 015/455-6430 • FUR JACKET, size 40. black Broadtail-sable trim, bra~>d new, $395. Can be seen at River side Retail Outlet, 1402 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 015/305-5900. SEARS CRAFTSMAN, self pro pelted electr ic start , snowblower, 7 HP, 5 spd., 26" path, $375, 015/305-7144 after 6 p.m. THERMOGRATE wood burn Ing stove. $400, 015/305 7144. aftier6p.m. DINETTE SET w/4 chairs, full sz. bookcase bed; M0" round tables; 3 drawer dresser; Panasonic stereo; GAF movie camera, projector A editor; 2 fiberglass belted tires, sz. A-70- 13,015/499-7100 after 5 p.m. Jim's Resale 5103McCullom Lk. Rd. Closed Monday • Hrs. Posted T.V., Tools, Housewhole wares, Heaters, lots of Misc. Come See us for Xmas. CHRISTMAS BOX SALE! 1 Day Only! Harvey Manufacturing Co. OutletStore 1122 N. Silver Lake Rd. Cary, III. Saturday, December 8,1984,8 am - 2 pm Includes Wicker Clothes Hampers Waste Baskets, Wall Shelves & Wall Cabinets CASH ONLY \ WE tGHT BENCH, w / weights; $65. 40 In. round trampewna; 830. exercise bike; 838, zig zee. sawing machine w/ cabinet; >90.015/385-2783. GE REFRIGERATOR, beautiful, large, like new, revolving shelves, 8175; Girl's Schwtnn 3 sp. bike. SIS. 01S/4SA 6*5. CAMERA ZOOM LENS. »210 mm macro, vlvlfar aeries i. cannon mount, S14S, 015/330- 0621 ; BE DROOM SET, white, double bed, 2 dressers A mirror. Good cond. 8375,815/728-8368. , 1 GAS RANGE, washer, gas ' dryer. 850. each; dining table . w/6 chairs. S7S.; crib. 825.; folding bar. 890 ; or all tor best offer; 815/455-9295. : BLACK A DECKER 12 in. bend saw. Ilka new, 885. 015/653-9789 FRANKLIN STOVE. Atlanta stove company* never been us­ ed, 8320.015/3384621. [ CABBAGE PATCH, preemies. 2 genuine adorable f l i r t preemies. waiting for adoption. taking best offers. 815/648-2800. BALEOHAYASTRAW Tom King OIS/943-Sm • HOLIDAY CRAFTS Bazaar A Bake Sate Dec. 0th, 8-4 Door Prizes 6 W. Orchard Dr. Gates McCullom Lake Beach House VANITY, mirror. A bench, 815.80; Lloyd stereo em/fm 0 track turntable; 2 speakers, 850 firm, 015/30S-I148. SEWING MACHINE Sale! Heavy duty tree arm wtth but- ion now, SiffTcn iTiTcnei, ̂ cover, 25 year warranty, regular. 8499.95 just 8199.95! Quantities Limited! Voss Vacuum A Sewing, Marengo, 11.; 01S/560-7477. POWER TOOLS: 9" heavy du » ty bench saw with to HP motor, 8100; 9" wood turning Lathe with U HP motor. 875. Jig saw . with Vk HP motor, 890. Wood- woodbench, $20.015/385-1730. T CIELING FAN SALE. All ln ̂ stock tons 829.9587995. AM ' metal 3 spd. reverse, wood ' blades. 5 yr. warranty. 4 A 5 ' blade and nuggers on sate now. Pius, light kits from S4.95. Voss p Vacuum A Sewing, Marengo,:. IL 015/560-7477. ̂ PORTABLE DISH WASHER,- Kitchen Aid, 8208; HI back. swivel rocker, 879,81S/389-1738. i AMERICAN DREW OAKt BDRM. Set, king bed A mat-P tress, 2 dressers, mirror Ac night stand; 8500/best. butcher/ block kitchen table A 3 chairs," 850,815/344-1000. BAZAAR • rs.-Sat., llam-Spm | Gifts A Christmas items , 7717 Widoff Ln. Wonder Lake 015/7388027 J HEATHKIT COLOR TV. $70.; ! kitchen table A chairs. 838.; • X , 15 Ford Rims. SH). af t ; Rolf bar. tor stop side truck, 845.; • 19"BAW TV, 830; 312/<9H03>. GUN CABINET, water softner,. air comufbeaoi . welding tanks, • Ithica 12 gauge. Hawk In 5ff catb. rifle. ̂ ScaTPatriof target' Ifers 312/639-6; ar Receive a personalized hand­ written LETTER FROM SANTA On Santa's own stationery. Send child's letter and S3 to: P.O. Box 303 McHenry, IL 60050 Parents: Include a note men tioning what they re getting and something about the chlid. BEDROOM SET, 3 piece, con temporary, 8150; queen sit mattress set. 8100. Must seM. 815/385-9055 eves. DOLL HOUSES. Only three left. Please call 015/3050551 • MCHENRY Holiday Hills Craft Bazaar Dec. 6,7,9-3 1113 Violet MITSUBISHI Hi 19" Color TV with wood cabinet and FM stereo redlo with remote con­ trol cable ready. 8450., 815/338 6450. - POOL TABLE: Regulation size, slate A accessories Inc., 8300or best offer, 015/3054394. RCA 21" XL 100, color TV, exc. cond., 8150, SIS/653 3254. GAS SPACE Heater, 14000 BTU. 850.; small dog house. 815.; 2500 so. ft. humidifier. 850.; 300 sq. ft. rug A padding, very good, S200.; small metal lathe. 890., safinless sink. SW.; slop sink, 810.; 2 lawn tractors, 8108., 1/3 HP Motors, S20.each; 015/499-0666. FUR COAT, full length racoon, size lg.. 1 yr. old. Appraised at 81,300. Will sell at 8590. Downhill ski equip-, boots, sz. ladies 10 - K2 skis • poles, will sell together or separate. Call after 4:30pm.015/330 7827. WASHER A ges dryer. 8250, Avocado refrigerator freezer, 8100 or offer, 015/499-4776. CARE BEAR; hand made, white with pink. Love a Lot, 825., Adorable! 312/683-3436. DIAMOND NECKLACE. 1/2 carat w/to in. wheat chain. Ap­ praised at 81288, 8500/best. Compressor A air toots. Would make great Christmas gifts. 01S/30SA327 BERETTA Golden Snipe. 12 gauge over A umier, 30 in bar­ rel. nickel plated engraved receiver, gold plated trigger, deluxe wood. Exc. cond., 8700. 015/560-6010 ROWING MACHINE, Amerec 610, high quality model. Used by health clubs. Almost new, 8195,015/330-6296. DOUBLE OVEN, harvest gold. Tappan gas range, 865., call after 5pm; 8IS/33T1392. BOSCH 12 C. COFFEE MAKE R w/tree permanent filter, 879.95.(»n stock anly) KITCHENTOYS COOKERY RETAIL SHOP. Near Spring Hill. Back of McOanatds. 918 Market Loop, West Dundee, 312/436-4765. Buy the latest gifts of distinction! Many under 816. Thurs., Fri., A Sat., 11-7 pm-Sun. 12-4. G.E MICROWAVE oven, w/auto. chef/multi power, A toed temp, probe, Ilka new. will include 815 cookbook free. Perfect tor Christmas. 8150, 015/455 3552. aftor 6p.m.

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