Church SECTION 2. PAGE 7 PLA1NDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY DECEMBER 7.1981 Fifty-seven new parishioners were recently welcomed into membership of the church. An information period and fellowship hour was hosted for the new members prior to the 9:45 a.m. worship service where they were formallv received. Church president, William 0#rDaily Bread. PROMISES FROM THE WORD OF GOD Ereryona anioys giving good advice, and tfow won derful It Is to ba iMt to say iha right thing at tha right tlma. Prorarbs 15:23 Busse, and church council members, Bob Mellum, Roger Krause, Henry Kot, Colleen Campbell, and Erv Staveteig, hosted and gave an overview of the church program including an audio-visual presentation. ? ; ' ' t V Following the fellowship reception, the new members received certificates of church membership from Evangelism Pastor Cliff Kittelson. All of the new members were sponsored by another member of the parish. Included as new members received were the following: Roy, Janice, Julie, Leah and Kimberly Carlsten; Nancy and Jennifer Manyluk; Matilda Stolfa; Betty and Gene Romane; Trisha and Donald Herigodt; Dale, Maxine and Stacy Seiler; Margaret Meanor; Alan, Kathleen, Eric and new members Slate holiday cantata Kathleen Carlson; Lee, Vidti, Teresa and v Michael Pankiewicz; Ronald, Ina, Ren, Tammy and Christopher Hoyt; Janet, Michael, David and Brian Weber; Victoria Janas; William, Susan, Jason, Kate and Billy Davidson; James, Linda and James Emmons,II; Henry and Etysine Gorder; Todd and Sharl Lewison; Jackie Peter son; Ronald, Gloria and Jonathan Bond; Robert, Janice and Jeffrey Kalvaitis; John and Chari, Nichole and Krista Brechel. Serving as sponsors were: John, Chris, John, Julie and Jeffrey Lawson; Jim, Sharon, Alison and Keith Caulfield; Frank and Eleanor Crawford; Joy Dworniczek; Leonard and Eleanore Nelson; Lynn, Michael and William McKiernan; Christmas * comes alive in... ake a free carriage around Woodstock's beautifully decorated square this Saturday from 12 p.m until 3 p.m. and let the beautiful Christmas lights on our store fronts and in our square brighten your holiday spirits. the children erijby a free movie matinee of "The Smurfs" at The Woodstock Tneatre at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Free carriage ride amd movie tickets are available from any .Woodstock Square Promotional Group member. P Ian to visit Woodstock during the holidays...we're just minutes from wherever you are. Our evening and Sunday store hours and holiday sights and sounds will make your shopping convenient and memorable. Discover The Magnificent MUes of ju roonf«*i«r» o# Commnc Orv*» Aftari ' « Art invitation from the Woodstock Square Promotional Gtoup *A| • hmow • Electronic Tuning Brand New 1985 Model I Reg. $599| 12 FRti Movie Rentals with Purchase KooavIsion it mi s tooo viofo svsrim N«*' NEW 1965 MODELS No Payments ui nbxt Yean Our Intlro ttook ot Corded Phones - ^ 2 f o r i S a l e ! % 19 COLOR TV 279 19 diagonal • Nr. VMS ••M • Ind ••>»•?« f« f *" • 4 H*odtH • front Lood |̂ • WkctMt ••mot* WIRELESS Technics h $099 STEREO PACK SYSTEM I • • Nr. VMS • Front Load BLANK TAPE SALE DELUXE PORTABLE VIDEO PACKAGEI mavpll T120 • ftHr.VHS .. II Id AI3II- H20HC • 6Hr VMS $1299 Tt20 * dHf.VHS $»w AUTOrOCUf » lOlu* lot tl taw iMffl UM 0 . l_ T120.6Hr.VHJ .{4.9* * SCOtCll 17SO • SNf.lETA M Kodak TI20 • 6 Mr. VMS Robert, Julie, Robert, Lisa and Scott Je--up; Bruce, Diane, Kirstin, Eric and Kirk Ericson; Harold, Margaret, Harold, Gary and Steve Boelter; Kim Reh- feldt; Jeffrey, Susan, Benjamin and Adam Jordan; David, Madeline, Christina and Sandra Hearing; Roy, Nancy, Paula, and . Gregory Hiutstrand; Don,Tie, Scott and Kari Weichle; Felicia Hawldnaon; Chris, Kevin and Jennifer Gibbs; Ron Kot; Snd Bob Melius). The Ridgefield-Crytstal Lake Presbyterian Church Choir will present "A Day for Dancing" Sunday, Dec. 9, at 8:30 and 11 a.m. The cantata will portray the nine lessons of Christmas, through Medieval carols meant for dance. Several members of the choir will be featured. Jodie LeFevre and Sheila Mohler will be soprano soloists, and Ron Peverill, Gary Salman and David Steele will be the three kings. Hie choir will be accompanied by a wind ensemble, Sandy Quackenbush on flute, Cathy McCarthy on oboe, and Richard Burkhalter on bassoon, with Chris Popp on percussion and Ann Legg on piano. Kathy Taylor will dance to the Renaissance style music. Members and friends are invited to attend either service and enjoy the Christmas cantata at the church, located at 8505 Church Street in Ridgefield. OWN YOUR OWN! 5W2V FCC Approved 100% Legal Now 4V, Foot Slzal SATELLITE TO EARTH TV SYSTEM Civuilmn Specid CbUtf-UU fcuUHt Why J ust Watch Local TV or Cable When You Can Watch The World 'Over 200 Channels of Television Live Via Satellite BE YOUR OWN TV CENSOR FOR PROGRAMMING 24 HOURS A DAY! *C«S«MIU,£S KR M0N1M T0 1I!L1!S?^LTTRSAINM£NT *SPECUL SHOWINGS I NEWS CHOOSE FROM (WITH LOCK OUT FEATURES) 'RELIGIOUS BROADCASTING -^THOUSANDSOF EVENTS WATCH COAST TO COAST TV IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME WITH QUALITY NOT AFFECTED BY WEATHER. For more information call (312) 459-5377 m SATELLITE SYSTEMS IMC. 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