v *. •life ATTENTION! MEDICARE COSTS GO UP AGAIN!! til ' • j *0 m As you have read, now there are even more expenses for senior citizens to pay. You financial security can be devastated by staggering expenses above the amount Medicare covers! Don't watch your savings and retirement benefits vanish! Now available in your state ... a MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT program that pays many of the bills Medicare doesn't pay. (Note: If you are not a Medicare Member, please read the important information on the reverse side of this page.) SELECT 1 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM H-91 Covers pre-existing conditions immediately on date of issue. Pays all deductibles under Medicare Parts A and B. Pays over and above Medicare's "Allowable Charges." Increases benefits automatically as changes in Medicare occur. This program is guaranteed renewable for life! Benefits: This program pays 100% of all deductibles under Medicare Parts A and B, plus 100% of the maximum amount usually charged in your area for these covered services: HOSPITAL ROOM (semi-private) PA^IN FULL OPERATING ROOM PAYS IN FULL RECOVERY ROOM * PAYS IN FULL INTENSIVE CARE UNITS PAYS IN FULL Plus, this program pays for SKILLED NURSING FACILITY PAYS IN FULL (Medicare approved) (from the 21st to 100th day) SKILLED NURSING HOME PAYS 80% (not Medicare approved) --r-- ^ first 20 days, then the Medicare co-payment up to 100 days.) PHYSICIAN'S SERVICES PAYS IN FULL PHYSICAL AND SPEECH THERAPY PAYS IN FULL AMBULANCE PAYS IN FULL Yes, Pyramid Life will PAY for many of the medical and hospital expenses not covered by Medicare. Return the attached card today for free (no obligation) information. PL NWS 71-91 * m: I "m • " ill •0± -mf wrm 'i f f / / / ' mr \ ML "Vi o* BUSINESS REPLY MAIL First Class Permit No. 1140 Shawn** Mission, Kansas POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE THE PYRAMID LIFE INSURANCE CO. POST OFFICE BOX 772 SHAWNEE MISSION, KANSAS 66201 No Postage Necessary If Mailed In The United States