i *:•* i ®s? is* "***\fiJv gatt %'V,\ "W m U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REPORTS MEDICAL EXPENSES SOAR AGAIN!! Your financial security can be devastated by startling medical expenses. Hospital room rates alone have skyrocketed over 200% in the past 10 years. (Source: U.S. Labor Department Bureau of Labor Statistics Cost of Living Index, Feb. '83). But now, available in your state . . . a$1,000,000.00 MAJOR MEDICAL program that pays up to 100% of covered in-hospital expenses. Low cost rates! Just compare the rates for thiguorogram with any other like it. You'll be surprised at how much you can save. NO COST -- NO OBLIGATION for this information. For a free analysis of your needs and a comparison with your present coverage, just fill out the attached card and mail it today. (If you are a Medicare Member, see the information on the reverse side of this page.) $1,000,000.00 MAJOR MEDICAL PLAN H-71 BENEFITS: Each calendar year, after a deductible is met, your policy pays- 80% of the next $5,000.00 of covered charges, then pays 100% in full of further covered charges for the following benefits: HOSPITAL ROOM (semi-private) PAYS IN FULL RECOVERY ROOM .PAYS IN FULL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PAYS IN FULL OPERATING ROOM PAYS IN FULL SURGICAL FEES PAYS IN FULL OUT-PATIENT BENEFITS PAYS IN FULL Plus, Miscellaneous hospital expenses for the following: I.V.Solution PAYS IN FULL Anesthesia PAYS IN FULL Casts and Splints .......PAYS IN FULL X-Ray Photographs .... .PAYS IN FULL Laboratory Services PAYS IN FULL Basal Metabolism Test . .PAYS IN FULL Cystoscopic Room Use . .PAYS IN FULL Surgical Dressings PAYS IN FULL Prosthetic Devices PAYS IN FULL Electrocardiograms PAYS IN FULL Surgical Trays. PAYS IN FULL Oxygen PAYS IN FULL Diathermy PAYS IN FULL Radar Diathermy PAYS IN FULL Radioactive treatment .. .PAYS IN FULL Braces and Crutches PAYS IN FULL Encephalograms PAYS IN FULL Hydrotherapy PAYS IN FULL Chemotherapy : .PAYS IN FULL Reconstructive Surgery . .PAYS IN FULL Cardiac Conversion PAYS IN FULL treatment . at lower family rates. Pyramid Life will PAY up to $1,000,000.00!! Up to 100% Return the attached card today for free, no obligation information about this out standing plan, H-71. This may be the only notice you'll receive. PL NWS 71-91 II "f |lft Li Fill out and mail this card today. We will see to it that you receive complete details at no obligation. Mail card promptly! • PLEASE PROVIDE ME WITH DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE H-71 ' $1,000,000.00 MAJOR MEDICAL PROGRAM. • PLEASE PROVIDE ME DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE H-91 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM, for persons over 65. Name Address. City. State. Phone. 'm m • m m'-prm yi m