I'agt- b - PLAl>DEALEB HER ALO. FRIDAY , DECEMBER 7, 1W4 Life today / Wilsons exchange vows the second time - this time *4for real' MR. AND MRS. JAMES WILSON Lunch is served to senior citizens Although the caterer for meals for the McHenry County Senior Citizens' Council Meet & Eat Program requests that participants sign up for meals one week in advance, they allow changes to be made in the meal count 24 hours prior to each serving day. Id other words, people can call the* center they attend and reserve a meal 24 hours ahead of the day they plan to attend; for example: those desiring to eat lunth on Friday may call Thursday morning and make reservations. Hfeservations for meals-at the McHenry Walk-In Center for the week of Dec. 17 through Dec. 21 should be made by calling 385- 8260 by Tuesday Dec. 11. The menu for that week is as follows: Dec. 17: Beef stew with veggies, parsleyed potatoes, biscuit, margarine, grapefruit juice, oatmeal cookie, milk. Dec. 18. SPECIAL MEAL DEC. 19: Breaded fish square, tartar sauce, squash, whipped potatoes, tossed salad with dressing, bread, margarine, birthday cake, milk. Dec. 20: Oven fried chicken, au gratin potatoes, broccoli cuts, kidney bean salad, bread, margarine, applesauce, milk. Dec. 21: Cream of potato soup, crackers, green beans, stuffed pepper with tomato sauce, sliced potatoes, bread, margarine, fresh banana, milk. U.M.W. meets Dec. 14 The next general meeting of the United Methodist Women of thie First United Methodist Cliirch of McHenry will be held Ffkiay, Dec. 14 at noon, in the Fellowship Hall, followed by a Christmas program. The Mission Team will be hostesses. rhe afternoon will start with a p< iluck luncheon and a musical p< rformance is being planned. program planning meeting his been set for Monday, Dec. 1' at 9:30 a.m. in the church pfrlor. All Mission Team -rfcrnbers and circle chairmen a: e invited. 1'he November meeting began 7:30 p.m. with the program, Jnited Methodist Women- WAdding Policy The McHenry Plaindealer Herald will print weddings In their entirety up to one month after the ceremony. However we know n?any couples do not receive their wedding photos within one month after the ceremony. • The bride may bring in a completed wedding write-up, without the photo It will be dated and held until a photo becomes available In this way. the newlyweds do not have to depend on a photographer to determine the length of their wedding write-up that is published in the newspaper. From one to two months after the occasion, all gown descrlp- Uons and receptions assistants' names will be omitted.^After two months, weddings will be shortened to names, date, site, atten dants and officiating person at the ceremony, parents' names, couple's education and where they will reside. This Information will be printed without photo. . Once submitted within these deadlines, we take responsibility for publication. The most efficient means of handling the information is to pick kip a wedding form at the McHenry Plaindealer Herald office. Flowers and gown descriptions can then be inserted as prepara tions «re completed • Forms should be typed or printed legibly. Couples may also write their own accounts using the information we seek, subject to editing for style ' The McHenry Plaindealer Herald will only accept responsibility for black and white photos However we will accept color photos which are sharply focused and where the couple stand out from the backround We encourage couples to pick up their photos as soon as ttv^y are published In the newspaper, or provide a stamped, self-addressed ^iveiope for their retu^p. YOU & YOU* FAMILY A VITED TO ATTEND Ti ARRIVAL OF ANTA CLAUS Sunday, December 9th From Noon until 3:00 p.m. Refreshments for Everyone A FREE Photograph of Your; Child with Santa for the First One Hundred Children to Attend E R A Advantage Real Estate 4507 W. Elm St. (Rt. 120) McHenry -- One of Our 1984 Community Service Projects -- The picture above, taken three years ago, shows Sundae Maun Morrison and James Donald Wilson, students in the Adult Living Class at McHenry High School West Campus, acting the parts of bride and groom. Mrs. Ames, instructor at the time, recalled the planning, effort and time spent by the couple to make this class project turn out 'just right*. "Both students seemed to portray all the ideals of the successful relationship that I try to share in the classroom set ting," said Mrs. Ames, "I know Sundae and Jim will work hard at making their marriage successful, too." Sundae Morrison, daughter of Norman H. and Pacita R. Morrison, 119 W. Valley View Drive, Lakemoor, McHenry, and James Wilson, son of Gerald and Margaret Wilson, 509 S. River Road, McHenry, were officially united in marriage Oct. 20. The Rev. Herman Graef of ficiated at the 4 p.m. nuptials in Zion Lutheran Church, McHenry, before an altar flanked on either side by a floral arrangement of white and pink carnations and chrysan themums. Special music included "Wedding Song," "This is the Day," "Our Wondrous Day," "God, A Woman and A Man," rendered by friends of the bride and gr"om I>pe Steinsdfo^rfp- Judy Ptaniski and Kathy Smith. Hie bride wore a gown of white organza. The bodice was styled with a sweetheart neckline and short puffed sleeves, accented with Chantilly lace and tiny seed pearls. The full circular skirt was layered and edged in Chantilly lace. The chapel length train fell from a dropped waistline and the three tiered train was bordered in Chantilly lace. Her Juliet cap of Chantilly lace was frosted with seed pearls and the fingertip tiered veil was edged in Chantilly lace. She carried a white lace fan adorned with white orchids, stephanotis and white streamers. The matron of honor was Karen Fryva of McHenry, the bride's friend who was her maid of honor at the couple's mock wedding in school three years ago. Bridesmaids were the groom's sister-in-law Robin Wilson of McHenry; friends of the bride, Renee Johnson of McHenry and Kim Dack of Pax River, Md.; and th£ bride's niece Patricia Bolda of Algonquin, 111. The matron of honor wore a pink floor length gown of brocaded taffeta fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, short puffed sleeves, a gathered, crossover bodice and waistline, finished with a matching belt. The bridesmaids were similarly attired in rose. Their headpieces of daisies and baby's breath were highlighted by streamers matching the gowns. They carried white lace fans adorned with pink roses, baby's breath, v and miniature carnations and streamers echoing the color of the gowns Gerald Wilson, Jr. of McHenry attended his brother as best man. Groomsmen were the bride's brother Terry L. Morrison of Richmond, Va., the groom's brother John Wilson of Melbourne, Fla.; and friends pf the groom, John Filip of- Wisconsin and Jeffrey Fendt of McHenry. Friends of the groom, Scott Thompson and Kent Butler, both of McHenry, served as ushers. The groom wore a white tuxedo and the groomsmen were in silver.' The mother of the bride chose a Daphne rose floor length gown off tinasetta knit, with a spaghetti strap bodice and flowing pleated skirt, com plemented by a cape of chiffon edged in satin. A floor length pink and gray qiana gown with gray Chantilly lace over a pink bodice, scalloped long sleeves and neckline; gently gathered skirt accented by a bow at the waist, was the choice of the groom's mother. Both had a white orchid wrist corsage. Following the ceremony, a reception for 220 guests was held in the VFW hall in McHenry. Valarie Bolda, the bride's niece, circulated the guest book. Upon their return from a honeymoon in Florida, the newlyweds became residents of 104 W. Valley View Drive,. Lakemoor. The couple graduated from McHenry High School West Campus in 1980. She attended McHenry County College two years, majoring in Banking and Accounting and is a teller at McHenry State Bank. He is a sub-contractor in McHenry. THEOS enjoys game Community calendar Commitment: Worthy Of The Call," led by Linda Hastings, with nupiy of the* ra^nabers participating iii reading various parts. It was an inspirational and lovely program. The business meeting began with prayer by Nancy Hodges, followed by the minutes, and Treasurer's report. Completed fats for Church World Service were brought to the meeting and were on display. After the conclusion of the business meeting, delicious refreshments were served by the Evening Circle, and a social time followed. The T.H.E.O.S. group met for their November get-together at the Busy Bee Restaurant. After dinner the group played a thought provoking game, with only two winners getting prizes; all the rest vied for the "booby " prize. Anna Enarson spoke on the continuing subject, followed by a group discussion, which was very interesting. The Annual Christmas Dinner Party was discussed and the potluck dinner was planned; all stating what they would be bringing. Absentees can contact Mae Stinespring or Lyda Radisch to find out what to brfchg. There is to be a $2 grab bag gift exchange and a comic grab bag. The party will be held at 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17 in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry. T.H.E.O.S. (To Help Each Other Smile) is a casual, warm and friendly group for widows and widowers, meeting the third Monday of each month at some local restaurant for dinner together at 5 p.m., then going to the First United Methodist Church for an evening of fun and fellowship. This is a non- demoninational group, with no age restrictions, and no dues. For further particulars regarding T.H.E.O.S. contact either Mae Stinespring at 385-* 1894, or Lyda Radisch at 385- 2754. Buffet planned The McHenry Woman's Club's Christmas buffet will be held at noon Thursday, Dec. 13, in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 404 N. Green Street. A members' craft sale will be held and members are also requested to bring food- donations for Christmas baskets. At 1 p.m., the Bell Ringers Choir of Shepherd of the Hills Church will perform. Births WISE Jeff and Carol Wise of Easton, Conn, announce the birth of their first child on Nov. 4. Kimberly Ann was born in St. Vincent Hospital, Bridgeport, Conn., weighing eight pounds. Maternal grandparents are Mr. Charles F. Seibold of Easton and the late Helen Douglas of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Wise of Oak Park, 111. are the paternal grandparents. Peter J. Connor of McHenry and Charles H. Seibold of Easton are the baby's great-gFandfathers. DASCOTT Christine Shale is the name chosen by Don and Vicki Dascott, 712 W. Area Street, McHenry, for their first child. The 8 lbs. 5 oz. baby girl entered the world Nov. 15 in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. Maternal grand parents are Shirlery Dehne and Kit Carson of Island Lake. Grace Dascott and Don Dascott of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Olive Lutz of Ingleside is the baby's great- grandmother. HENNESSY Bob L. and Caryn L. Hen- nessy, 3718 Buchanan Road, * McHenry, became parents of their second son Nov. 20. Patrick Daniel was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. He was greeted at home by his brother James, age three and a half. Maternal grandparents are Harland and Sylvia Sivertsen of McHenry. Ann M. Hennessy of McHenry and the late Bernard Hennessy are the paternal grandparents. DECEMBER 7 Aurora Blood Drive--Brake Parts--2-5 p.m. DECEMBER 8 Bake Sale-Sponsor Chapter 188 Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets-McH. State Baqk-Rt. 120 & Carey Bldg.-9 a.m.-Noon. Deadline for New Year's Eve Party-McH. Moose Ldg.-3535 N. Richmond Rd.-Tckts & Details At 2816 W. Rt. 120. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. DECEMBER 9 ' . McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 a.m.-Public Welcome. First United Methodist Church Choir-Christmas Cantata 4:30 p.m.-At Mt. Hope Methodist Church. DECEMBER 10 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria- Election of Officers. DECEMBER 11 . Naomi Circle-Mtg. 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist Church Parlor. Ruth Circle-Christmas Potluck Luncheon-Noon-Home of Bea Nuziard. DECEMBER 12 * Mary Martha Christmas Luncheon-Noon-Andres Steak Hse-Rt. 12 Richmond. 111. Bell Tel. Co.-Kishwaukee Life Member Club-Mtg. Hunter Country Club, Richmond-Soc. Hr. 11:30 a.m.-Lunch & Christmas Party 12:30 p.m.-Bring PAK-A-SAK-Reservations 385-4321 or 344- 2808. McH. Grandmothers Club-Christmas Potluck Party 11:30 a.m.- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church-Bring Dish To Pass. DECEMBER 13 McH. Co. Genealogical Soc-Mo. Mtg. 7:30p.m.-Central Hi School Cafeteria-Crystal Lk.-"Mutual Areas of Research." McH. Woman's Club-Mtg. Noon-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church-Bell Ringers Choir 1 p.m. DECEMBER 14 NAIM St. Margaret Chapter-Christmas Potluck 6 p.m.-Montini School Cafeteria-Grab Bag. U.M.W. Gen. Mtg. Noon-Potluck Lunch Fellowship Hall- Christmas Program & Inst, of Officers-Mission Team Hostesses. DECEMBER 15 Parade Starts East Campus 12:45 p.m.-Santa & Mrs. Claus At Pearl St. Pk. Til 3 p.m-Tree Trimming 1-2 p.m.-Tree Lighting 2 p.m.-Toys For Tots 1-3 p.m McH. Moose Children's Christmas Party-2-4 p.m.-2816 W. Rt. 120-Register At Lodge Now. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. DECEMBER 15-18 Chamber Home Decorating Contest Judging-Chamber Retail Decorating Contest Judging. DECEMBER 16 Phone Calls From Santa-Call 344-0992 1-3 p.m-Sponsor Jaycees McH. Moose Steak-Eggs-Champagne Breakfast-8 a.m.-Noon-- 2816 W. Rt. 120--Members & Guests Invited. MOWOMNfMIMIINIS ON SUNDAYS AT 12NO0N! INN SPECIALS STEAK...STEAK...STEAK... FRIDAYS, SATURDAY •BONE ONLY *9" .Y. STRIP (12 oz.) 0NLY,7,S FRIDAY FISH FRY "ALL'U'CAN'EAT" Only *4" (INCLUDESSOUPOR SALAD. P0TAT0& FRESH VEGETABLE TRAY) HOUSE DRINKS SPECIALS EVERY SATURDAY JOIN US FOR THE BEARS GAME rprr nmtiK ON SUNDAY WITH riltt UKINK EVERY BEAR SCORE AT 11:30 AM OPEN FM LUNCHES M0NSAT ELM STRE ST.,McHEN RINGHOM • 3311W. "MOUTH mmmmrn v' • THE PIN CURL BEAUTY SHOP IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE ADDITION OF ROSEMARY PETE RKORT TOITSSTAFFOF PROFESSIONAL STYLISTS. ROSEMARYISA FORMER SALON OWNER i IS A COMPLETE FAMILY STYLIST. ROSEMARY PETERKORT ftFP~ANYsiRvlci"~j jAU/OUrr BY ROSEMARY j BO/ ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT! { 9/0 FOR SR. CITIZENS. . JWW^E^OUPON PER CUSTOMER . THRU WJ1/M) NOW FEATURING I k Q l I V I NEXXUSPRODUCTS • W • »r WW 1 "NATURE 1 EARTH Sr' . 4® BEAUTY SHOP mi JEWELRY ITEMS 1330 N. Rwereide Dr. FOR HOLIDAY GIFT ITEMS! McHenry, IL 60050 (81S)38S-71I2 4