Pigr 10 • PLAIMJKALKH HERALD. WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 12.1984 -T Deaths George Lechner George A. Lechner, 78, 2710 Justen Road, McHenry, died Friday, Dec. 7,1984, in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. He was born Dec. 27, 191)5, in Elberta, Ala., to Joseph and Ida (Wagner) Lechner. A resident of Nunda Township sitice 1977, formerly of Des Ptaines, 111., Mr. Lechner was a vice-president of Universal Braid & Cord Co., of Chicago; a state of Illinois highway division employee for eight years; and County of Cook Highway division employee five years. -Surviving are his wife Irma (Hie) whom-he married Sept. 1, 1&28 in Chicago; two sons, Donald (Joan) of McHenry and (jfeorge (Carol) of Palatine; six bertha Jager grandchildren; two great grandchildren; a brother Walter L. Lechner of Mesa, Ariz.; and a sister-in-law, Elsa Bradford of Clearwater, Fla. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister Florence Smith; and two brothers, Ed ward and Joseph. Visitation was held after 4 p.m. Sunday in the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home, where funeral services were conducted at 1 p.m. by the Rev. John Clagett of the Village Baptist Church, Buffalo Grove, 111. Interment was private. Memorials are requested to the Nunda Fire and Ambulance Memorial Fund. --T Bertha M. Jager, 69, 3311 W. 1m Street, McHenry, died iday, Dec. 7, 1984 in her idence. She was born Dec. 30, lll4 in Chicago to Casmair and Anna Joknis. • ;A resident of McHenry the pest 46 years, formerly of Waukegan and Chicago, Mrs. Jager owned and operated the Riverside Bakery in McHenry o$er 25 years; was a member of St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, JMcHenry; Chtholic Daughters oi America; Women of the Moose and Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW; and National Catholic Society of Koresters Court No. 659. < Surviving are her husband Richard C. Jager, Sr., whom she riarried July 12, 1940 in Waukegan; a daughter, Mrs. Jbhn (Shirley) Wright of Wonder Lake; a son Richard Jr. (Jeannie) of McHenry; six grandchildren; a brother Anton Joknis of Riverside Calif, and a sister Mary Oraatek of North Chicago. She was preceded in death by her parents. Visitation was held after 3 p.m. Sunday at the George R. Justen it Son Funeral Home, with a Christian Wake Service at 7:45, burial rite of the Women of the Moose Chapter 1348 at 8, and burial ceremonial rites of the Lady's Auxiliary VFW Post 4600, McHenry at 8:15. A Funeral Mass was conducted at 11 a.m. Monday in St. Mary's church, with interment in the church cemetery. _ Memorials are requested to the American Cancer Society. Elizabeth Gende r i - Elizabeth G. Gende, 66, 1207 ly.. Riverside Drive, McHenry, dpd Saturday, Dec. 8, 1964, in wr residence. She was born Nov. 6, 1918, in McHenry, to Jfrhn and Gertrude (Blake) thennes. McHenry resident all her fe, Mrs. Gende was a member * St. Mary of the Assumption tholic Church, McHenr^; tian Mothers; and National )lic Society of Foresters Jo. 659. 'Surviving are her husband E., whom she married . 27, 1941 in St. Mary's rch; three daughters, Mrs. ferry (Trudy) Harrison of ioch, Mrs. Joseph (Jean) of McHenry and Mrs. fary (Mary Beth) Randall of itteson, 111.; five sons, David ie) of McHenry, Frank •{Bud" (Julie) of Riton, Wis., John (Katie) of Princeton, Wis., Michael of Olympia Fields, 111. and Robert of McHenry. Other survivors are 17 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Lorraine Steffes of Princeton and the late Herman; and two brothers, the Rev. Clarence Thennes of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Freeport, IlL and Edward J. Thennes of McHenry. She was preceded in death by her parents and two step mothers, Katheryn Blake Thennes and Anna Weber Thennes. Visitation was held after 3:30 p.m. Monday in the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home. A Funeral Mass was offered at 11 a.m. Tuesday in St. Mary's church with interment in the church cemetery. Memorials are requested to McHenry County Hospice. P velyn Reiker J]Evelyn M. Reiker, 75, of [cHenry, died Friday, Dec. 7, 984, in Northern Illinois ledical Center, McHenry. She ras born May 15, 1909 in Ihicago, the daughter of ftlliam and Augusta Haerle. Mrs. Reiker lived in the bonder Lake and McHenry area bout 15 years, having come rom Chicago. Surviving are a daughter, Irs. Gerald (Sharon D.) Fisher f McHenry; three grand- i hildren; two great- rw HOLIDAY HAFt STEAK *>." .NV. I'iV.'X • SANTA'S COMING! * IWEEKDAYS FROM MON. DEC. 10 THRU FRI. DEC. i \ FR9M ? P.m ffOJUDA r BUFFET $L95 10 YEARS A UNDER $4.19 CHRISTMAS DAY: I2-f P.M. ROAST TURKEY PLUS OUR NEW YEAR'S EVE: 4 P.M. to ??? LIVE MUSIC FOR YOUR DINING A DANCING PLEASURE BY "OUR WAY° in our Southude Dining Room ANNUAL OPEN BAR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 4 HOURS MUSIC BY "TRILOGY" 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. COMPLETE PRIME RIB DINNER WITH CHAMPAGNE IVATIONS REQUIRED IMS DINNER THEATRE TICKETS NOW ON SAL€~FOR JANUARY FEBRUARY A MARCH PERFORMANCES OPENING WITH: 'MURDER A T THE HOWARD JOHNSONS" Ruling n. it. a HP PUP I TUfftTIf Tim Til ftYftll m fW M m tilFT filYlflfi VOR RESERVATIONS On INFORMATION CALL 015**.*?! m v J. it, il Advisory committee OK' By Mark Baus Plaiodeaiw -Herald Newt Service After more than a year of meetings, the McHenry County Waste Study Advisory Committee unanimously voted to recommend a total waste management study proposed by Graef, Anhalt, Schoelmer and Associates of Milwaukee,-Wis. Monday night. The 260 page plan,which calls for major efforts at recycling, in cineration and source separation, coupled with a county-owned, privately operated landfill, was presented to the committee at a public hearing Nov. 26. The com mittee also recommended that the county hire a full-time waste manager, set up a permanent waste study advisory board and impose an excise tax on major waste disposers. Along with the plan recommen dation, the committee will also present their own recommenda tions and a summary of comments that came from the public during, and subsequent to, the public hearing. It was those comments that were made after the public hear ing that received the most atten tion at Monday night's meeting. Those comments, including one from Mayor Joe Stanek of McHenry recommending that the board follow the progress of a Landfill Gas Research Project be ing considered in McHenry; an of fer from Lou Marchi of McHenry to set up a fund at the McHenry State Bank to finance a pilot pro ject to test composting or co- composting; and comments from citizens. The committee finally voted to remove the three comments from the letter and submit jthem separately along with the other public comments. The committee recommenda tions will go to the County Health and Agricultural Committee on Dec. 12 for review and will be presented to the full county board on Dec. 18 RTA budget hearing scheduled for Dec. 17 The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) will hold public hearings Monday, Dec. 17, and Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1984 on its proposed Operating and Capital Program and Budget for Fiscal Year 1985 (Jan. 1, 1985 to Dec. 31, 1985). Any person may present views orally at the hearing or by submitting written material at any time, but not later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the hearings on Dec. 18. Copies of the proposed Operating and Capital Program and Budget for Fiscal Year 1985 are available for public inspection in the of fices of the RTA, Room 709, 300 N. State St., Chicago. The documents will be available at most public libraries as well as township, city and village of fices in the six-county RTA region prior to the hearings. Locally, a hearing is set for Monday, Dec. 17 at the McHenry County Courthouse, 22Q0 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. The hearing will be held from 4 to 5:30p.m. and continue from 7:30 until conclusion. Lake in the Hills Scouts to join in recycling effort grandchildren; and a brother Bud Haerle of Chicago. She was preceded in death by her husband Harold E. Reicker March 11, 1980; and three sisters, Violet Trout, Myrtle Gullong and Wilma Wolbing. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Monday in the Peter M. Justen & Son Funeral Home, with Pastor Thomas Roberson of the First Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery, McHenry. On Saturday, Dec. 15, Lake in the Hills Boy Scout Troop 152, under the Scout mastership of Mike McKay, will co-sppnsor the McHenry County Defender recycling drive. TTie troop is sponsored by the United Methodist Church. The Scouts will use their share of the proceeds to help finance sum mer camp, buy equipment, and repair their canoes and trailer. The recycling drive is held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot of McHenry Com munity High School West Campus, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. Application made to IDOT The Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources has received a construction permit application for McHenry County. Michael L. Roby of Woodstock hae applied to regrade eroded bahkS on the north branch of the Kishwaukee River, west of Vermont Road and one half mile south of Collins Road. All persons interested in either favoring or opposing the project may send a written comment to the Northern Area Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, Woodfield Plaza Building, 1000 Plaza Drive, Schaumburg, EL 60196 or call (312 ) 844-4341. MALPRACTICE The Illinois Department of Insurance has officially released a comprehensive report on medical malpractice claims closed in Illinois between 1980 and 1983. The study represents the first formal release of closed claim statistics since the Illinois General Assembly statutorily authorized the collection of such data in 1976. Items which can be recycled include newspaper with no magazines or junk mail, glass containers with all metal and plastic removed, "tin" cans which have been washed and flattened, aluminum scrap of all kinds, used motor oil, and brown paper bags and cardboard. There is also an aluminum can buy back program, where patrbris will be paid the current market price for 100 percent aluminum cans. Crushed cans will bring two cents more per pound than uncrushed ones and lots of more than 100 pounds will bring an extra two cents per pound. , In addition, on the second Thursday of each month (Dec. 13), a buy back program is held in the parking lot behind McHenry FS, 4004 W. Waukegan Road, McHenry, from 9 a.m. to noon. Access to the area is gained via Borden Street. At that time, 100 percent aluminum cans and glass containers will be purchased. For further information, contact a Defender represen tative at 385-8512. FS has it... productive confinement FS Farrowing Confinement Building • Totally Enclosed, Fan Cooled • 24' wide, 16 crate with equipment (Pnce does not '>ciude concrete work electrical ?">d plombing) r $20,050 plus labor On your level site Other December Specials • L B. White LP Gas Heater (model 346) $302.95 • L B White Heat Exchanger (model 903) $1198.45 • NFS-32 Nursery Feeder $130.95 Only at Darticoatng service comoan/es Prices good thru Yes! I want more information on FS Buildings. ~i Name_ Address. City State Zip. Telephone ( 1 County. FS has it for you Mail to GROWMARK, INC 1701 Towanda Ave Bloomington, IL 61702-2500 ATTN Structures H-6075 1984 GROWMARK Inc . LEARN TO MAKE EASY & DELICIOUS HOMEMADE CONFECTIONS AS GFTS! •FREE DEMONSTRATIONS' CANDY DEMO # 2 J5tu's IDorlb SAT., DEC. 15th 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. SUN., DEC. 16th 2 P.M.-3:30 p.m. EDIBLE GIFTS DEMONSTRATION MON., DEC. 17th 7 P.M.-10 P.M. Learn to make Homemade Sauces, teas. Popcorn Balls, Edible Chinese Checkers Board Game, Truffle Trees and more1 $10°° REGISTRATION FEE YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR THIS CLASSL CALL 344-5444 SUPPUIS-IISSONS 1220 N. GREEN ST. MCHENRY (815)344-5444 DECEMBER SPECIAL! Begin the New Year with Savings! No charge for weight loss services for pecember.* Therms no charge for Nutri/System s weight loss services for the entire month of December! Join now- and start losing up to a pound a day--and we'll deduct December service charges from your program * • Lose up to a pound a day • Failure-proof and mistake-free • Dine on delicious Nu System Cuisine"' gourmet meals • Professional Guidance •^Behavior Education classes help keep you slim CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE. NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION • Present this coupon at the Crystal lake Nutri/Systems Weight Loss Medical Center and paj^no charges for Nutn/System services for December. I964 Otter valid lor new clients only One discount per person Special does not include the cost of Nutn/System foods 01 physical eiammation (where re quired) Offer etpires December 14. 1984 Program will include 30 days of fiee services ' . Saveon Maxine Hall lost 120 pounds. At people very.« foes an indntdMl'i weight leee. Meit heve 2S poendt or mere to leee. College Hill Professional Bldg. .4911 S. Rt. 31, Suite B Crystal Lake [wight to-- medical centers | 815/459-9050 Over 700 Centers in North America 9 AM to 7 PM |aey= ; ltd nutri/system Machines Get a super special discount on Singer's newest machines Debutante* Machine Model 6211 Straight and zig zag stitches • Easy to remove bobbin • Easy to carry handle • Heavy duty Singers Lowest * ̂ ̂ ̂ t%t% Price Freit Arm • | ̂ ClOO Now Only A <9 9 -€~Tl No lower prices anywhere & anytime on Singer sewing machines & cabinets. SlNCEft APPRCWED DEALER *A Trademark of Th# Stngcr Company One of Singer's Best! Now Only « , , *489" Flip & Sew* Machine Model 1425N 25 stitches including speed baste and adjustable maxi- topstitch • Windin-place bobbin • 1 -step buttonholer. ONLY AT The Crystal Sewing Center Crystal Lake Piaza Crystal Lake CHARGE IT 815/459-0551 Hurry, Quantities Are Limited r