The 19*5 vehicle stickers for the Village of Sunnyside are now available at the village hall, 1515 Channel Beach, Saturdays, from 9a.m. to noOn. New stickers are due on your vehicles by Jan. 31. For further information, you may contact the village clerk, ptiilip Fleming, at 385-6023. There are several offices for Sunnyside to be filled at the April 2 election. The village cleric will be accepting can didal petitions Jan. 14 through Linda Schubel 385-0441 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact the village clerk if you have any questiop* nor need further in formation. ESDA COORDINATOR Ray Hirsch has resigned his position as coordinator of Emergency Service and Disaster Agency for Sunnyside. John Shay, director of the county's agency has expressed his appreciation to Ray for his man^years of service and we of the village express our gratitude too. We appreciate all the personal time and effort you have expended on our behalf. Raymond Nolon of 1403 W. Bayview will assume the responsibilities of this position Page IS-PLAI!>DEALER HEH ALU. U EUNESIIAt. DECEMBER 12. I'Mtl Contract is awarded for and we wish him much success. INVEST BROWNIES Johnsburg Brownie Troop number 418 was invested Oct. 16. Invested Brownies are: Susie Beierle, Kerry Cipowski, Kristy Dorsey, Rachel Dudley, Jenny Evenson, Jennifer Johnson, Eva Ladenburger, Keri Mrowiec, Cheryl Preston, Jennifer Swikle, Michelle Thompson, Jodi Blowers, Renee Donat, Andrea DuBeau, Jessica Ericksen, Jenni Forbes, Melissa Kinast, Michelle Mazzone, Kelly Pedersen, Kelly Schiller, Kim Thery and Shelly Vernick. During October, the troop also took a trip to a pumpkin farm and were abie tl Choose their own pumpkins from the patch. Cat door decorations were made and the troop had a nice Halloween party. The Brownie troop did an excellent job on calendar sales, which will allow them extra fun things to do throughout the year. The girls have also been in volved with "no bake" cooking and a trip to Burger King where they had a tour and were allowed to make their own hamburgers-all of which was throughly enjoyed. Christmas activities for the girls are now of top priority. They will be preparing for Christmas by working on gifts for their moms and dads. They will also have a Christmas party with a small grab bag gift. Troop number 418, along with other troops from the tfopi Neighborhood, will be caroling at the Royal' Terrace Nursing Home. Beaded wreaths have been made to bring Christmas cheer to these folks at the home. In future meetings, the troop will be working on "Your Own Patch." For the first stage, the girls will be drawing a floor plan Of their house or apartment and outlining and discussing with their parents possible fire escape routes. Troop number 418 leaders, Roxanne Dorsey, Sue Schiller, Sue Dudley are grateful to all the moms who have been helpful with btiking for different oc- cassions and to the committtee moms: Mary Beierle, Anita Forbes, Lynn Kinast, Shirley Pedersen, Cheri Blowers, Ten Johnson, Carleen Mrowiec, Jean Preston and Eileen Swikle for all their help and continued support. * i NEW SCOUT TROOP There is a newly established Girl Scout Troop in Johnsburg- Brownie Troop number 402. The leaders Ginny Kapelahski and Sue Dudley appreciate all who have helped in getting them started- especially their committee moms: Tessa Bales, Debra Diedrich, Susan Stermer, Donna Olsen, Claudia Wilkin son, Susan Herden and Ruth Strohfeldt; and especially their "phone mom" Jeanenne Marie Shyan. The troop will be Christmas caroling at Royal Terrace Dec. 10 and working towards in vestiture Dec. 17. New Brownies to be invested are: Kyoko Bales, Christie Diedrich, Kristin Dominguez, Angelina Gates, Kelly Herden, Jennifer Kapelanski, Amy LaTessa, Christine Milbratz, Emily Olsen, Julie Rogers, Kristina Strohfeldt, Christina Um, Nikole Wagner, Kristin Wilkinson and Angela Zicco. The leaders of-Johnsburg Brownie Troops 418 and 402 are especially grateful to Mrs. A. Radtke, transportation director for Johnsburg schools for all her work and patience in coor dinating the busing of their Brownies to their after-school work on Chapel Hill Road The Illinois Department of Transportation has awarded road improvement contracts totalling more than $19.5 million for various projects throughout the state. In McHenry County, a $334,360 contract was awarded to Peter Baker & Son Co., Lake Bluff, for construction work on Chapel Hill GRAYSLAKE JEWELERS 143 CENTER (31?) 223 8444 Road, east of McHenry. The project includes 1.82 miles of resurfacing at variable widths, adding turn lane with curb and gutter, aggregate shoulder widening, ditch grading, island installation and pavement marking on Chapel Hill from Lincoln Road north to the Fox River. MCHENRY JEWELERS Rt l?01Gfe«ffSl (SIS) 344 1344 DIAMOND & GOLD X-MAS.SALE (LARGE SELECTION RINGS. CHAINS. I EARRINGS) WEDDING SETS A BANDS *50°? UP meetings. BIRTHDAYS Belated birthday wishes go to Kelly Accettura, who celebrated her fourth birthday Nov. 25, by taking a few friends to Mc Donald's for lunch. Njpky Accettura celebrated his second birthday Dec. 6, by partying with his friends, making it a special day for him. "Happy Birthday" to you both. HAPPY HOLIDAYS I- wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 1985. Enjoy the holiday season. A. RESTORATION OF BROKEN IfWELRY TO PERFECTION £ GOLD CHAIN GOLD BRACELETS. WATCH REPAIR RING SIZING ENGRAVING $29.95 . $19.95 14 KT. ^CUSTOM DESIGNER. .Any Idea Made Into Jewelry (LOW OVERHEAD-LOWER PRICES 1 Shores: Dettmer begins year-long tour of duty Herb Dettmer arrived in Kunsan, Korea Dec. 1, to begin a year-long tour of duty with the air force. Sergeant Dettmer is the son of Maryann and Wayne Dettmer of Clear view Lane, here in Lakeland Park. As Herb i^Uie^^ttmer^sonlychild^ie Melanie Harazin 344-3649 Sue Lovergine 344-0519 wKll surely be niiMKl ' holidays almost "Upon us. BIRTHDAYS Many Happy Returns to Corey Loomis who, will be 11 years old 'the 16th. Lucille Vann has her special day on the 18th, along >with Joel Bennett, who will be 'three years old. "Happy Bir thday "to everyone and to any other neighbors celebrating this week. CUB SCOUTS NEWS Pack number 142 will be meeting Dec. 20, at Valley View school, for their monthly meeting. This month's theme is "Do A Good Turn." Many ex citing things are planned tor the evening. Everyone will be singing Christmas carols, plus there will be a "suprise visitor" that night. The boys will be bringing canned good donations for the local organization F.I.S.H. Also there will be an optional $2 grab bafregtphange. . f Sounds like a fun nigntfor all! Mark your calenders for these upcoming scout events. Pinewood Derby, Jan. 19; and the Blue and Gold Dinner, Feb. 17. More details later. COUNTDOWN 7 days til Hanukka... 13 days til'Christmas! Not even two weelgs! 20 days til 1985. REMINDERS Dec. 19- Last St. Mary's CCD class til Jan. 9 Dec. 19- Our last column til 1985...please call no later than Dec. 13 with any news, remin ders. etc. SANTA'S GIFT SHOP At Harms Farm 4727 W. Crystal Lk. Rd. "Across from McHenry West H.S." Year One-Stop Shop For ' -mm •ROPING •HANDMADE WREATHS (•HANDMADE ORNAMENTS •DOLLS* MORE YOUR INVITED TO A FREEUnON MICROWAVE DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY, DEC. 15th, *30 *11-1:30 |Mti Generation II "Brings Out The Gourmet In You!" Generation D Open Daily 9-7i 385-3074 SANTA WILL &1MM3 THIS SUNDAY l 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. | MICROWAVE OVEN NEW HORIZON HOBBIES 4605 W. 6LM ST. McHENRY, IL. 815-385-9420 HOURS: MON-FRI 2PM 9PM SAT. 10AM-5 PM *4°° OFF ANY TREE WITH THIS COUPON ONLY KARMSFARM 4727 Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry A MODEL 2052 TPY A SIP ..̂ .Y SAVINGS Home of McHenry Area Gamers Society Game Area Open Daily Mi CHRISTMAS TREES Your choice! only* J JACK DANIELS BLACK 90 Proof 750 ML Get-it for less OaO& SEAGRAM'S V.O. 80 Proof 750 ML |«r qq Get it for less /«77 10O's to Choose From Premium #1 Grade Long Needle Scotch Pine Whilt Supplies l«st SEAGRAM 'S SEVEN CROWN 80 Proof 750 ML < m AA Get it for less RIUNITE LAMBRUSCO GetTt for less »2.89 #m| !*.*!* SAVE THE COST OF A CHRISTMAS TREE HANNAH & HOGG CANADIAN 80 Proof 1.75 Liter Get it for less I9 WHITE VELVET VODKA 80 Proof When you purchase one of the Barn's Nursery's fresh cut, perso fi nally selected Christmas Trees, You will receive a coupon worth the full price of the tree. Bring that coupon in next Spring an get 10% OFF any plants you need to get your yard spruced up at fer our nasty winter 1.75 Liter Get it for less ANDRE CHAMPAGNE 750 ML Pink, White or Cold Duck Get it for less *1.99 LONDON SQUARE GIN 1.75 Liter -- Get it for less Of*7 HRISTMAS trim mwifwcwu PABSTBEER 12 fl. oz. cans 12 pack Get it for less STROHSBEER 12 Fl.oz.cans 12 pack Get it For Less Prices 1 ' ef fect December 12 io I tems avai lable whi le quanti t ies las' COPYRIGHT 1984 BY REVCO D 5 , INC REVCO IS OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL 6 00 PM Mumeaaamu Outstanding Cooking Performance! • Large 1.5 cubic foot oven. • 700 watts of power with Meal-In-One* Cooking Rack. • Electronic Touch Control with 10 power settings, automatic temperature probe and Time-of-Day Clock. Litton's Multi-Wave * Cooking System works so well you don't have to rotate the food. Awarded the American Culinary C M A AQC Federation Seai-of-Approval for Idk %• » * outstanding cooking performance. ^7 •LITTON MICHOWAVE OVENl Utton J)} j •J ; V J Cooks so many foods so well! • .5 cubic foot oven easily holds a 2'/a quart casserole. • 500 watts of microwave cooking power. • Save counterspace...mount Little Litton on a wall or under a kitchen cabinet with optional* mounting kit. • Easy to use 25 minute dial timer plus variable microwave power control with 6 power settings. • Lightweight, only 33 lbs., and compact. Exterior size, 9Va" high X 183/a" wide X 13" deep. vanauiv IIIIWIU1VU 5249" A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE TILL CHRISTMAS! Serving McHenry Area for Over 50 Years CAREY App l i ance SALES&SERVICE . 124l N. Green St. 385-5500 0 * McHenry