Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1984, p. 16

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Page 1T PI AINDKALKK HEH AI I). Wfcl»LSD . Dfci EMULR 12. I PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified AJwti tiurs, please check your ad the FIRST insertion dale. In the event ot an error or ommission, the gaper will be responsible lor ONLY the first Incorrect Insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only 5* poortion 01 Ihe ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 115-344 4100. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344 4100. Richmond 671 2511. Payment in advance must be made lor these ads: •Babysitting 'Business Opportunities 'Business Ser­ vices •Garage Sales *MMoving„Sales Out ot Shaw Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms, Apts. lo Share 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease, Re-rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. vfc » I - r . » v 0 DIRECTORY OHu o His M e H 00 i in 5 OO p m <F DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY n RICHMOND MON. 3 P.M. MON. 12 NOON 3 LINES. 3 DAVS "* ~ * 8 :80 Shaw Fl*#€ Press l'KI\ \ 11 I'MtlM.IM M)> Newspaper Group •SonttrH-Horald (Woodstock) 'The HwarW (Crystal Lake/Cary- Qiove) 'The Horaltf (Cardunal Free Press) 'Elgin Herald •Rich­ mond Gazette •Sycamore Hears •The Hereld-Plalndeeler • Genoe-KlnQston-ft Irk lend Hears •Hampshire Register. Also avalleble: •Herald-Cltlxen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous staff Is at your service WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER 21 Situations Wanted U AUTO REPAIRS, Incl. Honda Reasonable. 10 yrs. cert technician. A/C work also. Free estimates. US/4539951 EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady will clean tor a reasonable tee Ref avail. After 3pm, sis/455 seta. MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. > P.M. VUD. 12 N(X)N Announcements Cemeteries & Lots Cord of Thanks. . . Notices Cor Pools Lost* found Personals . . . . . . . . Instruction Auctions 02 03 05 . 10 .11 . 12 13 18 Help Wanted Child Care. 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wonted 23 Melp Wanted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment £6 town A Garden Equipment ... 37 Boats > 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40, Aviotion.. .41 Pets ft Equipment.'....... .. 44 Horses ft Equipment 47 Form ft Doiry 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment. 53 Business Opportunity..... 66 Real Estate Sates Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House. 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale. 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent.. 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to-Rent. ,.t. -. 82 Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos lor Sale. 86 Wanted to Buy. "87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks. Trpctorsft Trailers 89 Vans ,, $0 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles.» 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN IHE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742 Elgin 888-Elgin 931 -Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Morengo 648 Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Loke 895-Sycomore 923-Union 943-Harvard NEED A Bartender for your Holiday Parties? Call Kevin Q'Oonnellat815/45S S534 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! M.W. Cleaning Service Bonded ft Insured Homes & Off ices 81S/344-0S2S 115/344-4025 FARM WORK, Care Taker or Custodian. Part lime, in Rich mond area. >15/678-6931. RESUME SERVICE ft all typ Iftg need. Diane's Business Ser vice, >15/455-4465. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full time), restuarant. green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintnenance. 312/631-2184 or 63*4628 or 115/459-3041, ask for Bill Spencer. Household Help Wanted CHILD CARE Needed for our 15 mo. old son. must be depen dableand have references. Pull time, Crystal Lake area. Our home or yours. After 4 30 p.m , •15/455-1153 Cemeteries & Lots M E M O R I A L P A R K CEMETERY, adjoining graves, (12) value $450. 1 grave. Sell 2 for 1, 317/899-1060 er 317/352-1060. CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 90S, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Above ground cremation niches now available. Terms. --^ 815/458-0547 -- S3 Card of Thanks THANKS TO St. Jude for favors received, A.M.H. ft P.A.J. 05 Notices NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR AOS We would like to check eech ad as it appears in the paper, but tfttie does not permit. Please notify us If you find an jrror in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by Spm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: /Monday through Friday, Bam - Spm. ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations ft ac­ cessories. Silk Flower ft Bridal Creations, 815/330-1602. ATTENTION: Arts ft Crafts Persons Interested in forming a crafts guild for the purpose of selling your crafts, write to Bob Justen, 4903 Bromley, McHenry, II. 60050. 815/385- 4412. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934-9233 AS OF December 11, 1984 I am responsible for my debts and signature only. Patty Jean Guenther. MAITLANDS, LAUOER- DALES, AND DESCEN­ DANTS: The Clan Maitland Society of N.A. is seeking fami­ ly members for participation in Scottish Clan. For info., write S. LaCroix, P.O. Box 14295, Minneapolis, Mn. 55414. 10 Car Pools NEED RIDE from east of Huntley to Woodstock. My work hours are from 9 am to 5:10 pm. Can leave earlier If necessary. Will share gas; 312/649-3348. It Lost & Found FOUND: Large white cat w/brown ears, tail ft spot on back. Nov. 24, vicinity Colby Subd.. 815/459-0788 after 5pm. LOST: Approx Dec. 1, old ft dqar male Irish Setter, N, of Genoa, Ash Rd. area. Reward offered. 815/784-6161. LOST DOG, Afghan, creme col­ ored, Bull Valley area, answers to Dafnienhe, 815/338-8280. FOUND: Brittany Spaniel, red ft white, between l ft 3 years old. female, weighs 35 lbs., found Three Oaks ft 31; 815/455- 0771 or 312/658-3063. LOST, male sheperd, mixed puppy, large. Near McHenry Shores. Thurs. 12/6,babies pet. Call 815/385-1861. FOUND: male, 3 male. 3 < Carpentersv 6794. BEAGLE puppy, or 4 mo. old, llle area. 312/426 12 Personals • SCULPTURED NAILS TIH nails that look ft feel so real. Done professionally, 3 years experience, only 825. Call Joyce far appointment, 312/458- 12 Personals 12 Personals VISITS FROM SANTA In your home or for parties. Call 312/4*51*3 for appointment. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, •15/3M-33M. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Calf the free & confidential stress line, day or night, WEIGHT LOSS Lose 10-29 lbs/mo. 100% Guaranteed All Natural Herbal Program Call 115/331-7345 VISITS FROM SANTA In your home or for parties. Call 312/4*51*3 for appointment. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, •15/3M-33M. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Calf the free & confidential stress line, day or night, PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 79pm. Mon. thru Tnwrs. 24 hour answering service. 815/315-2999 •15/33M0I0. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 79pm. Mon. thru Tnwrs. 24 hour answering service. 815/315-2999 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS Wholesale or retail • to noon, 115/455-5371. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 79pm. Mon. thru Tnwrs. 24 hour answering service. 815/315-2999 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS Wholesale or retail • to noon, 115/455-5371. 13 Instruction HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High Mood pressure, diabetes, etc. We can help. Contact John Hoiby at l- N0-M2-2709 SCULPTURED NAILS TRAIN ING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/458 2019. THANK YOU St. Jude for favors granted. G.F. SCULPTURED NAILS TRAIN ING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/458 2019. THANK YOU St. Jude for favors granted. G.F. It Child Cart HEALTH > NUXRITIQN-CO. Looking for distributors. Earn SSOO weekly, plus. We will train. Professionals. 312/4514429. It Child Cart HEALTH > NUXRITIQN-CO. Looking for distributors. Earn SSOO weekly, plus. We will train. Professionals. 312/4514429. ' LOVING MOW wilT babysIT fulltime, parttlme, day or night, reasonable. 312/458-3064. OFFICE, MMNIUMCE, oS^Sfft UOUfWS EQUtPMCtf " SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 it lfcOO am. AS. NMISm,»najsr North Skew LHii*i«t Em, rsbcaboa t> mm ft iMilaa I-- ftt , •£ ,8^ MMMMf Iff UMrnCM, NNM| •quipmtm m wiftf nmmm. SALE SITE: ION been Bale* (Rl 131), Berth Ckieago, * mtle aeth al it 137, jest see* ef Croat lakes Hani Base. URGE OFFERING INCUDES: fm 4000 tndsr «/(•»*> ft Made; 10 30010 hp. fern toad* 7W Hesters snow plow far pick** larp Nnowt shop equip, ft seppKaa; fernrture ladedec 12* eak con­ ference table «/I2 chairs; apprss. 50 slid Ha cabinets; dads ft chairs; fcidnsm; pfcbws; rag tight fa; cafeteria equip, ind. irtee- sas.Bafare.dice>, dishes, ate; saws office machines. Semthinf tar everybody. Wieerinj MO an. day al sale. TERMS: COSH MICTlOIIEEt: Cardan Stade, McHenry, HI15-30S-7031 AUCTION ANTIQUES. GUNS. FURNITURE. TOOLS Having entered a restHome, will hold public auction, located at 5712 Schultx Rd., Harvard. IL. Go South on Hwv. 14 to McGuire Rd.. then East 1 mile to Schultz Rd., % mile to sale., or East of Harvard 14 mile on Rt. 173 to Altenburg Rd., then 1/8 mile to Schultz Rd., then 2 miles South. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 at 11:00 am. ARTHUR VIERCK, OWNER TOOLS WILL BE SOLD FIRST LUNCH STAND ON GROUNDS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Oak fern stand; Wm. Free treadle sewing machine; stereoscope w/pictures; picture- frames; kerosene lamps, miniature lamps; marbles; meat grinder; table radio; granny knives & forks; older silver flatware; teddy bear; vaseline glass vase; pieces of Nippon; collection of china cups & saucers; baskets; mantle clock; electrified Gone with the Wind lamp; lamp bracket; green depression cracker jar; iron­ stone pitchers; wood chest; egg crate; small toy iron wagon & gun; walnut rocker; oak framed beveled oval mirror; rectangle oak framed beveled mirror; 2 oak 4 drawer chests; 6 drawer chefirieer; 4 dr. dresser w/mirror; oak library table; 3 crocks; old books: wood clothes dryer rack; emery stone on stand; corn sheller; small burr mill w/elec. motor; milk cans; lanterns; 2 pressed back straight chairs; 2 coal hods; 2 wash boilers; 1 copper lid; oil can; gas can. FURNITURE: Davenport & chair; 2 recliners; rocker; casual chair; kneehole desk & chair; 3 sm. tables; record cabinet; many pictures, some hand embroidery; console RCA color TV; maple ext. table w/pads, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, buf­ fet; kitchen table, 4 chrs. w/vinyl seats; GE no- frost refrigerator, top freezer; 30" gas Kenmore stove; chest freezer; metal kitchen cabinet; humidifier; dishes, pots, pans & kitchen ap­ pliances; china service for 12; 2 large canning kettles; 1 blancher; horse collection; Hoover upright vacuum; 2 metal wardrobes; 3 single beds; many knick knacks; lots of linens & bed­ ding; jig saw puzzles; games; Xmas ornaments, sm. tree; fans; 2 space heaters; Maytag wringer-washer; twin tubs; elec. Kenmore dryer; lots of fruit jars; quantity of embroidery work. GUNS: 16 gauge pump Browning shot gauge single s single shot; Remington target master single shot 22; Remington single shot 22 w/scope; 2 gun cleaning kits. ILLINOIS GUN LAWS APPLY. TOOLS: Shovels; forks: buck saw; post hole digger; ropes; 2 rubber-tired wheelbarrows; 25" Estate riding lawnmower; rotary mower ; air compressor;- feed baskets; table saw; Mi" elec­ tric drill; battery charger; wood ext. ladder; saber saw; soldering gun; electric motors; elec. " [e trimmer; bench grinder; bench drill; er; Bernz-omatic; shop vac; chain saw; V' drive socket set; pipe cutters k pipe vise; barrel of No. 30 oil w/oarrel pump; sm. chicken house. AUCTIONEERS: Eugene Fredrick. 8IS-943- 5867. & Jerry Marrs. CLERKS: Marrs Auction Service • TERMS: C**h or Good Check w/ID. gun; 12 Ivor Johnson; 4-10 Marlin 19 Child Car* 19 Child Car* EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE, any age welcome. Lg. play area, lunch & snacks incl.; 840/wk., 312/439-3102. WILL BABYSIT in my McHenry home. Full time preferred Please call 815/344- RESPONSIBLE ADULT to babysit 4 wk. old 2-3 afternoons and/or eve. per week. 2 Sat. a month, 115/344-4437. 21 Situations Wanted D.J.-Weddings, schools, etc., Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0882, eves. CLEANING: Houses, offices, apts. Refs. avail. Dependable, reasonable. 815/895-3099. BABYSITTER needed in our Hampshire home for our 5 & 7 yr. old sons. Must have own transportation. 312/413-3523. 21 Situations Wanted D.J.-Weddings, schools, etc., Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0882, eves. CLEANING: Houses, offices, apts. Refs. avail. Dependable, reasonable. 815/895-3099. OPENINGS: THE SALVA TION ARMY DAY CARE, >30 Grove DeKalb; 815/754-4308; 4:30 am to 4:00 pm, 2 to 5 year olds. Quality day care with a Christian emphasis. PRIVATE DUTY certified aide. Your home. Please call. 815/305-0394. HOUSECLEANING, Rich mond. Spring Grove & Twin Lakes area, mln. of 4 hrs., $5.00 an hr., 815/475-4407after 4 p.m. GUN REPAIRS Custom knives & guns. Open 4pm to 9pm weekdays, 9am to Spm Sot.r 9am. to 2pm. Sua; 312/483-2309. Ask for Dick. SITTER AVAIL. New Years eve, 4 p.m. HI noon New Years Day, exc. ref., 115/331-3645. MOTHER OF 2 will babysit "evenings 1n my Crystal Lake home, 115/455-3173. PRIVATE DUTY certified aide. Your home. Please call. 815/305-0394. HOUSECLEANING, Rich mond. Spring Grove & Twin Lakes area, mln. of 4 hrs., $5.00 an hr., 815/475-4407after 4 p.m. GUN REPAIRS Custom knives & guns. Open 4pm to 9pm weekdays, 9am to Spm Sot.r 9am. to 2pm. Sua; 312/483-2309. Ask for Dick. 21 Situations Wanted NATURAL SCULPTURED nails by Robin, 890. House calls made. 815/455-08*9 after 5 p.m. WILL DO/Assembly work in my home. Local pick up and delivery. 815/4594573 after 4 p.m. HANDYMAN Service quality I prices. We do anything. 815/5974951. work at lowest prices. Y E S is nearirM and those heating bills won t be ending. So, get warm; insulate the at­ tic. When you decide to, write P.O. Box 903, 60098 Woodstock, IL, DON JOHNSON Decorating Interior Painting A Papering 815/338-4850 SANTA CLAUS will visit your home offering Christmas magic, holiday spirit ft free pic- .ture. From $». 312/658 327? or 312/658-3606 MATURE BABYSITTER need ed, my McHenry home, occa­ sional hrs. 815/3- 5:30 pm: Z344-3964 after SITTER, mature woman to sit In my home for 3 boys, 7, 4 ft 2 mo., days. Car a must, ref. re­ quired, 312/639-2946. RELIABLE SITTER for 1 child, my McHenry home, occasional Sats. ft eves. Call between 7 ft 8 pm, 815/344-3683. NEED BABY sitter for Hebron area, 8 yr. old, 815/648-23^). MATURE, RESPONSIBLE Woman to babysit for 8 yr old boy In my home, Wed., Frl., ft Sat. evenings. Call 815/459-4050, ask for Jan WANTED! meals approx week for elderly couple; 815/385 2615. Lady to prepare ox. 2 or 3 days a BABYSITTER needed, South High School area for steady evening ft weekend work. Ref req., 815/455-2118, after 5 pm. B A B Y S I T T E R n e e d e d McHenry area, Tues. ft Thurs. from 12 to 5, 8 mo. old girl, my home or yours, ref. required; 815/385-5471. RELIABLE, needed to care for 2 loving person lor 2 yr. old ft In­ fant in our Wonder Lake home, full time, days, 815/728-1241. 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. VISA/MC Welcome Norton ft Associates. 312/428- 9255. BARR'S TEMPORARY Office ft Factory Service 312/742-7*91 McHENBY SAVINGS & LOAN Our New Accts. Dept. is seek­ ing a full time Savings Coun­ selor with previous banking or savings and loan experi­ ence in customer relations and investments. Please con­ tact Connie Blietz, 385-3000. MANUFACTURING SUPERVISORS Precision Twist QkUL.~» large*! Independently owned dHtl manufacturer/' presently has an Imfnattfrfe need additional hands-on supervisory personnel for grlnding-lst ft 2nd shifts. Successful candidates should have 2 5 years experience in center less through Infeed, ft cylindrical grinding, in addl Hon to supervisory experience. Other manufacturing sup ervlsory positions available. We offer an excellent benefit package and competitive salary. Please send resume or contact: Director/Industrial Relations rm1 PRECISION Km TWISTORILL CO 301 Industrial Ave.; Box 400) Crystal Lake. IIM014S15/45V 2040 Eou»l Opportunity Employer M/F BOOKKEEPER Full time position for person with bookkeeping backg­ round. Experienced In general ledger, month end analy lis, fixed asset accounting ft expense account analysis. We offer an excellent company paid benefit package. Apply In person to the personnel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815-943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F (•met mmmmmmmm- w m--r- • PART-TI ACCOUNTING CLERK Assist In report preporotion. Provide account­ ing clerical assistance. Uarco Incorporated Weat County Line Rd. Barrington 312/381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F FACTORY OPPORTUNITIES Seaquist has several opportunities availa bie for individuals with some factory ex­ perience. These machine operator posi­ tions are available on our 2nd & 3rd shifts. Interested? Apply in person al: 1160 N. Silver LakeRd. Cary, 1160013 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F BOOKKEEPER AUTOMOTIVE Experienced with GM. Send resumes with salary . requirements to: Box AOH c/o Shaw Free Press 3812W. Elm St. McHenrv. IL 60050 REGISTERED PHYSICAL THERAPIST 30 hours per week to expand to full time. Friendly progressive atmosphere, looking to develop new programs In sports medicine, wellness, pre & post partum, back care, stroke, rehab., pool therapy. Predominately orthopedic patients. Hours flexible. Competi­ tive salary & benefits. Illinois licensure re­ quired. Please call Personnel . . 815/338-2500 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOR McHENRY COUNTY Woodstock, M» tot B00KKEEPERIACC0UNTING CLERK Position available in local CPA Firm, Write up depart­ ment. Send resume to: FLEMING & COMPANY CPA's P.C. 4318 H Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, II. 60050 GOOD OLD-FASHIONED CHICKEN MANAGEMENT TRAINEES FMWtKW STHEIKCtrSTAlUIE Brawn's Chicken is lookini lor energetic individuals inter ested in a challenging career in the food service industry Training wilt be provided. Experience preferred but not mandatory. Must be able to communicate well with cui- t o m e r s a n d e m p l o y e e s . ' • • • - • Salary based on experience. Benefits include paid vaca­ tion, hospitalization, profit sharing and more. Must be neat and welt groomed. Send resumes or apply in person to: Brown's Chicken 2000 Grand Ave. Waukegan, II. 60085 CHICKEN tquel Opportunity Employer M/F •----J M CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Electrical Supply division of Fortune 50 company located in growing McHenry County has positions availa bie for qualified career oriented individuals. Purchasing/Operations Supervisor Minimum 3 years experience purchasing and inventory control. Must be able to supervise and motivate people Inside Sales Knowledge of electrical material and applications a must. Job entails direct customer contact including sales, quotations, applications and follow-up service via the telephone. We offer full company benefits and opportunity for advancement. We will train the right individuals1. Please send a resume Indexing salary require ments in confidence to: Nick Heinz Englewood Electrical Supply Post Office Box 306 Crystal Lake, Illinois (0014 An Equ»IOpportugity Employer *• Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES MOONLIGHTERS STUDENTS Are you in need of extra in come to cover your Christmas costs? If so we jn^have a job for you. If you work Md^HTay Wu Frt day evenings from 5. IS un til 9:15 plus Saturday mor­ nings from 9:00 until 1:00? Please iali: Mrs. Hayes 815/455-4800 After 6:00 pm. SALARIED REAL ESTATE Job? Almost too good to be true opportunity just created in our expanding Marketing Depart ment. If you'refriendly. ag gressive. well disciplined & a team player, call now lor an in­ terview with Chick Groh. ERA Household, 312/639 2000. 24 Halp Wanted BOOKKEEPER, familiar with hatch double entry system In sorance office Send resumr c/o P O. Box S3*. Crystal Lakt utaou SETUP MAN 2nd SHIFT Experienced mature set up man must have ability & p- or experience In set up i ao|u&t ment of high speed produrtloi machines Must have own hanc tools Apply In person, 9 am. 3 prr SAN FORD CORPORATION 1500 McConnetl Rd Woodstock, Illinois 1W REAL ESTATE is boom ming* We are looking for a few associates to |oin our rapidly growing, NEW real estate of flee. EKA offers pre licensing school & an excellent trianing program. Our on going in field office training program will give You the edge to oe the best in the real estate business Call, Mary D., ERA All Service Realty, 3I2/6SI9031. - . CARPENTER'S HELPER with trim experience. Call after 6 pm, 815/455 5310. DISTRICT MANAGER CIRCULATION Full .time position exists tor a career oriented indi­ vidual. Qualified applicants must be able to work with both youngsters and adults. Ma­ jority of time will be spent in fWd servicing problems and establishing routes. Reliable vehicle is neces sary. Reply in confidence to: Box ZTA-MANAGER c/o $haw Free Press P.O. Box. 709 Woodstock, 1160098 Restaurant Management MANAGE SUCCESS AT WENDY'S As one of the world's largest and fastest grow ing qutCR service chains, we now have excellent managerial opportunities for Unit Managers. Co Managers and Trainees If you have the ability to learn and lead, sound communication skills and are people oriented, get your career moving at WENDY'S We offer com petitive compensation, a full benefit package in eluding dental insurance, profit sharing, stock ownership and a iucra five retirement plan. It you want to manage sue cess, send your resume to or call Sue McSherry at (312) 932-9499 WENDY'S INTERNATIONAL INC. WTransAmPlaia Drive, Dept.MPD Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60148 Or attend the Open House on: Tues., December 18 8a.m. 12p.m , 2p.m., 6p.m. WENDY'S 100W. Ra^Rd. Arlington H,ss., IL An Equal Oppi' vntty Employer M> f.'H RN's Full-time, llpm-7am O.B./Labor delivery P«rt-time, Mental Health - ,3pm-11pm. Experience preferred Excellent benefit package. < Please call Personnel 81S/33&-2SOO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOR McHENRY COUNTY Woodatock, II. IOC FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME is seeking a DIRECTOR OF NURSING to lead our team in providing the highest level of quality care for our residents. We require a professional, highly motivated, aggressive, and honest individual who practices a common tense ap proach to management and possesses good communic* tion skills. Interested candidates should call Mr. Choate at (•15) 455- 0550 to set up an appointment for an Interview. SECURITY Full time openings tor Security Guards in McHenry. Must have home phone, car, and good communication skills. Apply at Illinois Dept. of Employment, 425 Clay St., Woodstock, IL on Thurs., Dec. 13, 1984 between 9 a.m. & noon. CPP Security Service Employer Paid Ad EXPERIENCED T00LMAKER JOURNEYMAN/MACHINIST Overtime, good company benefits, insurance Call or apply at: M l TOOL WORKS, INC. 1419 Belden St. McHenry 815/344-1275 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE NIGHT CUSTODIAN ParWand Junior High, 3:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m Monday ihru-Fxiday.. .12 month position with summer day work. Salary: $10,900 annual. Benefits include: Paid holidays, 2 weeks va cation after 1 year, paid hospitalization & major medical, paid dental insurance, paid life insurance. Applications may be filed with: Mr. Donald Toole, Principal, PARKLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1802 Ring wood Rd. McHenry, IL rf-

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