P»K«* 18 • PLAI1NDKALEH HKK Al.l). W KI)>hSlJA* , DKliK ViHKH 12. |')Ht Help Wanted 24 W A N T E D . S T Y L I S T w i t h some following Call Jim at The Mop Stop 3t2/wsi?s5 NEEDED NOW Marnt. & General Factory, Working World. Crystal Lake. 815/455 j 4490 NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, i general office, phon* coMec tors. Working World, Crystal Help Wanted Lake 115/455 4490. NORTHWEST Security Service needs security guards for full time & part time weekends & holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk, 201 Jandus Rd , Cary, IL. JANITORS. McHenry area. Part time, Mon.- Fri. eves., plus some daytime. Experience not necessary, musf drive U.JO/ hr. to start, avg. 30 hrs./ wk. Call Ed, 815/385 1877. WANTED: School bus drivers tor Districts 47 & 1S5. Earn |4.90/hr. to start + dally bonus. Guaranteed hours, good work ing condltlonsi Summers off Paid training. Call Mr Hansen >15/455 0558. CARRIER SUPERVISOR Work closely with young carriers and their parents. Caree r oppor tun i ty . Responsibilities include sales, public relations and collections. Apply in person only 250 Williams Road Carpentersville WAITRESS / Nights Cooks, Days Part Time Pizza Cook, Nights Call 3)2/639 7800 NOW ACCEPTING applica tions for part time employ ment. Apply in person only fo Plltt Spring Hill Theaters. Free movies, free movie posters, free soft drinks and popcorn while worklna! This is not a Xmas time only position. TELEMARKETING "SALES 12 hours per week in Carpentersville oftice. Good salary plus commis sion. ! Call: Mrs. Jones 312/426-1650 after 5:00 pm MAINTENANCE TRAINEE, Village of Cary, Water & Sewage Dept., full time. S6/hr„ 255 Stonegate Rd., Cary, IL RECEPTIONIST, for evenings, 3 to 11. Mature, reliable, ac curate typist. * CAREFREE VILLAGE 840 N. Seminary Woodstock, IL 815/338 2110 TIRE INSTALLER. Full Time. E xperience preferred. Apply In County Tire & Sui person to Service Manager. - - - - 7218 Virginia Rd., Crystaf P A R T T I M E f l o o r maintenance in Woodstock, 7 am to 10 am daily, $4 per hour. Call Mr . Mills at 312/358-0779. REAL ESTATE SALES Posi tions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings 8i sales. Earn what you're worth with ERA Household Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential Interview. 312/639-2000. LOBBY ATTENDANT Mature Individual to work as needed as a Lobby Attendant Must be available to work weekends and holidays. Day or evening shift. Contact Human Resources Department 815/344-5000, Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 «qwl opportunity employer m/f TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDER Full Time Day Position 3-plus years experience re quired. GoOd wages, full Insurance, plus other bene f i t s . App ly a t : GK INDEXABLE 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Lake, \V MILLING MACHINE OPERATOSL---' Immediate operifflg; must be experienced on vertical & horlzntal mill. Salary based on experience. Call For Appointment 815/459-9252 HOME CUTTERS & sewers. Cabbage patch clothes & ac cessories, call between 8 a.m. & noon, 312/658 2248. GENERAL OFFICE, mln. 3 yrs. recent exp., paid vaca tions, holidays, insurance ft profit sharing, part time. Apply in person, we are a non- smokers office. Crystal Die & Mold, 5305 W. Huntley Rd., Algonquin, 312/658-6535. NEW BODY SHOP in Palatine area needs body man with ex perience & own tools. Good salary. For appointment, call 312/934-1166, ask for Ed or Larry. MAJOR SALES Firm now hir ing for appointment manager. Permanent full time. Musf be personable, self-starter with a pleaseant phone voice. Ex perience preferred, but not necessary. Starting salary S800/mo. plus production bonus. Call 815/455-3000 bet ween 12 noon & 8 p.m. WAITRESS • K ITCHEN HELP Part Time - Experienced For Eves*, weekends Call For Appointmet 312/639-3300 • IRENA'S* 6506 Silver Lake Rd., Cary P A R T T I M E C L E R K / CASHIER, 9:30-6, 2-3 days/ wk., no exp. necessary. Harr ington Pet Shop, 312/381-1515. C A S H I E R , p a r t t i m e Call 10am-6pm 312/426-2330 HOUSEKEEPER, full time. Apply in person Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. NURSING ASSISTANTS, cer titled, full time, exc. starting salary 8, benefits. Apply In per son. Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave. Woodstock, IL. PART/FULL TIME Can earn, part time $7/hr. Fulltime. S360/wk. Students Welcome Mr. Adams, 312/449-1920 24 Help Wanted MANICURIST, Nail Sculpture wanted Established Algonquin salon. 312/658 4455. FRONT DESK Receptionist, part time, various hours. Must be available weekends. Apply in person. The Supreme Courts, 1 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake. teacher needed .--Day . Full time; must have 2 year decree or bet ter. Apply at Tom Thumb Day Care center, 1651 Ravine Ln„ Carpentersville; 312/426-9505. MECHANIC, experienced. Must have own tools. Many company benefits. Apply in person Ormsby Motors, Inc., 50 Main St., Crystal Lake. LEARN A TRADE If tests reveal that you have good mechanical aptitude, we have the on-the-job training that will enable you to learn c machine trade. If you have: •Initiative •Mechanical Abilities •Good stable work record •Past machine experience We have: •Machine operating positions •Good starting wage •Excellent benefits PRECISION TWIST DRILL COMPANY 301 Industrial Ave. Box 4002 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Appl leaf ions Accepted: Mon., Tues., Wed. 8-11 AAA *1-4 PAA If Not Convenient, Please Call 815/459-2040 Equtl Opportunity E mptoyer M/F EARN SSS FOR YOUR • CHRISTMAS BILLS by working for RGIS INVEN T O R Y S P E C I A L I S T S I n January. The World's Largest Inventory service needs depen dable persons to join our Crystal Lake team. $4.50/hr. Fluctuating hours on a year- round basis. January is ex tremely busy. Call Dee at 815/459-7590 after 5 PM or 312/981 9590 anytime. EOE. WAITER WAITRESS A few good S shifts are now open! Apply or call between 2 & 4 p.m. We need smiling, friend ly people to join our caring staff. Coleman's McHenry County Inn (Across from YMCA) 7320 S. Rt. 31 Crystal Lake 815/455-1234 24 Help Wanted 24 CAFETERIA HELP Must have knowledge of mak ing salads. Some cashiering, Must be reliable. Hours: 6am- 2pm, company benefits. American Can, 312/381 1900, Ext. 423. EDM OPERATOR, also Lathe Operator. Must have 5 years experience. Apply at Gage Grinding, 30NorthwestHwy.in Cary, 312/639 3888. BUILDING SUPERINTEN DENT, (ull time, to be in charge of all cleaning 8, repair services. Will also supervise some part time cleaning staff. Applications are being taken until Dec. 16, 1984. Successful applicant will begin job in Jan of 1985. Salary package com mensurate with experience. Send credentials & letter of ap plication to: Lake Region Y.M.C.A., David E. Poremba, Executive Director, 7315 S. Rte. 31, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. D I E T C O N S U L T A N T t o manage Slender Center open Ing January 7fh in McHenry. Background in teaching, nurs Ing, sales, or personal weiaht loss helpful. Salary plus! Ke- pond with handwritten letter 8, PET LAND is looking for both f u l l t i m e & p a r t t i m e employees. Strong desire to work with pets required. Hard working sales oriented in dividuals may apply in person. Spring Hill Mall. No Phone Calls! MOLD MAKER Progressive manufacturer is in need of an experienced mold maker with a minimum of 5 years experience. We offer a modern air conditioned plant, and competative benefits and wages, Including profit shar Ing. Apply In person to: NORTHWESTERN TOOL 8i DIE > 375 Renner Dr. Elgin, II 60120; 312/697 2030. E.O.E. WEEKEND RECEPTIONIST Receptionist/ Secretary for Saturdays & Sundays. Must have a pleasant phone per sonallty 8, be proficient in typ ing. Ask for Betty or John. Har ding Real Estate Co., 815/338 PART TIME work at home, no selling or investment.Call, 312/426-6114, a recording. resume to Jean Loudon, Slender Center, 108 W. Main Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin, 53190 by December 15th. FULL 8i PART TIME- Im mediate Openings. Little John's Sandwich Shop, 815/459- 3176. PARTTIME COOK To prepare & serve meals, 28 hours a week 8, relief as need ed. Experience preferred. Call Marge at: 815/338-2145, Ext. 48, to arrange an interview. Sw-vomation Corp. McHenry County Jail LOCAL FINANCE CO. looking for a responsible person for our collection dept. Full or part time- hours will vary. Depen dable car needed. Call Mrs. Berry between 9 am 8,4 pm for appointment, 815/338 3987. CLERK/TYPIST, Counseling Center. Above average typing, dictaphone, filing, general of fice skills required. People oriented, with previous ex perience working with the public preferred. Salary: $10100. to $10600. Deadline is Dec. 14,1984. Send letter of ap plication and resume to: Barry karow. Director, Counceling Center, Elgin Community Col lege, 1700 spartan Dr., Elgin II 60120 E.C.C. is an affirmative ac- t l o n / e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y employer. ROYAL TERRACE has full 8< part time openings in housekeeping. Apply in person at: 803 Royal Drive McHenry EOE WAREHOUSE 8. DELIVERY person, full time. Call between 9 a.m. 8i 5 p.m., ask for Neal or Bobbie. 815/455-0322 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Sales company needs two am bitious individuals to enter our extensive management train ing program. Some sales ex perience preferred, but not necesssary. Must have reliable transportation 8, be willing to work nights, Monday through Thursday. Excellent starting salary. Incentives include bonus/ commission; first year guaranteed $24,000. •1-800/892-8802* FULL 8, PART TIME Excellent working conditions in our phone room. No sales involved- appointment setting and survey work. Must be 16 or over, students welcome. Hour ly wage plus bonus. Earn up to $6 per hour Call For Interview 815/338-3962 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 14 NOW HIRING bartenders, waitresses, bus persons & cooks. Apply in person after 2 pm. Philiy's Sports Bar & Grill, 5 0 1 6 N o t h w e s t H i g h w a y , Crystal Lake. DENTAL ASSISTANT, 2 yrs. I salary opporf. v/areas exp. mln., good starting -I- full benefits, career i for talented assistant w largest dental providers. 815/385-1360. DENTAL ASSISTANT, part time, experience preferred, Hampshire area. 312/683-3464. LIFT TRUCK Mechanic. With exp. In both gas & electric. Call for an appt., 815/943-5486. RECEPTION We are seeking someone with a pleasant personality and telephone voice for a position in reception. Some computer en try required (We will train). Please apply at 640 Industrial Drive, tary, IL or call Mr. Kayler at 312/639-5658 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. APPLIANCE CLEANER, ideal for female. Full time position w/benefits. CaJI for appoint m e n t , W a h l A p p l i a n c e , McHenry, 815/385-1872. OFFICE HELP Rapidly growing dental office needs a hard worker Interested in a challenging part time posi tion; 2-3 hrs. Mon., Tues., Fri. & Sat. If interested, please call 815/459-2480. E X T R A I N C O M E f o r h i g h school students or mothers! Answer our busy telephone; in coming calls. Only responsible and mature personalities need apply. Early evening hours, and 6 hours Saturday. Call Cyd after 4 pm; 312/742-1179 CASHIER: 7am to5pm,4days a week. Must be 21 or over. Ap ply In person, Oak Street Food 8i Liquors, 256 Oak St., Crystal Lake. WANTED Experienced person for cultivating. Prefer retired or semi-retired farmers with basic equipment knowledge. Flexible hours. 815/338-4914 weekdays. Ask for Al or Tom. PART-TIME COOK, will train. Apply In person, Int'l House of Wine Si Cheese, 11302 W. Rte. 12, Richmond, 11.815/678-7171. CARY CHURCH seeks babysit ter, supervise 0-2 yr. olds, bun- days, 10:30 • 12. $8/ wk. Call 312/639-3959. FLORAL DESIGN, Cary area shop. 2 positions available beginning Jan 1: Part Time Designer* & Part Time Designer w/ some manage ment experience. Benefits avail. Call Doris for appoint ment, 312/639-3360. W A N T E D , e x p e r i e n c e d carpenter's apprentice/ helper. 8 1 5 / 9 4 3 - 3 4 9 0 a f t e r 7 p . m . kTURE, responsible person part-time delivery. Please 1815/338-2255 to schedule an MATURE, for call I appointment for an Interview. GENERAL OFFICE, full time, accurate typing skills required, call for an appointment. Benoy Motor Sales. 815/338-5100 PART TIME Stable Help. R e s p o n s i b l e p e r s o n , e x perience with horses required. 815/338-1377, ask for Brad. EARLY MORNING newspdj88# delivery help needed. Insured, reliable car a mutt. Oall before Noon, 815/385-1060. CHURCH CUSTODIAN. Part time, good pay. Submit resume & references to: BOX AOG, c/o Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014 GIRL FRIDAY, part time, typ ing necessary, computer exp. helpful. Call, RPS Products, 312/683-3400. FULLTIME BILLING position available In trucking company. Experience with CRT entnr and/or working with tariffs would bo preferred. Fringe benefits Include pension plan and hospitalization. Call Cecil Wool ridge at 312/649-5257. GIRL FRIDAY, for light packaging, shipping ft varied office duties. Must be reliable, will train. Ebra Products. 312/669-3356. RN For part time work In medical clinic who also has some ex perience In filing Insurance claims. 815/331-2347 TEXAS OIL Company mature person for short trips surrounding Woodstock. Con tact customers. We train. No Investment Necessary. Write T.J. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 719, Ft. Worth, TX. 76101. AUTO MECHANIC, minimum 3 yrs. experience for service 3 yrs. experience for service station. Apply In person at Crystal Lake Brake ft Auto, 154 Virginia. CrysM Lake. * PERSONNEL CLERK Seaquist has a part-time (20 hours per week) posi tion for*an energetic In dividual to assist with in surance claim processing and related clerical duties. Applicants must be ac curate and enjoy working with poeple. Typing skills required; prior insurance processing experience helpful. Apply in person or send resume to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT SEAQUIST 1160 N. Silver Lake Rd. Cary, IL 60013 Equal Opportunity E mpleyr M/F EARN EXTRA Money deliver ing nespapers. AM In Woodstock. Reliable car. Call 815/338-0023 AM and 815/338- 5827 PM. R.N.'s/L.P.N.'s EKG Techs., Phledotomists A Nurses Aides. Part time, to do insurance, mobile physicals. Must be 21 & have own auto, 312/888-0033. ADULT NEWSPAPER CARRIERS Carpen te rsv i l l e and Dundee area. Morning hours. Please call Steve at 312/426-1655. GENERAL FACTORY, full time, ideal for women. Apply in person after 2 p.m. weekdays. D D & N Metal Finishing, Woodstock. IL VETERINARY ASSISTANT. All areas of veterinary staff work Included. Non smoker preferred. 815/459-4317 CASHIER, part time, 16- 32 hrs./ wk. Union 76 Truck stop, 1-90 & U.S. 20, Hampshire. App- ly in person, at fuel desk. COURIER/ DRIVER, part time, 3am4am. Delivery of medical supply/ fuel efficient vehicle required, (25-30 mpg). Can work from 3-7 days/ wk. Must be over 21 years of age. Good driving record. Contact Michael, 312/459-6651, between 10am 2pm. STAPLE PACKERS, Im mediate ful time opening. Good starting pay, company benefits. Apply in person Staple' Center, 6711 Sands, Crystal Lake. CONSTRUCTION M A D CONSTRUCTION Baths* Kitchens Rec. Rooms E lectrical • Plumbing Drywall* Wall 8i Floor Tile INSURED •••815/459 8992*** CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions *Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum SidTng 8, Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME 815/3384805 ENTER TAINMENT A D.J. SHOW! *A For ALL occasions i All types of music III Great P.A. & lights ^fl Call John 312/289-7259 FIREWOOD OAK FIREWOOD $24.00 per face cord Delivered & stacked. As available. 1/800-367-3325 CHIMNEYSWEEP S% Senior Citizen Discount L. FABIAN CHIMNEY SWEEPS! CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces *Stoves ~~ *Caps Installed . Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimnev SweeDS Guild IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIlfi CONSTRUCTION HOUGHTON CONSTRUCTION . •ADDITIONS •NEWC0NSTRUCTI0N •CONCRETE & ROOFING •KITCHENS & BATHS 10 3/i fixed 30 year mortgage As low as 5% Down to qualified buyers for new construction. Call for more details after 4 pm . 815/344-4574 HOME IMPROVEMENT J&L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages 8i Aluminum Siding Sof1it*Fascia*Gutters Roofina*Decks Low Prices fcFree Estimates Fully Guaranteed ft Insured ••15/455-4226* If No Answer, Call •15 /459 -3888 , Ex t .Z PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work 8i materials References 815/455-5536 PAINTING BECK'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners, Businesses Contractors, Decorators 312/658-9278 PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS} GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available - $75 (Inds service, 6i lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 Master Card & Visa Accepted HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REMODELING & HOME REPAIRS •Kitchens & Baths •Wolmanized Decks Electrical & Paneling 'Custom Cedar Shutters Wallpaper ' •Ceramic Tile No Job Too Small. HARRY VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION 815/385-2847 (Developer of the Prestigious Val Mar Estates. McHenry) PLUMBING & HEATING FURNACES HOT WATER TANKS SUMP PUMPS Installation Sales & Service Broken & Frozen Pipes Thawed & Repaired 24 hr. Emergency Service Free estimates on new in stallations CRAFTWAY 815/385-5591 REFRIGER ATION REPAIR D&D REFRIGERATION SERVICE Any make or model. Quality Workmanship $18 Service Charge 815/568-5296. REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years-McHenry County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OE A CONSTRUCTION 815/344-1632 815/385-6566, 815/344-0748 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONSTRUCTION •SHINGLES *HOT TAR •NEW WORK ^REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices S.R. Citizen Discount 312/451-5301 SNOWPLOl SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service Get on our list now! GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 SNOWPLOWING COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE SNOWPLOWING 815/385-6733 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months -• Call Collect 115/3*3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING •(Limited to Horn* Owner*) WOOD RESTORATION HalpWantad 24 JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION 10 Years Experience Furniture, antique repair 8> reflnlshing. Hand stripp ing/durable sprayed on finish. 115/315-4084 R.N./ L.P.N. Part time dey position mil., potential for ad vancement to full time. Work In skilled nursing facility- Com petitive wage ft benefit package. Cell tent- 5pm. Mon. • FrI Amerlcana Health Care Center, 180 S. State St., Elgin, 312/748-9818. ftOOKS, experience In Instftv- tfonel setting desirable. Posi tions available In reputable skilled nursing facility. Com petitive storting salary, ask about our new benefits pro gram. Inquire at, Americana Msolth Care Center, 188 S. Stale >t„ Elgin, 312/742-3318. SR . PROGRAMMER ANALYST fOr deta processing WfYICt Cftnct Ifl WWUUUlKf IL using Bask Plus and BP-2 on DEt 11/70. Managerial status with responsibility to maintain and enhence current systems and design and develop new applications. Com petitive seiery and benefits, ex- s.s^ ̂rmiitltlftfie I JH cwitng wonting cwnornons. im- mediate consMoretlon will be given to resumes that Include vetoing, dates of employment | end selary history. Send resume to: P.O. Box 728, IL LOAN OFFICER Netlonel mortgage banker seeking residential loon officer for McHenry-Kane county tor- ~ BUS sales ex- rea l es ta te helpful Position Involves rltory. Previous sales ex pe r lence , r ea l es fa t i background helpful but not re quired. develop!) tired counts enS equlrlng knowledge realtor builder ec- of underwriting and eppralsel guidelines. Excellent compen sation benefit package. Contact Steve Schroor. 312/387-2705. MECHANIC, full time for 2nd shift, seiery plus commission ft benefits. Apply in person at Skelly Truck stop, Rte. 20 8i HO, Hampshire, IL FRENCH Restaurant looking for en opprontico cook. Celt 815/385-8221 S MAINTENANCE PERSON. 2 yrs. experience in production environment. Must be able to Install conduit, run pipe ft weld. Must hove basic tools, machine shop experience helpful but not nocessery. Applications being token 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Apply In person only, no phone calls pleese. Computer Resources, Cary Point Industrial Perk, 150 Chicago St., Cory. NURSES AIDE, 11pm-7om shift, 2 days/wk. For Interview cell: Highlend Home, 414/278- 3345. EXPERIENCED EDM Oporotor for plesttc infection melds. ChermlHes experience ' Peid Insurance, jwkl holl Only air conditioned experienced operators iHO wvyij. vOvfin j fTWUVfSt 3385 STRf. 31, Crystal Lake. 815/451-2314 COOKS Full or pert time. Day or even- shifts open. Apply In per- Dundee Mono / Ing son . Restaurant, Rt. 48 ft 72, E. Dundee, or St. Cherles Manor Restaurant, 1 W. main St., St. Charles, CONVENIENCE STORE /MANAGER Management, retail sales, and fast foods ex perience preferred. Send qualifications or resume to: MANAGER BOX ZSA c/o Sentinel-Herald 109 S. Jefferson Woodstock, IL 60098 MAGNUM'S Part Time OJ Call 312/439-7843 SERVICE WORK, indoor gym/ Woecher repair, welding ft maintenance experience. Must be willing te travel 20 aroe. Call Rot 5/458- 8834. Help Wanted SECRETARY/ *eCEP; TIONIST for modern Crystal Lake office. Send application ft seiery requirements to Bex A O I , Shew F ree Press Newspepers, PO Box 250, CrvstalLake, IL 18814. MECHANIC Semi trailer, experienced. person. Harvard area, 312/943- Si. Health Care Management Corp. taking applications far ** SIRISTRATORS ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATORS DIRECTOR OF NURSES Fridey ft Saturday Clotfctower Inn Suite 1711 I8e.m,-4gjw. 91 Wanted to Buy SLOT MACHINES WANTED. Pavino Cash. Any condition; ft |uke boxes. 414/248- 3798. OLD BICYCLES WANTED, belloon tire bikes, 1938-50 style; also old motorbikes, pedal cars, wagons, toys, etc. 414/248- 3794. ANTIQUES WANTED, old fur niture, lamps, toys, wicker, clocks, enyfhlng old. also buy ing complete households. 414/248-37N. DAYS _ SCRAP META ̂ Copper, aluminum, and other motels. Open daily, 7 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. 381 Brlorwood. Crystel Leke. •15/459-7751 BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns. Old Shells end related Items. 815/338-4731. WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains ft otd toys ft besebelt cards. 815/47*4379 after 8:38pm. GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broftsn Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware, Collector Pistes. FAMILY COINS 4 ft INVESTMENTS 3MVIrglnleSt.(Rt. 14) Crystel Lake, IL 115/455-4190 H.C. COIN ft STAMP CO. WE B1 BUY ft SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza ••*815/ U5/4J9-3940*** BUYING FURNITURE- 1948*S ft elder, bookcases, desks, tables, chairs, china cabinets, bods, dressers, etc., 815/478- 4141. Aft A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, el>4klteM j-ftllM Mwl piBiinvHif CVIFH$ vvamonvt otn old pocket watches. 138 Ken- nedy Dr . (R t . 25 ) , Carpentersville, 312/434-2340. CASH REWARD. Wohted, Nawsco box top game cards for "Win A Vacation For Life Gome/' Call 815/3374859 after 5pm. DEAN'S BASEBAL CARDS. Buy, Sell ft Trade. Please catl far an appl* 312/74*8754. WANTED: Baby feod lars any and all sites 8 HAMSTER CAGE v Pre«sr Ptejtic V 2/484-5382 8 Misc. Merchandise WANTED: Glassware • Depression (colored), Helsey, Cambr idge , Fos to r la , Candtewtck, etc. Pottery - Fiesta, Hall, Waller, Rosevllle, etc. 815/895-4833 MOTOROLA, Low Band, 2 way business redios, 180 watt boss, 2-100 weft mobiles ft antennas. IZ900/best offer. After 5:30, 815/385-1897. •"SEASON SPECIAL"* Medium-duty gas welding out- fits, complctt w/ cylkidsis. KELSEY WELDING SUPPLY **•815/338-8312"* PICTURE FRAMING of ell kinds. Crsetive ft reeeoneWe. Our Frame House, 815/458- 4515. FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. R ft M Lawn Service. 815/3444515 Jim's Resale 5103McCullom Lk. Rd. Closed Monday • Hrs. Posted T.V., ToolS/ Housewhole wares, Heaters, lots of Misc. Come See us for Xmas. FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8FaceCord 815/385-6103 CHRISTMAS DOCK SALE! 2 Days Only! Harvey Manufacturing Co. Outlet Store 1122 N. Si lver Lake Rd. Cary, Illinois Wedn#8day a Thursday December 12 a 13,1984 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Includes Wicker Clothes Hampers Wsste Baskets, Wall Shelves, & -Walt Cabinets CASH ONLY H MI»C. Mfchandlto IUSINESS COPY mecMne, like new, mamr features, cos1 83488, sacrifice for 8485. 312/724-7988. BAR HE DREAM Houa» seme ieodcond.835. 15/738-1287 ̂ MATTRESSES («»;• Linen Outlet Mattress Li quidators. Hebron- 815/848- fee. Thurs. ft FrL, 184; Sat. 184. _ MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas ft •loctrlc, washers, dryers, portables ft wr ingers. Clwiftllkenewat reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned ft guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALESftSERVICE 128* Court St. McHenry, II. 815/385-1872 815/385-1894 VILLAGE RES «^Hure<lotti»ng All'̂ '̂̂ OwKwe 45 East Woodstock St. lOAMto 5°PlSJ^Montef 8154459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hesaltel Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MATTRESS SALE, Twin.set, 888.88; Full set, 888,88; Qufcen Set, 8138.88. DellveryevallaWe. Waller's Furniture Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 174 Ion Rt. 174, Vt block W. of 31). Crystal Lake, 815/458-3343. SANTA OR CRACKERS The Clown, or "Elfle" for per- ties, homo visits. Magic, pup potsftfun.815/823-H£AR. FLOOR PILLOWS or Bed for your dee or cat, custom mode fo match your decor. Start at 87,312/438-5448. CABBAGE PATCH Look allkes. 825. Cebbege Patch ft Proem It clothes. 312/483-2587 Or 312/483-3858 BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, seve 858 to 8188. Woodstock Mettress, 2728 Ret- fel Rd., 18 AM to 2 PM, or ' ajjrt. 815/338-4474 or 81 .HAPPY CRAMS-- SINGING TELEGRAMS Male ft Female Belly Dancers ***312/888 384e*»* RAILROAD TIES, 83.88/eech. Landscape timbers, Area's largest selection of wild Mrd seed ft supplies. Woodstock Form ft Lewn, 815/338-4280. COPIERS, new ft used, pleln pepor ft ceded peper, soles, service, supplies. Volley Office Systems, 74M VfrgMle Rd.. Vtrgimi Crystal Lake (Master Charge ft Visa) 815/455-3058. 85 off 85 off BLOOMIN' BALLOONS Have Santa, Mrs. Claus, or X-Mas tree deliver belloons for the holiday seeson. I1S/4S9RAVE 85 off S3 oft DELUXE UHF TV Converter. Channel 44 sovnd thru TV Guaranteed, 8258. Kit, 8158. 312/483-2848 R E A L C H R I S T M A S SPECIAL: Seers 4 ft. x 8 ft. post table, que sticks, que reck. Fasts of bells, 8288, 815/784 4883. POOL TABLE: Regulation site, slate ft accessory Inc., 8388 or best offer, 815/3854384. FUR COAT, full length recoon, size la., 1 yr. old. Appreised of 81,381. Will sell et 8558. Downhill ski equip., boots, sz. ladles 18 - K2 wis • poles, will sell together or separate. Coll Offer 4:38 pm. 815/138-7827. WASHER ft gas dryer, 8250, Avocodo refrigerator freezer, 8188 or offer, 815/488-4774. CARE BEAR; hand made, white with pink, Love-o-Lot, 825., Adorable! 312/483-3424. DIAMOND NECKLACE. 1/2 carat w/14 In. wheat chain. Ap praised at 81288; SSSO/bdt. Compressor ft sir tools. Would moke greet Christmas gifts. 815/3854327 BERETTA Golden Snipe. 12 gouge over ft under, 38 In. ber rel, nickel plated engraved receiver, gold pleted trigger, deluxe wood. Exc. cond., 8708. 815/5484818 ROWING MACHINE, Amerec 418, high quality model. Used by health dubs. Almost new, 8185.815/3384284. BOSCH 12 C . COFFEE MAKER w/free permanent filter. S79.8S.(in stock only) KITCHENTOYS- COOKERY RETAIL SHOP. Near Spring Hill; Back of McDonalds; 518 Market Loop, West Dundee, 312/428-4745. Buy the latest gifts of distinction! Meny under 814. Thurs., Fri., ft Sot.; 11-7 pm-Sun. 12-4. RCA 25" console TV, beautiful cabinet, TV needs repeir, several others eveil., 850 ft down, 815/455-3552 offer 4 p.m. GE GAS DRYER, white, good cond., osfclng; 875.312/428-1847. PLOTTER: multi-pen, (8785.85 r*. price), for Apple, IBM, or ether computers. Unopened box, 8275.; Sharp QC-70 color video camera, 8550. 312/231- 2378. FULL SIZE steel desk, 2 chairs, like new, 8280; space heater, (new 8418), 8175, 815/344-3185 or 312/358-3884. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER w/lcemeker, 3 door, Avocodo, 24.1 cu. ft., ilka new, 8400, 815/548-5284. GUN REPAIRS Custom knives ft guns. Open 4pm to 8pm weekdays, Sam to 5pm Set., 8em to am Sun.; 312/483-2388. Ask for Dick. FISH TANKS, 55 gal. ft 40 gel., wtth stands, some equipment ft S., 815/728-1478. THINKING OF CHRISTMAS s 5 ft. contemporary grand father clock kit with move ment, 8181; Ig. cotonlel sofa, 875,815/4754387. CABBAGE PATCH KIDS; 845 OS* 1/3 corat diamond rlng; 8375,312/458-4474. 1881 MERCURY CAPRI- Black Magic Limited Edition, 24,000 miles. 5 speed, em/fm cessetfe, transferable 5 veer/ 50,800 mile werrenty, 85,200/ best. Call 815/848-2108. ELECTRIC RANGE, white. 38 x »; 888,312/838-7981.