SF<.TION 2» PACK 8 • PI.AINDKALER HKR VI.I). WEDNESDAY , UECEMUEK 12, 1981 Church Plan 3 special weekend events I Three special events have been planned at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 404 N. Green Street, McHenry, next weekend. On Saturday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. the Sheepherders Fellowship Group will hold its annual Christmas party. The evening will begin with a sit- down dinner of Chicken Kiev. The program will continue with an unusual gif exchange. Coordinating he fun-filled evening are P . Jerry and Ann Lingeniann , ,;Dtek and Pat Gluege, Hip and Ardys Roepke, Harold and Shirley Kivley, Gene and Ann O'Donnell, Howard and Yvonne Alton, and Tom and Helen Hartkins. Sunday, Dec. 16, at the 9:45 a.m. worship service 300 Sunday School students, age three through eighth grade, will present the annual Children's Christmas program for parents, congregation, and members of the community. The program is e ntitled "The Greatest Gift of All" and is being directed by Jteth and Wally Johnson and Superintendent, Donna Smith. Sri ving as accompanist for the music portions of the program are Julie Jessup and Dawn LaBuy. As part of the program, each student is being asked to bring wrapped a good used toy or article of clothing to be given to needy children. Sunday, Dec. 16, at 5 p.m., the "Pairs and Spares Club" at the church has planned a Christmas Party with Santa Claus. Desserts and beverages will be served and everyone attending is asked to bring their favorite cookies, pie, or other treats to be shared, with the group. Adults with children are asked to bring a wrapped present for each of their own children with their name on it. The evening program will offer a sing-along of carols while the children visit with Santa and open gifts. The Fellowship Hall of the church will be ap propriately decorated for the evening. Coordinating the evening are Jim and Sharon Caulfield, Chris and Robin Steinman, and Chris and Mary Jane Lykke. Six youths from the church recently joined 1,000 others from Lake Region Chorale and church choir join in song The Lake Region Chorale and the choir of St. John the Baptist Cliurch will present a concert of sacred and Christmas music in the historic Gothic church of St, ,John the Baptist Sunday, Dec. '16, at. 4 p.m. in a benefit for St. John 's school. Admission is $5. The director of both choirs is Bill Misik. The Chorale will be per forming selections from the Vivaldi Gloria and music of the Renaissance and Baroque. The choir of St. John's will be featured in several songs and both choirs will join in the Halleluia Chorus. The church of St. John the Baptist is in Johnsburg, just north of McHenry, and is renowned for its accoustics. For information or directions call 312-587-4668. > . * , ~Y i*. i e jj Personal Service is something I can count on from Marengo Federal. No one likes talking to a computer. When you bank with us, you don't have to. Sure, we have all the latest hi-tech bank ing computers but it's our qualified, frier.dly personnel who really get things done for you* Come in and visit. We'll get to know each other. Marengo Federal ^SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. (?) EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LFNDf R •MEMO 2NE ttmtff 5IVSM 7251 • «CHIR»Y MOON Reelt 120.115/344 1900 NOOOSIOCS III CMS M. IIS/SM 7*0 • WOODSTOCK MMC-Uf Mate 47 mi Uhewi Street 115/331 7440 • CRYSTAL LAKE SSOCqrUtf Pert On* IK/455 4300 CMT M IMNnt Hw» 312/1394222 • fOI M|l GROVE 407 Unc* Aw 312/(39 2350 Illinois, Indiana and Missouri at the annual Illinois District Luther League Convention in Decatur, fll. The Illinois district is a part of the American Lutheran Church, and 125 c o n g r e g a t i o n s w e r e represented. The theme of this year's convention was "Make The Love Connection " Various topics were used to emphasize how people are to make the con nection. In addition to frank discussions about sex, other popular seminar topics included teenage suicide, children of divorce, parent-teen relation- shipp ->nd cults. Some youths were also in volved in discussions about hunger, poverty, and war in central America and foreign policy and racial tensions in the Middle East. Those attending from Shepherd of the Hills were parish worker, Kim Rehfeldt, and hui aid Kot as sponsors, and Aleen "nnany, Kathy Bensen, Dan Mohnen, Ken Alton, Flynn Tiffany, and Jesse Petersen. First Baptist sets holiday musical Sat. In order to prevent conflicts in scheduling around Christmas, the First Baptist Church of McHenry is offering its Christmas musical, "Noel, Jesus Is Born," by Lanny Wolfe at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15. This musical includes a multi media slide presentation, drama and candlelighting service. It is both entertaining and wor shipful. The guest director will be James Justice, performing artist and former minister of music at the First Baptist Church of Marion, 111. He is highly acclaimed as a singer and director with a special love for comtemporary gospel music. Everyone is invited to come to the First Baptist Church, south Route 31, for McHenry Night for a special Christmas gift from the church family. HICKORY FARMS Great Tasting Gifts I I 3E M5.99* Choose from over loo different tfifts. in a variety of sizes and prices. We'll gladly handle all the details sending your gifts out. ^ CRYSTAL POINT MALL m _ ... li.irMr il shiinHil / J »84 C.rncral I lost < i>r|>or.>iion "litis nu.ir.iiii<<<l jmIU" » t - r \ CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY'S SALE ENDS ON SAT. DEC. 22nd CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY has been serving the Ccystal Lake and surrounding area since 1962 - and has established itselt as the "LARGEST TIRE OUTLET IN McHENRY COUNTY." We offer complete professional tire sales and service for Passenger, RV, Truck, Farm, Industrial and Com mercial tires. Also truck tire retreading, fleet service and battery & custom wheel sales and service. WHEN YOU NEED TIRES, ROLL WITH THE PROS AT CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY! SALE PRICED! 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