\ Pate 2 • PLA1NDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12.1984 Opinion/Politics LOOKS 300D.. INTERESTING CONTROL VFW board is offended by article Dear Editor: „ As the governing body of the ' McHenry V.F.W., we feel we must respond to Mr. Juzwik's article printed in the Nov. 30 issue of the Plaindealer-Herald concerning the vandalism that occurred at the little league ball diamonds. First, we would like to say that we felt very badly about the fire that destroyed the storage and announcing building. Being around there and seeing how hard the men worked to erect it gave us all a sick feeling to look at only ashes for their efforts. Public pulse WINDOW SHOPPING' Speaks against traps Dear Editor: Upon returning home from work I was greeted, as usual, by our dog and two cats. What was unusual was one cat was lim ping. Upon close inspection, I could see a deep indentation on her foot. Her leg was terribly swollen and her foot was flat as a pancake. I knew immediately she had been caught in a trap. We made an emergency call to the vet and brought her in. As of today (Dec. 5) there is a 60 percent chance her leg will not have to be amputated. I'm concerned about the other 40 percent. This is not the first experience we have had dealing with animal traps. Last year, our dog was let out for her run, she didn't return. Upon looking for her the next day, some local youths were bringing her back to the house. They found her in a trap and set her free. She was unharmed. Three years ago, I had a Russian Blue leave the house never to return. Just last week, there was in your paper a reference to a cat being found in a trap in our area. I always thought it was nice living in a wooded area, away from the traffic. I thought it would be nice for the kids to play and roam. Now I'm beginning to wonder. It sickens me to think about a helpless animal stuck in one of those things. Is somebody going to do something about this, or are we going to go on worrying every time our pets walk our the door? I do want to thank the person who let our cat free, they gave her back her life, and damn the one who set the trap. Deidre Kent WW* However, our reason for responding to your article is to deal with Mr. Juzwik's irresponsible reporting. He makes the grounds sound like a left-over battlefield. Since the very beginning of little league in McHenry in the early 1950's, the fields have been available at no charge, and in better financial times-balls, bats, and other equipment were donated. Through good times and bad, we Library board member writes Editor: In response to Mr. Schultz's letter in the Nov. 30 issue, I respect everyone's right and responsibility to vote. In review of the library referendum votes, the Village of Sunnyside approved the library each time. The voters in the unincorporated portion of the district, excluding precinct 15, approved the library each time. The vote in precinct 15 in the first two elections clearly in dicated they did not want to be a part of the library district. The vote in the balance of the district indicated they wanted a library. So it was decided on Mar. 20, by 'the voters of the Johnsburg Public Library JDistrict to establish the library. * The time has come to work together to make the Johnsburg Public Library the best possible. Elsie Munson Trustee still have the same 15 acres, in an unincorporated area, with staff in the building from 9 a.m. to noon ever^morning. For all these years, from noon to six the grounds are unattended. What has changed in the lpst few years is the kids who play there and the parents who train (?) them. When young vandals have been caught, they couldn't be prosecuted because of their age and their parents would come at us with a "not my kid" attitude. Maybe it's time to change the laws 90 the names of these culprits and their parents can be in print. Whatever, we don't need our name blackened over something such as this. Also, did Mr. Juzwik check Pete Merkel's information before printing it? Obviously not. First of all, his article quotes Merkel as saying the V.F.W. is up for sale. Totally < untrue. It is not now, nor has it ever been put on the market. Has Merkel ever seen a "for sale" sign on the property? Quote number two from Merkel concerning the $1,500 annual gift to the V.F.W. is only partially true, as the donation was reduced to $750 in 1983 and r > «&r w- X Harrington man arrested A Barrington man was arrested by McHenry Police last weekend in connection with a disturbance in a parking lot outside 1237 N. Green St. While talking to a number of standing in the parking lot, hn R. Brechel, 15 Oak St., Barr- ?ton, became disruptive, loud d used profane language, ac cording to the report. ! Brechel was arrested for disorderly conduct on Dec. 9 at 12:55 a.m. 1 In another matter, Anthony R. Petrillo, 1700 Pleasant, McHenry, Was charged with driving with a suspended license following a traf fic stop on Oakwood Drive in McHenry. He was also ticketed for failure to signal a turn. The incident occurred at 3:37 >.m. Dec. 7. Happy Birthday Happy 21 st "Brad" 1 HAPPY 18th MIKE! jM W LOVE, The Crew 12/12/84 | MOM AND DAD, CINDY AND CHRIS. •!$> 'It 4 CHRISTMAS COOKIES99 FOR THE FINISHING TOUCH FOR YOUR HOLIDA Y MEALS! •FRESH •HOME BAKED •DELICIOUS Place Y our Orders Early RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 1309 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY . 385-0044 we didn't even ask for help in 1984. Quote number three from Merkel pointed out the fact that the city furnished labor for new bleachers with donated lumber. While Mr. Juzwik was compiling information for his article right in the VFW lounge, along with Mr. Merkel and Mr. Wolf, why would he choose not to print the identity of the lumber donor? After all, our manager, Mr. Scarbrough, informed him at that time that it was indeed the V.F.W. to the tune of $1,400. Isn't it ironic that according to our by-laws, if for any reason the V.F.W. should disband, all our property would go to the City of McHenry to be used for recreational purposes. Maybe the area is too dangerous to consider that possibility. Along with the 400 kids who play ball on our property, we also furnish a free softball diamond for two men's leagues who play four nights-a-week. That's 16 more teams. If all we get community service such as this is an article like Mr. Juz wik's, perhaps we should load 650 more players into the McHenry parks system and concentrate our efforts irfj another area. \ Jim Ruemelia; President, V.F.Wt board of director^ Editor's Note: The McHenry Plaindealer-Herald believes that Sports Editor Chris Juz wik's story on the vandalism to athletic fields was neither irresponsible nor downgrading to the VFW and the service they provide. The VFW's pride in community service is certainly recognized by the reporter,' simply by the way the van-; dalism issue was treated. This act of vandalism would not* have been given so much at tention if the' paper did not believe the VFW fields provide such a vital service. Furthermore, we believe that Pete Merkel, city parks director, was quoted accurately and our sports editor had no reason to believe his statements were in any way untrue. If there were misstatements, then perhaps the issue is no longer simple vandalism, but a minor problem between the city and the VFW which could best be approached through discussion between the two parties themselves. SILHOUETTES HAIRSTYLING SALON 4719 W. ELM (RT. 120) McHENRY. 1L SILHOUETTES IS INTRODUCING SOLAR NAILS Come in and have your nails looking beautiful for Christmas SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY O CALL LISA... YOUR CREATIVE NAIL ARTIST TODA (815)385-2990 OR (312)223-6251 Only PLUS MAINTENANCE KIT All aboard!f For McHenry Savings & Loan 10th Annual MODEL I RAILROAD SHOW ii; McHenry Savings and Loan is proud to sponsor McHenry's original Christmas train display. . here now in our Lobby bigger and better than ever. J Don't miss iL.Display ends Dec. 22nd! t •See four operating railroads...start them yourself! •See steam and passenger trains by Lionel! •See rare commemorative cars and much more! Mom and Dad Bring the kids! Children Groups Welcome! frUernjblcfJt fUpvy M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S 4 t 0 I • itlOCiH 01 ANO i 0**i ASSOCIATION Fsnc 120* North Gr»»n Str»«t McHanry 815 305 3000 SAVERS HOURS: 9 00 om to 4 30 pm Mondoy Tuesday ond Thur»do> 9 00 om to 8 00 pm Fr.doy 9 00 om to 1 00 pm Saturday McHenry OMice Drive in window* open Wednesday 8 00 om to 2 00 pm Closed Vvedn**doy in Richmond ond Huntley i $100 000 by »ho F.d.ral Sovinf» « loan Insurant* Corp 111111111111111111111111 i=a=y