UqKnydr U-200T Fights swine pneumonia with one shot 3-4 days ot effective blood levels. Neomycin and Terramycin • a combined drug to fight scours in baby pigs. 5670 n ivv • i m «•••••« Procaine Penicillin G Penicillin Mastitis Treatment omoomi kOUO*nOO<Mi antibiotic ItOII uouo MIO Otii io iioomo- 00»nli0 '<tO<IOUl o<« looomfii aOtH uo*f* Net contents . 250mi 100/000 units of Penicillin. 60 hour milk discard time. 12-syringes. 5 1 5 1 R e g 5 * 9 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAYOVAC remaiMafl CHOOSE FROM: •CSIZE-6RACK _ _ ^ •DSIZE-4 PACK • M A •AASIZE 8PACK • - IB W YOUR CHOICE ONLY • E B PICK UP PLENTY OF LONG LASTING RAY-O-VAC BATTERIES THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON TO POWER TOYS AND ELECTRONICS AND MUCH MORE. SAVE NOW. There's a lot of questions on health insurance SECTION S - PAGE 7 • PLAIINDEALER-HER AI.IV WFnNRSnAY . DECEMBER 12,19M By Carl Riblet Jr. Q--"I seem to be paying out on supplemental health in surance all the time. I have Blue Cross and other policies besides Medicare. I don't know what else I could buy. Is there an insurance company that has everything, Medicare doesn't have? I'm 72, in good health and walk, golf, ride a bike and jump rope."-- Larry F. A--I never catch up on mail that asks about supplemental health insurance. Hiis most grievous problem for elders, after the problem of income, means that I try to lay it on the line. I went to John Montgomery, CLU (chartered life un derwriter) in Tucson, a retired Navy captain with 15 years as an active insurance agent who is knowledgeable about insurance for elders. I asked him: "John, what should a person past 65 have for health insurance? There are many companies that sell by mail and through smash advertising whose policies are expensive for what they pay out. It is said that those companies sometimes don't pay out enough on claims and th^t they are able to squirm out ofsome coverage through too many loopholes." This was his answer: The ever-increasing cost in health care has brought a like increase in the cost of health insurance, as well as an increasing demand by consumers for some sort of affordable health insurance. This has fostered the emergence of an abundance of Medicare supplemental insurance plans. Four years ago the number of insurance companies marketing such a plan was limited, the number now are legion; and the rules for qualifying have been made simple. Almost without exception, the plans are "guaranteed issue", which means that they are issued without regard to the health status of the applicant, but with a waiting period (generally six months) during which time pre existing conditions are not covered, at the expiration of this time limit, there are no restrictions on coverage, these plans are more expensive than four years ago. The higher the cost of medical care to be covered by the insurance company, the higher the cost to the insured. Most of us use the terminology of our profession, forgetting that the general public often doesn't know the meaning. Insurance companies and agents are no exception, which often causes misunderstanding as to what is covered. Here is where we should be aware that the big print giveth, and the small print taketh away, when reading advertising or sales materials on insurance. I then asked Mr. Montgomery how a person in the market for Medicare supplemental in surance should go about getting the best buy for the money. He responded by giving me guidelines that should be followed, in gereral, by anybody liking to buy such coverage: "First, call your insurance agent and tell him what you are looking for and how much you can afford to pay. If you do not have a personal agent, look through the Yellow Pages, or ask a friend, relatives, your pastor, your accountant, at torney, or whomever. When you find an agent you fed comfortable with, tell him what you want and what you can pay." "When the agent proposes a plan of insurance to you, here are some questions to ask him: What is the "Best" rating of the company? (The A.M. Best Company.. .Independent Analyst, of the insurance in dustry since 1899.) Best's ratings are based on an analysis of the financial condition and operating performance of an insurance company, the ratings are classified in five gradations: A plus and A, excellent; and B plus, very good; B, good; C plus, fairly good; C, fair, and reflect the relative financial strength of the company in comparison to the life-health insurance in dustry performance. (I am ALKALINE ALKALINE high penPomviAKica CHOOSE FROM: •CSIZE-6PACK A •DSIZE-8PACK •AASIZE-8PACK YOUR CHOICE ONLY SPECIAL PRICES GOOD THRU DECEMBER 20 FARM FLEET ROUTE 47 & BYPASS 14, WOODSTOCK, IL Wttkdayi, 8:30-9:00; Saturdays, 8:30-5:30; Sunday t, 11:00-5:00 reluctant to represent a com pany rated below the A plus to A category, even though such rating is not an absolute guarantee of performance). What is the waiting period for pre-existing conditions? (generally six months; some few companies specify three months; and it is usually in the best interest of the insured to elect the shorter waiting period even though it might cost more. This is particularly important if there are pre-existing con ditions). What is the definition of "usual, reasonable, - and customary" in the proposed plan as applied to what the health care provider bills the patient? Is it the same as the Medicare (approved) definition; or is it the more liberal one meaning the average for the area? Remember that Medicare, generally, approves something less than 50 percent of the actual charges billed. Does it pay both the Part A and Part B deductible? What percentage of what amount does it pay on part B, after the deductible is satisfied? (Generally it is 20 percent of Medicare approved charges, or the billed charges; however some plans will pay 100 percent of the difference between what is billed and what Medicare approves, and some plans offer the option of 30 percent, 40 percent etc, of the Medicare approved charges after the deductible). Does the plan cover prescription drugs out-of- hospital? (The AARP Medicare supplement plan has two options which does this.) Is there a limit to the amount of benefits it will pay over the lifetime of the -There is an alternative to Medicare supplemental coverage issued by an insurance company, and that is par ticipation in an HMO (health maintenance organization). The latest information I had access to indicated that CIGNA (in the Tucson area) would provide such coverage. If the person is willing to forego having a choice of a health-care provider, this could be a good alternative. Whatever the coverage to supplement Medicare decided by a person over 66, only one such supplement is all that is needed or financially feasible. If you need information or help on problems of aging, write to Carl Riblet Jr. P.O. Box 40757, Tucson, Az. 85717, with stamped self-addressed envelope. No identities revealed. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Nearly $2.4 million in federal economic development grants have been awarded to nine Illinois communities (Benton, East Peoria, Effingham, Hebron, Kendal County, Paris, Spring Valley, Wayne County and North Aurora) through the Community Development Assistance Program, ad ministered by the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs. Custom sale. 40% to 50% Off our designer collection of custom draperies. Including fabric, labor, lining and installation. Whatever you decor, our decorator consultant can help you design custom draperies to make the most of it. 35% off top treatments, specialty work and bedspreads. 50% off Heirloom I custom bedspread collection. 50% off* Sunrise metal or wood mini-blinds. ' Installation available at regular price. Carpet sale. on our 'Prestige Collection'. Choose from plush, patterns, solids, and multi-colors. West Park. Reg. $26 Sale 11.99 sq. yd. ** Mystic Touch. Reg. $35 Sale 16.99 sq. yd." Many other styles to choose from. ** Padding and Inatallatlon ara extra. Sale prices effective thru Saturday, December 29th. JCPenney Custom Decorating Call for a free in-home appointment with a JCPenney Decorator Consultant. No obligation Of course Percentage off represents savings on regular prices lllinola Brickyard Ford City Fox ValleyCenter Golf Mill Lakehurst Lincoln Mall Louis Johet 622-2779 Mall 615/439-1442 581-5621 Northbrook Court 480-7477 851-6910 No Riverside 299-1042 North*oods Mall 473-1811 Peoria 481-2030 Orland square 447-6010 685-6111 460-1552 Spring Hill Mall Wood'ieid Yorktown 428 6970 882 5558 620-4562 fcoursTrorf* •Trtibiotlc 2?SS> xr. (tO*" 3A« • SCOUR OUT 1400 Scour treatment for calves. Effectlve treatment for pneumonia also. Treats 1400 lbs of body weight. 0155 E 2TUBIS AND10UN Ml O N L Y . . . . . . Sold separately for 32.27 23.90 Specials cood thru w\9 Northwest Indiana: Marcuette Mall 879 7361 Sou|hlake Mall 738-235> F A R M F L E E T ROUTE 47 A BYPASS 14, WOODSTOCK, IL Weekdays, 1:30-9:00; Saturdays, 1:305:30; Sunde 11:00 5r