t McHenry hosts area debate tourney Page 7• PLAIINDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19.1N4| The sixth annual and largest of all northern Illinois debate tournaments was held on Dec. 8, at McHenry Community High School East and West Cam puses* The competition attracted participants from 27 schools in both Illinois and Wisconsin. Two tournaments were held simultaneously: two-man debate at East and Lincoln- Douglas debate at West Cam pus. The two-man debate com petition was divided into three categories: Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Novice foursomes. The varsity debater is the finest, and most experienced debater. The junior varsity debater is one who is debating his or her first national topic. Each team must defend each side of the topic four times (rounds). Each speaker gives one constructive speech of eight minutes, is cross-examined by his opponent, and then gives a rebuttal speech of four minutes. The judges' decision on each of competition remain secret until ballots are counted to determine the winners. The topic for the two-man debaters at the tournament was, "Resolved: that the Federal Government should provide employment for all employable United States citizens living in poverty." The Lincoln-Douglas speakers at West Campus debated the topic: "Resolved: Government has no obligation to protect individuals from themselves." Lincoln-Douglas debate, a variation of "two-man" debate is "one-on-one" argumentation where the debaters attempt to convince the judge of the ac ceptability of their side of a proposition of value. McHenry's debate team, coached by Gloria Burke, once again displayed its outstanding ability in tournament com petition. Team trophies were won by the varsity team of Jeff Gealow and Paul Westphal, both seniors at East, who captured the second place varsity trophy out of 22 teams with a perfect 4-0 record. On the novice level, the team of Lisa Lucarz and Chris VanDeWege, sophomores, took second place novice team with a perfect 4-0 record out of 46 participating teams. Individual speaker awards went to: Diane Zubriski, junior at West, who placed second highest speaker out of 92 competitors. Her partner, Joe Marchese, won fifth place speaker in the same division. Junior varsity debaters, Joan Marchese and Leigh Tevis, were awarded seventh and fifth place speaker respectively out of 62 junior varsity debaters. Becky Beyer, who par ticipated in Lincoln-Douglas at West, captured sixth place speaker with 178 total par ticipants. The total number of teams competing included: 46 novice teams, 31 junior varsity teams, 22 varsity and 30 Lincoln- Douglas debaters. Totally, McHenry hosted a tournament for over 228 young debaters throughout the northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin area. Contractor gives bridge update By Robert Gordon PUiadMltr Herald Ncwa Servtc* Since the Elm St. (Route 120) Bridge was first closed to two lane traffic for construction on June 20, area residents have anticipated the -date that the heavy traffic congestion and zig zag detours would end. It took nearly five months, but the bridge reopened to two-way traffic at approximately 3:13 p.m. Friday. "The traffic should flow freely now with the exception of cer tain days when, for instance, we have to pour the bridge sur face," said Max Lorig, a representative for Peabody Construction, the contractors of the project. "But it (the traffic) should be a hell of a lot better than it was." Pat Goggin, construction supervisor of the project from the Illinois Department of Transportation, agrees that the bridge will remain open to two- way traffic "other than the possibility of a one day time period where we might be setting steel." Goggin also said that the pouring of the bridge surface would probably occur next spring. Currently one side of the bridge is handling the two-way traffic, while the construction workers start demolition work on the opposite side. "We are scheduling the bridge to be completed quite a bit earlier than the state projec ted," Lorig said. "We anticipate getting done by mid-summer." The Sound of Christmas... J J ĵ-IW CABBAGE PATCH BABY:" J J J J Get a FREE "Cabbage Patch Baby" record (locally written and produced) only at McHenry Savings when you open any new account! Hurry, offer good only while supply lasts. McHENRY S A V I N G S * III! IIIIClDlli • MO ism allOCullMl 120* North Croon Street McHenry tlS-MS-3000 10520 Main Street Richmond • 15 47I JO* I 10402 North Vino Street (Huntley Contor on fteute 47) Huntely 3l2-Mt-3333 "WaSMOUSt •«•» > 0O.« l« I Mri IklWt, ONM* O>... 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