Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1984, p. 13

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Pa*e IS • PLAINDEALKR HKKALt*. FRIDAY. IIKfllKMHKK 28. IWt PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommlssion, the paper will be responsible tor'ONLY the first Incorrect Insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only •he poortlon of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-344-4800. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 115-344-4100. Richmond 671- 258V * Office Hrs M f 8 5 00pm 3 LINES. 5 DAYS $8.80 Shaw Fre« Press PRIV A ll.l'AK n I.IM. \l)s Newspaper Group Help Wanted U Help Wanted » Misc. MarchewdKe Payment in advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting (Business Opportunities (Business Ser­ vices 'Garage Sales *MMoving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area 'Political *Rooms, Apts. to Share 'Situations Wanted (Sublease, Re-rent, etc. (Wanted to Buy (Wanted to Rent. •Sentinel-Herald (Woodstock) -The Heartd (Crystal Laka/Cary- Qrove) •The Horsld (Csrdunal Free Press) •Elgin HsreM •Rich­ mond Oszstte •Sycsmore News -The HorsM4>lalndealer • Qenos-Klngston-Klrklsnd News •Msmpshlro Register. Also sreliable: •Hereld-CHIien, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous stsff Is st your service HELP WANTEO SALES. Look Ing for extra income? We need good sales reps to add our energy management equip­ ment to their existing line. If you sell equipment or materials to commercial, in­ dustrial or office buildings, and would like to add more punch to your sales, call us. 115/315-2*54. HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED! Find out how You can make 50%! High volumn salon needs full and part time help immediate ly! Join the stylists we have that are making S300. a week or DIRECTORY DEADLINES: RICHMOND READERS MON. 5 P.M. DISPLAY MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 3 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. *> P.M. WF.D. 12 NOON Announcements 3icycles & Sports Equipment... ...36 Lawn & Garden Equipment . . . 3 7 Cemeteries & Lots ...02 Boats. . . . 3 8 Cord of Thanks.., .. .03 Musical Instruments . . . 3 9 Notices......... . .05 Cameras . . . 4 0 Car Pools. .. t ..-. 10 Aviation . . . 4 1 Lost & Found. ... 11 Pets S Equipment . . . 4 4 Personals . . 12 Horses S Equipment . . . 4 7 Instruction . 1 3 Farm & Dairy.. . . . 4 8 Auctions . . . 1 8 Livestock . . . 4 9 Machinery 4 Equipment . . . 5 3 Business Opportunity. 66 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share Apartments to Rent Homes to Rent ., Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent Stores, Office A Industrial to Rent. Farms, Farmland to Rent. Miscellaneous to Rent . . . 7 9 . . . 8 0 . . . 8 1 . . . 8 2 . . . 8 3 . . . 8 4 . . . . 8 5 Automotive Autos for Sole. Wanted to Buy Auto Parts ft Accessories Trucks. Tractors ft Trailers Vans • • Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles. Recreation Vehicles . . . 8 6 . . . 8 7 . . . 8 8 . . . 8 9 . . . . 9 0 . . . 9 1 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations War/ed. 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted ... .\ 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 . 34 Antiques 35 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy Business Property Open House Real Estate Condominiums for Sale Townhomes for Sale Lots ft Acreage Mobile Homes *. Farms for Sale Real Estate Rentals Wanted to R^nt .69 . 7 0 . 7 1 . 7 2 . . 7 3 . . 7 4 . . 7 5 . . 7 6 . . 7 7 78 PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381-Barrington 695-Elgin 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551-Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741 -Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931-Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648 Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard Cemeteries 02 8. Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Above ground cremation niches now available. Terms. •15/459-0547 11 Lost 8> Found 12 Personals 21 Situations Wanted 24 05 Notices NOTltE PLEASE CHECK Y0URADS We would like to check each ad as It appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul ed to appear, we'll a correction deadline perm We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's. run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm. * .^-^"FREE- PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 AS OF 12/20/84, I am responsi ble for my debts and signature only. David. J. Ides. HAVING A PARTY? Don't set tie for a D.J. as interesting as a juke box. "Just Friends' Isn't ust a band, it'sa class act. For •the best in top 40, Country, Jazz AOMi«M15/4»-2»1 _ LOST. Lilac Siamese, blue eyes, no white, answeres to T.A. Vicinity of S. Tryon Rd., Woodstock. Reward. Very Im­ portant. 815/943-6658 LOST 18" pearl necklace, near 1st United Methodist Church or Casual shoppe, Sun. Dec. 16th, 815/344-4874. LOST, SIBERIAN HUSKIE, in the vacininty of Hill Side Rd. & Walk up. remale. has tags. Reward, 815/^59-6245. 12 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8080. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385 2999 MVORCED WIDOW i fog the tun and a eiririeta' _ ,r jtion- ship. Eligible parole are waiting to meet you. Confiden­ tial. Call 312/742-7545 or write to: Listings, Box 62-E, South Elgin, II., 60177. • , ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to par­ ticipate in weight loss pro­ gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas ed. 312/658-8429. HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. We can help. Contact John Holby at i- 800-323-8303 • SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look & feel so real. Done professionally, 3 yrs. experience, only S25. Call Joyce for an appointment, 312/658-2019. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary Sundertage Insurance Agency 815/338-3328. WHO HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From 1 'Egg Roll' to another. How Truly Coring Services, INc. «V- 5 - HOMi CAM FOR CLOCRkT /VV or HANDtCAPPtD 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days m wk Also available: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care Lie. Practical Nurses Home Care Assistant* 24 Hr. Answering Services tl5-568-S4M Private duty in hMfilalt m wrMwe hnn Km. tit. IS* W. WatMaoto* St . Mer«*o*. IL Licensed a IwM Eifiateyment Aewtcr NOTICE Bidders interested in submitting bids on the purchase of buildings at 3211 and/or 3215 Beach Drive (McHenry Shores), owned by City of McHenry, please note last date to submit bids is January 14, 1985 between the hours of 9am-4:30pm. For further info contact: City Clerks Office 815/385-0947 . Barbara E. Gilpin City Clerk SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS PRE SCHOOL Academically structured for 3 to 5 year olds. January openings available. ' Call Mary Duffy 815/385-7297 0' church office 815/385-4030 START THENEWYEAR WITH JESUS AT NEWLIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 3708 Franklinville Rd. Woodstock, IL 8pm? Games*Fellowshlp Food*Praise»Videos 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAIN ING CLASSES 5 hour workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info., 312/658- 2019. it Child Car* LICENCED quality child care in my E. Dundee home. Many ret. Call 312/428-7611. LICENSED CHILD Care by loving mother. Day and even­ ing times available. SI per hour full time. Drop-Ins welcome. 815/455 0911 MOTHER OF 2 will babysit days or evenings In my V--^ Lake home; 815/728-1985. ANN'S licensed child care in Lake In The Hills has openings for2children. 312/658-3811. QUALITY CHILD CARE. Mother of 2 children will care for 1 or 2 children in my Cary home, ret., 312/639-6330. 21 Situations Wanted D.J.-Weddings, schools, etc., Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0882, eves. DON JOHNSON Decorating - Interior Painting & Papering 815/338-4850 COOK FOR A DAY Party Service by Mary Ellen. Need help th the kitchen for that special occasion? SSAVES Call 815/338-7613. UPHOLSTERY- Affordable Prices. Your fabric, or choose from a good selection. Also will sew decorator pillows, cushions & drapes. Over 20 yrs. ex perience. Free Estimates. 815/455 4266. TELEPHONE & Electrical outlets installed. New additions or children's rooms, basements^ upstairs and garages. 815/338 5588 THE ANYTHING Brothers will do: anything, anytime, anywhere. Restless college students looking for work. Reliable car, own tools, don't hesitate to call; 815/338-8244, or 815/338-7449, ask for Mike. RESUME SERVICE & all typ­ ing need. Diane's Business Ser vice, 815/455-6665. SCULPTURED NAILS, S20, Gift certificates. By Vickie; 815/455-1048. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for your store and professional enterprise; 815/455-2879 Mon. Fri.,9amto2pm. WILL provide quality housekeeping, in Crystal Lake area, 815/455 0481, after 6 p.m. CUSTOM DESIGNED Sculptured nails by Natures Nails. For appt., call Jan, 312/639-4668. 23 Household Help Wanted BABYSITTER NEEDED in my Woodstock home. Needed for some overnight. Part time only. Transportation is needed. References; 815/338-6479. WANTED DEPENDABLE, over 16 babysitter. My home, 1 eve. per wk. & week end days, ref. req., 815/455-1463, after 5 p.m. BABYSITTER WANTED eves., 3:30 to 10:30, in my Woodstock home, 17 yrs. or older. Must be able to drive. 815/337-0298. BABYSITTER needed for pre schooler, and after school for Central first grader. Our home or yours, 815/455-5469. SOMEONE TO STAY With elderly handicapped rnan in his Wonder Lake home. Assistance needed with transfers and toileting. Will train. Hours are Sat.,8:30a.m.-l:30p.m.; Wed., 4:30-8:30 p.m., from Jan. through April 13th. Student or woman with child O.K. 815/728- 0511 • BABYSITTER wanted in my Crystal Lake home, 4 hrs. a day, 4 days a wk„ 815/455-3420. BABYSITTER WANTED, full time in my Carpentersvllle home, for 2 children. Must be mature & have own transporta­ tion. Call 312/428-4364. SITTER IN MY Crystal Lake home, for 2 girls, 2nd shift, 4 p.m. to 12 midnight. Own trans., lots of T.L.C., call bet­ ween 9 a.m. & 3 p.m., 815/459- 4288. 24 Help Wanted WANTED: STYLIST with some following. Call Jim at The Mop Stop 312/695-2255. NEEDED NOW • Maint. & General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. REAL ESTATE SALES Posi tions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings & sales. Earn what you're worth with ERA Household Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential interview. 312/639-2000. NURSING ASSISTANTS, cer tified, full time, exc. starting salary & benefits. Apply in per­ son, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave. Woodstock, IL. 18 Auctions NEEDED NOW • Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, phone collec tors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 815/455-4490. Help Wanted 24 ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, FURNISHINGS SUNDAY, DtCtMBEl JO, 12i00 ESTATE OF MRS. FRANK ADAMS Clarancs Adams, Executor Location: 3922 W. West Avenue, McHenry. III. (1 block north of Cadillac Gvate. then 1 block west, or 1 block north of McHenry FS.) REAL ESTATE: 2 bedroom brick house, full basement, attached 1V4 car gar- i|«, gas heat, new Kinetico water softner, its own drilled well. An economical 850' house 28 yrs. old. on s double corner lot 155 x 55. Well instated, heats easyily. new roof in 1978. taxes 8766.00. Inspection of house on the day ol sale or by appointment. This house will be sold, so be ready to act. Call auctioneer for mora details. TERMS. Earnest money of S5000. in cash for cashiers check needed on day of sale, balance due in 30 days. Possesion on closing. ANTIQUES, FURNISHINGS ETC. An unusual offering from a 92 year old McHenry resident. Many scarce pieces, including a *ery old dresser w/lamp holders and matching commode; Hoosier cabinet; secretary-china cabi net; many oak pieces including chest of drawers w/mirror, dress­ ers. beds, square & oval tables, picture frames (some oval); some outstanding smal trunks; old glassfront kitchen cabinet; bevelled mirrors, many old wooden chairs (some sets); drop leaf tables; fern staod; large 1928 McHenry Cab Co. calendar; floor lamps;treadle sewing machine;day bed; Motorola console TV; port. TV; GE chest freeier; small older 6E refrig.; fan; kitchen utensils; dishes; linens; snow blower; lawn mower and lOO'i small items. This estate has not been picked over. It all sells. Be here. Sale will be held inside large neighboring building in case of bad weather. Auctioneer; fcordon Stade McHenry, III. 815-385-7032 RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 RESUMES Professionally prepared. VISA/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/428- 9255. - HEALTH & NUTRITION CO. Looking for distributors. Earn $500 weekly, plus. We will train. Professionals, 312/658-8429. WANTED: School bus drivers for Districts 47 & 155. Earn S4.fl)/hr. to start daily bonus. Guaranteed hours, good work­ ing conditions Summers off. Paid training. Call Mr. Hansen 815/455-0558. BODYMAN WANTED, Must have experience at combina­ tion work, 50/50 commission & benefits. Apply in person: State Line Collision, 12013 Maple, Hebron, II. CARPENTERS WANTED. Knowledgeable in all phases of construction. Must know fram­ ing to finish.^12^439-0100 PART TIME Music Director. 11:20 a.m.-3:20 p.m. daily. Grades 5-12, Band, and Grades 7-12, Chorus. Alden-Hebron School Dist. 19, Call 815/648- 2886 •!. LEGAL SECRETARY, part time, excellent typing & gram­ mar. In McHenry. Send resume to Box AOM, % Shaw Free Press, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. "GIRL FRIDAY" for watch repair shop; relialble, hard working mechanically inclined person. Assist in daily ac­ tivities: invoicing, deliveries, assist w/ repair work. Will train. Send resume to Mega Time, 313 Locust Lane, Lakeln The Hills, IL 60102. PART/FULL TIME Can earn, part time S7/hr. Fulltime, S360/wk. Students Welcome Mr. Adams, 3^/449-1920 SECURITY OFFICERS McHenry County area. Full 4 part time positions available. Stanley Smith Security 312/885-0767 Equal Opportunity Employer Hatp Wantad EXPERIENCED SNOWPLOW Operator to drive our company equipment. Also need snowplow owner/ operators. Mark V Landscaping, 815/459- 7676. HAIR STYLIST, for establish­ ed Crystal Lake Men's Salon. Calt815/455-3580. PROGRAM DIRECTOR, need ed for homemaker/ social ser­ vice program. BA in Human Services or related field. Re­ quires strong management ability, field experience w/ senior citizens, direct service 4 supervision a plus. Send resumes to: Community Con­ tacts, Inc., 1035 E. State. St., Geneva, II. 60134. We are an EOE Employer. SALES REPRESENTATIVE ENTRY LEVEL National manufacturer, tops in its field, seeks aggressive self- starter for our northwest ter­ ritory. Applicant must be able to work independently. Base salary commission and vehi­ cle expense plus an excellent benefit plan makes mis an ex­ cellent opportunity for the right individual. For interview, send resume to: American Dealer Accessories, 120 Joey Dr., Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007 PRODUCTION WORKERS Openings for 2nd & 3rd shift production workers. Clean, light factory work, ideal for women, N6 experience necessary. Please call for an appointment. 312/639-0585. Computer Resources, Cary Point Industrial Park, 150 Chicago St., Cary. Equal Op­ portunity Employer HAS THE CHRISTMAS crunch hit your finances? Take a break away from home for 3 hours per evening and help us answer our busy phones. Friendly co­ workers, great hours available for persons interested in part- time work. Call Cyd after 4 p.m. 312/742-1179 AMBITIOUS PERSON To learn trade. Must have VAN, no pick-up trucks. Cal! - 815/728-1839 NIGHT SHIR PART TIME-FULL TIME Applications are now being accepted for permanent positions on our second shift. Applications must be capa­ ble of working with fine wire & small parts. Excellent salary, clean working conditions & good benefit program. -Apply jn person only LENCO ELECTRONICS, INC. 1330 Beldon Street McHenry, IL Tht Milium Tonjin Industrial Pick MEDICAL SECRETARY/TRANSCRIBER Full time-S days per week Excellent typing & dictaphone skills essential. Res ponsibilities include typing laboratory reports' & di­ versified Secretarial duties for laboratory Director. Excellent benefits & competitive salary. For interview call Personnel Dept. Northern Illinois Clinical Lab. Ltd. 4309 Medical Center Drive Suite L McHenry; IL 60050 - 8151344-1604 mora. We also offer minimum guarantee and advanced train­ ing. Don't miss your chance to make money in a high volumn salon during the Christmas season! Stop in and fill out an application today. Systems 7 Spring Hill Mall LIVE-INS! Experienced, needed immediately in Elgin area! For application and ap pointment call Quality Care, 312/742-9370. PART TIME Administrative Assistant, telephone work and tyoing in pleasant office. Non smoker preferred; 312.426 7700. SERVICE DEPARTMENT Full time short term service oriented person to assist in our service department. Must be good with hands. Will train on the job. Duties to include clean­ ing and minor repairs of medical equipment. For details call Egnell, 312/639-2900, bet- ween2&4p.m„ Mon.-Fri. EXPERIENCED WOOD WORKER Furniture. Full or Part Time. Call 312/651 6037 days. DENTAL ASSISTANT -Ambitious individual willing to learn. Apply between: 8 am & 12 noon. Woodstock Dental Associates 666 West Jackson St. Woodstock, IL CAREER OPPORTUNITY Country Companies has an opening for a full time career agent in the Crystal Lake area. Full training, guaranteed star­ ting Income. Interested in a presently employed individual iwth a proven success pattern. Submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock, IL 60098. SALESPERSON, starting January. Apple Computers, retail & inside sales. Some ex­ perience required. Salary Pius Commission. Call 815/455-2223. CUSTODIAN, part time 30 hrs./ wk., flexible morning hours. Custodial experience desired. For additional in formation, contact the person­ nel office, McHenry County College, 815/455-3700. EO/AA Employer, M/F. PART TIME Receptionist needed for doctors office. Cali for an appointment, 815/344- 5910. RELIABLE, CONCIENTIOUS Person for clerical duties in ac­ counting office. Part time tem porary, 2-3 hrs./ day, 5 days/ wk. through April 15. Call for appointment. 815/455-6787. Texas Oil Company needs mature person for short trips surrounding Crystal Lake. Con­ tact customers. We train. No investment necessary. Write N.N. Dickerson, Pres., Southeastern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, TX. 76101 OFFICE HELP, experience pref. in payroll, etc. 5 day week. Elgin Paper Co., 1025 N. McLean Blvd., Elgin. STUDENTS. Work part time. Earn S3.50-S4.50 per hour. Work 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat. Get experience in public realations. Call Mr. Myer at 312/658-7572 E X P E R I E N C E D c a k e decorator, apply in person. Parkview Bakery, 436 Virginia St., Crystal Lake. ASSISTANT MANAGER, flexi ble hrs.. local resident, some retail exp. Apply in person: In- s u r a n c e L i q u i d a t o r s . Meadowdale Shopping Center, CarpawtorsvtHe. BARTENDERS, nights 4 weekends. Apply Arbor Lanes. 2075 E. Chicago, Algonquin, 312/658-9200. LEAD VOCALIST wanted, for recording project. Original rock material. Call I15/33M449 for audition. POSITIONS Available for part time Cook & Waitress. Will train. Apply in person at Int.'I House of Wine & Cheese. Rte. 12, Richmond, 815/678 7171. TRAVELAGENT Immediate opening for reliable persons with own transporta tion. Travel agent school or ex perience helpful but not necessary. Travel Network, Ltd., Woodstock. Days, 815/338 6063. Alter 6 pm 815/338 2344. STUDENT TO shovel snow at Public Aid Office, Woodstock, S5/hr. Apply 1316 N. Madison, 2-4:30pm. LAKES TOWING Of Crystal Lake Seeking experienced tow truck drivers, part time days & nights. Phone 312/639 6010. Nursing Assistant Positions available for all shifts. We will certify you with no obligation. Call or apply In person at: Royal Terrace 803 Royal Dr. McHenry EOE HEALTH & .RACQUET- BALL CLUB seeks in dividual with sales experience. Interest in fitness & exercise a plus, excellent opportunity for dynamic self starters. Salary plus high commissions. Woodstock Racquetball & Fitness Center >115/338-2049 Ask for Mr. Lynn 31 Wanted to Buy H.C. COIN & STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plata •••815/4S9-3940*** A 8, A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersville, 312/426-2360 WANTED: Lionel. American Flyer Trains & old toys & baseball cards. 815/675^6379 after 5:30pm. WANTED! Medical Assistant for OV.'s office; part time, knowledge of Spanish helpful. Please call, 312/428-0400. TEXAS OIL Company needs mature person for short trips surrounding Woodstock. Write T . P . D i c k e r s o n , P r e s . , Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tx. 76101. OUTSTANDING _ OPPORTUNITY IN INSURANCE An 83 year old company & a leader in the health insurance industry is expanding in the area. Only agents with an ex­ cellent track record need app­ ly. Outstanding products, com­ missions, incentives & lead pro­ grams. Management op­ portunities available for those who qualify. Call 815/224-3322 PHYSICIAN'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY •n equal opportunity company DAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m.-4 B.m.; Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. 306 riarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/459-7751 O L D W U R L I T Z E R J u k e Boxes, Slot Machines, and 10c Coke Machines. Paying cash! Elgin, 312/4*4-5661. BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related items. 815/338 4731. 32 Misc. Merchandise CLOWNS! CRACKERS the Clown for parties. Magic, pup pets 4 more. 815/923-Ht AR FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. R & M Lawn Service. 815/344-0515 A T T N . H O M E O W N E R S I Wholesale to you- water soften ing equipment! Rental from *10/ mo. No Charge for ineut hookup. S12.95- Clean & Adjust. Service all makes & models Salt- delivery service avail. For FREE Water Analysis, call Great Lakes Aqua Master to day! 815/455-6397 for 312/639 7206. FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 815/385-6103 McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Our New Accts. Dept. is seek­ ing a full time Savings Coun­ selor with previous banking or savings and loan experi­ ence in customer relations and investments. Please* con­ tact Connie Blietz, 385-3000. MAJOR APPLIANCES ' WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & electric, washers, ' dryers, portables & wr- . Ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER SALESSSERVICE 1209Court St. McHenry, II 815/315-1172 flVJH-ISM --HAPPY GRAMS-* SINGING TELEGRAMS Male & Female Bally Dancers --312/888 306&-- B U Y Y O U R B U L K K I Kerosene SI.75/gal. Jacobson Hardware in Hebron. 815/648 2100. FIREWOOD. Dry Oak. Delivered & Stacked 815/568 7792 OAK FIREWOOO * Split A seasoned 1 yr. Delivered a stacked. S55/ face cord. Dis counts avallable.815/547 8362 or . 544 2411. MIXED WOOD. S45. dumped, additional S5. per face cord stacked. Hickory, Oak, Maple, Walnut; R & S Tree Work, 312/428 0788. STEREO w/AM FM Radio. ' S100.; Desk; mesh playpen, * SIS.; B/W T.V., SI0. works; . dishwasher, copper tone, por­ table, 150 815/653 9848 after 6pm. • PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative & reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455 ' 4515. '• F I R E W O O D D r y O a k . * Hickory a Cherry mixed, S50/ face cord; S130/ full cord (3 faces), delivered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tom Hartfield. > 815/943-6990. WATER HEATERS, gas. used. • S10. Gas furnace, used. S25. •. Carrier 4 ton heat pump air handling unit w/electric heal coils, used, S95. Minolta elec , trographk 101 copier, like new. Sherman Plumbing, 815/459- 6060 • MATTRESS SALE, Twin set. 889.99; Full set. S99.99; Queen Set, S139.99. Delivery available. Welter's Furniture. Rt. 176 near Rt. 31,815/459 3363. ZENITH COLOR TV, Elec trophonic console stereo, both need work; S25 for pair. After 6:30, 312/428 6245. "> SNOW BLOWER, 5 hp, exc.* cond , S250,815/455 1249. UPRIGHT FREEZER, Sears, 9 cu. ft., S75.815/455 1249. FREE BROWN Tweed a Plaid Colonial Style comfortable couch, 3 cushion, good cond.; 815/653 9697. eves. MOWER I Twin 7, electric* start, toroue drive, 3 reverse, 5 forward, nas snow blade, also, twin deck mower, S27S.; 312/426 9887. CABBAGE PATCH DOLL Blonde girl, S85 815/344 2238 MAGNAVOX 25" T.V. S500 815/943 5681 HOME INTERTAINMENT center, with smoke glass doors, a light, cane design trim, 63" wide. S150 days. 815/385 9240. eve., 728 1598. MATTRESSES from S29.99 "c Linen Outlet Mattress Li. j quidators Hebron 815/648,, 3 4320. Thurs. a Fri., 10 6. Sat/ J 105. X TAKI886 APPLICATIONS For Mold Making apprenticeships. Candidate should be • high school gratf with excellent math skills. Machinist experience and good employ­ ment record also required. A(C«r« Tool A Mold, In. 1W Elmhvrst St. Crystal Lake, II MOM SII/4I9'II18 Medical Opportunities COME cm WITH IS! Ms, Lftts, CXITICJUL CAK NNSES Our new Medical Center (located in McHenry, Il­ linois) has openings on ', Orthopedics, Rekabilita-; tion, Critical Care, and' Medical/$ur|ical units lot' both lull time and part; time. We have additional open ̂ ings in our Float Pool which affords flexible scheduling E x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t ^ package. Salary commen * surate with experience \ Cvntacl: » (tlMM-SM, III. UN t * NORTHERN ILLINOIS t MEDICAL CENTER « 4201 Medical Canter Diive * McHenry. Illinois 60050 • tqull oppMtMiti employe! m/l , Looking for full-time, expe­ r ienced parts-manager . Ex­ cellent Benifits and insur­ ance policy. Call To Make An Appointment 385-2000 Buss Ford ENTRY LEVEL: SECRETARY! RECEPTIONIST! Needed immediately: for full time position. Job responsibilities include routing calls; typing, filing and some bookkeeping: Courteous telephone manner, 60 wpm typ ing, 10 key adder & fi gure aptitude essen tiai. Must be flexible and able to pay aMen' tion to detail. Benefits include pail holidays, group insur ance with dental paid vacation. McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 W. Main St. McHenry, IL 60050

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