Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1985, p. 13

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vM-Page 13 - PLAIMDEALEfcl-HERALD. WEDNESDAY . JANUARY 9.19«5 \ PLAINDEALFR HERALD OHite-Hrs M F 8 00a m 5 00pm 3 LINES. 5 DAYS $8.80 l'RIV'A 11. PAR'IA I.INI. \D." Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only* the poortion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified. Display Ads: 815-344-4800. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344-4800 . Richmond 678- 2581. ; - Payment in advance must be made for these' ads: •Babysitting (Business Opportunities 'Business Ser­ vices 'Garage Sales *WMoving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area •Political *Rooms, Apts. to Share -Situations Wanted ^Sublease, Re-rent, etc. "Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. 23 Household Help Wanted Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted •Sentinel-Herald (Woodstock) *Tha Hearld (Crystal Lake/Cary- Qrova) *The Herald (Cardunal Free Preas) 'Elgin Herald •Rich­ mond Gazette «Sycamora Nawa *Tha Herald-Plalndealer • Ganoa-Klngaton-Klrkland News • Hampshire Register. Also available: •Herald-Cltlzen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helptul, courteoua staff la at your aervice available Announcements > DEADLINES:1 READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 3 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. > P.M. WED. 12 NOON BABYSITTER needed my Carpentersville home, nights & some weekends. All transporta- tion, 4 boys; 312/428-7082. BABYSITTER, 3 nights/ wk., ?>m- lam, for 3 sm. children. all 313/428-0775.,, NEED RELIABLE. Conscien­ tious, compassionate nurses aide to help with older person In home. Please call and leave message at 815/338 5757 n PERMANENT babysHter needed in my home in Mc Cullom Lake in McHenry from 10 am to 6 p.m., 815/344-4581. Call after 10 a.m. BABYSITTER, full time, light housekeeping, Woodstock area, Mon. thru Fri. 10 am to 6 pm, refs., 815/338-9184. BABYSITTER, reliable, prefer Crystal Lake resident, my home, 2 children, ages 3 & 6, *5/338-4500. Eves., Cemeteries & Lots ,.02 Cord of Thanks. . \o3 ^ Notices 05 1(S Lost & Found 11V Personals 12 ^5 13 f Auctions: 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted. 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques ..:....35 Bicycles A Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boots..... ̂ .. 38 Musical Instruments f .. 39 Cameras 40 Aviation .41 ft Equipment .... 44 Horses ft Equipment 47 Farm ft Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Shore 79 Apartments to Rent. .... .. . .80 H o m e s t o R e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent .. .83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to-Rent., 85 r Automotive A u t o s f o r S a l e . . . . . . . . . ' . v . . 8 6 Wanted to Buy j •. 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories. ....... . 88 Trucks, Tractors ft Trailers (.89 Vans • V- • • •• V*> Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles. . . v .91 Recreation Vehicles '.92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 8:45 am to 5:15 pm, weekdays Days, 8T5 ~ 815/459-7128. BABYSITTER NEEDED, in my Crystal lake home., full- time days, Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fr i . , 815/455-6172. a f ter 6 p.m. BABYSITTER WANTED, your home 3 afternoons per week. Call, 312/526-5048. BABYSITTER NEEDED In Real Estate Condominiums for Sale.. Townhomes lor Sale Lots ft Acreage. Mobile Homes Farms for Sale . 7 2 73 74 75 76 . . . . 7 7 Real Estate Rental^ Wanted to Rent 78 PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381-Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551-Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741 Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931-Elgin '• 337 Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry J 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648 Hebron" » 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 72^Wonder Lake 895* Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard my home evenings, possible live in, downtown Crystal Lake. Call Carla, 815/459 8957. LPN, NA or SN to care for elderly woman part time. Ref. needed; 815/455-3544. E L D E R L Y P E R S O N I n McHenry looking for personal care. Free room & board plus negotiable salary. Call collect, 312/469-3251, ask for Carol. 24 ing available for all shifts. We will certify you with no obligation. Call or apply in person at: Royal Terrace 803 Royal Dr. McHenry EOE FLEXIBLE HOURS Neat, personable individual needed to work flexible daytime hours calling on small businesses. Ideal for marketing , students or housewife with prior sales experience who wants to work 10-15 hours per 'week Complete training pro vided by local affiliate of na tionwide company. Excellent pay plan. Call 815/455-0630 for interview appointment. BOOKKEEPER PART TIME Determine your income by your performance. Must have positive mental attitude with clients, in the office or on the phone. Numerical apptitude and familiarity with ^office machines is necessary Com­ plete training is provided. Mon­ thly bookkeeping for 30-40 clients. Expansion to full time available. 25-30 hours per week to start. Hours are flexible. Please call 815/455-0630 bet­ ween 9 a.?n.& 4 p.m. NURSES AIDES, full & part time, 11pm-7am shift. For in­ terview, call Highland Home, 414/279-3345 Genoa City, Wise. D E I S E L M E C H A N I C / GeneralTruck Repair, 5 yrs. min. exp. Must have own air tools. Call 312/669-5146, ask for Rob or Dennis Help Wanted 02 Cemeteries & Lots 05 Notices 12 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK 8. UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Above ground c r e m a t i o n n i c h e s n o w available. Terms. , 815/459-0547 Personals 19 Child Care 21 Situations Wanted 21 Situations Wanted 03 Card of Thanks MANY THANKS To all for the kindness shown to me during my recent illness. It was greatly appreciated. Fred Meyer "THANK YOU for all your cardS; gifts, and prayers during my sfay in the hospital and recovery period. Albert (Alby) Adams. "FREE" - PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE * 312/934-9233 ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations & ac­ cessories. Silk Flower 8> Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. NOW NURSING Service: Home Health Care needed now. Also nurses available for staff relief, 4 hours to 8 hours,7 davs a week. Now is the time to call, 815/568-8973. 24 hour answering service. Licensed and bonded employment agency. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 11 Lost & Found CARD OipH^NKS The family Olov E. Lindberg \ml^s to express their heart felt thanks to all of their friends who have helped so much in so many ways dur­ ing this difficult time. We would also like to thank- the McHenry Rescue Squad, Dr. Al- banese, Dr. Ras, Dr. Raju, and all of the nurses in 1CU & M1CU who took such excellent care of him. 05 Notices NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS • We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm. LOST! Family pet, muted tiger calico long haired female cat, missing since Christmas in Wood Creek Sub., REWARD!; 815/385-1511. LOST, Pekinese 8i Pomeranian mix, male, lost 12/31/84. Wear­ ing red & white sweater & 21 .D. 658-6944. LOST: Large orange cat w/white paws, last seen with piece of yarn around his neck with our phone number. His name is Artie; strayed from 98 Hazard Rd., Carpentersville, Dec. 28., REWARD! 312/426- 4426. LOST, Schnauzer mix, med. sz., gray/ black color. Answers to Tramp, has tags. Dec. 18, Pistakee Country Club area. Reward, 815/385-0751. V" FOUND, sm. black moppy, male dog, w/ blue collar. Found on Rt. 14, near Showplace Theatres, 815/459- 8573. FOUND: Beagle-mixed, male, Dec. 31 in vicinity Dean and South, Woodstock. Claim at Haggerty's, 5205 W. Shore D r i v e , L a k e l a n d P a r k , McHenry. LOST, 1 gold loop earring, Jan 4th, downtown McHenry. $25 reward. 815/385-9067. ENTION! • Looking k)r 50 people to par­ ticipate in weight loss pro­ gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas-. ed. 312/658-8429. HERE'S THE PICTURE! Are you a serious artist interested in the company of other artists for discussion group? Want dis­ counted art supplies, gallery shows, a studio or teaching space? So do we. Call 815/459- 9151, 815/338-6409, or 312/365- 2992. ~ EXCELLENT PROGRAM Maintain good health, Lose weight and feel great! 100% all natural Herbal-base products. 100%JGuaranteed. 815/568-8144 IF YOU would like to lose 10 to 150 Lbs, and/or earn (200. to $1500. per month, call 312/639- 6406. SINGLE-DIVORCED WIDOW ED! Get ready for th$ fun and excitement of a new relation­ ship. Eligible people are waiting to meet you. Confiden­ tial. Call 312/742-7545 or write to: Listings, Box 62-E, South Elgin, II., 60177. PERSON TO help drive to Phoenix, Arizona, middle of Feb., 815/459-0761 or 459-0977. To my dear friends, relatives 8, Pastors Larson, Roberts & Shaw: Thanks for your prayers, cards, letters & visits 8i family loyalty. Also thanks to the Woodstock Hospital 8. Woodstock Residence 8, Hebron Rescue Squad for your patiences, love. Olive Bottlemy ARE YOU ADOPTED AND Searching for your roots? Call Pandora^ Box. 815/344-5501 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAININGCLASSES 5 hour workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info., 312/658- 2019. ACT/SAT Prep. Classes H.S./JuniorH.S. Study Skills Tutoring-Reading Specialists * .. 1 Progr Call i 312/381-8418 815/459-0931 W I L L B A B Y S I T I n m y L a k e l a n d P a r k h o m e weekdays, 2 yrs. 8. older. Full 8. part time, SI per hr„ 815/344 2395 L A K E I N T H E H I L L S , Montessori day care, full 8. part-time, programs, educa tional. 312/658-6296. PROFESSIONAL NURSE will care for child, handicapped, e l d e r l y , f o r v a c a t i o n s , weekends, days or nights. 815/338-3174 or 338 8627. 21 Situations Wanted COOK FOR A DAY Party Service by Mary Ellen. Neeo help in the kitchen for that special occasion? SSAVES Call 815/338-7613. CLEANING LADY Homes 8i small businesses. Ex­ p e r i e n c e d , e x c e l l e n t references. Call Cathy. 815/338-4846 815/344-3714 LICENSED CHILD Day Care i n m y L a k e l a n d P a r k , McHenry home. Call 815/344- 3895. COMPLETE CLEANING Of fices & homes. Experience w/references. Call for free est.; 815/653-7306 or 815/344- 0664. CUSTOM DESIGNED Sculp tured nails by Natures Nails For appt., call Jan, 312/639 4668. G & J A P P L I A N C E S Reasonable Rates Washers, dryers, refrigerators. 815/455 5694 WILL STEAM Clean Carpets. Living room, S20. Additional rooms, S'O ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943 4793. JOEYT'SCATERING The best & foVemost in food design. All occassions, large 8. small. Let us turn your party i n t o o n e e v e r y o n e w i l l remember. 815/385-9120 PAPERING 8. DRY-WALL Repair. Affordable prices! Call Franca, 815/455 1927. DON JOHNSON Decorating - Interior Painting 8< Papering 815/338-4850 Service for all types of offices I businesses. Refs. 815/338-9047 TYPING DONE at home. Fast, accurate, reasonable. Call 815/455-3991 SPECIAL Sculptured Nails, $20. Call Arlene at 312/428-1602 D.J.--Weddings, schools, etc., Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0882. Household 23 Help Wanted LIVE-IN Housekeeper, fo board & wages. References re quired. 312/426-5938 after 4pm for appointment. SCULPTURED Manicure, $4. <815/455-1048. NAILS, $20; By Vickie; NE for throug1 Crystal after 5 doGt4itter babysitter old son, Mon. am-5pm, 815/459-7985 C O M P U T E R Analysis major, Junior at Miami U. seeking summer job as consultant/ programmer hardware tech. w/experience. , Please call Geoff at 815/455- 6940 . MATURE MAN wants work in Woodstock office. Insurance 8. customer service background, 815/338-4577. RESUME SERVICE 8. all typ ing need. Diane's Business Ser- vlce, 815/455-6665. TRADESMAN, truck 8. tools; ready to work. Specialty: kit­ chens, baths, rec. rooms, win­ dows 8. doors. 815/338-8818. _ - ~ w a n t e d , , Cnrtfal Lake area, for Srrr. well --behaved, Indoor dog. 815/459 SYSTEMS 0361. TEMPORARY, full time, for 65 yr. old woman recently hospitallied. Gompenlemhty 4 light duties required. Will have own room in Condo 8. bath. Nice McHenry neighborhood. Please call 815/344-1616. Learners Support Programs ill after 5 pm EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Leading finance company has opening for experienced person. Must have worked for finance company, bank, or savings and loan with at least 1 year in lending and/or collections. This is a career opportunity. Phone or send resume to . Associates Financing 2205 S. Eastwood Dr. Woodstock, IL 60098 815/338-3221 SEPTEMBER'S We are looking for experienced, ambitious personnel to fill all positions: •Waitresses (Dining& Cocktail) 'Hostesses • Bus Persons (Must Be 16 Years Old) • Banquet Staff 'Bartenders 'Prep-Cooks •Dishwashers *Maintenaance Apply in person only 10-11 am or 2-4 pm, Mon. Fri. 6305 N.W. Hwy. (Rte 14), Crystal Lake ' ornct • 19 Child Care SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look & feel so real. Done professionally, 3 yrs. experience, only $25. Call Joyce for an appointment, 312/658-2019. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8< confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8080. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. mcy, 815/338" age li 3328. PROBLEM WITH DEBTS? Confidential counseling available. Call /^Financial Counseling, Inv/a non-profit debt mgmt. & budget counsel­ ing orgJlVM^STST R E L I A B L E P E R S O N w i l l babysit yOur child in my home. Fulltime only; 815/459-0937. OPENING FOR .1 full time child in my home. Warm, per­ s o n a l i z e d e n v i r o n m e n t . * 815/459-3663. TLC GIVEN BY MOTHER who will babysit in her home. Call, 815/943-5009. LOVING MOM, 9 yrs. exp babysit full time, Mon.-Fri.,1 Daysonly; 312/658-3084. DIANA'S DAY CARE, full time only, Crystal Lake area, $45/ wk. Call 815/459-3648. MOTHER OF 2 will babysit in my Lake in the Hills nome. Home on School Bus stop; 312/658-5726. MOTHER OF 2 Will babysit full or part time near Edgebrook School, McHenry; 815/344-5488. PART TIME ACCOUNTING CLERK Assist in report preparation. Provide accounting clerical assis Itance PART TIME KEY PUNCH/CRT OPERATOR I Work 12 to 20 hours per week in corporate headquarters. Re- 1 quires CRT or key punch/verify experience. ON CALL SECRETARY AND WORD PROCESSORS 1 Requires good typing & grammar, skills. Will provide technical {training. Uarco Incorporated West County Line Rd. Barrington 312/381-7000 IE oual Opportunity E mplover M/F EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Needed full time for new offices in Wauconda for importers of european sun tanning equip­ ment. Must have secretarial, receptionist, and bookkeeping skills. Apply in person Sat., Jan. 12th; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at: Southern Exposure, Inc.-lntl. .1000 Rand Rd. (Rt. 12) Wauconda Meet people CLOSE BY who WANT to meet YOU! Call McHINRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 8 1 5 / 3 3 8 - 2 2 9 0 Who knows? It may change your entire life! THE ELM STREET CLINIC ASSOCIATION are pleased to announce that DAISY FELAR- CA. M.D. will be associated tor t h e o t f i c e p r a c t i c e o t PEDIATRICS and FAMILY PRACTICE eftective Jan. 2, 1985. Office Hours By Appoint­ ment; 815/895-2184. AUCTION SATURDAY JANUARY 12th 10 a.m. SUNDAY JANUARY 13th Noon We Dave combined 3 estates in this 2 day auction starting at 10 am we will be selling a large amount of boi lots consisting of many nice house hold items Also there are man* nice pieces of household furniture consisting of bed room furniture, hiring room furniture, freejer refrigerator dryer, washer microwave All of which are in excellent condition On Saturday starting at 1 p.m. we will be selling a large collection of gold and silver coins. Starting at noon on Sunday we will be selling an Avon collection of over 2S0 decanters We also have 6 very old 6 ft. x 7 ft colored pictures of several historical areas and buildings in Elgin, many excellent pieces of collectible glass ware, crystal lamps, stained leaded glass lamps & several pieces of stained glass, old records, pictures, mirrors, old pottery spittons (from old hotel) many nice pieces of antique furniture sujjfTas several writing desks with center drawer (24 ft. x 3 ft ), oak curved china cabinet, secretary oak library table, desks, buffets, dressers rockers, chairs, din ing room sets in maplt ind mahogany and pine 100 iron beds Also a beautiful large frencft modern dining room set consisting of a'very large glass front hutch, server, buffet, and floor model curiti cabinet and 6 chairs This set is in mint condition and an exceptional set to have To be beld at; BALLARD'S AUCTION GALLERY ---55 Water*St:, Elgin, 312/888-2539 Consignments welcome HELP WANTED t - Secretary - Transporta­ tion Director/School Dis­ tricts 15 & 156. 12 month position. 40 hour week, Monday through Friday. 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Goo^l salary and benefits. Apply with Mr. Webster at School Districts 15 & 156 Transportation De­ p a r t m e n t , 5 8 0 5 W e s t R o u t e 1 2 0 , M c H e n r y , I L . No phone calls please. TYPISTS Need typists to till openings in computer la­ bel capacity. Must type 40 wpm minimum; accuracy a neccessity. Computer experience desired, but will train promising applicant. Immediate employ ment. Please Call Marsha Lynn Composition Department FORMS CORPORATION OF AMERICA 815/675-2392, Ext. 238 DISTRICT MANAGER itinel-Herald is le circulation The Woodstock S< looking for a full District Manager. Auto a must, previous experience a plus, but will train the right per­ son. This is a salaried position with an excellent bonus program and full company benefits includ­ ing profit sharing and medical in­ surance. ' Apply in person at: Woodstock Sentinel Herald Circulation Department 109 S. Jefferson Sti Woodstock, 1160098 W A N T E D : S T Y L I S T w i t h some following. Call Jim at The Mop Stop 312/695-2255. DENTAL ASSISTANT, 2 yrs. exp. min., good starting salary + full benefits, career opport for talented assistant w/areas largest dental providers. 1 815/385-1360. HEALTH & NUTRITION CO. Looking for distributors. Earn $500 weekly, plus. We will train. Professionals, 312/658 8429. LEGAL SECRETARY, part time, excellent typing & gram­ mar. In McHenry. Send resume to Box AOM, % Shaw Free Press, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. PART/ FULL TIME Can earn, part time $7/hr. Full time, $360/wk. Students Welcome r. Adams, 312/449-1920 N($DED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, phone collec­ tors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 815/455 4490. NEEDED NOW - Maint. & General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Country Companies has an opening for a full time career agent in the Crystal Lake area. Full training, guaranteed star­ ting lnc«me. Interested In a \ presently employed individual Twth a proven success pattern. Submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock, IL 60098. EDM OPERATOR, Concorde Tools, McHenry, 815/344-3788. GAS STATION CASHIER/CLERK Personable, honest & hard working individuals needed to assist customers at self serve station. Must possess good math ability & be able to ac­ curately handle cash. Flexible schedule including weekends. Apply in person, between 12pm 3pm at: Arco, 3602 W. Elm St., McHenry. EOE FULL TIME Hairstylist. Busy, progressive salon needs am­ b i t i o u s p e r s o n t o j o i n s t a f f . E x ­ perience required, some follow ing preferred. For interview call, 312/639-4590 TYPIST RECEPTIONIST Local C.P.A. firm seeks an ex­ perienced statistical typist and receptionist for full time posi­ tion. Excellent working condi­ tions and fringe benefits. Please call 815/459-2373 Mon - Fri.,9a.m.-5p.m. FLOYD'S RESTAURANT tak­ ing applications for permanent salad person; day, night, cocktail waitresses. Apply in person. Rt. 31. Carpentersville. L I V E - I N S W A N T E D f o r h o m e health care. Must be able to live in from 2 to 5 days per week. 312/658-8855 or 658 9000 C E R T I F I E D N U R S E S A I D E S needed for home health care. Must be neat and dependable, able to give loving care. 312/658-8855 or 658-9000 Medical Opportunities COME GROW WITH OS! RNs, LRUs, CRITICAL CARE NURSES Our new Medical Center (located in McHenry, Il­ linois) has openings on Orthopedjics. Rehabilita­ tion. Critical Care, and Medical/Surgical units for both full time and part time. We have additional open­ ings in our Float Pool which affords flexible scheduling. E x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t package Salary commen surate with experience. Contact: Haiai Resources Department (815)344-5000, Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Drive McHenry. Illinois 60050 equal opportunity employer m/f J R.N.'s or L.P.N, nurses needed tor home health care and staff relief. Come work for the best registry in the area. 312/658 8855 or 658-9000 STUDENTS. Work part time. Earn S3.50-$4.50 per hour. Work 4:30 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat. Get experience in public relations. Call Mr. Myer at 312/658-7572 OFFICE HELP, experience pref. in payroll, etc. 5 day week. Elgin Paper Co., 1025 N. McLean Blvd., Elgin. F U L L T I M E , o p e n i n g a t Mothercare, Spring Hill Mall 312/426-8707 ; ATTENTION! Health & Nutri­ tion Co. Looking for dist. Watch USA Cable Network, Channel 8, 1/13/85 Si 1/20/85. Sun., 10pm. Call 312/658-8429. RECEPTIONIST Some typing. Doctor's office. Part time. Call 815/455 1802 PART/Fl Can earn, pari >/ T-ulltlme, U Students Wei Mr. Adams. 312/ "LIVE-INS! Experienced, ne<. ed immediately in Elgin area! For application and appoint­ ment call Quality Care, 312/742- 9370. CPA FIRM seeking experienc­ ed tax preparer for part time work during tax season. Hours are flexible. Call 312/587-3022 McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Our New Accts. Dept. .is seek­ ing a full time Savings Coun­ selor with previous , banking ors savings and loan experi­ ence in customer relations and investments. Please con­ tact Connie Blietz, 385-3000. Composition Department EXPERIENCED STRIPPER Mature, dependable, energetic individual who enjoys a challenging career in the busi­ ness forms industry. Must be familiar with camera & light table duties. Typesetting a plus. Only serious-minded, experienced peo­ ple need apply. Competitive^, starting wage, good opportunity for advancement. Immedi­ ate employment. Call Marsha Lynn Composition Department FORMS CORPORATION OF AMERICA 815(675-2392, Ext. 238 /ft, f Mare availat EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES... are available at Gearmaster, leading manufacturer of fractional horsepower electrical motors. In­ creased production and successful expansion have led to these positions for qualified self-starters: •MACHINE SHOP SUPERVISOR The ideal candidate will have 3-4 years of strong technical and supervisory experience in general machining and related equipment. You must be a good communicator with the ability to motivate others. •MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS/MACHINE REPAIR Two positions are available on our Second Shift. Successful candidates will possess 2-3 years of trades training, coupled with 2-3 years experi­ ence in electrical maintenance/machine shop re­ pair procedures, installation, and diagnosis. Some electronics troubleshooting helpful. •QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER Candidate should have 3-4 years experience in inspection processes. Q.C. methods, preparation of inspection procedures and the programming and maintenance of inspection equipment. Ex­ perience with manufacturing processes, material qualities and statistical quality engineering for electro mechanical processing essential. If qualified, send resume with salary require­ ments, or apply in person: G E A R M A S T E R Division of Emerson Electric 1809 S. Rt. 31, McHenry IL 60050 equal opportunity smpiqiir m/f

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