Paar 6-IM,AI>1>KAI,KR-HKHAM», WKIISKSIMI . JAMAH! 9. 1985 Life today i iPf| •V • * Ele w officers The Dece |T~>of the Friendship First United Met S*wass*iv;hurch of McHenry began with a potluck luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in the fellowship Hall. After the meditations, the following of ficers were elected for 1985: Lawrence Temple, president Herbert Rose, vice-president; Lyda Radisch, secretary- treasurer; and Esther Sims and Vivian Bassett, meditations co- chairmen. It was unanimously agreed to make a Christmas gift of $100 to the Church Building Fund. Grace and Adolph Borchers volunteered to deliver the bir thday gifts to Valley Hi Nursing Home. Get well cards were signed by all present for ailing members; "Happy Birthday" and "Happy Anniversary" were sung to members ' celebrating in December. All those in the congregation 50 years old or older are invited to participate in the good times enjoyed by members of the Friendship Club. They meet the second Saturday of each month, at 12:30 p.m., m the Fellowship Hall, for a potluck luncheon, meeting and program. The next meeting will be held Saturday, Jan. 12, hosted by Mary and Herbert Rose, Vivian Bassett, and Marjorie Ricker. League slates meeting RODNEY PETERSEN AND SANDRA MADDEN Wed in June Rodney J. Petersen and Sandra L. Madden will exchange promises of marriage June 22, in Nativity Lutheran Church, Wonder Lake. The bride elect is the daughter of Bernice Petersen of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Madden, Sr. of McHenry are the parents of the future bridegroom. Sorority has busy year Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi has been enjoying a fun and productive sorority year since its opening day in August. One of the highlights of the year was the donation of books to the Pink Lady Hospital and Auxiliary Resale Shop. Janice Petrie, a member of the chapter and also of the auxiliary, had informed her sorority sisters of the great demand for used books ai' the shop, and they were gratefully received. Reportedly, they have been a popular item with the shop's customers. In September, a road rally was enjoyed by members and their guests;, in October, Pi Alpha hosted Crystal Lake Chapter Xi Iota Omicron for a delightful evening at the theater, where they took in a musical; and several members began the Christmas shopping season with a shopping spree in November. In early December, Debi Bronars hosted the chapter's Christmas party, where cookies were exchanged and the biggest event of the year took place - revealing of the past year's secret sisters as the presents were opened. On Dec. 20, the chapter hosted sister chapter Xi Kappa Iota for the annual combined Christmas party, at the home of Kathi Etten. Handmade corsages and Christmas ornaments were presented to each member of Xi Kappa Iota. Both had been the subject of Craft oriented programs, and sharing memories of their creation was almost as much fun as presenting the gifts. Pi Alpha is looking forward to continuing the year in the same spirit of fun and friendship enjoyed thus far. Financing the federal government is the topic for this rirrih's unil meeting of the Woodslock-McHenry League of Women Voters, to be held Thursday, Jan. 10, at 9:30 a.m., in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, McHenry. Stage one of the study will focus on an evaluation of various revenue sources and a study of different types of taxes, such as income-based, consumption- based, value-added (sales) and flat-rate taxes. The goal of the study is to create a federal tax system that is fair and equitable, provides adequate resources tor federal government programs, is flexible, is understandable to the taxpayer, and can accomplish its objectives without creating undue "red tape." The league welcomes the public to its meetings, held the second Thursday of every month. Babysitting is available. For more information, call the league president Barbara Marrs, 385-1434. Nurses meet * The McHenry County P r o f e s s i o n a l N u r s e ' s Association will hold its next meeting Jan. 9 at the Crystal Lake Ambutal, 4900 S. Route 31, Crystal Lake. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. and speakers begin at 8. The program will be IV Therapy, with emphasis on continuity of care between hospital and home and will be presented by Carol Hauge, R.N., R.S.N., a clinical service specialist and Chris Regan, R.N., a nurse clinician. Nadine McHatton, president, welcomes all registered nurses living or working in McHenry County to attend the meeting. Schedule club meeting June 10 Set January U.M.W. meeting The next general meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry is slated for Thursday, Jan. 17. The December meeting began with a potluck luncheon at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Following the meal, the officers were installed by Pastor Lowery in an impressive service. An enjoyable program was presented by William Toalson and the high school choir. > "Secret Sisters" names were revealed, and Christmas gifts distributed. New names were drawn for the new year and all members seemed quite en thusiastic about this project. During the business segment, committee reports were heard, recommendations made, and the agenda cleared of all un finished and new business, leaving a clean slate to start the new year. The next meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's Club will be held Thursday, Jan. 10, at 7:30 p.m., in the community house, hosted by Ruth Roach and Margaret Seifert. At the .annual Christmas dinner party, the ladies enjoyed talking about "old times" as the club is nearing its thirtieth year; and some of the newer members were interested in hearing about the past. After enjoying a delicious dinner, grab bag and secret pal gifts were distributed. The women meet the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Avenue. Although the membership is small, the club is very active and interested in community affairs, particularly its support of FISH. Women's Aglow hosts lunch Women's Aglow Fellowship of Crystal Lake-McHenry will host its monthly luncheon the second Thursday of the month, Jan. 10, because of the New Year's holiday. It will be held at John Evans Inn, Route 14 and Virginia Road, Crystal Lake., at 10:30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Roxie Elliott, past president of the DeKalb Women's Aglow and current vice-president of Ministries for the Northern Illinois Women's Aglow Area Board. She testifies that the Lord has healed, delivered, restored and put her broken life back together again and now uses her to help others. Her greatest desire is to see lives set free from bondage, healed and restored; able to move on to Christian maturity and have the abundant life promised in the Bible. For reservations call Mrs. Lois Koss, 385-0814. JAMES KOWALCZYK AND KIMBERLY RAD Engaged MR. AND MRS. JACK BOONE Together fifty years Carmen Kramer of Dyersville, la. taught second grade for 20 years at St. Mary's School and Montini Primary/Center. prior to his retiremeflfMr? Boone had been employed by Montgomery Ward in Woodstock for 14 years. Sharing the festivities of this memorable occasion will be the celebrants' children, William "Bill" Boone of Elgin, 111. and Mrs. James (Kathy) Posch of Geneva, 111., with their respective families. The Boones hope to see all of their neighbors, friends, and acquaintances at the open house. On Sunday, Jan. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boone of McHenry will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in McHenry, by renewing their marriage vows at the 11 a.m. Mass. A buffet dinner for the family will be served from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the church hall; and an open house will follow from 2 to 4 p.m. * The couple was married at St. Jarliath Church in Chicago, Jan. 13,1935, and moved to McHenry in 1950. Mrs. Boone, the former Community calendar JANUARY 9 McH. Grandmothers Club-Social 11:30 a.m.-Mtg. 1 p.m.- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church-Bring Sandwich. McH. Area C. of C.-Professional Council Luncheon-Village Squire Rest.-ll: 30 a.m.-"Should You Use a Computer in Your Business?" JANUARY 10 Lakeland Pk. Women's Club-Mtg. 7:30 p.m.~Lk. Pk. Comm. Hse.-1717 N. Sunset-Hostesses Ruth Roach & Margaret Seifert. McH; Woman's Club-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church- Noon-Nancy Fike, Curator McH. Historical Soc. JANUARY 10-12 McH. Dollar Days JANUARY 12 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weiufiart Rd. 1 p.m.-Practice Shoot- Public Welcome. V Friendship Club-Potluck Dinner & Mtg. 12:30 p.m.-Fellowship Hall-First United Methodist Church. JANUARY 13 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd. a.m.-Public Welcome. -Meat Shoot & Games, 10 JANUARY 14 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7 p.m.-East Campus Hi School. JANUARY 15 McH. Area C. of C.-Retail Council Breakfast-Whale's Tail Rest.- 7:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rad of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter Kimberly Ann, to James B. Kowalczyk, D.M.D. of Round Lake Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kowalczyk of Cicero, 111. A March 9 wedding is planned. •\ OPEN FOR BUSINESS 6 DA YS..: •MONDAY 8-5 .THURSDAY 1-5 •TUESDAY 8-1 •FRIDAYS* •WEDNESDAY 8-1 -SATURDAY 8-2 DON'T FORGET...TUES. & WED. SR. CITIZEN DAYS! FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 N. GREEN ST. IOFC. 81 MCHENRY *344-1019 WISH S0MC0NC SPECIAL A V£RY HAPPY BIRTHDA Y SUZANNE DIEDRICH JANUARY BIRTHSTONE SPECIAL 10% OFF ENTIRE SELECTION OF GARNET JEWELRY (OFFER GOOD THRU JAN. 311*5) MENTION THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND tECIEVE AN ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GARNET... THE BIRTHSTONE OF JANUARY Garnet crystals reminded early scientists of the shape and color of pomegranate seeds, thus the Latin name "granatus" meaning seedlike Garnet does not refer to a single gemstone but rather a group of several species .These species dif fer in color, transparency, fire, etc., as well as in name Almadite and Pyrope are the most commlonly known; Rhodolite derives its name from the Greek mea/iing "rose stone'; Grossulante is from the botanical term for gooseberry". Spessarlite. is named for an aarea in Germany, and Andradite after a Portugese scientist who studied it in'the 1800's. Almandite is rare in a pure form so i t can be a variety of different collors ranging from purple to brown but is usually either purplish red oi brownish red Most gar nets used in tewelry are this type or Pyrope. which is usually a dark but pure, red. Rhodolite is always violet or purple but may be slightly reddish Until the East Africa deposits were discovered Hessomte an orange to yellowish or brownish orange stone was thought to be the only type of transparent Grossularite Now there are lovely greens, pinks, yellows and oianges with tiemendous brilliancy TP Green may be yellowish or blackish. There is also translucent green Grossularite which can look very much like iade Spessartite is always orange although slightly yellowish or brownish is different properties from Giossulante Demantoid va rietyof Andradite is^a lovely, slightly yellowish gteen stone with high dispersion Garnets are reasopmly hard and quite durable There rs no reason why they cannot be worn every day. The array of colors is suitable for either man or woman as are the range of cutting styles, either faceted 01 cabachon They are great pretenders in that they are equally as beautiful as much more expensive stones Aimandite may show a 4 or 6 rayed star Garnets are the birthstones for January 3726 W. Elm St., (Rte. 120) Mill Pond Court McHenry, IL (815)385-6070 em NEW HOURS: MON-FRI: 96 SATURDAY: 9-3 * HANES ANNIVERSARY SALE JANUARY 10-19 Gentlemen Prefer Hanes. Style Suggested Retail Sale Price Hanes* Ultra Sheer pantyhose Top Control ' *4 25 83 55 • Hanes*.Ultra Sheer pantyhose • Non Support $3.75. 83 10 Hanes* Ultra Sheer Knee Hlglis 81.95 81.60 Hanes Alive® pantyhose 8695 8575 Hanes Alive*, stockings „ $4 75 S3 90 Hanes* OlegCasslnl pantyhose Ultra Sheer Top Control 84.25 S3 55 Hanes* OlegCasslnl pantyhose Ultra Sheer Non Support $3 75 83 10 Hanes Classic Colors'* pantyhose 84.00 83.30 • ~ Hanes* Stockings 82 75 S2.30 • Hanes* Thigh Hi s S3 OO 82 50 1216 N.GREEN ST. McHENRY M-F 9:5:30 SAT 9 5