Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1985, p. 13

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312/639-8100 680 Industrial Drive Cary, lllinbis 60013 695 --Elgin 697 --Elgin 740 --Round 741-2--Elgin 888 -Elgin 931 --Elgin -CLASSIFIED- RATES/INFORMATIQN PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES, DEADLINES INFORMATION (Additional Rates Available tor Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date In the event of an error or omission, the paper will be responsible tor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newsoaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Oial A Service (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Houses, Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • All Wanted to Buy Classifications • All Wanted to Rent Classifications PAPER PACKAGE* „ * 3L INES . 5 DAYS, S> .80 v A total of 27 insertions in the following newspapers The Herald, Crystal LaM. Cary Grove. Cardunal Free Press Edi 'ions • Elgin Herald • Woodstock Sentinel Herald • McHenry gill 1 Plaindealer Herald • Richmond Geiette • Sycamore News • Genoa KingstonKir Mend News • Hampshire Register The following Publications are also available al additional cost: sh *W feu pmss • Harvard Herald • Saturday Entra • Shopper Service • Cituen Tri m»4r»n»c»our County Shopper • Marengo Beacon Republican News • Huntley Beacon Republican News 'The PAPER PACKAGE may be cancelled, however, due to this special, low rate, no refund or adjustment can be made to the original billing upon Cancellation Our helpful, courteous sales staff is at your service during the following hours: MONDAY FRIOAY 0:00 a.m. 5:00p.m. DEADLINES CLASSIFIED LINE AOS Deadline for placing or cancelling a line ad: For MONDAY publications. IJ 00 noon on Friday For TUESDAY FRIDAY publications, S:00p m two days prior to publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS (Other than automotive and real estate ads) 4:00pm. TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION The Herald, Crystal Lake, Cary Grove, Cardunal Free Press Editions* Woodstock Sentinel- Herald MONDAY NOON Richmond Gaiette • Sycamore News • Hampshire Register < Harvard Herald Genoa Kingston Kirk land News • DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Legal Notices Cemeteries I Lots Card of Thanks Notices Lost & Found Personals Instruction Car Pools Travel and Transportation .. .01 .02 02 04 05 M .07 .00 09 10 MONDAY NOON, WEDNESDAY NOON McHenry Plaindealer Herald MONDAY 3 PM Elgin Herald TUESDAY NOON Saturday Extra FRIOAY NOON The Herald^Citiien Tri-County Shopper For Our Readers: PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of telephone prefixes and the cities they represent which are commonly found in the Shaw Free Press Classified pages. 815 AREA CODE 312 AREA CODE 337-8--Wopdstock 675 344 -- McHenry 678 385 --McHenry 728 455 --Crystal Lake 459 --Crystal Lake 784 568 --Marengo 895 648 --Hebron 923 653 --Wonder Lake 943 --Spring Grove --Richmond --Wonder Lake/ Ring wood --Genoa --Sycamore --Union --Harvard 381-2-- Barrington 669 426 --Dundee/ Carpentersville 428 --Dundee/ - Carpentersville 551 --Dundee 639 -Cary 888 658 --UTHAIgonquin 931 --Huntley Lake To place your ad, call: 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Grand Opening* FINANCIAL- Business Opportunities..'. Stocks, Bonds and Investments Financial Services..:-- Personal and Business Loans EMPLOYMENT E mploymenl Agencies 17 Employment Wanted II Household Help Wanted . If Sitters Available .. 20 Sitters Needed 21 Help Wanted , i M MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy 35. Appliances..,. 26 Art and Antiques., A 27 Auc t ions . . . . . . 31 Building Materials 29 Clothing 30 ComputersandSoftware 31 Crafts and Hobbies 33 Food and Produce. 33 Health and F Uness 34 Livestock, Farm Supplies and Equipment 35 Horses and Equipment M Pets and Supplies 37 Musical Instruments 30 Office and Store Equipment .39 HouseholdGoods .........40 Lawn, Garden and Landscaping................ 41 Machinery/Tools 43 Garage Sales 43 Misc. Merchandise 44 Trade or Barter ....45' RENTALS Wanted to Rent 50 Roams for Refit .51 Houses. Apartments To Share . 52 Apartments for Rent 53 Homes for Rent 54 Condov Townhomes for Rent.. 55 Store, Offices for Rent 56 Industrial tor Rent 57 Farm and Farmland for Rent 50 Storage Space for Rent 59 Misc, for Rent 60 REAL ESTATE WantedtoBuy ,...65 Business Property for Sate .66 Industrial for Sate. .. 67 Open Houses 60 Houses tor Sale 69 Condos & Townhomes for Sale 70 Lots and Acreage 71 Mobile Homes for Sale 73 Farms for Sale.. 73 RECREATIONAL . Aviation. 00 Bicycles II Boats and Marine Service 12 Snowmobiles .U Sporting Goods 14 Campers/Trailers 15 AUTOMOTIVE WantedtoBuy M Automotive Services 19 Auto Parts and Accessories... J 90 Antique Vehicles --91 Motorcycles 92 Automobiles for Sale . 93 Vehicles for Rent 94 Tractors/Trailers 95 Trucks '• 96 Vans 97 Buelrms Opportunities It CMAl«uaAAn6 c wipiiiyvvvwiT ^ VTinTVQ Sitters Available 22 Halp Wanted 22 Help Wanted INTERESED IN a job that has "Country Charm" and "Old Fashioned" quality? Call Karen at 312/5264746 rar a con­ sultant opportunity to sell old fash ioned hand woven Longabergcr country baskets. GRANO OPENING McHenry County's first and on­ ly full service Business Brokerage firm now open to help you buy, setf, or evaluate your business. Call Kaplan Commercial, 115/455-5512 VIDEO ARCADE & FAMILY Amusement Center. 35 video games, J.plnbell machines, pool tabic foosball. token machine, money char >23,000. Easy terms. 6120 or 115/943-3327 :hanger. 312/546- Stockpv Bonds and Investment* CITY OF MCHENRY. 4 unit apartments* Investment tax shelter, 9% interest. 815/315- 6566 PROBLEMS w / BAD CHECKS? Call Check Data Services, Inc. at 115/695-5490. We supply information on local accounts with current outstan­ ding bad checks. We are now offering one month of service FREE OF CHARGE to DeKatb S Sycamore merchants respon­ ding to thlsad__ BROOMS AWAY Houseclean­ ing. Reliable cleaning service. Low rates. 115/459 7690 WANT YOUR HOUSE Clean­ ed? Good and reliable. References. Call Trlsh. 115/499- 5566 PAPERING I DRY-WALL Repair. Affordableprices! Call Franca, 115/455-1927. HOUSEKEEPING. Snow shoveling, factory work all around custodian, (full time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 115/459-3041 anytime; 115/459-3077 Tun. & TYPING/ SECRETARIAL Ser- vice, professional quality. Call 312/436-4213. HOUSECLEANING Or Office Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Cat! Cookie. SIS/455-4503 R.N. WISHES Employment In home nursing care. Flfxlble h0U" Call 015/315-0021 CLEANING Bonded t Insured . Homes S Offices M.W.-815/3444525 FOR THOSE WHO CARE The Learning Tree of Dundee has immediate . Ings; 15 mo. & MP- If you are looking for an environment that offers warmth and leve in e „ir SEclK9 l**nJ,ng ,nV,r0n' cXE?T312/«9' 312/426-3760 Ask for Flora LOVING MOTHER w i l l babysit in her Lake In The Hills home, 312/65I-6107. WILL DO Babysiffong in my i. Any ages! Lots of Carv home. Any ages! TLO Hot meals. Will furnish references upon request. <40. per week; 312/639-7346. WILL DO BABYSITTING m my Richmond home. Lots of TIC, hot lunches & snacks pro­ vided. Call Bonnie, I15WI- 7931. 21 Sitters Needed Household Help Wanted Employment Wanted DON JOHNSON Decorating , Interior '^asar1"9 WILL STEAM Clean Carpets. Living room, S20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., B yrs. ex­ perience. 015/943-4793. RESUME SERVICE S all typ­ ing need. Diane's Business Ser­ vice, 815/455-6665. TEACHER with 11 yrs. exp„ will do tutoring In my McHerry no, certified in learning disabilities. 815/315-8127. D.J.--Weddings, schools, etc, Your choice of sound Systems, lights and musk. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0082. BUILDING, rmodellng, home repair^30 years experience, SCULPTURED Manicure, 14, 015/455-1048. NAILS, $20; By Vickle; CUSTOM SEWING; decorator pillows, Rising Star Hoops, kid's clothes, cabbage Patch clothes, colors/ patterns- your choice! Bonnie-H5/338-7082. CLEANING LADY Top notch, dependable a reliable. Refs labia. Refs. available evenings. 815/344-0926 Call WANTED! L IVE- IN Homem.aker fo r ru ra l McHenry County Professional couple. Two prime qualifica­ tions: ability to make a house into an attractive well kept home, and prepare fine food. Write a snort letter about •yourself to Box AOR, Shaw Free Press, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, II 600)4. Include a phone number for the purpose of arranging an Interview. „ PERSON TO live-in or stay nights w/ elderly woman. 815/943-6044,815/943-5955. GROUNDS 4 Maintenance Person for country estate in Barrington Hills. Mechanically inclined-honest, experienced 4 intellegent. Ideal for single or couple. Apartment provided. Starting salary S12JM. Write Immediately with references and past work record to C. Schaefer, 10 Gould Center, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. DEPENDABLE PERSON wanted to clean house a do laundry, 1 day per wk. in Huntley area, ret. req., 312/669- 3654. HOUSEKEEPER to care for handicapped young adult a perform household tasks; It5/33I3660. 20 Sitters A vaHabIa HOMESTYLE Montessori Pro- ful and part openings. OLDER woman to care for two children, 5 4 1, Thurs. a Frl. 8:30 to 5:30. Must have own transportation, some light housekeeping. Call 312/639- 1074. EXP. PERSON TO CARE For 7 wk. old baby, M mornings / wk., 3-5 hrs./ day, Crystal Lake, Cary area. 312/639-2718. RESPONSIBLE woman for 3 sm. children, ages 4,2 4 4 mon­ ths, prefer my McHenry home, but will consiMr your McHenry or Crystal Lake home, School days, 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Top pâ for right person. 115/33- BXBYSITTER, full, time, light housekeeping, Woodstock area. Mon. thru rri. 10am to 6pm, Refs., 815/338-9184. BABYSITTER wanted for my 3 months old, willing to drive to my McHenry home, 3 days every two weeks, hrs., 6:30 to 3:31. Willing to pay fop Wage. 115/385-8783 after 4 p.m. WORKING MOTHER looking for a reliable indivdual to come into my home, to care, play a educate 2 children, (14 3 yrs.) full time days. Please reply to: Box A O W, Shaw Free Press, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, III. 60014. OUTGOING Responsible sitter needed for 2 children in the Lundahi School area a few hours after school 4 one weekend day. Call 815/455-0577. BABYSITTER NEEDED, my Woodstock home, 10 am-2 pm weekdays. Call 815/338-0951. BABYSITTER needed In gram. 3-6 yr. olds, ful and part t ime . L im i ted 815/455-4817 HOUSECLEANING, reasonable rates, call Lynda, 815/455-5250.4 will MOVING? J.B. Packing a Loading Service: Professional moving at Do- It- Yourself prices. 815/338-3641. DIVERSIFIED UPHOLSTRY, 115 W. Prairie, Marengo- REUPHOLSTERY o f automobile seats 4 furniture. Reasonable rates! 815/568-5589. LOVING MOTHER babysit in my Woodstock home full time, 815/3384302. WILL BABYSIT In My McHenry Home 815/3854138 MOTHER OF 2 will babysit in my Cary home, Mon. thru Frl. days, rets., 312/639-1971. LICENSED CHILD Day Care In my Lakeland Park-McHehry home. Call 815/344-3895 , days from 6 am- 4:30 pm. Call 815/653-9551 after 4 or on weekends. 22 Help Wanted .WANTED: STYLIST with some following. Call Jim at The Mop Stop 312/695-2255. DENTAL ASSISTANT, 2 yrs. exp. min., good starting salary -I- full benefits, career opporf. for talented assistant w/areas largest dental providers. 815/385-1360. NEEDED NOW - Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, phone collec­ tors. Working Wot 1 Lake. 815/455-4490. Crystal •2 Cemeteries & Lots 04 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK 4 UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as <275, including perpetual care. Pathol ic section. Above ground c remat ion n iches now available. Terms. 815/459-0547 Notices M 10 Card of Thanks THE FAMILY of Alfred A. Rudsinski would like to thank relatives, friends a neighbors for expressions of sympathy extended to us In our recent loss. Also Reverend Norm for his comforting Mrs. Laura Rudsinski Mr. a Mrs. Alvin Rudsinski Thaak Yon- Jo all my friends for all the coring A support throu­ ghout the years. A special thanks to Pat Nillessen, Lee Ulrich & all the stall ol the NIMC Operating Room for the tremendous send-oft as I begin a new career. I'd also like to thank the members of the O R. Glee Club, The Sons of Sweden t the many friends I've made during my years at NIMC. Your thoughtfullness will always be remembered Kathy Brown ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations 4 ac­ cessories. Silk Flower 4 Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 C 4 D Laundromat Woodstock - Next to Soars Close by-Give us a try. 60< wash -25< dry GUARDSMEN Drum 4 Bugle Corps Open House, 1 to 4 pm, Saturday, January 26 at Sycamore. Armory. Member­ ship open to youth ages 12 to 21 with musical experience. For more information, call 312/980- 4429. PIPE THAWING 4 plumbing repairs. Reasonable rates. Harry Viezens Construction, 815/385-2847. Grand Openings TUs "HTj W III* stales 18 nfrtss Mr graf­ ts the Mdhvy Issue •r. Elstree art he • • ii ill I mM --- ** || wimnvi sun si wrmni 11- lieois Magical Ceetof. Alto herii yea h CARPET IN has talem over srpet Co. at 6209 .Century Is now ng 20% Lost & Found FOUND: 2-3 Month old puppy found Mon. Jan. 14, on corner of Rt. 120 4 Rt. 31 North In McHenry. For info., call Jim, 115/305-9832 day, 815/385-5072 nights. » Notices FOUND, pair of purchased ear­ rings during holiday at Crystal Point mall, must describe to claim, 015/305-7041. ARE YOU Missing a 4 to 6 mo? male German Shepherd puppy, found in Woodstock, black markings. For info call, 015/330-0205. FOUND PUPPY, Golden Re t re ive r , Coven t ry area/Crystal Lake on Jan. 15. Call to Identify, 015/459-8367. sei carts. Thais to heir al* lefts, Mile is recaverhg aes it hose. TbahVaa, Mirllas Kit bio aai laees llhl AS OF DEC. 1, 1984, I am rewonsible for my debts only. Theresa Mothison Laurlne T IRED OF watch ing fus t regular TV? Get 160 channels + all pay-tv's premium chan­ nels! Unlimited sports! For more information, call 015/330- 8774 after 6:30 pm, ask for Pat. THANK YOU St. Anthony for help in finding lost article. N.- IF YOU .are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 3 1 2 / 7 4 2 - 7 5 4 5 , write,"Listings," Box South Elgin, 1160177. HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. We can help. Contact John Holby at 1- 800-323-0303 We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. 'We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to \ the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Personals 07 Instructions FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 015/330-0000. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Officeopen9-Uam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 015/305-2W9 DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or Temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 015/338 3328. ACT/SAT Prep. Classes H.S./JunlorH.S. Study Skills Tutoring-Roading Specialists Learners Support Programs Call after 5 pm 312/381-8410 815/459-0931 SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hour work materials fu Huber for 2019. .Sorry, but if the error 'continues after the first ; day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot ) be responsible. J Office Hours: Monday : through Friday, 8am - . 5prn. SCULPTUREO NAILS The nails that look & feel so real.t Done professionally, 3 yrs. experience, only S25. Call Joyce for an appointment, 312/650-2019. ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to participate in weight loss program. Fun, Easy & Simple! 100% Guaranteed. Herbal Based, 312/650-0429. STARTING Jan. 2tf "Intro to Cross Stitch". Classes will be held at my home from, 7:30 to 9:00. Call Linda at 015/455-3567 for more Information. TUTORING: All ages, all academic areas by certified teacher. Early evening hours. Call 015/455-3101 CENtUI Crystal the r open and offering 20% dis­ counts on all its carpeting. Stop inor call 015/459-2510. Business 12 Opportunities POX VALLEY and N.W. SUBURBS BUSINESSES! We have these and more!! I Drug Stores JSR Machine Shops ERH > Light Manufacturing JDJ Pizzerias DJA Banquet Restaurants FH Supper Clubs JSR Meat Market DJA Shoe Repair ERH Welding Shops... ERH JetMers. FH 4 Hair Styling Aden's JSR Hair Salons KEB Fast Foods.: DJA Donut Baker*. JJR Bakertes.7!^ JSR Fitness Center >.. DJA Roquet Ball Courts ERH Travel Agencies FH Dry Cleaners KEB Limo Services -- KOC Carpeting KOC , Pet Shops FH Bicycle Shops JSR Furniture Store DJA Auto Repair JDJ Auto Supply Store ;JSR , Body Shops JJR Ice (.ream Store.... KOC ' Paint a Wallpaper store... JDJ T.V. Repair 4Saies KOC Liquor Stores KOC Taverns KOC Laundromats ERH Bowling ..JSR Hobby Shop JSR Vacuum 4 Sewing KOC 7-11 Food Store ERH CORPORATE INVESTMENT Business Brokers 312/742-6130 * COMPLETE MARINA OPE RATION AVAILABLE 7,000 sq. ft. bldg. includes showroom-office-shop. 361 ft. on river includes 30 slips with room for expansion. Excellent . highway/ river location. Reasonable long term lease or we will finance your purchase at 10%. 815/459-5070 or 312/301- 4 4456 CARPET/FLOORING McHenry Co.- S100.000 gross, good net to owner/operator. Total price, $26,000. CIBB 312/742-6130 KOC EARN OVER $1 ,000 for writing an outstanding ..short story or personal TELLER Full Time Experience Helpful McHenry Savings &Loan Richmond, III. 815/678-2061 HELP WANTED' For expanding Dental Laboratory. Crown & Bridge experience preferred. Send resume to: BOX AOY c/o Shaw Free Press 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, 1160050 CASHIER Must be able to work days or evenings and weekends. About 30 hours per week STOCKPERSON PARTTIME, WEEKENDS!. EVES. Call Jeff or Chuck for APPT. at 385-6730 SP0RTSM ANS LIQU0RM ART 2314 w. RTE. 120 MCHENRY personal Informs tlon call Gail at 015/344-5564. article. For complete 115/34- BRIDAL FASHION SHOW & PROM REVIEW Sunday, February 10,1985 HOB NOB RESTAURANT Rts. J4 & 31, Crystal Lake, IL Doors Open 1:15 PM - Show 2 PM Come & see the new Spring/Summer fashions for the entire bridal party. Exhibitors will be present. Admission is free. For further information call: 815)455-2540 or 8151330-1682 A MS-REVOLUTION 20 YEARS AGO You Never Heard 01 McDonald's 15 YEARS AGO You Never Heard 01 Toyota 5 YEARS AGO You Never Heard 01 Apple Computer " 3 YEARS AGO-You Never Heard 01 One-Hour Photo 2 MINUTES AGO You Never Heard Of Kts Halt-Hour Photo Time is running out we are the world leader in our indus­ try. KIS requires only 25 square feet, no experience, no technical Knowledge. We train, install, supply and maint­ ain. 90 95% financing available Initial investment ol only $2000 to $4000 with first year average earnings $35,000 net II you are a dreamer go to the next ad. , II you are a business person who is IMPATIENT for a raise, contact: iohn Conone District Sales Manager i KIS PHOTO USA 312/490 1113 HUMAN RESOURCE PERSON Pioneer Center, a large comprehensive so­ cial services agency operating throughout McHenry County, is seeking qualified candi­ dates to develop a human resource depart­ ment. Candidates who have experience in "personnel recruitment & employment, maintaining employee records, wage 8i salary administration, employee benefits ad­ ministration, employee training programs, labor law, & more will be interested In app­ lying for this position. A bachelors degree with an emphasis in Human Resources man­ agement is preferred. Excellent salary & fringe benefit package. Please forward your Introductory letter & resume to: ROBERT G.LAMBOURN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MCHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED PIONEER CENTER FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL 4001 Dayton St. McHenry, II. 60050 Equal Opportunity Employer Art/F PORTRAIT $10010 CAREERS iK.M-iHM M MORE HSOLHTIONSf ITS TIME Fit ACTION... If yo« REALLY mat to start 1905 with a carter that's going placet if» time to caatoct PCA National We're a leader in the color portrait industry operating oat of piestigous department stores and financial in stitutwns nationwide. 1905 plans for continued growth hawt created these groand floor opportunities for ambitious people eager to start a olid carter as<: WRTRAIT PfflTKKAPHEIS You'll learn traditional and special effect photography working in your own fully equipped camera room. This is an opportunity to be crea­ tive and still earn a good salary. *$AIES CORSmUDITS No cold calling or telephone sales involved. All customers come to you by appointment We offer top notch training and support. If you're friendly and portessioMl. you'll be * great success. Regular travel m both -positions frees you from the dull 9 am 5pm routine of most jobs. Comprehen sivo benefits include paid vacations /training, medical/life insurance and more. We're committed to pro motion trom within wen into .management. Don't waste your, time making New Year's rtsotetions. NOW'S THE TIME FOR ACTION Call for more information: M$. Travis 1 800-942-0139 PCA NATIONAL INC. SALES Ideal for students, housewives, moonlioMers. Sell subscrip tlons td Chicagoland's l\ iiaiiBOpfr. Earn average of Guarantees during training. SECURITY OFFICERS AAcHenry County areas. Full & part time positions available. Stanley smith Security. 3H/00S4y07.€OE. FLOYD'S RESTAURANT tak­ ing applications for waitresses | hostesses. Apply In person, Rt. 31, Carpentersville. RN's ft LPN'S, part time - on call. ExCv starting salary ft benefits. Free meals ft park­ ing. Apply in person, Mon. thru Frl., 0:90 am to $ pm, Woodstock Residence. 309 AAcHenryAvo., Woodstock. PARENTS, TEACHERS, Com fhunity workers needed for im­ portant educational sales work. PTA, Scout. Club backgroung helpful. Full or part time. Write to: J.W., 1537 Rodgers Ct., OeKalb, IL401TS GENERAL OFFICE for Ser­ vice Dept., full time. AAust be able to communicate both with customers ft service people. Dispatch ft phone work. Call Ann, 015/459-6000. Sherman Plumbing ft Heating, Crystal Lake. , SHOP SUPERINTENDENT, experienced in Shipping ft In­ ventory control for plumbing ft heating contractor. Not a desk lob. Call Ann, 015/459-0000. Sherman Plumbing ft Heating, Crystal Lake. KITCHEN WORKER /Cooks helper, part time, starting at S4/hf. late afternoon ft eve. hours 2-to-3 days a week. Will train. Ideal for student. Apply In person, Wed. thru Sun. after 5 pm. Silver Nugget, Frontage Ra. N., Rts. 3vft M, Crystal TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDER Full Time Day Position 3-plus years experience re­ quired. Good wages, full insurance, plus other benefits. Apply at: i' GK INDEXABLE 6204 Factory Road CrystalLake, Illinois ' DISTRICT MANAGER Immediate opening for full i^MusPhave own FARM WORKERS, need men or women to work on mlbk (arm. Must have driver's license. Apply In person, 2200 Crystal Lake ftd„ Cary. • . HOMEAAAKER: SO./hour cleaning houses; 015/455-3792, 0r312/»1-1792. fifft be reliable. Must be ambitious ft wort well with children. Apply in person: Cardunal Free Press 250 Williams Rd. CarpowiartRllli- WELDERS WANTED ; Pay based on experience Must read prints FWF Corporation Barrington 312/381-3530 LIVE-INS! Experienced, need­ ed immediately in Elgin areal For application and appoint­ ment call Quality Can, 312/742- 9370. VENDING HOSTESS/ CASHIER, part time, dx- perience helpful, will train. Crystal Lake area. Call AArs. King, 015/459-770ft Ext. 235. WAITRESSES WANTED, ex­ perienced. Apply in person. Chris' Coach House. Silver Lake ft Crystal Lake Rds., Cary. / BARTENDER DISC JOCKEY WAITER ft WAITRESS for a new nightclub to open soon in the Crystal Lake area. Please mail prior work history, wage requirement ft personal information to BOX AO V, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, 3012 Wdst Elm St., McHenry. IL 00050. LOAM OPWCEB . First Western Mortgage Corp. has an excellent op­ portunity someone with a background in resi­ dential financing or mortgage banking. Experience preferred but will also consider residential real ea- jAate sales and/or'general soles experience for this exciting, competitive position. We offer training, an. outstanding commission pro­ gram. Car allowance and good benefits. For con- " slderatlen, please call Joel Dutmage. 312/934-7040 FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE CORP. 540 N. Court Palatlnt, IL NEEDED NOW - Malnt. ft General Factory, Working World, Crystal like, 015/45? ^ART/FULL TIME Can earn, part time S7/hr. u- ssam* >• Mr. Adams, 312/449-1920. NURSING ASSISTANTS, cer­ tified, full time, exc. starting salary ft benefits. Apply in per­ son, Woodstock Residence, 309 AAcHenryAvo. Woodstock, IL. WANTED: School bus drivers lor Districts 47 ft 155. Earn S4.90/hr. to start + daily bonus. Guaranteed hours, good work- * Ing conditions. Summers off. Paid training. Call AAr. Hansen, 015/45*0550. Musicians Needed. 50's ft 00's show band. Guitar-Bass- Keybd, plus singers. 015/459- REALTY WORLD DURBIN5TOVALL REAL CITATE CAREER. Ltetfistd or UnUctnted. Earn while you loam. We are seeking high caliber pao- tm who have no ceding. Unlicensed? let's dioevss your future and Hern about licensing training tas- oions. Licensed? iaarn all about our Sales Devslop- mont Program. Goad companies attract goad people- In turn, good people make good companies. This could be the start of a graat confidential Interview. I1S-3BS- *••£&» TSUbili fsoio.'i REALH WmODMWWWtVAt 28 Vf 421) W. Eta St, McHenry, IL UMIMOtO CUSTOMER SERVICE (Full Time) Minimum 2 year's customer service experience required. Must be able to track orders through order cycle and freight system & answer cus­ tomer product phone inquiries. Computer ex­ perience a definite plus. We are a small growth oriented manufacturer of medical devices located in Cary. Full range of company benefits. Non smoking office. Call weekdays between 8 am & 10 am. retanal Oar administrative area is seeking an Executive Secre­ tary to hondle the support functions for the CEO ond COO. The candidate we seek will have strong shor­ thand, typing, organizational and communication skills. Must be a self starter capable of handling deadlines and uneven work loads. Will work with confidential materials and certain board of directors matters. In addition to an excellent starting salary we offer v company paid medical and dental, paid vacation and personal days. To arrange an interview appointment 815-675-2321 IMTE R MATI C I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, II60081 tapi m/1 COMPANY REQUIRES PEOPLE to work in their home dOirrg simple bagging, etc. Parts delivered to your home & picked up. Pay is based on per thousand pieces. Only per­ sons who desire to work & earn money need apply. Residence of Holiday Hills & LeVilla Vautell preferred. Your reply must include name, address & phone rvumber. A post card will do. Send to Box AOZ c/oShaw Free Press P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, II60014, P>p 12 • PLAIINDEALER-HER ALU. WEDNESDAY. JAMUAR V 23. IMS

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