Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1985, p. 14

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Pane 13 • PLAINDEALER-HER ALD. WEDNESDAY .MM \R\ 23.1985 Help Wanted ' a H«lp Wanted n STATE strong A »Hy, Inc. McHedFy Ckn Gallery of Homes Is look) 2 Sales Associates to halt, up wHh the demand. Call Tom tor an Interview, I1S/3M49W. PART TIME Dellvery/Plckup Person, two 4 hour days per week. /Mature, reliable, hard working person with good driv­ ing SKHW A driving record. Must be bondable. Send work history to Mega Time, 313 Lane, Lake In the Hilts, REAL ESTATE SALES Posi­ tions. Licensed or un. We will train you like ho one else. .S&SHSS Help Wanted 22 DELIVERY DRIVERS I. Must! ' Help Wanted 22 KruaooA time men'scl we will CAREER OPPORTUNITY have attitude .A are will- grow wltha »PCUMMINS Country Companies has an opening for a full time career agent In the Crystal Lake area. Full training, guaranteed star­ ting Income. Interested In a presently employed Individual Iwth a proven success pattern. f Submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock, IL 40098 , DAY CARE Center teacher's aid needed. 20 hours a week; 312/426-0233 Substitute teachers needed also! . IENTAL RECEPTIONIST, art time. Tues. A Thurs., 7; 5:30, A l Sat./ mo. Exp. but will train. Call 312/aei- IUSOEAC ••815/455-1230** DENTAL Part time. DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time, chair side, experience prcrerrea, immeaiaTt position, '̂ Teneral : FACTORY Qualifications for General Fac­ tory Include the ability to work up to standards (Incentive) , g^hand dexterity, and a GOOD attendance record. Previous machine operations experience would be a plus. Please apply In person to: EXCELLENT 2nd JOB clean­ ing offices In Barrrlngton 2 nights per week + Saturday t position .. advance- vkemaster, 312/301- 44<t., RECEPTIONIST, full time, for Crystal Lake law firm. Call I15/45MI15 for Interview. ATTENTION! Health A Nutri­ tion Co. Looking for dlst. Earn $500. plus a week! Call 312/051- Wt '« RETAIL ASSISTANT MANAGER needed at Mothercare, Spring Hill Mell; 312/426-0707. Personnel Manager COILS INC. 11716 Algonquin Rd. Huntley, IL 60142 opportunity inipioyif m/f MOTHERS A OTHERS! Time on your hands? Bills on your mind? Queens Way to Fashion can help you earn ex­ tra income plus MOD. wardrobe. No investment; car A phone necessary. Call 015/305-0400 or 015/459-2113. ALGONQUIN STATE BANK, Part Time position w/ an op- Wanted. Must be 10. Call 015/720-0440 CotoYftdLifcfe/-- ' OFFICE* . MANAGER Our client, a closely held heavy egulpmont dealer located Nor­ thwest of Elgin, is seeking an s, experienced in- _ „ to be controller/ Of­ fice Manager. The ideal can­ didate will possess a minimum of 0 years experience and be able to take command of the ac- function and office I. Individual will have IIMNlBMITItnti - - tors and CPA firm. Knowledge of computers is required. Rewards of this position in­ clude a salary In the mid to high 30's. For consideration, please send your resume in­ cluding salary history, to: Robert C. LaBrot Regional Personnel Director MCGLADREY HENDRICKSON &PULLEN 1499E. Woodfleld Rd. VILLAGE CLERK Full Time Expertise In accounting, secretarial duties, typing, organizing A personable. Apply in person: Village of Fox River Grove 400 Northwest Highway Earl Hermansen Village Manager Help Wanted 22 CERTIFIED • NURSING ASSISTANT We are accepting applications for fulFtime day & pm shifts w> a 70-bed ambulatory In­ termediate care facility. Some part time positions available on SI 3 shifts. No uniforms worn. verall involvement ln> residents' cere. Contact /Ms. Vaiek SHELTERING OAK INC. Island Lake, IL ' 312/526-3636 WAITRESS, Full Time, days, experienced. Also part time weekend waitress position available. Apply in person, Iron Skillet, Rt.iTAlgonquin. STOP OPPORTUNJTY KNOCKS We will start you with - s guaranteed income, sondyou to school for 2 weeks expen; paid, train yoy in the field selling and s^jvicinc! i ed business i Must be t to learn a wide va 312/650-4535, between 0:30am- 2pm. Equal Opportunity Employer. m/f/h QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER Hands on position reporting to Plant Manager. Requires total commltmem to quality with ex­ perience in osmetic !i»quan- titive measurement areas. Must be capable of smoothly in­ terfacing with plant personnel A customers. Sate-of-the-art knowledge of statistical Q.C. A geometric dimensioning A over 21 years of ago, have car, bio, ambftio sports minded. bondabi mbitious, and Hospitalization and profit sharing. £ail for ap- tntment: Frank Sloan at ffittflevstiKR: 5 p.m. GENERAL OFFICE POSITION Available with McHenry County Auto Dealer­ ship.,. Auto experience including license and title preferred. Typing & pleasant phone man­ ner a must. \ Send resume to: Box A0P c/o Shaw Free Press 3812 W. Elm St. ' McHenry, IL 60050 i ,s> Til We fere Industry leaders In quality precision stampings serving the electronics in­ dustry. Benefits I Woodstock locations. Apply in person. El Niagara, lib First St., Woodstock or 230 Virginia St.. Crystal Lake. 23 YEAR OLD DIRECT-SALES COMPANY Has immediate positions available for saws BUILDING INSPECTOR Village of Cory requires a qualified person to perform finkpection and enforcement work involving building codes, zoning regulations and plan review. The position requires a thorough knowledge of BOCA Building Codes, including knowledge of plumbing and electrical proce­ dures. The person we are looking for must heve good cbflgpuijication skills and at least 3 years experience. We have good fringe benefits including IMRF and start- v ing salary is negotiable. Resumes may be sent to. or applications picked up at, Village of Cary, 255 Stonegate Road, Cary, IL 60013. If you have any questions, please ycontoct Tom Scanlan, 312/639-0003. ; i Include profit sharing, ma|or medical A dental In­ surance. Contact: BobSwanson, 312/658-4588 WaucondaTooJ& Engineering aaam ing an ambitious salesperson w/ good telecom­ munications & work habits to loin our sales force. We offer product training, salary, plus progressive bonus A benefits. Please call for appt. Illinois Carbon Products, 312/658-8584. tatlves In Lake, DuPage, A ss'i.wsi.'sgaiM provided. Average earnings, $450 per week, commissions., plus expenses. Expenses paid during training. Call For Interview 015/338-6080 COUNTER HELP WANTED Knowledge of pressing a plus. Must be flexible. For more Info, call Woodstock Vogue Cleaners, 815/330-4640 WANTED: ATTRACTIVE models, 10 to 35 who live in the McHenry, Woodstock area,vfo model in a National Housewares catalog. Please send photos & resume with age, height & weight, to Box APA, % Shaw Free Press, 3(12 W. Elm St., McHenry, il.60050. PRODUCTION SIP I Southwest Forest Industries 17820 west Washington^ Union, IL 60100 'T)(#»rl»nced clerk needed to All liti- mediate position in production & ship­ ping-salary & benefits excel lant. Must be able to work accurately with numb­ ers and have good telephone personal- i Ity, typing & general office skills. COIL WINDERS Our growing company needs a few good paper section coll winders. MUST have ex­ perience. Excellent salary, bonus, qualifica­ tion increases & fringe benefits. Full- time only, days. Also need one experienced power saw opera­ tor. - • Apply In PERSON only LENCO ELECTRONICS, INC. 1330 BeldenSt. McHenry, IL The William Tonyan Industrial Park Equal Opportunity Employer Central Manager Of Operations Hatdeex • Send Resume To PO Box 6337 Madison, Wisconsin, 53716 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN 1 Manufacturer of health care McHenry County has a need for a qualified labor* iMM tome college chemistry and/or related expef^nqSiU'Posl products located a quad would have' tory techftlele*. ideal candidate college chemistry and/or relate tion would entail testing of rAw materials, in-process batches, and finished products. Any microbiological experience would be a plus. Excellent salary and benefits. Send resume and salary history to: BOX ZZA Sentinel-Herald 109 S. Jetferson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 HEAD ; CUSTODIAN McHenry High School West Campus is soekihg a mature a experienced individual as Head Custodian. Must have thorough knowledge of Institutional housekeeping proceedures a demostratedleadership ability. Apply immediately in writing only with resume 4 salary history t0: Mr. Pettit MCHENRY HIGH SCHOOL WE ST CAMPUS 4724 Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, II. 60050 TELEPHONE SECRETARY to work fast paced answering station. Must be reliable, have good handwriting, and a mature speaking voice. Mottty morning hours. I a.m.-11:30 or 1 p.m. Approx. 20-22 hours, in­ cludes l weekend day. Apply at: 474 Virginia, (White house on corner of Dole a Virginia). 115/459-4400 PART TIME PLANT MAINTENANCE Requires demonstrated experience in all areas of building & equipment maintenance, including custodial, electrical, mechanical, HVAC & natural gas systems. Ap­ plicants should have a high school diploma, self- motivation, tools, & work references. Non-smokers only. 20 hours per week. McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 West Main St. McHenry, 11,60050 CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES needed immediately for staff relief. Too Pay. Call for ap­ pointment. Alpha Christian Registry. 312/931-0930 SCAPE FORMAN landscape design ny looking for an \ced landscape Must have a good ending of landscape plant material a con- Ion techniques a be able __d and motivate a crew of 1-5 people. Top pay to the right person. Send resume a references to BOX AQX, * Shaw Free Press, 3112 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. <0050. EXPERIENCED ROOFERS. Experienced only need apply. Call»15/4J»-113S PART-TIME MEDICAL Secretary. Insurance and Medicare experience desirable. 312/311-7110. DAY . Waitress Full S Part Time 312/639-7800 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS National company looking for dependable people to train for position In an exciting growth Industry. Earn up to $540. per week If you qualify. Company tralnina provided at local office. For interview,call Mon. Hues. before 2 pm, ; ;i 312/658-3131 WANTED: Cleaning services Michael Delehoy at 312/639- 2900 Help Wanted 25 Wanted To Buy 26 BUSINESS SECRETARY FULLTIME* High School Graduate with good typing, math ft general office experience needed for our Business Department. In addition to performing secretarial dbties for the Director of Finance, this self mo­ tivated individual will assist in accounts receiva­ ble, acconts payable & payroll data entry. Call for an appointment. McHENRY ASSOCIATON FOR THE RETARDED 4001 Dayton St. McHenry, IL. 815/344-1230 Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F Help Wanted General Office Skills Computer Input Experience Helpful Daily lpm-8pm (815)385-4410 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS EXPERIENCE PREFERRED • ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY (Crystal Lake & McHenry Plants) •HEAVY COIL WINDING (Algonquin Plant) Apply in person at the Crystal Lake Plant: c 0 power conversion products inc forty two east street p.o. box 380 crystal lake Illinois 60014 115/459-9100 Equal Opportunity Employer Liquors, St., Crystal Lake telephone Sales Classified Advertising Our Classified Advertising Department, located in Crystal "Lake, is looking for an ambitious sale's oriented person. The qual­ ified applicant will be servicing an estab- Jished account list, selling special promo­ tions and soliciting new business. You must be dependable and a hard worker. If your career goal is steady full time em­ ployment with a progressive,, growing company and you have sales ability and/or a desire to learn, please stop by and fill out an application today at the Office of The Herald, Crystal Lake Edition, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake, III. or call 815/455-4800 for our office location nearest yQu. Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group >ur onice ii <#• Y" Data Processing COMPUTER OPERATOR 3rd Shift Our rapidly expanding data processing depart­ ment offers an opportunity to an experienced computer operator. Experience on IBM 4300 equipment and running DOS/VSE is required. VM, CICS experience a plus. This is a responsible position handling 3rd shift operations. a We offer competitive salary range and an ex­ cellent benefits package. Please call for an in­ terview appointment. 81S-675-2321' !NTERMATIC I N C 0 « « » 0 » A T * 0 Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL €0081 WOOOSTOCK HIGH School is looking for coaches for this Spr­ ing sport season (IMS). The followinqpositions are open : Head Boys' Track 4 Field Asst. Boys' Track & Field Asst. Baseball Coaches most have a teaching certificate. Please apply im mediately to: James Shipley Woodstock Hioh School Woodstock, IL 815/338-4370 Appliances WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains & old toys & baseball cards. 815/67*4379 after 5:30pm. LOOKING FOR a few good sales people. Are you •*- perlenced in land, auto, sales, etc? Opportunity our dynamic sales force of the natioRs lMding recreation i companies outdoor now e*^\ est. Call ]? pending in the midwest. .... Mr. Pink, 312/544-7778, Friday, Sat., Sun, Mon only, 9am-5pm or evenings after 6pm, 312/587- 4144. WILL TRAIN, Opportunity for motivated people to enter the rapidly expanding industry of outdoor recreation & travel sales. Must be people oriented. Call Mr. Howard, 312/546-7771, Frl„ Sat., Sun., Mon., only, 9am-5pm. FULL -TIME FUEL DESK Cashier, 2nd shift. Apply In per­ son, Union 76 Truckstop, 1-90 & U.S. 20, Hampshire. FULL TIME FUELER,) 2nd m Apply In person, Union 76 1-90 a U.S. 20, AS A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersvllle, 312/426-2360. H.C. Coin S Stamp Co. WE BUY a SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza --815/459-3940 BUYING FURNITURE. 1940 s 4 older. Book cases, desks, tables, chairs, china cabinets, beds a dressersrtl5/478-4141 SECRETARY, typing, some shorthand. Able to doaTwHtTthe public, 815/455-1141. PLASTICS THERMAL FORMING Set-Up a Trim Flxtyrlpg Experienced person needed to take lob shop parts from blueprint to final fabrication a bulla all trim flxturing Inbet >..3317 Rt. 31, P. a Box , Crystal Lake, IL 60014, GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterl- **r 366 Virginia St., (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, IL 1)5/455-6190 WANTED: Glassware - Depression (colored), Helsey, Cambr idge. Fos for ia , Candlewick, etc. Pottery Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Rosevllle. etc. 815/895-4033 ELECTRIC TRAINS and toy farm machinery, 815/522-4454. OFFICE FURNITURE for small Cary office: secretarial a executive desks, file a supply cabinets, crodenza, visitor's chairs. Small budget. 312/439- 8811. _• OAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. 304 Brlarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/459-7751 WANTED TO BUY used paper iptlon, -114, 19 in. Wards Color T.V., needs repair; S25. Whirlpool portable, dishwasher, yellow; S125, Sears washer a dryer, green; S100,40 ft. of like new chain link fence, complete; S185. Call 312/458- 2447. GE DELUXE Washer a Dryer, exc. cond., S400. Call 815/344-4574 REFRIGERATOR Excellent Condition I 815/568-5296 77 Art and Antiques ANTIQUE GAS Pump in good condition; Call 815/42/ 9225, evenings. RIDGEFIELD our quaint hamlet where anti­ que snopsabound! 30+ Dealers 32 Crafts and Hobbles PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative a reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. 34 Health end Fitness )j EXCELLENT PROGRAM \ Maintain good health, Lose weight and feet great 1100% all natural Herbal-base products. 100% Guaranteed. 815/548-8144 AEROBICS Jamie is BACK. Call NAUTILUS at ^The Woodstock Gym a Slim 815/338-3454 Horses end Equipment ers Wednesday STRAW for sale, bale or ton, will deliver, 815/923-4444. iy, W to 4. All shops _ sday thru Sunday, U to 4. Between Crystal Lake a Woodstock. Take Rldgefield Rd. off Rt. 14. WAREHOUSE OF ANTIQUE Mam French a, English Ar morres, stained glass windows, oak table a chairs a country pine furniture at wholesale prices. John Funderburg & Sons 815/547-8)86 SQUARE OAK Table, S125., 4 Bentwood Chairs, S75.; 312/424- 7447. ANTIQUE OAK Organ; Oak Rocker; Oak Pew, call for detail; 312/483-4584. call after 4 p.m., 815/459-3431. UNION: Retail space Ideal for antique, gift or craft shops. Rent^our own shop for as little 81.50 bale, straw, Si.00 bal^lll deliver. 815/338-4428 or 815/338-9553. , BUY-SELL-TRADE English & Western saddles and taclc. Largest stock west a nor­ thwest. Shavings. D.M.S.O. sol­ vent, 99 5/10% pure. Pint, S17.95. Horses for sale. 815/338- 2433. Cedarwood Farm, Inc., 2719 S. Country Club Rd., WOOOSTOCK ' . 37 Pets end Supplies FREE TO COUNTRY home, 2 German Shepherd/Huskie mix. Males, nice, friendly, one black, one white. 815/522-4274. < COCKATIELS; home raised babies, greys a pieds; Baby parakeets: yellows, greens 4 pieds; 815/385-5586. STAY WARM THIS WINTER. Pet Grpomer a Sitter Will come to your home. , Val's Pat Services 815/455-3042 FREE TO GOOD home, female dog, mix breed, waded, all shots, 815/455-2945 affa 3 p.m. some experience, and be will ing to work weekends a holidays. Apply in person; no phone calls. Spring Hill Car Wash, Rt. 72 a 31, Wast Dundee. JOIN OUR PROFESSIONAL TEAM Immediate Openings We are seeking^ •RN's *LPN's •Nurse's Aides •Homemakers/ Companions 1 year experience, private duly or staff relief, all shifts available, full or part time. Flexible schedule. Top wages. For application & appt. call: TEMPSTAFF NURSING SERVICE 312/931-9150 , syjel opportunity eff picycr 25 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY: Piano ingood shape, S15/AS0504. D. per month, utilities in­ cluded at the Depot St. Market, formerly Viilj^e Depot Anti- tourist area. formerly village gues; very high 1 Call 815/923-2214. GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups, AKC, asking 8175. Call after 4 pm, 312/742-9487. BUY, SELL or TRADE Hd Shells a 815/338-4731. Guns, OW. Shells and related Appliances MAJOR APPLIANCES WE'VE GOT'EM. Refrigerators, Ranges-gas & electric, washers, dryers, portables & wr­ ingers. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All completely reconditioned & guaranteed. WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER "WtSRF McHenry, II. 815/385-1872 815/385-1894 G E WASHER, avacado, heavy duty; Konmore electric dryer; Kenmoro portable dryer, 110 VOlt; 815/455-5894. ANTIQUE DOLL, 24" long, kid body, German Bisk, S300/best offer, 815/455-2092. 29 Building Meterlels TWOALLSTEEL BUILDINGS Must sell Immediately. 30 x 40 was S7109, will sell for S5292.50 x 100 was S25045, will sacrifice for $15969. Call Frank 312/223-7445. ALFALFA HAY for sate, Call 815/522-4454. GROOMING by Audrey. Discount for new Customers. 815/344-2384 PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs ^ Pat Woodruff, 815/448-2544 TWO AKC Yorkshire males, 9* wks., home raised, shots, S350, 312/449-3248 after 4 p.m. 30 Clothing MARINES Computers and 91 Software GERMAN SHEPHERDS, AKC, big wolf- colored female; Mack a gold male. 815/385-7553. JACK RUSSEL PUPPIES for sale, sired-by champion racer Hlgglns, 8200,815/3M-4008. TOSHIBA T-100 Computer, unused, only opened to demonstrate, keyboard, full color screen, dual disc drive, 1 game program, work sheet pro­ gram, word wrlght program. New S2000., will sell For S995.; 815/455-4300 days, or 815/344- 5454 eves. COCKATIELS, a tame ba>' 815/728-0928. SULPHER Cockatoo w 312/428 GERMAN SHEPii^I\L. white, 1 yr. male, exc. dik, tion, 815/338-5503. FREE KITTENS TO Good Homes. 6 wks. old. 815/459-0997 ^ SgPgONES DRYWALL IMPROVEMENT LIMOSINE DRIVER, full time, well-groomed, prefer non- smoker, age 23 a over, ex­ perience a knowledge of sur­ rounding area helprul. Com- mission. 815/455-4060. CASHIERS. Part time, ex­ perience preferred. 2 p.m. -10 p.m. shift and weekends. Apply In person between 6 a.m. & 2 p.m. Boncosky Oil Co. (Mobil), 451 Virginia, Crystal Lake. MANAGER Adult Mobile Home Park ' Crystal Lake ideal for retired couple or in­ dividual with a supplementary income. Will furnish a beautiful apt. to live-in on site. Should be capable of doing handy work, parti maintenance a deal with residents as needed. Send letter listing your capabilities and phone number c/o P. R. M. H., 27W370 Geneva Rd., West Chicago, IL 60185. CHOIR DIRECTOR needed Church, 325 S. Scott, Genoa, II. 60135 TOOL MAKER Must be exp. a work w/ min. supervisor Overtime, paid holidays a vacation. Apply in person or call: ARMIN MOLDING CORP. 1500 N. La Fox S.Elgin, 11.60177 312/742-1864 YOUR OWN AVON BUSINESS Is Money In The Bank! Now two ways to eern. Start selling. Start saving. Call, 815/459-5757. Local Home Maintenance wWlvO /VIOST fVwKeS e *4--»-i- & mOOmm ° Prompt • Experienced Senior Clttsons Discount •mIIS/SISWM CHIMNEY SWEEP TOP m* MAT CHIMNEY SWEEPSERVICE Low Prices Fully Insured Senior Citizen Discount Serving Northern Illinois Call 815/728-0921 CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMffffiftl •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions • Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages • •Aluminum Siding a Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME 81S/HMNS DRYWALL •Installationa Finishing •Patchwork a Spray-on ceilings 815/344-1956 FIREWOOD MIDWESTTREE CARE Quality Oak Maple Hickory 850. per face cord 3 or more, 840. a piece DELIVERED 312/4264280 GROCERY SHOPPING SERVICE THE MARKETEERS Grocery shopping service, ser­ ving McHenry, Woodstock a Crystal Lake. We will shop for you. Pre-printed Inventory lists provided. $iip8r ysyrcholos ̂ utiivfrodvoyour ooor » I WOTr TfirW MlWwIf Call tor further information after 6pm. 915/344-4375 BWUMM 115/33*0019 CHIMNEYSWEEP PART TIME Breakfast cook, mate or female. Waitress, part time evenings. Apply In person, Cordelia's Restaurant, (across from train station In Cary). PART TIME HOURS - Full time earnings. Sell and teach Trl-Chem Liquid Embroidery. No Experience Necessary. Free kit plan. Call 815/544-66Q0 ELECTRICIAN, parwl exp. necessary. Call Custom Automated Machinery, 312/697- 6333. WELDER w/ set up a fabrica- tlon exp. Call Custom Automated Machinery, 312/697- 6333. 5% Senior Citizen Discount M Ingleside L. FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces "Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimnev Sweeps Guild SALES PERSON WANTED for active Corpentersville Real Estate Office. Paid comm., license pref., 312/428-2400. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY , KraapK reports a specifications, ligm bookkeeping a other duties as assigned. Tor appointment 815/678-4100. TYPIST (Experienced) Please Apply In Person WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANIES 300 Commerce Drive Crystal take, IL J&L IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Soitit*Fascia*Gutters Roofina*DeCks Low Prices a Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed a Insured •115/455-4226 ̂ If No Answer, Call »1S/4S*3IW,E)(t.Z PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work a materials References 815/455-5536 REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years-McHenrv County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION 115/344-1632 •15/315-6566, IIS/3444741 SNOWPLOWING k FIREWOOD M&CTREE SERVICE SnowPlowing Firewood a Log Splitting Attn: Landowners Also buying hardwood trees. 115/344-3524 NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS TO!&£iMMi6VEMENT NEED PHONES MOVED OR NEW PHONES INSTALLED? HAVE IT DONE NEATLY. PROFESSIONALLY AND REASONABLY! Also Install lacks tot telephones a answering: systems. CALL 815/338-5588 TYPESETTING • Typesetting • Illustration a Photography • Cameraready Art Complete Graphic Arts Service Sawyer Design 815-4554577 WATER CONDITIONING! Introductory Offer RENT A ' QUALITY WATER SOFTENER ^ For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 815/338-3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING •(LImlltd to Home Owners) WEIGHT LOSS THE NATIONAL DIET INSTITUTE (Formerly Conway Diet) Meets Mondays, 7:30 pm 49 E. Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, II. Take Ttw Flrsf Step To A Healthier Mind aBody Call Lorl Oerkfltz 815/459-5323 Northwest Hone Sums Approved Contractor for . in wtndwofi WHEN YOU WANT THE JOB DONE RIGHT... call the Professionals at NORTHWEST HOME SERVICES, INC. FROM CONCRETE TO ROOFING AND EVERYTHING IN BET-; WE EN; whether you need repairs, remodeling, or new construction, if you want quality products and Professional CRAFTSMANSHIP, rail _ • NORTHWEST HOME SERVICES...where -"ONE CALL DOES IT ALL" 15 W. Main, Cary . I (312)639-6609 Financing Available i Bonded Insured

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