Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1985, p. 16

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». »endl3ih Block jTTn tsie*LeteEi division M the East Half of Hit Ea* Half « 44 North, Range 9, East of the Th «»£ Ii eccordina tc the Plat thereof rocof Commonly knb*t>ot: IDS ftfcfe ferrec* Isk Pa#* IS• PLAINDE ALER-HERALD. WEDNESDAY . JANUARY 23. IKS Trucks ff CHIVY C20/7*, 6 eyl., stick, 4S0Q0 miles, like now clutch & snows, good cond., needs point, >1300.orpeat; 015/459-342T '6ft Fort, ISO V0, Allison auto., 5 yd. dump w/reversable plow, fitOO. 312/4305101 CHEVY BLAZER, 77, 4 by 4, FORD F1S0, 77, with cop, om/tm, 3 spd. trans., now tiros and wheels. Asking CHEVY LUV, 75, with cap, em/fm, 3 spd. trans., chroma wheels, raised latter tiros. Ask­ ing ttOO. 015/455-2206 or 455-2003 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE STATE$OF ILLINOIS ) ' . . COUNTY OF MCHENRY !SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLI WIS NO. 04CH257 CARLPSOERNER. d/b/a CARL WOERNER HEATING A COOL- • NOTICE mi GMC Value Von - smoll DOOGE LEISURE VAN, '12, auto., pa/pb. air, om/tm stereo camtte, fruise. 15 «al. reserve tank. low miles, many extras. CHIVYST€P VAN. 71, M». atom. body, engine has low ftlfe good lTr«, PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS v« L^gal Notices .RL L "WVOIN* I" inv auoYs oniiTica SUIT, mat >«. stabs agalrtst you J2SL"S * C00UNG' ̂ DESH £ •Ot»OWoi Tv*WiTt Parcel It Thatpart of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range • East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South W degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds West along the North lino of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 2W.14 feet to the Westerly right of way line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad for the place of beginning; thence continuing South •9 degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds West along the North lint of sold Southeast Quarter, a distance of 504.72 feet to a point 500.0 foot Easterly of the Northwest corner of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 27; thence South 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds West parallel with the West I Quarter of said Section tine of the East Half of the Southeast I 27, a distance of 400.0 feet; thence South II degrees, 00 minutes, 50 seconds West, a distance of 512.14 loot; thence Southerly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 340.22 feet and being tangent to the last described course, a distance of 102.33 feet; thence South 00 degrees. 46 minutes, 96 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 254.46 feet to the center line-of State Route 120; thence South 59 dogrooe, 01 minutes, 30 seconds East, along said center line to a point, (said point being located as follows: Commencing at the Quarter post at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 Ndrfh, Range I East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence West on the Quarter line, • chains and 17 links; thence South 1V4 degrees West, 4 chains and 9S links; thence South M degrees West, 3 chains and-77 links; thfnce South 21 V» degrees West, | chains and 91 links, South 2 degrees West, 5 chains and 57 links to the of the roao leading from McHenry to Woodstock, thence South 56 degrees East, along the center of the road, 5 chains and 77 links to the point as aforesaid); thence North 24 ' " 30 minutes East, a distance of 4344 feet; thence North 31 degrees, 00 minutes West, a distance of 95.04 feet; i North 20 * foot; thence Nortt It4 feet; thence distance of 103.62 20 degrees, 00 minutes East, a distance of 75.9 North 47 degrees, 00 minutes East, a distance of hence North 71 degrees, 00 minutes East, a „ 103.62 feet; thence North 57 degrees, 30 minutes East, a distance of 10946 feet; thence South 74 degrees, 30 minutes East, a distance of 216.22 feet to the Westerly right of way line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad; thence North 12 degrees, 16 minutes, 30 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line, a distance of 020.57 foot to the place of beginning in McHenry County, Illinois, {excepting from all of the above described property of that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 0 East of the Third Principal Meridian, • utherlycor- s Office of nor of a in the R • tfir-tenter fflft of 5tif» Route t20; thence teriy 8h the center line of said State Route 120 for a distance of 266.65 feet to a point on the Westerly edgt of Boone Creak running a Northeasterly and a Southwesterly direction, said pointalso being theplace of beginning; thence Northwesterly on the center line of said State Route 120 for 6 distance of 230 feet to a point; thence Northerly and parallel to th* Easterly line of said Document No> 516310 for a dlftance of 297.40 feet to a point of curve; thentt Northeaster­ ly on a curve, convex Northwesterly and having a radius of 157741 feet for a distance of 114.50 feet to a point of tengency ; thence Northeasterly and tangent to the last described line at the last described point, for a distance of B2 feat to a point of curve, said point hereinafter known as Point "B"; thence Northeasterly on a curve, convex Northwesterly and having a radius of 17,00041 feet for a distance of 227.71 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly on a line forming an angle of 71 degrees, 10 minutes and 40 seconds from Point r'B", as previously described herein, for a distance of 49440 feet to the Westerly edge of Boone Creek; thence Southerly on the Westerly edge of Boone Creek to the place of beginning) in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel 2: Thatpart of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range I East of the Third Principal Meridien, described as follows: Commencing at fhe Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence Sooth 09 degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds West along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 799.06 feet to a point 500.0 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of the East Half of said Southeast Quarter, for the place of beginning,' thence South 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds West, parallel with the West line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of laid Section 27. a distance of 400.0 feet; thence South 10 degrees. OOtminutoe, 50 seconds West, a distance of 502.14 feet; thence Southerly along a curve to the left having a radius of 340.22 feet and tangent to the last described course, a distance of 102.33 feet; thence South 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds West, tangent to the lest described curve, a distance of 254.46 feet to the center line of State Route 120; thence North Si degrees, 00 minutes, 30 seconds West along said center line, a distance of 3442 feet; thence North 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds East, a distance of 220.30 feet; thence North 7} degrees, 35 minutes, 10 seconds West, e distance of 12547 feet tome West line of Lot 10of A.H. Henley's OutlotS; thence North 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds East along the West III* of said Lot 10, a distance of 110.0 feet to the Northwest carrier of said Lot 10; thence North 75 degrees, 20 minutes, 20 seconds West along the South line of Lot 6 af A.H. Hanley's Outlots, a distance of 166.32 feet to the West line of the East Half of eald Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees, 46 minutes, 50 seconds East along said West line, a dlstence of 052.7 feet to the Northwest corner of the East Half of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 09 degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds East along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 500.0 feet I l"to the place of beginning, In McHenry Illinois, (excepting from all of the above described i that part af the East Half of the SoutheastQuarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 0 Eest of the Third Principal Meridian, described as 'ol̂ . Beginnings! the point of intersection of the West line of said EaitHalfof the Southeast Quarter of Section 27 and the center line of State PUBLIC NOTICE M&wviisttzasir v MCHENRY COUNTY, WOOOSTOOUUINOIS NO.HCHM3 . kV ' WESTAMERICA MORTGAGE COMPANY. Plaintiff, vs. STEPNSN P-KRUCEK. UNKNOWN SPOUSE Of STEPHEN P. KRUCEK. and UNKNOWN OWNERS. /k/a IRIS P: KRUCEK, KRUCEK. a/fc/a IRTS FT I KRI entitled suit, that the said suit... Osurf of the Nineteenth Judicial the Mid Plaintiff Lots It, division . Township County, iL. by m&mdSSSs--'. Wfl ntOUV !STA*88 Terrace, talon* Laka, IL AND IRIS p; WESTAMERlCA JSSpSiSS to the City afWoodstock, filtrtrts. on or pefore the 19th day of r̂uary.JWS, default may be entered against yoo of anytime offer that day and a decree enter** m accordance with the braver In the City af KiMfB .... -i - .hat day an** of said Complaint. Doted: Januarys, tfftf • i •' i -I ;V . R CO0ILIS AND ASSOCIATES Attorney for Plaint iff is. 376 Summit Avenue. Suite 2A ss •MM*? <• v'; WMehedlnfte Plalndealer.fWoidiJan. 16, tt. 3ft. 1905) " ' i '̂ .ii ... . - iVti'iMi' V PUBLIC NOTICE MCHENRY COUNTY- INI No. 04-P-304 ... In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM CARROLL MURRAY, Deceased - . v CLAIM NOtlCC ' cDWARD MURRAY. 14 Everoreen Lone, Hilton Head Avwt, Woodrtfe, ll 60090, er with reprfsentatlve, or Both, Vernon W.Kays, Jr. (Clerk of the Circuit Court) • "mjtifyn Kline iDeputy)̂ (Published in The Pleindealer Herald, Jan. H,~Q, 30,1905) / -m. i " . I nili >'i.i •> i i • ii hum • i i. •.i• PUBLIC NOTICE mt>it CIRCUIT :ri«hrfrM,C,At£,"cg,T Nft.ftSCH01S DEVON lANK. on IHinpNBankUil Corporation, m*ivl*ually, and ^Trustee under Trust Deed recorded as Document No. ftsMftjL ' m OENN 11 R. SNA H. SHAVER; KARE 1 Trustee under Trus- ACHENRY STATE B •COR UNKNOWNOWNERS <>>1MANt̂ .. THOMAS F, HEI •̂ NOTICE 1S OWNERS and NON-R \STJ9 Y0U- UNKNOWN ECORD CiAIMANTS. that Suit entitled as • Mortgage on -36 in Fair Ooks Subdivision, a Subdivision at part it Fraction of fhe South Halt of the Southwest Section H,Township 45 North, Range 0 East of the -- Principal Marxian, aiLWiina te the Plat thereof 6edAtigMt2t, 1919, as Document No. 44379 In Book 3 of . page 5. In McHenry County. Illinois. WW* '4 ^Anf you ore notified that uhiest on or before the 25th day ofv February. 190$, you shall appear to defend in said suit, a Oefeult •judfmant may entered egoinst you on the dote following or DATED this 16th doy of Jainwbry, t9tS. * Vernon W. Keys, Jr. Circuit Clerk (SEAL) -- • X jpuBHshed In the Plolndaftier-HaTald. Jon- 93.10; Feb. 6.1905) lifeiiH'.-. .... PUBLÎ ATKMNOTICE BIIHIO BlaMaA la IIAO^SU'Aluoal' • rvviK rwnict ii nvmy oivvn Mir m m« .sfHe*1n the Office /Clerk ftf McHenry m IHIftAk •alHn i fintti lt>i r»fiTM'nOiI/ HTTM TOTTn Tn# •i and poit-off let •ddrtim v.w.lMttoportonsOwf»lfig,con- ducting ond transactiM the ' of 3712 Lab, McHenry, Dated December 19th, 1904. RoaemoryAuaro County Cierk (SEAL) jH|h||j 1 Herald. Jen. 9,16/33, i|05 (Published m the Plalndealer- Public Notice .• ASSUMED KAMI PUBLICATION NOTICE Pefctk Notice le hereby given that an Oecamber v. 1914. a cer­ tificate was fMed In the Office of the County Cjbrk of McHenry County, Illinois, saHIng forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, cpn- ductmg ond transacting the business known os COR­ NUCOPIA, located jt -1219 N. ~llMie ff raan ff 4 rA • 6 llfwPl •HWWTj ienry, IL December 27, lifts. Altera Dated Decenn Rosemery Ai County Cierk (SEAL) (Published In th* Plalndealer- Herald, Jan. 9.16,23,19fts) M041 . PUBLIC NOTICE NTY'̂ NPROSATSI NO.04-P414 y , In fheMoNer of the Estate of CECILIA ADAMS, Decoftoo* , CLAIM NOTICE Notice Is given qf the deeth of CECELIA AOAMS, of i Route 120, (said point also being on the East line of Lot 26 of . the County ClerkVPIat, according to the Plat thereof rKord- ed in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County. Illinois, on May 6, 1902. in Book 2 of Plats, on page 4lk and running thence North on the West line thereof and on the East Una of said Lot 26, for a distance of 597.50 feet to apoln*; thenceE est on a line forming an angle ol109 degrees right with e prolongation of the '«*! described line, at the last described point, for a distance of 306.10 feet toe point of a curve; thence Southeasterly!onecurve, conve*iNo f̂"* iy and having a radius of 29.32 feet, for a distance of_43L20 feet, chard measurement, to a point of tangency; thence Southerly tangent to said curve, et the last dwrtbed point, far m distance of 209 10 feet to a point of curve; thence t̂herly one curvevconvex Westerly and having a radius of 1610.31 feet, for a distance of 116.92 te a point of tangency; thence Southerly tangent to the last described curve, at the last Ascribed P«W|* •1jSWjf 201.42 feet to a point in the center ine of s ̂̂ te Route 120, thence Northwesterly on the center line State Route 120 and beino on a curve, convex Northea»terly. for a distance of 323.50 feet, chord measurement, to the place ot beginning,). , , end for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said court as provided by taw and that the suit Is still pending. • vf " X ^NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, UNKNOWN OWNERS and N^ECORO CLAIMANTS, the said Defendants file your onswer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise Mateywggearance therein in the said Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, held In fhe Courthouse In the Cltyof Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the llthday default may be entered against you at any time after thf day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. Dated December, 21,1904. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. (SEAL) COWLIN, UNGVARSKY, KUKLA A CURRAN ' Attorneys for Plaintiff 20 Grant Street CrystalLake, IL 60014 (015)459 5300 j (Published in the Pleindealer Herald, Jan. 9. t6.23,1905) JMZZ -- llruvla ARRCR -.X aMmmiau loi 11noii oMQDVf wnos9 viwiivy is wwv Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, Illinois f iy yi ttiiiiw*eew.t t - r / 11, . • r,.< Claims against the estate may MfiM mite office ot the Clortief ie Court at McHenry County Courmause, 2200 N, |emift>fy VOfHIO/ fVOOQSTOCK# iL IWfft ̂wton VODWIWVOilwPl -ST rMi ̂A sa^M ^4 ^ ^ ® -- . rlin 9 IIIWIIIIS II Ulfl IW M«1 P H9VWIIV 91 I filed within thdt period H barred. CepiM Clerk must lie mailed or delivered to the i ettorney within 10 days after If has been fii Don't wait. arid of a tialm ive and to VernOn W; Keys, Jr. (Clerk af the ClrcuH Court) MoriorieE. Emaraan , Marjomi (Deputy) (Published In The Plaindaaiar-HerekL iMl. M.». 30, VMS) mm PUBLIC NOTICE - ®NCS3FLSC, No. ft4-p'33l In the Matter of the E»tOte of MARGARET G. WUNDERLICH, Dsceaesd •' CLAIM NOTICE Notice is aiven of the deathof MARGARET G. WUNDERLICH of Loke. Illinois 60097, whpseettorney is Evan W. Lewis, 4901W. Elm , Street, McHenry, Ullnois60ftS0 flie Court at McHenry ftstOck, IL Avenue. Woodstock. IL 6009ft, Or within 6 months from the date of issuance < the Clerk af . Semfnery atl̂ s, er both, --. ̂ i and any claim filed within thdt period is barred. Copies of e claim filed with the Clerk must be moiled or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 1ft day* Offer'it has been filed. yeradnW.KoM. Jr. . " Klerk the Circuit Court) Mor (or leE. Emerson ,... ' • - (Deputy) (Published in the Plalndealer-Herai*, Jon. 23,3ft; Feb. 6,19ft5) M1070 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT . MCHENRY COUNTY, WOOOSTOCK. ILLINOIS NO. 05CH003 LOAN ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANDLOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO 1st FINANCIAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Pleintlff. 5 MICHAEL P. HANACHEK. JR.. GA|R*̂ M R. HANACHEK. his Wife, and UNKNOWN OWjNCRS. Defendents. The requisite affidavit for pubitcatiori having been filed, notice is hereby given yoi, MICHAEL P. HANACHEK, JR.. GABRIELAft. HANACHEK, his wife, and UNKNOWN.OWNERS, Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that tl* tH* suit has been commenced in the Circuit Ceurt of the Nineteenth Judtdiat Circuit, McHenry Coun­ ty, IL, by the said Plaintiff against you describod as fallows to wit: Lot fts m Pistekee Hills Unit No. l, a Subdivision of part el the Southwest Querter of Section 5, end port of the Northwest Quarter of Section ft, ail In Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Mer idien, eccording to the Plat thereof Book 13 of of the Third Principal Meridien, eccordifH| to the P recorded May 4,1957, as Document No. 322564. In Pkin. page tl in McHenry County, Illinois. .ft MICHAEL P: ACHECK to 1ST MC Commonly known aa: 5105 Ptstakee Drive, McHenry, IL 60050. and which said mortgage was mode HANACHECK, JR., AND WlRlELA R FINANCIAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOClATH recorded in the Office of Recorder 1 llnots, as Document NO. t2735ft. Andtor ether relief, tiiet summons was duly itluedoot of the saw Court against you as provided by low, ohd that tte said wit ia now pending. Now therefore, unless you, the seid above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the offteo of the Clerk af the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. McHenry County, Illinois, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 19th day of February, after that Of said .Dated: Jenuary 7,.1905 try. 1905. default may be Onterad against ypu at. anytime iat day an* a decree entered in accordance withthe prayer Complaint. & ! Veri (SB (SEAL) CODILIS AND ASSOCIATES Attorney for Plaintlft 1S. 376 summit Avenue, Suite 2A OakbreekTerrace, HiinbisOftifti i!-ir - (312)609-0444 •• -' "..r • (Punished ih the Plaihdealer-Her 01*, i3,3»,|905> NUMBER $ m mm JZ / u The BARGAINS •tOHl .ttntiiR'-i A FIND IN CLASSIFIED! Whatever you're looking for, the moot likely place to find it is in the Classifieds. Our Classified pages are the supermarket of the world. With the help of our profes­ sional telephone ad representatives, we can sell or find any item you have or desire. Plaindealer Herald CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Classified Reader Ads 344-4800 IMMWFMCMNM NtwsrAPta oaos»r

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