Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1985, p. 27

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RY FABRIC! Rubber, Rubbtf SECTION 2 • PAGE 8 • PLAIN DEALER-HERALU. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23.1^85 Keep up with POPs before they get the best of you By Jtute Fuller Dear June-I'm having a proof-of-purchase (POP) problem. My back porch is now piled high with bags and boxes of POPs. I didn't min i at first because I was receh month from my just seem to save than I can handle. You see, I work full time. Is there some method to stay on top of proof filing so I don't wind up going off the deep end?-K.M., Rosement, m - ' wmmm c mini ai i ir eceiving $50 refunding, e more POl Coupon Clipper Dear K.M.-I suggest you try the "full box" system. I keep a carton in my kitchen and as soon as it is full of empty boxes, bottles and cans that need to have their proofs of purchase removed, I do it. It takes some self-discipline to put other things aside and attack that full box of POPs, but once you get in the habit, it works like a charm. Now, you have a choice of how to solve the problem about your back porch. It may be painful, but therapeutic, to throw out all those bags filled with POPs and start all over again. If you can't bring yourself to do it, set .aside a POP weekend. At 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning start dip­ ping, peeling, folding and filing, and don't stop until you're done. If you feel you can't do it alone, ask a refunding friend to help, with the promise of sharing the spoils. IS IT WORTH THE EFFORT to write to a manufacturer when there is a problem? This ex­ perience from Julie Teets of London, Ohio, provides a good answer: "June, I was "short fished!" I purchased a box of 10 Mrs. Paul's fish sticks and only found nine in the package. What should I do? I was a little an­ noyed and decided to write. Within days I received •ned h concerned letter a very from the Scotch $5 Refund Offer. Send the required refund form and one back label from the 750-ml decanter bottle of Ballantine's 12 Year Old Scotch. This offer is valid only to adults of legal drinking age. Expires Feb. 28, Crystal Lake UPHOLSTERING 151N. Main 8 Prairie (in rur) 815-459-0653 35% DISCOUNT ON ALL UPHOLSTERY Wi Sell f oi m Wibbinf •Custom Upholsttfini •Reptiiini i Refilling •Cimn| Supplier •Office Furniture Repair •Km. Larry A Oorte Seymour DOLE ^Special Two-In-One Offer. Receive a 75-cent special Dole Two-in-One Store coupon good toward the purchase of Dole brand Bananas or Dole brand Fresh Pineapples. Send the required refund form and two Universal Product Code symbols from a Dole Pineapple Juice 46-ounce can label or a 6- pack sleeve. Expires Feb. 28,1985. i HAWAIIAN PUNCH Coupon Offer. Receive a 75-cent coupon good on Hawaiian Punch Fruit Concentrate and a 75-cent coupon ̂ ood on store-brand ice cream. Send the required refund form and oqe label from Hawaiian Punch Fruit Con­ centrate and the register tape for ice cream. There is no ex­ piration date on this offer. SANKA Coupon Refund Offer. Receive two 50-cent coupons good on Sanka Brand Instant Decaffeinated Coffee. Send the required refund form and 10 Sanka Single Service Envelopes and one inner seal from a 4- ounce or 8-ounce jar of Sanka Instant or Freeze-Dried Coffee. Hiere is no expiration date on this offer. SWISS MISS Sugar Free Milk Maker Mail-In $1 Coupon Offer. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code symbols from any two Swiss Miss Milk Maker (canister or box) in Chocolate, Strawberry or Malted flavor. Expires March 1, 1985. Bonus! This offer doesn't require a refund form: Free REALEMON 100 Percent Pure Coupon, P.O. Box 7048, Clinton, IA 52736. Receive a coupon for a free 8-ounce bottle of ReaLemon 100 Percent Pure Lemon Juice. Send two bottle neckbands from ReaLemon 100 Percent Pure Lemon Juice from Concentrate with the words "100 Percent Pure." There is no expiration date on this offer. Write to me in care of THE COUPON CLIPPER, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10166. We Found Michael fjSRy Monical ,3 $394if§iiii We can't promise everyone this, but in a rcccnt survey of customers who col refunds. 3 out of 4 believe tliey got bigger refunds than if Ihev did tneir own taxes. 3 out of 4! What can we And for you? We can't promise everyone this, but in a rcccnt survey of customers who col refunds. 3 out of 4 believe tliey got bigger refunds than if Ihev did tneir own taxes. 3 out of 4! What can we And for you? ALGONQUIN 1MN. HarrtMM PhOM«M4«e OM« Mi'Mr 1 MARENGO MS.SlataSI. MieeeMI4HJ Op-- W«eM«ye e ti hV«,r'l <l>.l»HiiiiH A*.MMe CARY secrytui si.(Rt.M) phanaenmt O^aWtflOrlM; S.l*«<re 1 WE HAVE MOVEOTOSERVE YOU BETTER McHENRY sieiw. EimiRi.iiei Ote.WeeM.rtM; IMMMtH AWINTMIIITIAVAKABU CRYSTAL LAKE #<Crytlal Lake Stwpptaf flaia Pha*« <» WOODSTOCK t4}JMcM«nry Ave. IRtt.lie) Ph*nOM}»e Ope. weeMer* e 1 WW ninnam HARVARD PImmMMW Open Waafcdays N; Saturday f-3 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Where more Americans find a bigger refund company plus a full refund of the price of the fish sticks, and my postage! I learned that Mrs. Paul's does care about its customers, and this good company will continue to get my patronage." SMART SHOPPER AWARD My Smart Shopper Award goes to Dorothy VanDerkercheri of Shillington, Pa., whose savings start at breakfast: "I started breakfast with Citrus Hill orange juice that I purchased with a free-product coupon I received in the mail. I used the proof of purchase for a Citrus Hill $1 egg refund. Finally, I purchased a small- size jar of Folger's on sale, and with dluble coupons I got it free, too. In the end my orange, eggs and coffee cost just 49 cents and a postage stamp. Savings like these make me feel good." Dorothy and other readers whose smart shopping ex­ periences appear in my column receive a free copy of the book "The Guide to Coupons and Refunds." Write to me in care of this newspaper. Here's a refund form to write for: A 50-cent potato chip coupon and two 50-cent Lipton Soup Mix coupons. LIPTON "You Dip In...We'll Chip In" Offer, P.O. Box 7008C, Clinton, IA 52736. There is no expiration date on this offer. While waiting for the forms, save proofs from Lipton Soup Ifizes. Here is this week's list of refund offers. Start looking for the required refund forms, which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspaper and magazine advertisements and from trading with friends. Meanwhile, start collecting the needed proofs of purchase as detailed below. Remember, some offers are not available in all areas of the country. Today's refund offers have a value of $9.94. Beverages (File No. 8) These offers require refund forms: BALLANTINE'S 12 Year Old Save 50°/, Save 30°/o' Entire Stock of Winter Coats for Misses, Juniors and Half- Sale 34.99-124.99, orig. $50-$200. Toasty-warm styles to enjoy right now. Choose from wool pant coats, all-weather zip-lined coats, long wool coats, down-filled coats, short quilted styles, stadium coats and fabulous fakes. Women's Large Size Sportswear 7.99-36.99, orig. $16 $74. A select group ol fashions designed iuetfor you. (Hose from jackets, svtiataB and blouses in sizes £8-44, and skirts and pants in sizes 32-38. Sale 14.99 Men's Long Sleeve Dress Shirts Orig. $18*22.50. Good looks you can really bank on - especially at savings of 27%-45%. Choose from a variety of styles, in your choice of solid colors or fancies. » / Misses Famous Maker Coordinates Sale 6.99-46.99, orig. $14-$94. Jackets, skirts, pants and coordinating blouses from makers like Tan Jay, Russ and Devon. Selection varies by store. Sizes 8-18. 30°/o'50°/o Men's Selected Sweaters Sale 7.99-23.99, orig. $16 $35. Styles to warm up the rest of winter, from fashion fancies to classic solids. Wool, wool/acrylic and acrylic in sizes s, m, I, xl. Savings for Women Save 50% Misses Selected Skirts and Pants, orig. $15-$32, sale 6.99-15.99. Save 50% Selected Maternity Tops, orig. 9.99-S16., salt 4.99*9.99. Save 50% Assorted Necklaces, Brace­ lets and Earrings from our Fashion Jewelry Department, orig. $5-$30, sale 2.49-14.99 Save 50% Women's Selected Gloves and Winter Knitwear, orig. $6-$36, sale 2.99-17.99. Save 50% Leather, Vinyl and Fabric Handbags in Selected Styles, orig. $15- $70, sale 6.99-34.99. Savt 33%-50% Misses Selected Novelty and Basic Sweaters, orig. . 11.99-S15, sale 6.99-9.99. Save 25%* Junior Novelty and Fashion Denim Jeans, 100% cotton, reg. 19.99-S38, sale 14.99*28.50. Sale 6.99 Junior Basic Crewneck Sweaters, orig. 9.99. Sale 6.99 Misses Selected Solid end Plaid Blouses, orig. S13-S14. Savings of 50°/o and more for Children Sale 2.99-4.99 Girls 2-14 Toddler Sleepwear, orig. 5-99-510. Sale 3.99 Selected Plush Animals from our Children's Department, orig. 7.99. Sale 2.99-7.99 Girts 2*14 Playwear, orig. 5.99-$18. Sale 3.99-7.99 Infants Playwear, orig. $8-$16. . . < SalB 2.99*7.99 Boys 2*7 Playwear, orig. 6.99-S17. Sal* 3.99-9.99 Girls 7*14 Sweaters, orig. 8.99416. Sale 2.99-11.99 Health-Tex® Play­ wear for Infants, Boys 2-7 and Girls. 2-4, orig. 5.99-S24. Sale 11.99-29.99 Outerwear for Boys 2-7 and Girls 4-14, orig. 24.99-59.99. Savings for Men Save 50'/i Men's Selected Famous Maker Sportswear, orig. $18-$60, sale 8.99- 29.99. Save 50% Men's Selected Clubhouse Collections, orig. $28-$60, sale 13.99-29.99. Save 30%-40% Entire Stock of Men's Fall Dress Slacks, orig. $30-$60, sale 19.99- 29.99. Save 42%-50% Entire Stock of Fall 3- Pc. Wool Blend Suits, polyester/wool, compare at $200-$260, sale 99.99-149.99. Save 25% Men'* -Year-Round Robes, reg. S35-S55, sale 26.25-41.25.̂ Sale 59.99 Entire Stock of Men's Wool Sport Coats, orig. $100-$129. Savings for the Home Save 40% Northland® 20-Pc. Stainless Steel Flatyvare Sets, reg. 27.99-49.99, sale 18.79-29.99. Save 17%-33% Selected Famous Maker Print Sheets, reg. $9-$17, sale 5.99-13.99. Save 20%-27% Selected Martex' and Fieldcrest" Print Towels, reg. 2.50- $8, sale 1.99-5.99. / Save 25% Selected Photo Albums and Picture Frames, reg. 5.99-$20, sale 4.49-S15. Save 25% Standard Size "Gentle/ Support" Pillows by Pillowtex' , reg. $8, sale 5.99. Save 20% Entire Stock of Shower Curtains, Liners and Hooks, reg. $5- $36, sale $4-28.80 Save 15%-25% Entire Stock of Print Comforters and Bedspreads except our everyday low-priced styles, reg. $65-$165, sale 49.99-129.99. „ Save 15%-20% "Covington Lace" Sheet Sets, reg. $28- $56, sale 21.99-44.99. Save 15%-20% Selected Bed­ spreads, reg. $45-$75, sale 29.99-59.99. Save 15%-20% Entire Regular Price Stock of Fabric Kitchen Accessories, reg. 2.50-$25, sale 1.99*19.99. Save 15%-20% Entire Regular Price Stock of Placemats and Matching Napkins, reg. $C-$5, sale 1.69-3.99. >• Save S50-S100 Entire Stock of Color TV's, reg. 299.99r499.99, sale 249.99- 399.99. // Sate 29.99 Queen and King Waterbed Sheet Sets, compare at 39.99-59.99. After rebate 15.99-29.99 "Lifetime" Mattress Pads by Chatham1 , reg. $19- $38, sale 15.99-29.99, $3 rebate available by mail from mfr. * Savings off ticketed price, v Intermediate markdowns taken on some items. Limited Quantities S P R I N G H I L L M A L L GACjkfcV I I L L M A L L i 4 2 6 - 9 1 0 0

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