control change from chair $60 OFF MM M-fl.p 5-watt AM/FM receiv er. Dual cassette. Im. S1901 &9" ftecotver dftwe otMWiol at 8 ohma from 100-15,000 Hi w*h Mai hwnonlc (flUortlon of viol MBOII tun 0.9%. 49" Rag. $229.98 Rag. $09.99 Rag. $69.99 199" Rag. $279.99 '60 OFF color TV 13-in. diag. meas. picture color TV. The ideal sec ond color set. 79" Rag $99.99 •20 OFF B/W TV 12-in. diag. meas. picture black and white. Earphones; jack. Cig. lighter adapter COrd. Battery pack extra 19999 *30 OFF typawrHar Electronic features 16 character correction. Dot matrix print. LCD display 44" Rag. $69.99 •15 OFF calculator Portable has 4-key ad dressable memory. Punc tuated print and display. Typewrite, phone, colcutatof at moct Sean ilom. inquire. 4999 *20 OFF phone Corded phone clock radio- Pushbutton. AM/FM. Snooze alarm. • Sal* price* on page ana Feb. 2 Each of these advertised items is readily available for sale as advertised. *20 OFF stmo Portable has AM/FM ster eo, cassette play/record. Take your favorite sounds with you. *120 OFF *100 OFF color TV VHSVCR su 379" su 399" 19-in. diag. meas. pic ture. Quartz tuning, 17-key remote, 117 channels, cable- compatible. LED. 9-day/1 -program/8- hour record program- mability. 82 channel tuner. 9-functk>n search remote control. SAVE $100 on dual cassette rack system 1992? Reg. $299.99 SAVE *50 on console color TV with remote Reg. $649.99 Beautifully styled 25-inch diagonal measure picture console color TV has convenient 3-key remote and reliable electronic tuning. Sharpness control and Super Chromix* tube for bright, vivid color. 49999 Great looking, great sounding rack stereo system features dual cassette decks, AM/FM stereo receiv er with graphic equalizer, turntable and two 28-in. 2-way speakers. Records tape to tape.