Cd^nWefi No ZBA recommendation i ion business zoning request P*ge 3 - PLAINDEALER-HERALD. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY SS. IMS L% IBy Anthony Oliver 'W1n<i1irB«rald NmSinlc* X; A petition for business zoning ion the west ride of Route 31 met •with strong opposition : testimony that thTbest usefor :the property was probably ; commercial. 0 The McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted 4-2 Thursday night against a .petition brought by Carl R. Johnson, who was represiented .by attorney Harold v C. McKenney. , The petit^m sought to reclassify six small lots on the west side of Route 31 (Front Street) between Lillian Street and Oak Avenue to B-l com mercial, the least intensive classification. The parcel is presently zoned R-4 multifamily residential. McKenney elicited testimony from two local real estate brokers, Michael Wieser and Charles Hill, who said the best use of the property would be commercial. • Wieser commented it was "highly unlikeljr in this day and < age that a major thoroughfare would lend itself to residential. No residential (building) per mits have been taken out in the last 12 or 15 years." ' He commented it was also • unlikely that anyone would build a home at that intersection, fudging from the proposed widening of Route 31 and the installation of traffic lights at the Grove-Lillian-Route 31 in tersection. Both brokers said the B-l • commercial use would have little or no effect on surrounding home values. They pointed to • the situation in lakeland Park . where single family residential homes abut the Jausiness along Route 120, withoutstf({ering any loss in property vi "The sales value of anome on Home Avenue is na different 1han one several blocks away," Wieser said. - ZBA Chairman James Fouse asked if there were a use in tended for the property. McKenney responded on behalf of Johnson, who is ill, and said the petitioner would like to put two small stores on the property. McKenney said the petitioner was willing to eliminate any intensive, high-traffic business use-like gas stations, auto dealerships, etc.-and would limit the petition to retail stores or professional office uses. ? ZBA member Fred Kupstis challenged McKenney won dering aloud if some deal had not been struck. Kupstis questioned if the property was to be sold to someone else after the zoning had been obtained. McKenney responded that, to his knowledge, no deals had been made and said no tenants had been confirmed. One objector present, Ed Stoffel, 3908 * Oak Ave., McHenry, expressed concern about intensive uses of the property and asked if restric tions limiting the use would be binding. Bernard Narusis, city at torney, said restrictions would indeed be binding. "That sounds reasonable to me," Stoffel said. Another objector, Terri Talaska, 3913 Oak Ave., McHenry, made no statement Also, there were two letters of objection and one letter of support on fi|e ̂ according to Fouse. A motion to recommend ap proval of the petition to the council limiting the uses to stores or professional offices failed 4-2. Voting in favor were Donna Tobeck and James Fouse. Voting against the measure were Fred Kupstis, Harry Semrow Jr., Robert Jessup and Annie Cuda. Philip Coatar was not present. As a result of the vote, no recommendation will be sent to the McHenry City Cj which has final 8< matter. * i* 'Cold facts' of striking McHenry High School District 156 teachers remained united at the picket lines, despite the severely cold weather Monday. Talks are continuing between school board and teacher negotiators for a settlement to the strike, nowa week old. WORKERS (Continued from p*g* J) CTsis which make the junior high sch i »ls needful »f m ire funds were cited as physical educati »n supplies based >n daily classes >ver elementary weekly classes, junior high g r a d u a t i o n e x p e n s e s , replacement textb»>ks, current events magazines, science lab >rat »ry supplies and equipment and intersch ilastic sp r s. Af er he meeting, Mrs. Regner ackn wledged the ex- planati »n, but indicated she felt a reading lab f -r he elementary levels sh »uld ake precedence ver juni «r high sp »rts. McltENRY MARKET PUCE 385-4100 spurgeons DAILY 9 to 9 SAT.9to6 SUN. 10 to S PRE-NATAL CLASSES A prenatal class designed for say will be held at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County. ^The two session program will be held Jan. 23 and 30 from 7 to 9 .m., in the hospital's second I oor conference room. RUSSELL'S 1 JANUARY MARkBOWN MADNESS ALL THREE! SOFA, LOVESEAT & RECLINER reg.$1388 *899 now ALL THREE! (FA, LOVESEAT RECLINER reg.$1299 ALL THREE! SOFA, LOVESEAT RECLINER reg.$1299 Wrangler l0DLOVESE ̂ I I \ • S99 • '.:v-yA «: • V 3611HWY120 n Reg. $7.50-$29jeans for all the family are 25% off--this week only! Get great basics and faoulous fashion known for quality, durability and fit. Snap-up styles for men, women, boys, girls and toddlers. Including names you'll recognize like *Lee®, * Levi's®, * Calvin Klein* * Chic* by H.I.S., * Wrangler®, * Sasson®, * Brittania®, and more. Hurry, at these prices they won't last long! OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO S \