Sale Starts Wed., Jan. 23; Ends Sat., Jan. 26 Regular Prices May Vary At Some Stores Due to Local Competition Oray Tub# Sock* Our 6.47-6.97. Men's 10-13. Boys'9-11. I'tggs9 Knee-hPs Our 3.30. Nylon. Color choice. Misses' 9-11. S-oz* Knitting Yarn Marquesa® Lana olefin. Many beautiful colors. wt 'Amoco R*g. TM 70% Isopropyl Alcohol Large 16-oz* bottle. For bath or sickroom. Save Now Disposable Lighter Our 830 Ea. Scripto® Ultra Lite™. Adjustable. Planters® Cashew Halves llfc-az.* tin. Great for parties or snacks. Malted Milk Balls 13.6-oz* carton of deli cious Whoppers® candy. Tasty, Fresh Cookies Try butter or choco late chip. 17.5 oz* 20 Glad® Trash Bags Our 2.58. Heavy 1.5 mil, 20-30 gal. size. Waxtex® Waxed Paper 12"x33%-yd. roll. Many household uses. 80,9" Paper Plates Convenient to have on hand. Heavyweight. Mfr may vary Food Storage Bags Resealable. Choice of 25 qt. or 20 gal. size. 14-oz* AJax® Cleanser Heavy-duty cleanser, many household uses. Fabric Softener Pkg. of 20 reusable fabric softener sheets. •Ntfwt. Wizard® Air Freshener Pkg. of 2 stick-on air fresheners. 2 oz* •Nrtwt. fl Kids Love Mr. Bubble® Choice of 16-oz* liq uid or 10-oz** powder. •H.'SK. Clothes Hamper Sturdy plastic. 14x19ft xl8fc" size. Save. Round Laundry Basket Our 1.67. %-bu. size. In decorator colors. Save. 4-lb* Potting Soil Our 830 Ea. For all indoor plant needs. Save. IS Brlllo® Soap Pads Soap-filled pads for heavy-duty scouring. The Saving Place® 1-1 (2 & 13)