Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1985, p. 16

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Page 16 - PLAINPEALEW-HERALP, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY M. 19S5 Sports KEEPING SCORE FOX VALLEY CONFERENCE GIRLS: Boys' Basketball Standings Johnsburg at, Round Late 15 Coof All WF U7 I HOUND LAKE 4M) L w L Stager 2 0-0 4; BentxSO-OlO; Andaraon 11-0 i; P. Woodstock 6 1 11 7 Goodwin 41-210; D. Goodwin 0 04 •; Godan 3 S-7 Dundee-Crown 5 2 13 6 CL Central 5 2 11 6 JOHNSBURG <»> Jambs 3 4 9 10 May 4M M; OaffbagS«14; DHBMU SMI; cLsSStw:::: : : : : : : :suu a i B , 1 M , : B u u # r i Q u i n U B McHENRY 1 5 5 14 _ Cary-Grove X 6 2 15 liSS-g NW SUBURBAN B0YS: Boys' Basketball Standings Round Late 47, Johasburgtt COOf All BOUND LAKX («7) W L W L B. Horn • 4-« II; Keako 4 0-01; Itonajnto 0 0-0 •; Duax t OO 4; Krcltner I 4-4 II; Ptak I 04 2; ' ' Haines 00-0 0. Marengo 7 0 10 " TOUI»: i»»-i7-47. Grayslake 5 2 8 8 Wateh, M J; NICBOU s IO-M »; Huaok I O-I s; Round Lake .... 4 3 9 7 Wharton 11-33; EaatorUngS*14; ShlaoSMIS; Grant 5 3 9 10 gSri* - Lake Zurich 3 4 3 12 ToUl fouls: Round Laka II, Johnsburg •. Footed JOHNSBURG 2 5 6 10 oat: MM. MARIAN C 2 6 5 10 f*"** Wauconda 1 5 6 11 BOYS: BIG EIGHT Friday Results: Boys' Basketball Standings Fox Valley: Conf All CL Central 43, CL South 37 W L W L W o o d s t o c k 5 7 , J a c o b s 5 5 ( O T ) Dun.-Crown 72, Cary-Grove 40 Harvard 8 0 16 1 MWftlhlwfcM, Genoa-King 6 2 12 5 suburban. Huntley 5 3 9 6 Round L. 47, JOHNSBURG 46 RICH-BURTON ... 5 3 7 10 Grayslake72,Wauconda56 Burlington C 5 3 10 7 Mareng) at Marian C, ppd. Hampshire 2 6 3 13 .Grant 4$, Lake Zurich 33 Sandwich 1 7 1 14 BiaEiflht* > Valley Luth 0 8 0 15 RICH-BURTON at Hampshire, Swjssaaasu. W L WL Harvard at Burlington C., ppd. CL central 6 0 8 5 §^gr.R<*Ult,: Decrown!!!!!! 1 I ll 6 RICH-BURTON 73, Sandwich Jacobs 2 4 410 S l̂pv 4t 'i^\th^r2!A McHENRY 0 6 013 Huntley 49» Hampshire 46 NW SUBURBAN * M^hitvp V Girls' Basketball SUndings 5£ £ £f ™er H55LRY Wheeling 69, Woodstock 66 WI Geneva 65, Jacobs 52 Rocbelle 87, Wauconda 56 Lake Zurich 5 0 GIRLS* Wauconda \......... 6 1 JOHNSBURG.../. 4 2 Uflrpnon ^u \ \ Fox Valley: SSS&te:::::::::::::: 2 * ^c^145'*00?*0*" firant 1 4 Dundee-Crown 39, Jacobs 35 Graysiake 1 4 CL South over McHENRY MARIAN CENTRAL . . . . . 0 4 1B_1J _ , REC LEAGUE SffiS?1 Men's Basketball Standings * JOHNSBURG * BfWJlTw J'burg Businessmen 7 0 Saturdav Results* Christopher's 6 1 NW Suburban: ' St. Regis Pub 3 4 Wauconda 53, Marengo 34 Murphy's-Gambler 3 4 State Farm 2 5 Non-conference: Henehan-Mclntyre 0 7 St. Charles 64, CL Central 63 Marian wrestlers post wins over A- H, R-B WOODSTOCK - Marian Central's wrestling team en­ joyed a double win last week when II defeated Richmond- Burton, 57*4, and Alden-Hebron, 60-11 Thursday, the Hurricanes were staffed by Grant, 4M2, but rallied to whip Marengo, 46-22. Rich Powers and Chris Noe were double winners for the Hurricanes in Thursday's ac­ tion. Powers pounded Grant's Kevin Timm, 11-2, and then jumped to an 11-0. lead over Marengo's Tim Kiefer before pinning him in 3:40. Noe scored a pair of decision victories. He beat Brian Catalano, Grant, 11-7, and Jim Galassi, 11-2. Single winners for Marian Thursday night were Ben Tague at 98 with a pin at 1:50 over Marengo's Don Walker. Keith Schultz (106) pinned Grant's Andy Petersen in :34 while Bill Creighton won by forfeit against Marengo. At 126, Tom Snow pinned Marengo's Kevin Jennings in 1:37 and Kevin McConville beat Jeff Burno by default at 132. Joe Remke won by forfeit at 195 but pinned Lee HUbert in 5:20 of an exhibition match. John Powers Walsh's 30 paces MCC "mORTOn"GROVE*- Former Marian Central standout Nancy Walsh scored a career-high 30 points to lead McHenry County College's women to a 104-39 bludgeoning of Oakton Com­ munity College last Thursday night. "One positive thing this game did for us is that it helped us forget about our (79-74) loss to Elgin (Tuesday night). Instead of a highly-competitive game, it was good to have an easy one," MCC Coach Bob Edwards said. "New (Walsh) had a nice game. It certainly gave her some confidence. She's starting to play 4 'jk Walsh, who was a key part of Marian Central's team that qualified for the sectional finals last season, hit 13-of-19 shots from the field and four-of-four free throws. Many of her points came on steals and subsequent layups. won Yxy forfeit over Marengo. Tuesday's action saw six Hurricanes post double vic­ tories, ft the rat-pound match in the Marian-Richmond matchup, Rich Powers was leading R-B's Ron Kramer, 120, when R-B Coach John Vayo forfeited the match and all subsequent matches for the night citing the referee was not protecting Rocket wrestlers, according to MC Coach Mike Garvey. "It's unfortunate that the kids work that hard during the week and then don't get to wrestle," Garvey said. "But I can un­ derstand his concern for his wrestlers." Wrestlers posting two wins for Marian were: Creighton at 112 with a pin of A-H's Mike Boyle in 1:15 and a forfeit over R-B; Gary Spranger at 119 with a pin at :52 over Richmond-Burton's Ken Schneider and a forfeit over A- H; McConville at 132 where he pinned Hebron's John Tuttle in 1:03 and Richmond-Burton's Mike Leli in 4:22; Noe at 138 where he.stuck A-H's Robert Krause in 1:28 and where he thumped R-B's Ken Radcliffe, 16-2; At 145 two different wrestlers posted pins as Jim Peterson pinned Tim Head, Alden-Hebron, in 4:31, and Jim Hettf who beat Terry Pauley, 11- 3; Rich Powers was another double-winner for Marian as he pinned A-H's Phillips in :30 and held the 12-0 lead over Kramer before the forfeit. Sports log Elks Hoop Shoot Feb. 2 WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Elks will again sponsor their an­ nual Hoop Shoot free throw contest scheduled for Feb. 2 at Marian Central Catholic High School. The contest 1B open to boys and girls in three age divisions -- 8-9,10- 11 and 12-13. No participant may be 14 years of age prior to April 1, 1985. . • Starting times for the various age divisions will be as follow: 8 and 9 year olds will begin at 1 p.m.; 10-11 year olds at 1:30 and 12-13 year oldsat2p.m. > Registration for each group will begin 30 minutes prior to the beginning of each age group competition. The winner in each division will compete with other winners in the District Contest on Feb. 16 in Mendota. From there, winners advance to the state contest and state winners advance to regional competition. Winners of the regional eliminations will compete for National Championships in Indianapolis. The National Champions will then have their names enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame in Spr­ ingfield, Mass. More information can be obtained by calling the Woodstock Elks Lodge at 338-0090 or Gib Kurtz at 338-6519. Youth League Registration the McHenry Junior Youth Baseball League will be holding its registration for the 1985 season on successive Saturdays, Feb. 16 and 23, at the McHenry VFW. Fees for participating in the league are $30 for a single child, $50 for two children, and $60 for three or more children. Registration will begin at noon both days, and end at 4 p.m. Chain O' Lakes derby set ANTIOCH -- the 25th Annual Chain O' Lakes Ice w ishing Derby and Winter Festival will be held Feb. 9 and 10. The event, sponsored by the Northern Illinois Conservation Club and the 885 Civic Club of Antioch, both non-profit organizations, will have its headquarters on Petite Lake. Additional registration locations will be on the south end of Chan­ nel Lake, and the other will be on the south end of Fox Lake on Mineola Bay. These locations will serve as Derby Ticket and Tagged Fish Ticket sales. . • •>• v Over $30,000 in prizes will be awarded during the two-day event, and an additional $67,500 in cash value tagged fish will be available to the lucky anglers who catch them. The derby will run from 9 a.m. un­ til 4 p.m. On Saturday, Feb. 9, and from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 10. • t. Any additional information can be obtained by contacting (312) 395-2494 days, or (312) 395-2484 nights. Mchenry State Bank founded in 1906 Statement of Condition Consolidated Report o* Condition of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Illinois, 60050, and Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, at the close of business December 31, 1984, a state banking Institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve system. Published In accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authority and by the Fe­ deral Reserve Bank of this District. Official Publication *• • iiiillis HELP US UNLOAD OUR INVENTORY WE'RE LOADED UP TO OUR GILLS! ALSO SAVE |ON| SPECIAL ORDERS TO fflUUJfUP tuvots see OUR OfCMAIOftftlCtS 'WNMteitawthfMr white to Malt tHa tri»" mcitumtv Home Vuk'tiiKhinuK TKT |t*r* TKIL CWM TO Ian YM MTMR •* UNDE A NEW CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT TNCSE ARC JUST A FEW OF OUfi MANY SHOWROOM SPECIALS! ALL OUR FURNITURE IS W00D.40 PLASTICS. FMI SET UP ANO DELIVERY *AU NCIUftl S HOtMS 4»ISf RTE IZOMcHCMV II smiiM* «M illi «| 815 315 8?Q0 »»»•« iuts wo in** °15WWBU »v«i*au isMttsunu) ASSETS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Cash and due from banks 8,034 U.S Treasury securities ^ 36,528 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 18,495 Obligations of States and political subdivisions %. 26,531 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 5 Corporate stock .216 Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) 99,731 Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 1,000 Loans, Net 98,731 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 2,912 -Real estate owned other than bank premises 345 Other assets (Item 7 of 'other assets' schedule) 3,615 TOTAL ASSETS (sum of Items 1 thru 15) 195,412 LIABILITIES ! Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ?...., 27,239 Time and savings deposits if individuals, partnerships, and corporations 139,597 Deposits of United States Government 46 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 8,260 Certified and officers' checks I,$89 TOTAL DEPOSITS (sum of items 17 thru 23) 176,831 Total demand deposits 26,839 Total time and savings deposits 149,992 Other liabilities for borrowed money 2,000 Other liabilities (Item 9 of "other liabilities" schedule) 2^475 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 181,306 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock a. No. shares authorized 320,000 b. No. shares outstanding 320,000 (par value)3,200 surplus........... : ...4,000 Undivided profits TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items32 thru 36) 14,106 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 30,31, and 37) 195,4)2 MEMORANDA Standby letters of credit outstanding 1,147 I, Edwin J. Becker, Jr. Vice President & Cashier of the above-named bank, do hereby certify that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edwin J. Becker, Jr. We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and, to the best of our knowledge and belief has been prepared In conformance with the In­ structions issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­ tem and the State Banking Authority and is true and correct. Ormel J. Prust, Thomas F. Bolger, E.P. Adams, Directors State of Illinois County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of January, 1985 Evelyn Zldeck, my commision expires 3/2/87 Notary Public Publish in the Plalndealer-Herald January 30,1985 No. AA1163 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ESTHER M.CAREY LORRAINE NYE WILLIAM J. COWLIN ELMER P. ADAMS FRANCIS M.SCHMITT GERALDINE COWLIN LENORA E. FRISBY THOMAS F. BOLGER ORMEL J. PRUST OFFICERS WILLIAM J. COWLIN Chairman of the Board ESTHER M. CAREY Vice Chairman THOMAS F. BOLGER President ORMEL J. PRUST Executive Vice President EDWIN J. BECKER. JR. Vice President & Cashier ROBERT B. SCHNEIDER Vice President & Trust Officer RONALD J. VACULA Vice President RICHARD A. LANE Vice President JOHN E. MURPHY \/..A RICHARD L. CAMPOBELLO Comptroller DONALD H.MEYER Assistant Vice President LILLAIN CAIRNS Assistant Vice President DONALD H. WATTLES Assistant Vice President PHILIP R. OEFFLING Assistant Vice President CHARLES S.LEVY Assistant Vice President ELOISE BENES Assistant Trust Officer GERALD L. HELT Assistant Trust Officer FREDKUPSTIS Assistant Cashier DORIS WAGNER Assistant Cashier PETER J. KELLER Auditor CAROLSCHOLLE Assistant Auditor KEITH LEATHERS Assistant Loan Officer JOANNE C.EPPERS Personnel Officer

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