gVJof* I .K\n . _-**r SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALEK-HERALO. >* EI»ESIVU . JAM AK 1 M). !«)«:> we are sports WORLD OF SPORTING GOODS SOFT WATER RENTAL 9" ptr mo. •NO installotion charge . - •NEW fully automatic softeners •TWO year option to buy with •FULL rental fee deducted •ONE phone call can answer any questions Qr-v 312-259-3393 • ARLINGTON SOFT WATIt CO A solid value for your dining room. Oak Hill by Temple-Stuart The warm hue and deep grained flnikh of Temple Stuart * Oak Mill collection make dining a *pecial occawon Sturdy oak con*tructk>u and rngllkh Colony *tyWm*« IM* « * 40" treble U«e wilhtwo 12- leave* and anow back chair* an unu»ual value. Shown with a 45V," credenia and china deck with ettlied giats door panel* and ala»* *hefve* wtth interior lighting and a 50* huntboard with a SB*" china lop onertng Hie onw quality feature*. all TEMPLE - STUART Solid Oak During Our Store Wide Winter Sale!! Intermediate markdowns may have been taken All merchandise not at ill stores WEST DUNDEE, Spring Hill Mall • OPEN EVENINGS • 428-8470 Also at Schaumburg, Woodfield Mall Colonial Vermont Furniture » MAIN ST.. HUNTLEY 1L (312) 669-3500 Only 8 Miles West of Spring Hill Mall teaulor Store Heurs: Sunday 13 to » * Tuesday thro Sotwrdoy9toS frtdov 9 to 9. Closed Mowdoy WE WELCOME THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD