Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1985, p. 13

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Page 14 - PLAINDKALEK-HKRAIJ>. ̂ fcl>!SESDA\ . FEBRUARY 6.1*5 Help Wanted Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted MATERIAL CONTROL MANAGER - A career opportunity exists in our growina company for a Material Control Manaoer. Qualified candidate is required to have at least 2 years ex­ perience with the plastics used and plastic injection molding. In exchange we offer a good salary and Ideal working condi­ tions. Please apply in person at: PLASPROS INC. Personnel Dept. 455 Borden St. Woodstock, IL Aw Equal Opportunity E mployer TEXAS OIL Company needs mature person for short trips surrounding Hampshire. Con tact Customers. No investment necessary. We train. Write T.Z. Dkkerson, Pres. Southwestern Petroleum. Box 719, Ft. Worth, TX 74101. OPERATIONS MANAGER Now interviewing. National company with over 250 loca­ tions is expanding into the Crystal Lake area. If you have the self -image to earn $60,840 PER YEAR you may have the qualifica tions we seek. We offer a Two Billion Dollar market, basic and continuous training, your own office and staff, radio fre­ quency perimeter protection. For details: 317/783-3899 CASHIER/WAITRESS needed Apply in person: Union 76 Rest., I-W8.US 20. Hampshire. POSITION OPEN For interested perosn to handle home delivery & wholesale distribution of Chicago ft local newspapers. Barrington area. Working early mornino hrs. thus leaving balance of day for other activities. Vehicle provid­ ed. Contact: Chuck Barrington News Agency 312/381-0214 • ATTENTION TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Midwest's largest distributor of consumer housewares has im­ mediate positions available in our Woodstock office. No sell­ ing involved. We will consider allowing people to call from fhelr homes after training. 815/336 39*2 23 YEAR OLD DIRECT-SALE S COMPAN Y Has immediate positions available for sales represen­ tatives in Lake, DuPage. & Cook Counties (excluding the city of Chicago). Appointments provided* Average earnings, 1450 per week, commissions, plus expenses. Expenses paid during training. Call For Interview 115/330-4000 MAJOR TRUCK CO. seeks Asst. Dispatch/ Operations parson. Exp. not necessary. Prefer degree. Opportunity for advancement. Resume to: ZZC-Dispatch, c/o Sentinel- Herald, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, IL 40090 CASHIER WANTED (must be 21 or over) to work first & third shifts. Apply in person to man- *" DUNDEE TOWNSHIP PARK District is looking for an Assis­ tant Gymnastics Instructor & a mature person for Open Gym Supervisor, part time. Apply in person at 21 N. Washington St., Carpentersville. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER MUST BE LICENSED Full Time. Call between 8am- 5pm; 312/450 7000 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Full time work for mature per­ sonable person in friendly at­ mosphere. Call Jamie Oliver at 312/544-7778, Thurs. thru Mon., 9 am to 5 pm CAMERA STRIPPER/ PLATEMAKER PRESS OPERATOR Experienced craftsman needed te do all preparatory work for specialty printing company in eluding layout, step and repeat, camera, and platemaking operations. Qualified candidate should have experience and be able to function with a minimum of supervision. Also needed, Press Operator with some offset printing ex­ perience. Call Joe Fiore at Envelopes Plus, 4115 Lou Ave., Crystal Lake. 815/455-5515 NURSE AIDS needed. Full and part time available. Excellent benefits! Apply 8 to 4, South Etoin Manor, 744 W. Spring, So5fh Elgin. WE DON'T EXPECT YOV TO ALREADY BE A SALES PRO BUT...WE'LL MAKE YOU ONE If you've been think­ ing about switching to a sales career but were worried about the risk, this is the perfect op portunity to make that move. You'll never have to canvass for leads, sell by phone or go door to door-yet you can earn $14-18,000 your first year working in a pro fessional setting where ..customers come to you 'by appointment. '.fWe're a national 'coitipany (17 years old) t|iat has experienced 1,00% annual growth •for each of the last 3 years These opportune ' ties are designed for those with a professio nal appearance and the desire to be a success in sales. Some travel is nguired. We provide training and long term opportunities for career growth. You may presently be tied down in a |ob in .customer service, door to door sales, secretary or maybe you're a new graduate if you re mo thrated, we'll make you ' a sales pro. Call: Ma Sanders 1-800-942-0139 n»«l rvf TELEPHONE OPERATOR, part time, to answer fast-paced message station. Must have good handwriting & pleasant speaking voice. Telephone ex- perience helpful, but will train the right persdh. 4 afternoons & 1 weekend day per week. Apply at: 474 Virginia St., 815/459-4400 PART TIME SECRETARY To provide secretarial service in faculty offce. Monday Thursday. 3:30 - 10:30 pm. For additional information, contact the personnel office. McHenry County College. 815/455 3700. EO/AA, M/F WAITRESS. Part Time Apply in person: Arbor Lines. 2075 E Chicago. Algonquin. TRAINING AVAIL. KDK Dislocated workers program and Kishwaukee College is of­ fering a 14 wk training pro­ gram in micro computro operation/business applica­ tions. Registration will begin the week of Feb 4. For more in­ formation and elligibility re­ quirements. contact: Steve Douglas, KDK Job Training Dept., DeKalb. 815/754 3448 GROUND LEVEL opportunity with 30 year old Swedish Nutrf tion Company, new to the U.S. Experience more energy than you ve ever felt before. 815/459 •t ' Medical Opportunities NURSES AIDES ALL SHIFTS ... "If you care as much as we do"... Our clean and pleasant home must be seen to be appreciated. We offer competitive salary, shift differential, bonus days, free health-life insurance, pen­ sion and many other benefits to Certified Nurses Aides. Call: 312/358-5700 ST. JOSEPH'S HOME fortheELDERLY Little Sisters of the Poor 80 W. Northwest Highway «4Ml opportunity emptoytr m/t DATA PROCESSING Operator/ Programmer T rainee IBM Experience Required Contact Earl Levee 312/658-4541. SALES PEOPLE Full & Part Time. Successful retail com­ puter store now expanding sales force. Computer background required. Call Midland Data Systems, 815/459-3274. WANTED, male vocalist for contemporacy rock band, must have good attitude, wide range, guitar playing helpful. Serious inquiries onfy. Call 815/385- 3823. '• PART TIME Experienced Cashier, evenings. Apply in person, Monday through Fri­ day, 9am to 3pm, McHenry County Currancy Exchange, 4414 A. W. Elm st, McHenry. II. EXPERIENCED RIDER To exercise race horses at training farm, Huntley. Call 312/449- 3004. COOK NEEDED Experience necessary, Call after 12 pm; 312/458-8550. EXPANOING Art business needs ambitious, career mind­ ed homemaker w/flare for design. Flexible hours, will train. 312/438 2794. KEY COOKING POSITION for versatile person to join our staff. Also positions for Waitresses and Bus Persons. Apply in person after 2 p.m. Coleman's McHenry County Inn 7320 Rt. 31 Crystal Lake PART/FULLTIME Can earn, part time $7/hr. Full time, $340/wk. Students Welcome Mr. Marshall, 312/449-1920. BUS BOYS or Girls. Crystal Lake Country Club. Call Rose after 4:30.815/459-1237 BUILDER LOOKING For Full Time sales person. Apply in person: Alta Vista Builders, 910 Vista Dr.. Algonquin, 312/458- 5220. GENERAL LABORER for builder. Full tima, $4.00/ hour, 312/458 5220. LOST MALE, Miniature Schnauier, salt ft pepper col­ ored, nuetered w/ gray & Mack collar. Rabies tag: 14-05450. Lost in S. part of Algonquin near Rt. 31, 1/30/85, evening. Reward. Please call, 312/421- 1885. PART TIME LIBRARY Clerk needed. 4-10 hours per week, some eves, and weekends. App­ ly in person, Nippersink District Library, 10308 Main St., Richmond, IL. Contact Kel­ ly Vassau. MAKE MORE MONEY IN 1985! Show our line of Calendars, Pens, and Advertising Gifts to local firms. Prompt, friendly service from 74 year old AAA-i Company. Weekly Commis­ sions. Set your own hours. No investments. No collections. No experience necessary. Write Kevin Peska, NEWTON MFG.. COMPANY, Dept. C 711, Newton Iowa 50208 E X P E R I E N C E D R E A L ESTATE Sales Person for a rapidly growing office in the area. Cal Help Wented 22 MelpWented as Wented To Buy V Art end Antique* 95 Livestock, Farm Supples end Equipment Livestock/ Ferm Supples end Equipment Dundee forappt Call 312/428-2410 LIGHT DELIVERY, must have car. Must have neat ap­ pearance. Call Shardn, 1-800- 942 5304. BOOKKEEPER Full time position. Knowledge of small business computer desirable. Send resume to PO BOX 492, Richmond, II10071. S U B - C O N T R A C T O R S wanted. All types Including heating, electrical, concrete, and plumbing for one hi the Mid West's largest home builders, Am wood Homes. Call 312/972-1544 for appointment. PART TIME Breakfast cook, male or female. Waitress, part time evenings. Apply in person, Cardella's Restaurant, (across from train station In Cary). EXPERIENCED Waitresses Wanted. Apply in person. Chris' Coach House, Silver Lake & Crystal Lake Rds., Cary. MECHANICAL LAYOUT INSPECTOR let Shift 7 AM to 3:30 PM 5 years "hands-on" experience in the inspection | of plastic molded parts, metal stampings, etc. will qualify you as a candidate for this position. Must know all basic measuring instruments and be able to read blueprints. Programming experience on Coordinate Measuring Systems equipment would be a plus. We offer a good starting salary. Paid medical, den­ tal and vacation are only part of the benefit package we offer. For an interview appointment please call: Employment Manager 1 815 675 2321 TRMTERMATIC i r v i c o n o o n A T E O Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60081 epml opportune Miployti m/t Telephone Sales Classified Advertising Our Classified Advertising Department, located in Crystal Lake, is iooking for an ambitious sales oriented person. The qual­ ified applicant Will be servicing an estab­ lished account list, selling special promo­ tions and soliciting new business. You must be dependable and a hard worker. If your career goal is steady full time em­ ployment with a, progressive, growing company and you have sales ability and/or a desire to learn, please stop by and fill out an application today at the Office of The Herald, Crystal Lake Edition, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake, III. or call 815/455-4800 for our office location nearest you. Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group JOURNEYMAN TOOL & DIE MAKER 2nd Shift Tool 8. Die Maker for expanding opera­ tion in plant fabrication work involving building/or repairing progressive & com­ pound dies; jigs & fixtures. Job shop ex­ perience preferred. Good wages & excel- leni company paid benefit package. Apply to Personnel Department GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815/943-7411 Equal OpporSunify Employer, W/F EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: COMPANIONS Help the frail person re­ main In their home. Com­ panions needed to assist the frail but not ill person in their home. Must be a mature, responsible per­ son. Work 2 5 days per week; 4-8 hours per day, or live in. Call today: UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES Barrington 312/382-2650 Woodstock 815/338-8940 •goal ggrtunWy tmptoyr m/f KITCHEN HELP, part time. Call 9 am to 3 pm weekdays. 815/336-1032. FULL TIME SECRETARY Wanted. Small high paced of- flea needs a hard working dedicated secretary with ex­ cellent typing skills and plea­ sant phone manners. CRT' knowledge helpful. Qualified? Send resume and salary history to: Mr. Michael Delenoy, c/o Egnell/Ameda. 7*5 Industrial Dr., Cary, IL 40013. Mark envelope Personal & Corfiden tlai. No Phone Calls Accepted PERSON WANTED, no ex­ perience necessary. • am to 4:30 pm. Apply in person Triple E Bindery, 390* W. Elm St., McHenry. . Medical Opportunities Medical T ranscr iptionlst Our centralized Medical Transcription Department has a part time position availaable on Saturdays and Sundays with flexible additional hours during the week. One year of hospital medical transcription ex­ perience Is required and familiarity with work process­ ing preferred. For complete details, please contact the Per­ sonnel Department at: 312/W- M00, ext. 5017. EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd ' Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrington, IL 60010 tqual apporturttympleyr w/f RETAIL ASSISTANT MANAGER needed at Mothercare, Spring Hill Mall; 312/42M707. MONTESSORI Day Care needs experienced educated after­ noon teacher. Call 312/NS-0373. CERTIFIED ftuRSES AIDES needed Immediately for staff relief. Top Pay. Call for ap­ pointment. Alpha Christian Registry. 312/931-0930 PHYSICAL THERAPIST'S ASSISTANT FULL OR PART TIME Position available in McHenry County; excellent opportunity for individual to expand clinical & management skills. Excellent salary A benefits. Send resume to BOX AP K Shaw Free Press Newspapers PO Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 And/Or Call Days-312/8844920 Eves - 312/642-7508 KITCHEN HELP, weekends. Call for appointment 9 am to 3 pm weekdays, 115/331-1032. 25 Wantad To Buy SLOT MACHINES WANTED. Paying Cash. Any condition; & Wurlltzer juke boxes. 414/248- 3796. W A N T E D : G l a s s w a r e - Depression (colored), Heisey, C a m b r i d g e , F o s t o r l a , Candlewick, etc. Pottery • Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Rosevllle, etc. 815/895^033 DAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays 8 a.m.-noon. 306 Briarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/459-7751 BUY. SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related Items. 815/338-4731. A& ACOIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, stfrlina, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersville, 312/426-2360. A/FX SLOT car tracks wanted. New or used. • Call 815/459-8897. H.C. Coin A Stamp Co. WE BUY A SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza *••815/439-3940-- WANTED TO BUY: McHenry High School Boy's Winter Jacket, sz. M. After 3 pm, 815/385-4406. FARM LABOR Barrington Hills Horse Farm Is looking for experienced grooms. Responsible and reli­ able person for a permanent full time posi* tion; six day week. Work experience with horses or other farm background essential. For appointment call: 312/381-6199 Belwetn 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Weekdiyi only. DESIGNER/ DRAFTSPERSON Manufacturer of fractional horsepower motors and elec tronic speed controls has immediate opening for a De­ signer with 6 years mechanical/electrical drafting experi­ ence. Must have a minimum of Associate Degree in mechanical design/technology. Duties will include design of new developments, production orders, prototypes, solu­ tion of manufacturing problems and checking of prints. Knowledge of motors and/or electronic controls preferred. Send resume and salary history to: Director el Industrial Relations 5801W. Elm S tree McHenry, IL600SC eoem/f C O H ' O f t A f l O * REGISTERED ARCHITECT The local office of our nationally active firm is seeking to retain an architect who Is registered in the State of Illinois. Submit resume and salary history/requi; rements in confidence to: P.O. Box 477 McHENRY, IL 60050 SECRETARY-EXPERIENCED Responsible position for a secretary with good shor­ thand, typing and dictaphone skills. This is an inter­ esting, diversified "tob working directly for a company executive. Excellent salary, generous company paid benefits and prof it sharing. Please call Mrs/Terdin for interview 3121546-8225 Grieve Corporation 500Hart Rd. Round Lake, IL60073 TECHNICIAN GROWING MANUFACTURER of telecommunication, power supplies and related equipment is seeking qualified techni­ cian to assume various responsibilities within an engineering environment. Associate degree or equivalent experience in electronics technol­ ogy required. Send resume including salary requirement to: PERSONNEL power conversion products inc forty two east street p.o. box 380 crystal lake illinois 60014 815/459-9100 GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterl­ ing Flatware. Cottactor Plates. FAMILY COINS A INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St., (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, IL <15/455-6190 24 Appliances WASHER, GE, white, 4 mos. old, like new. DRYER, Ken- more, gold, 20 mos. old. 115/331/5414. GAS DRYE R: 1 year old, S100., 115/721-1514, or 815/315-7670. K E N M O R E W A S H E R A DRYER, Amana refrigerator, excellent condition. Call 815/4S5-5W4. WASHER A ELEC. Dryer,. Maytag, white, S100 ea. or llM/set. 81S/337-066S REFRIGERATOR/ Freeier, 19 cu. ft., harvest gold, like new; S290. After 5pm, 815/648- 2565. DINING ROOM set, walnut, lWi, buffet, china cutoboad, table, 6 chairs, exc. oond., SI,000 or best offer, 815/344- 4317. after 5p.m. WHITE FACE BEEF COW, due to calve in March; S300/ bast. Call 815/344-4628. UNION: Retail space ideal for .... ecenCD antique, gift or craft shops. « BEEF FEEDER Heifers, Rent your own shop for as irfHe i $100. per month, utilities in AVOCADO Tappan 30 in. gas range, good condition, S95. 312/639-5162 after 6 p.m. PORTABLE Sears dishwasher. Rims well, used very little. $100.815/784-5989. MUST SELL IMMED., 1 yr. old almond Kenmore apt. size stacked washer/dryer, exc. cond., cost, $800, asking $425, 312/464-5977 or 464-3905. 27 Art end Antiques RIDGEFIELD ANTIQUE DEALERS invite you to spend the day in our quaint hamlet where anti­ que shops abound! 30+ Dealers Most shops open Wednesday thru Sunday. 11 to 4. All shops open Thursday thru Sunday, 11 to 4. Between Crystal Lake A Woodstock. Take Rldgefleld Rd. off Rt. 14. WAREHOUSE OF ANTIQUE Many French A English Ar­ mories, stained glass windows, oak table A chairs A country pine furniture at wholesale prices. John Funderburg & Sons 815/547-81M eluded at the Depot St. Market, formerly Village Depot Anti­ ques; very high tourist area. Call 815/90-2214. ANTIQUE COUCH A chair, 815/385-2592. 19 Building Meterlel> ALL STEEL bulling sale. Fac­ tory incentive! 30 x 40, was $7103 now $4761! 50 x 100, was $24410 now $14715! Offer ex­ pires Feb. 20. Call Pat at 815/756-8183. ROOFING EQUIP.; 1 hot roof luger, 1 mlni-mopper, $250.; 815/728-1514, or 815/385-7670. OAK VENEER PANELING. 7 ft. 2 In. X 4 ft. sheets, 10 sheets, $35 ea./best, 312/658-6023 FIVE ROLLS insulation, 6V* by 24, 75 sq. ft. each, $15 a roll, 815/728-1282. 32 Craft* end Hobbt-- PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative A reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. CHASE WINTER Doldrums A Earn $ $ tool Turn needle work skills to profit through a career w/ CREATIVE EXPRES­ SIONS. Details from Mary Ann, 312/683-3632. 33 Food end Produce RUSSET BURBANK POTATOES ' $3.25 per 50 lbs. Truck will be at Rush more Inn I n W o o d s t o c k , 1 4 8 0 1 Washington St., Saturday, Feb. 9th; 12:15-1:15 34 Heeltti end Fltnew EXCELLENT PROGRAM Maintain good health. Lose weight and feel great! 100% all natural Herbal-base products. 100% Guaranteed. 815/568-8144 V WEIGHT LOSS! Individual Private Treatment Utilizing a 12 step multi-model process. Health Therapist, Elgin area; 312/695-6369. approx. weight 525 to 550 lbs. 60?per lb., 815/648-2080. HAY A STRAW, dairy or horses. 1st or 2nd crop. Call $15/675-6371. 13FT. case wheeldisc' Ferguson T0/20 Loader Trac­ tor, Wm sickle mower, Oliver 83 2/nr picker, alwap shedded like new, second i jrd cutting hay, 2/8 month old Holstein * gus steer A bull, 2/2 month -J5er pigs or bred gilts; 312/683 2206. FEEDER PIGS 15 60 lbs. each 312/683-3530 WANTID! Beef Calves For Feeder Lot Days, 815/678-2771 Evenings, 815/678-4255 ESTATE AUCTION The antiques collectibles and furnishings from sev- eratestates & persons retiring will be sold on . s Sat., Feb. 9, at 11 a.m. and Sun., Feb. 10,11 a.m. Kane County Fair Grounds . Randall Rd. St. Charles Victorian' funriture including, rosewood piano desk, 3 piece marble top bedroom set, empress music box/Victorian chairs, ladies' walnut spinet writing desk, lamp tables, cradles, French desk, clocks, many many dishes including hand painted depres­ sion glass, primitive tools, Victorian brass hanging lamp, large cut glass lamp, stemware, figurines, much more antique furniture and collectables. Large amount of good household items, including custom made beige sofa and matching love seat. Console color television, many box lots of dishes, collectables and household. Carpenters hand tools, and box lots of small tools, and much more! Schultz Auction Service Auctions Since 1949 Elgin 312/741-8412 m TYPESETTING Local Home 8www* • e^peee^p Maintenance Service Moot Mites & Model* p&^SSSS!f CHIMNEY SWEEP TOP W* HAT CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE Low Prices Fully Insured Senior Citizen Discount Serving Northern Illinois Call 815/73M921 DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation A Finishing •Patchwork A Spray-on ceilings 815/344-1956 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Moritz Fire Extinguisher Service. Inc. Siki and S«rvkt •Industrial •Commercial •Residential FREE ESTIMATES •••S15/338-4*77«* ff MIDWEST TREE CARE Quality Oafc Maple Hickory 898. par face cord 3 or more, $40. a place DELIVERED Hi(mm HOME IMPROVEMENT i/r BUILDING l\t MAINTENANCE •Complete home repair •Custom remodeling •Room additions •Decks & Garages Emergency Service Free Estimates Insured 815/385-4094 It no answer, 815/344-2894 PAINTING SWITZER PAINTING GO. Painting. Patching, Etc. Interior/Exterior Quality work Free Estimates 115/MMOt CHIMNEYSWEEP S% Senior Citizen Discount s L. FABIAN 'CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces ^Stoves Ingleside -Caps Installed * Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimney Sweeps Guild COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 38 Years-Mc Henry County Basement to Root f ill • rivnui service M " ••ew nwne outiw# OEA CONSTRUCTION 00! I 6Si Itym HA >£ SU/MSASM* IIS/344-0741 ROOFING WORRIED ABOUT YOUR ROOF? •Snow & Ice Removal •Mallon Construction IIS/3444501 TELEPHONES JACKS INSTALLED For telephones and answering machines. Have It done neatly, slonally A reasonably I Call R A L Enterprises 815/338-5588 Diai*A«Service is the place tor YOU to Advertise • Typesetting • Illustration • Photography • Cameraready Art Complete Graphic Arts Service >S«wyerD«sign 181M5W577 C WELL* PUMP AFFORDABLE WOOSLEVS WE U. It PUMP 50% Savings On Weekend Service Calls *AM-9PM«7Days 815/385-6855 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First SMonttis Call Collect 815/3313344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING '(limited tDHonwOwnara) HOME IMPROVEMENT/ PIPE THAWING GENERAL REMODELING & HOME REPAIRS PIPE THAWING & REPAIRS •Kitchens & Baths •Wolmanized Decks •Electrical & Paneling 'Custom Cedar Shutters •Wallpaper "Ceramic Tile No JobToo Small. HARRY VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION 815/385-2847 (Developer of the Prestigious Val-Mar Estates, McHenry) HOME IMPROVEMENT" Airthwfst Horn Services Approved Contractor for The significant diftwynce Kesssss WHEN YOU WANT THE JOB DONE RIGHT... call the Professionals at NORTHWEST HOME SERVICES, INC. FROM CONCRETE TO ROOFINp AND EVERYTHING IN BET WEEN;whether you need repairs, remodeling, or new construction, if you want quality products and Professional CRAFTSMANSHIP, call NORTHWEST HOME SERVICES...where "ONE CALL D0ES1T ALL" 15 W. Main, Cary (312)639-6609 Financing Available Bonded Licensed Insured

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