f SECTION 2 • PAGE 2 • PLAIN DEALER-HERALD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,19S5 Neighborhood news all. The mailbox and driveway are each resident's respon sibility. Our maintenance man has enough work, keeping the streets dnveable, which I might add, have been in good con dition. Also, our road trustee is John Morris on Spring Rd. He can be reached at 344-1738 in the evenings or on the weekends. He is not to be confused with Jack Morris on Orchard Dr. During police reports, it was reported that 1,412 miles were put on the squad in December, along with 23 citations being issued. Trustee Valentine (385-4903) issued one permit during the last two weeks. If you have any building questions, please contact her and she'll answer them. The next board meeting will be Feb. 26, at 7:30 p.m. DOGS RUNNING LOOSE Dogs are to remain on their own property; otherwise, they must be leashed while walking them. ; My son was out on his paper route last week and was chased down into a snow bank on Park McCullom Lake: Local residents are requested to do their share The first village board meeting of February took place the evening of the 12th. Since we have had such bad weather, it has been an inconvenience for Dawn Miller 385-4901 4 View, around 4900, by a and full bodied black d ripped one of his boots his foot. My son, luc; away. [then t off got Lakeland Park Writers need more news Please call if you have any news, reminders or stories you'd like to share with your neigh bors. Let's hear from the scout troops who've been very busy this winter, and any other local organizations. Melanie Harazin 344-3649 Sue Lovergine 344-0519 BELATED WISHES "Happy Birthday" "Happy Anniversary" to we missed while we column. and one no BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" to Maria Bremer on Feb. 22, and to A1 Etten on the 24th. YOUR TURN TO CALL Every week we'll be listing two or three streets in the neigh borhood ; if your street is mentioned wefd like to hear from you. Let us know if you have any new neighbors, new family members and give us your family's special aates, if you haven't done so already. This week we'd like to near from our neighbors living on Pleasant Avenue, Knoll Avenue and High view. COUNTDOWN REMINDERS » Feb. 20-Pick up market day orders in Landmark gym. Feb. 22-Washington's bir thday. Investment AVAILABLE THRU FEBRUARY 25,1985 INVESTMENT PLANS Money Market Account (1) 91 Day Certificate (2)* 6 Month Certificate (2) * 1 Year Certificate (3) * 1% Year Certificate (3) * 2 Year Certificate (3) * 2H Year Certificate (3) * 3 Year Certificate (3) * 1H Year Special IRA Certificate (3)* MIN. $1000 $1000 $1000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 10 RATES 8.00% YIELDS 8.327% 8.15% 8.150% 8.45% 8.80% 9.15% 9.5% 9.75% 9.85% 8.04% 8.450% 9.330% 9.719% 10.108% 10.388% 10.500% 8.491% (1) Compounded Oaily on a 365/365 Day Basis (2) Simple Interest (3) Compounded Daily on a 365/360 Day Basis * Substantial Penalty for Early Withdrawal * Rates Guaranteed for Term of Deposit Marengo Federal ^^OAWiMro o i nAM AOOM ic m SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LCNDtn Mltaco 7001 few) Ill/Ml mi'NCMM? MOON 110 IIV141 im •OOOllOU IIICMtSMH.IIt/lMjm'MOOOIIOCIDimur Stent IU/1JI 7440 • nniatiMi tip*r«* on*, iiimu om cmv MMriftaniita, m/inom.foitnuciovi m/imc*** iimkiim I then went out to find this dog and did. It proceeded to go after me, but somehow, I made it home safely. This dog could have seriously hurt my son or myself. It's time for us all to band together and stop this. Call Animal Control at 338-7040 and report these loose and vicious dogs. It's quite apparent the owners won't take the respon sibility for their animals, so we have to, before someone is in jured. OFFICE HOURS The 1986 vehicle stickers are in and available during office hours on Wednesday, 2 through 6:30 p.m. If this day or time is inconvenient for you, please call 385-2211 to make other arrangements. The price of stickers has remained the same. Remember to bring along your registration form so i can see the make, year and license plate number. - This is also a good time to renew your boat sticker. Also, there are eight boat posts left to1 rent, so hurry in and get one. LITTLE MISS CONTEST The Beach Gals will again be sponsoring the Little Miss McCullom Lake contest at the annual Easter Carnival, to take dace March 30, at 11:30 a.m. Female residents between the ages of four through eight by March 30 can enter. The registration dates are Feb. 11 through March 22. You can contact Chris, 385-2057 or Laurie, 385-3864. The contest involves prizes, meeting new friends and lots and lots of fun. There is no registration fee, so call now and sign up your little beauty. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Peggy Blake. celebrating Feb. 21, and Mary Lenz opens her cards Feb. 23. May all your dreams for the future come true. ANNIVERSARIES . Anniversary wishes are ex pressed to Henry and Mary Tapaninen, celebrating another year of marriage Feb. 21; James and Phyllis Fisher share another year together Feb. 23; and Gary and Mary Brand share Feb. 26 with Bill and Janet Mathison. We wish all our couples all of life's best in the future. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Feb. 26-Village Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the beach house. All residents welcome. .Tuesday evenings-starting at 6:30 p.m. TOPS meeting at the beach house. Everyone is welcome. 4-H'ers to give demonstrations McHenry County 4rH'ers will give demonstration^ related to their 4-H projects and activities at a contest to be held Monday, Feb. 25 at the Production Credit Association meeting room at 2032 N. Seminary, Woodstock. The first contestant will begin at 7:30p.m. The public is invited to attend. Through the demonstration activity 4-H'ers learn to plan and combine worcjs with their actions. They retain a large portion of the information presented and the experience of talking before a group helps members grow in poise and self- confidence. For more information on the 4- H and Youth program in McHenry County contact the McHenry County Conservation Extension Service, 789 McHenry Ave., Box 431, Woodstock, IL 60098. Phone (815) 338-4747. SOFT WATER RENTAL 974p.,m.. •NO installation charge •NEW fully automatic softeners •TWO year option to buy with •FULL rental fee deducted •ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 sofi\ • ARLINGTON SOFT WATIR CO. -J Sun-Aire Mini-Blinds NO LOWER PRICE EVER! High style at low pric«», so bring fashion to your windows. We have the ideas, the nicest colors, textures and designs. And the savings are a bonus! 1/2 PRICE on all size & colors plus beautiful savings on ALL other Kirsh window treatments (Sale ends 3/2/85) Only at The Singer Store 28 Crystal Lake Plaza Crystal Lake (Next to Eagle Foods) 813-459-0551 TRI-COUNTY SHOPPER NOW 100% DIRECT MAIL DELIVERY! GUARANTEED .ON-TIME .AeCURATE ...reach everyone in your market and WATCH YOUR SALES GROW! * The HERALDsgis? MOORE THAN THE IAVIRACE PIZZA! Html Sunday, joint M. K..I. Mr Ni|wf Oral of th nil and a<k U - SO,H- ". For compilr ilrl.nl 6e MMK PIZZA «n»n dailv at I I t .in rniov a trad .<t lunr ht MOORE PIZZA Since 1965/ the Herald-Citizen has pro vided advertisers with the most effective shopper coverage available. And now, with the Herald-Citizen delivered via third class mail to all non-subscriber households, it will provide you with an even more efficient method of delivering your r.o.p. and pre-print advertising. TOTAL Market Coverage! 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